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The �Christ� Conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:50 AM
i can see the programs running to fix the temporal glitches put in place by this thread...
funny datruth how at first one recgonizes and praises and then admonishes for differences in belief...
i for one love you regardless of if you hate me or not...
and i never felt comfortable in a church, they always seemed fake as hell to me...

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 02:52 AM
I hate no one man. It really take all my energy to say I don't hate bush. i strongly dislike that man though. I just want people to discover God the same way one of the "Jesus's" did. Through inner and outer reflection

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 03:30 AM
the christ body embodied in one being is the conspiracy, for the body lies within us if we let it...

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 09:28 AM

quote-"The question is how long has it been like that. For a good 2000 years this remnant of the �Holy Roman Empire� has funded crusades, raised armies, killed innocent people and misinformed the masses. Remember the inquisitions? How people were accused of being witches and tortured into confession. Burnt at the steak for all to see. Remember Martian Luther? Remember how the church used to sell indulgences? I think that is one of the worst crime every committed by the church. How are you going to tell some one that they have a "chance" to go to heaven but if you pay us money we will perform a ritual and your chance might be a little better. You know what they call that in 2003? A very good hustle."-end quote

The Church has already apologised for the atrocities it has committed in history and asked for forgiveness. It has mine. Humans aren't perfect my friend.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 10:05 AM
Someone pointed out to me that the TRINITY:...father, son, holy ghost

... represented as Radiant ORBS of light, 3 of em...

are just as universal as the 'cross' on churches,

found in every conclave of humanity, quaint or sprawling

the 3 globes = pawn shoppe

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
the christ body embodied in one being is the conspiracy, for the body lies within us if we let it...

That's what i'm sayin in less words.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by riffraffalunas
Someone pointed out to me that the TRINITY:...father, son, holy ghost

... represented as Radiant ORBS of light, 3 of em...

are just as universal as the 'cross' on churches,

found in every conclave of humanity, quaint or sprawling

the 3 globes = pawn shoppe

Didn't get the last part of that clairfy please

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 10:42 PM
would one of you Christians PLEASE try the Easter Challange?

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Quote: "As a Dead GOD"

Oh You mean that Black God of Death that you JUDEO-"christians" worship
-> I believe OSIRIS is his name!!!

Tell me what is the Name of the Most Almighty Creator of the Universe again?

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Cearbhall

"Blessed are those who believe, and have not seen."

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Cearbhall]

Correction: "Gullible are those who believe, and have not seen"

There we go. Now isn't that more realistic?

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by riffraffalunas
Someone pointed out to me that the TRINITY:...father, son, holy ghost

... represented as Radiant ORBS of light, 3 of em...

are just as universal as the 'cross' on churches,

found in every conclave of humanity, quaint or sprawling

the 3 globes = pawn shoppe

The 3 globes are those of St Nicholas. He's the patron Saint of pawnbrokers. It's probably the reason why we hang ornamental balls on our Christmas trees.
They don't represent the Trinity. They come from an old tale where Saint Nicholas gives gold for the dowery of the three daughters of an impoverished nobleman (he's also the patron saint of unwed women). This act of giving is probably why he became associated with Christmas.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:08 AM
I think the points about the Catholic Church are valid and true. The Church was a powermad attempt to create a ruling elite. This group fought with the "divine right" royal families in Europe for centuries until the Knights Templars came along and began the process that lead to the foundation of the United States and a Religion/Royalty free government.
I just wonder what the point of bringing the racial makeup of Christ into this serves?
I see this constantly from Black religious leaders we have a local cable TV channel that carries quite a few services from Black Churches in the area and catching it at odd times I have seen the Preachers refer to the topic of the racial background of Jesus! Is this somehow important to Black Christians? I hear them say "Jesus want white he was Black!!"
Well thats not true folks Jesus was a Hebrew! Tan skin and dark hair! Christ is never depicted as a Blond haired Blue-eyed Nordic god! He is always shown as dark hair and dark eyes in all of the most important pecies of religious artwork and in the Illuminated manuscripts of the middleages!
In fact there is new evidence to suggest that the Hebrews who occupied Israel were in fact decendents of the Cannanites who themselves were the decendents of the Phynecians (sp?) who are most closly related to modern Persians or IRANIANS!
Yes its true folks Jesus looked more like the Ayatolla than he did the Reverand Farrakahn!

But who gives a rats hindquarter anyway!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Very intresting, DaTruth. I solved on my own the worlds greatest conspiracy, quote me when you tell your friends and family. I've already shared it with several people, but now I am going global. I'd like to hear what a larger audience thinks.
First, I want you guys to grap a thick pencil or pen and write the word "Jesus."

Second, on another piece of paper, write the word "Je_us" this time, write the letter "S" backwards and tell me what it spells. Some of you will see it...


posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 07:19 PM
Sounds like this is just another rant about the Church and anyone who believes in Jesus.

Been there, done that, heard it before. Okay, some people don't get it (people believing in Jesus and or the Church). Understandable, common problem - nothing wrong with that. What I am trying to understand is why does it bother someone so much that they need to be attacking it and people who believe. Is it annoying that other people do? Then this is just another rant. Is there some other reason that someone has nothing more important to spew about? Seems to me that there should be. If one doesn't like religion it's really not a problem, go ahead and ignore it.

Just cause someone doesn't get "it" doesn't mean those who do are brainwashed, and quite frankly that is getting old.

If this is a rant, put it there. If you have a new fresh point to add to a real conspiracy please share it. And what color Jesus might have been is so ridiculous. Who cares?- UGH!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 07:49 PM
Yeshua ben Yosef was the man's name, not Jesus.

Jesus is a latinized greek version of Hesous which means "Healing Zeus".

The Roman Catholic Church corrupted the whole image of the Prophet of God, including his skin color.

Yeshua was a black man.

If he was truly the direct descendant of King David and King Solomon, both being DOCUMENTED BLACK KINGS, then Yeshua himself was black.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:29 PM

Yeshua was a black man.

If he was truly the direct descendant of King David and King Solomon, both being DOCUMENTED BLACK KINGS, then Yeshua himself was black.

Your gonna be pretty pissed when you get judged to eternal hell by a guy whose face is white as snow

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:01 PM
Da truth, you mentioned in the 1st post that christians are a slave to Christ. That is true and you can also use the word servant too. But until you know Christ you are a slave to sin. So you see you can accept Christ and start living or stay dead in your trespasses and sins. I choose the former.

Do me one favor, after real christians have been removed from the earth, don't fall for the lies that will be told of where we are. We will be in Heaven with Jesus waiting for the moment when we return with Him. I pray to God you get a chance to join us.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by DaTruth

Originally posted by mysteriousbob
I would have to say that jesus definatly wasn't white, seeing as he was a jew....

Also the name for him, he is Jesus. Also, sometimes pronounced Yeshua, elohim. There are several other names, so if you want to think it is zeus, then go for it.

Thats just my opinion and views

I made that point to point out that Jesus wasn't his name. Christ wasn't his name either it was more like a title. The name Jesus was created by your "Holy Roman Catholic Church"

And I pointed out last week that Jesus was the Anglicized version of the Greek translation of Yeshua (that name that is used in the New Testament). It's like the difference between "Juan" and "John". It's the same name but in different languages.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Yeshua ben Yosef was the man's name, not Jesus.

Jesus is a latinized greek version of Hesous which means "Healing Zeus".

The Roman Catholic Church corrupted the whole image of the Prophet of God, including his skin color.

Yeshua was a black man.

If he was truly the direct descendant of King David and King Solomon, both being DOCUMENTED BLACK KINGS, then Yeshua himself was black.

The Greek version of the alleged savior of mankind was Iesous, not Hesous.

And where can I see some of this documentation that David and Solomon were "black" let alone actually existed?

[edit on 19-7-2004 by Biggie]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:05 PM
Some has been covered, but worth saying again.

Does it matter if Yah Shua is black, white, red or tan? I will be honest that I don't know the answer, but I am sure that this should't be a stumbling block for those who know him.

Yah Shua is Yah Shua and Yah Veh is Yah Veh. Haven't you ever thought that the reason he said his name was "I am" was to put an end to this conversation. Before there where names he was, and know he is and tomorrow he wil be. Past and present he is he, who is the most high. There is no need to mock anyone that calls him Jesus. He knows when we talk to him. If you call him father, one in the same are both, that will aknowledge your call. Why argue?

To those that think they have out smarted the game. Don't you know with all your research that Satan was here from the begining of our fall. Back before we knew we were naked, Satan was there. How big could his lie be by now. You think you have uncovered truth and lost knowledge, but you are only reading what he has left for you to find. How foolish is it to look back at the writings of history, and on one hand accuse Christ of being a fake and on the other hand use other writings to declare something else is truth. If you believe history is corrupted by agenda, why would you believe any of it.

Faith is a gift that we recieve. Many rewards are ready for those who seek the truth, with truth in their hearts. While some comb through history and try to discern fact and fiction. Through faith, Yah Shua will reveal truth to any that ask. Yah Veh is a living God, present today in our lives and waiting for us to call upon him. Yah Shua is our savior that died on the cross to cover our fleshly sins. Take the step and ask the Lord for truth, and open your eyes to the love that he shows to us everyday. There is no truth in this world or the things you will find here. There is no need to argue or debate what did or did not happen. If you really want to know, just ask him.

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