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21 children dead/40 civilians in one airstrike in Lebanon

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posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:31 PM

I would recommend you follow Intrepid's advice and keep your posts on topic. If there is any apology coming from anyone here it should be from you. Cheers yourself...

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:08 PM
link this act of terror from the Israelis'. This is nothing short of state-sponsored terrorism and needs to be denounced by the world.

I am sad and angry that such a beutiful country with such beutiful people, founded on such admirable principles condones, encourages and funds this kind of behavour. Shame on Israel. Shame on the U.S.A.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:25 PM
I will not put all the blame in the US and Israel you know . . .

Hezbollah started the conflict but it escalated to fast and out of control. I still believe that this was just a diversion from other issues in the middle east and that Iran has a lot to do with it. . .

But it should not be a reason to start a bigger war because of it, that will bring nothing to the area and more money to the profiteers of war. . .

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
If my kids were killed, I'd certainly resent the people who triggered the fight in the first place, but I'd kill the people who actually directly caused their deaths. Even if it cost me my own life.

Sure, it'd be bad for everyone involved. But would you join hezbollah to help them attack the israelis, a futile effort that only gets more of your own people killed? I mean, at the very least you'd join a third front, not either one that is out there or ally yourself with any of their ideologies.

This is nothing short of state-sponsored terrorism and needs to be denounced by the world.

Thats baloney. If they thought that the building was being used by hezbollah, then its a fully legal military target.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:22 PM

I mean, at the very least you'd join a third front, not either one that is out there or ally yourself with any of their ideologies.

No I doubt I go sign up for Hezbollah either.
But I'd certainly want to go take some IDF ears for myself.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:35 PM
Bottom line,
Israel have annoucned they will perform a FULL investigation,
the facts, and the culprites for this haneous crime will be brought to justice by the isreali justice committee,

no need to worry folks, Israel will sort it out!

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:44 AM
I mean, at the very least you'd join a third front, not either one that is out there or ally yourself with any of their ideologies.

Hizbollah was considered a thrid front when they first started up. There were 2 other organizations. If you fight against Israel in any capacity wether its to defend yourself against them or what have you, you will still be classified as a Terrorist organization. Israeli "Intelligence" was the ones supplying all the info accusing hizbollah of committing a lot of the crimes they were accused of. We take a lot of their word as gospel in certain situations. Yet they still have no clue where the 3 kidnapped soldiers are. It must be nice to conveniently have info when it helps your cause.
People say they were accused of The 1983 Marine Barracks bombing but it was actually several groups that took credit for that and it was supposedly Islamic Jihad. A US Court based on israeli information found Hizbollah guilty of the bombing though.


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:01 AM
Isreal needs to go ahead and call up the 30,000 reserves that they said they were going to call up and invade lebanon with a huge force and wipe out hezbollah. Because they can't seem to get there missiles to hit the right target and loosing soldiers is better than killing inocent women and children( not that any human life is worth more than another but being a soldier and dieing is a job hazzerd ).

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
sorry but Im sure once the shell fragments lodged in the childrens heads are will be Israeli. Not a Hizbolla shell. It was Israels option to use force, and Israels choice to attack and attempt to collectively punish the Lebanese and palestinian people.

The cowards are the very same cowards who killed the civilians on the beach and tried to lie their way out of it.

The pregnant woman on the street with the 5 year old child in palestine

The family of 12 in Lebanon the very first night of their attack

The 4 UN observers

The 75 year old woman and 2 children in palestine

The rest of the 750 dead Lebanese/Brazilian/Australian Civilians in Lebanon

The excuses are over with for this terrorist nation thinly veiled as a democracy. The world is watching.

i'd like to add one thing to your post PIEMAN, just one thing that touched me a lot among the others.

Among the innocent people who died in QANA there was a 24hours old baby
All the children who died were in position of hugging their mothers . i saw it on TV , it was really shocking.

I have 2 sites showing these pictures but i can't post them . they are very shocking...
if anyone want to see what the IDF is doing just send me a U2U

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by longbow

When you destroy all the briges and the roads.
When you destroy all the elecricity power plants of south lebanon.
When you destroy all the the television antenna.
When you destroy all the radio antenna.
When you force all the banks to close......

How the hell can these poor people leave....

They can't receive the message either by television nor by radio.

If they receive the message , how can they leave by which road?

if there was roads in a good state , how can they have money to be able to leave?, how can they have food?

Is it illogical? Or am I missing something?

I think it's illogical....

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by longbow
Hmm, look at this link - it looks like that the building in question collapsed 8 HOURS after the strike. It smells with Hezbollah involvement for me. BTW many targets have been hit in the village. Sorry to post the link in this way, I've problems with Javascript.

And leaflets can excuse the civilian deaths, yes. They have been warned, after all. I really don't see more Israel can do, do you? Or should they send embassy with flowers to every building they plan to target, just to see if there are no civs besides those Hamas personel and rockets? The nuke analogy is flawed, Israel dosn't practice carpet bombing, there are places to hide in the country.

it's not true , how can you know that the building collapsed 8 hours ago?
there was only one person that left out alive from this building because he was making a cup of tea outside and he said the building collapsed at arround 1am .
He also said that the israeli didn't just droped one missile . he said the building was attacked with many missiles.
As i saw them on TV. At 8 or 9 am the red-cross and the press arrived showing in live the innocent children taken out from the building. I can assure you that they weren't freshly dead . all the bodies were rigid which means they were dead a long time ago.

What's sad is that all the babies were in position of hugging their mams

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 09:30 PM

if anyone want to see what the IDF is doing just send me a U2U


Hezbollah attacked Israel and started a war. In war, people die, that sucks, thats a damned good reason not to start a war. There will be many more mothers clutching their children in teh dark and being crushed to death by bombs, with groups like hezbollah around. They will never stop their war against israel, and, more importantly, will never win their war against israel. Thus, this current situation will be permanent and nothing can stop it.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

with groups like hezbollah around. They will never stop their war against israel, and, more importantly, will never win their war against israel. Thus, this current situation will be permanent and nothing can stop it.

They know they will never win a war against Israel, they are not trying too imo. And yes it will be permanent because of all the new enemy's Israel has just created with indiscriminant bombing.
Hezbollah knows how much respect Israel has lost internationally, this is a win for them.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by longbow
That means those people who remained were a/suicidal idiots; b/Hezbollah supporters (wives, children).

[edit on 30-7-2006 by longbow]

Just saw australian foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer on news here and he stated that it has been virtually impossible for the aust govt to get Aust/lebanese citizens out of the danger zone due to the heavy bombing, damaged roads and bridges and lack of transport.
How does this make these people "a/suicidal idiots; b/Hezbollah supporters (wives, children)." when they are clearly unable to leave the area even with the assistance of the Australian and Lebanese govt.
The pictures of mothers and their children desperately trying to get embassy officials to get them out of there tell a different story to your inaccurate/biased comment.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 07:21 PM

Hezbollah attacked Israel and started a war.

That's the story you'll read in most of the mainstream media, it's not quite that simple.

Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israel has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on an almost daily basis, according to UN reports. Hizbullah's military doctrine, articulated in the early 1990s, states that it will fire Katyusha rockets into Israel only in response to Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians or Hizbullah's leadership; this indeed has been the pattern.

In the process of its violations, Israel has terrorized the general population, destroyed private property, and killed numerous civilians. This past February, for instance, 15-year-old shepherd Yusuf Rahil was killed by unprovoked Israeli cross-border fire as he tended his flock in southern Lebanon. Israel has assassinated its enemies in the streets of Lebanese cities and continues to occupy Lebanon's Shebaa Farms area, while refusing to hand over the maps of mine fields that continue to kill and cripple civilians in southern Lebanon more than six years after the war supposedly ended. What peace did Hizbullah shatter?

This, in addition to the revelation that the "cross border incursion" that resulted in the capture of the Israeli soldiers may have actually occurred in the Shebaa farms area - Lebanese terrirtory occupied by Israel - suggests that the story is a little more complex than "Hezbollah attacked Israel and started a war". The Israelis have been launching incursions inside Lebanon's borders for years.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 07:28 PM
I was reading somewhere that Hizbollah has crossed the Blue Line a total of about 100 times versus Israel crossing about 10,000 times over the past several years after pulling out. Drones and Fly-overs. Normally i would quote the source but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it, and they had said it was UN numbers. I willtry to look it up later maybe.


posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 07:40 PM

Did the US fire those missile then?

Fair enough the US gets bashed a lot, and yes i know the US sold most of those weapons to Israel, but thats not US soldiers firing those missiles.

Actually, my friend, American planes are bombing places in Lebanon as well. They are even responsible for droppin the secret MOAB bomb (some call it the Mother Of All Bombs) on civilian targets in Lebanon...Ive seen the pictures of the devastation, the bodies were literally burnt to a crisp...charcoal black. It was discusting. Absolutely discusting.

Not only are the Americans selling the weapons, they are actually participating in the massacre, of course youll never hear it on the managed media. I cant tell you how I know this, or who told me, but rest assured this is what is happening. We all must wake up and realize the corruption and deceit surrounding us.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
Given Israel's conduct in the current crisis, that underdog has been shown to be more of a "junkyard dog"; and a dangerously rabid one at that.

I gave you a way above...

You have voted Bhadhidar for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month

your entire response was brilliant...

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster

Actually, my friend, American planes are bombing places in Lebanon as well. They are even responsible for droppin the secret MOAB bomb (some call it the Mother Of All Bombs) on civilian targets in Lebanon...Ive seen the pictures of the devastation, the bodies were literally burnt to a crisp...charcoal black. It was discusting. Absolutely discusting.

Not only are the Americans selling the weapons, they are actually participating in the massacre, of course youll never hear it on the managed media. I cant tell you how I know this, or who told me, but rest assured this is what is happening. We all must wake up and realize the corruption and deceit surrounding us.

Umm I'll give you the point about being surrounded by corruption and deceit but no way I believe the part about the American military being involved with this. Nobody is going to just accept your word for this and unless you have proof then I wouldn't post it. If you did have proof then I would pre-congratulate you because you would have broken the biggest news story in years.

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