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The Real Truth

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posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 01:09 AM

posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 08:08 AM

posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 09:48 AM
All this proves is that propaganda is spread by all sides. Funny how this site is so one sided, but you put it forth as the truth. Sorry. Not buying it.

posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 10:03 AM
You are right A.R. nothing more than left wing propaganda. I think some people will believe anything that is opposite of what the media puts out.

posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 10:12 AM
link ==> Right Wing propaganda ==> Left Wing propaganda

Both can hold hands and walk into the sunset...

posted on Oct, 31 2002 @ 05:27 PM
thats funney its clear that he is very new to the boards and havent heard some of the debates we have had.

posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 02:40 AM

posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 12:08 AM
The thing that disgusts me is that even with all of the evidence that exists *against* the US government for *causing* such tragedies that the *citizens* haven't demanded a total shakedown of the corruption that led to it all.

From everything I've seen, actual *evidence* & *documentation*, nothing has been done to make the government *accountable*! When are the people going to wake up & remove the blinders in sufficient numbers to *do* something?

I'm just waiting for the call for citizens to storm the Capital...I'd rather see it done peacefully, with the citizens bringing actual criminal charges & prosecuting the government as a whole, but what's it probably going to come down to in the end? More killing, I'm afraid.

The War on Terrorism should've begun in Washington D.C.

[Edited on 3-11-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 12:16 PM
Why is anything left wing just propaganda? Mmmm...

posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TommyDeluka
The Real Truth

The Real Fakes for Reals Leftists.

posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 07:22 AM
the whole "left wing liberal" bashing thing is hilarious.
it simply demonstrates that there are people on this board who can't cope with a discussion that doesn't polarise into two camps.

"don't agree with me? thats coz your a lefty"
"don't agree with me? thats coz your a righty"

"If my opinions white, yours must be black, I simply cannot cope with the concept of marginal or opinions or the concept of a political continum, they warp my fragile little mind"

kinda sad really......

posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 07:42 AM
anyone else read that last quote from lupe in a cartman voice. "screw you guys, i'm going home..."

- qo.

[Edited on 4-11-2002 by quiet one]

posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 07:45 AM
too early for contemporary satirical illusion.

posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 07:47 AM

"I'm just waiting for the call for citizens to storm the Capital...I'd rather see it done peacefully, with the citizens bringing actual criminal charges & prosecuting the government as a whole, but what's it probably going to come down to in the end? More killing, I'm afraid."

maybe you should start trying to get the USG to support the UN ICC. its the best place to bring those sorts of charges ...

- qo.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:36 AM
Two basic problems I face:

1) Lack of resources to get the ball rolling. Lawyers cost money, ya' know...Just look at how many lawyers wound up becoming politicians & look at how much *they* cost us!

2) Lack of outside support. As soon as I *started* somebody's likely to consider me a threat & I'll wind up retiring early with a 9mm headache. Without support, I have no protection. The cause will fall under mountains of legal paperwork in record time if I can't be sure of surviving long enough to get the *momentum* going. Hell, I couldn't even get any support for the American Petition I wrote & posted here over a month ago...No replies that included any name-lists at all.

The *only* way that anything can be done about the government, violent or peaceful, is going to require *lots* of support from *millions* of citizens...

Okay, those are the basic problems I'm facing...Any suggestions to clear up those problems?

[Edited on 5-11-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 06:38 AM
if you are serious i suggest you contact some of the organisations in the u.s. there's been some pretty big anti-war rallies in washington, and i know there was an outcry when the u.s. blocked the ICC. so, take a look around. there's considerable support out there if you want to lend your voice.

search the web, i'm sure you'll find them.

- qo.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 08:13 AM
....we have no broad or multi market Independent media. Our major news outlets are owned by General Electric and AOL/Time Warner. I read this morning that the AOL welcome screen/home page, which greet 9 million or so subscribers everyday, has had Bush's picture on it for the last three days. Yup, those three days before US Elections.
A not-for-profit News Channel is critical in America. IF the Corporate Media is lobbying heavy for deregulations to the Bush FCC, how the hell do you suppose anything unflattering to his cabal is going to seep through the filters?
I think Midnight Desytroyer can gain traction by appealing to the right celebs: Alex Baldwin has been very vocal, as has Martin Sheen. While you would be forgotten after a 9mm headache, they would be martyred.
It's a great read if you do a search on 'Baldwin & Bush' to find some of the comments he's made.

[Edited on 5-11-2002 by Bout Time]

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:17 PM
I'm *just* trying to *figure* out what all the *asterix's* are supposed to *mean*. *What* evidence? *What* proof? Saying you have it and showing it are two different things. I can say I have evidence that the tooth fairy exists, but without proof, you wouldn't believe me. Well, then again, maybe some of you here *would*.

Lupe, as usual, you love to twist things around, misquoting people to make your trollish point. Nobody said that it was a "Left wing conspiracy". What was said was that BOTH the left AND the right engage in propaganda. It's up to you to believe what you wish, hopefully utilizing some sound judgement...however impossible that may seem in some cases...

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:23 PM
Alec Baldwin??? HA! (and I don't mind at all your misspelling of his name!) This is the same guy who said that if GWB were elected, he would LEAVE THE COUNTRY PERMANANTLY!!! Well, he reniged, and I, for one, wish he would live up to his promise! I really don't think he would be missed too much, either. He sucks both as an actor AND an activist...not someone I would want on my side, regardless of ideology...

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:28 PM
qo, did you happen to see the 'pro war' rallies on Washington? Watching muslims speak in favor of removing Saddam was enlightening. BT, the Baldwins? C'mon!

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