posted on Nov, 1 2002 @ 05:26 PM
Because of my faith in christ and what the bible says, I am firmly against gay relationships let alone actual marriage.
But I do believe in treating them as people and I do not look down on them. For christians we have to respect that people do have free will and we
must not forget that god still loves them despite what they do.
Marriage comes from God, it was not invented by man. the bed of the married wife and husband is not defiled. But those of fornicators and
whoremongers and gay couples is a complete abomination in the sight of God. Does not even nature tellus what should be in these matters. God put
together Adam and Eve, and they became as one flesh so that they could bring forth children.
Gay couples cannot bring forth children so this is what is to be taught to the children so that they will not be confused.
What was it that brought forth AIDS, was it a man and wife married couple or gay sexual activity?
Gay practice has been going on since near the dawn of time, and these practices were found to be going on in the original cities of Sodom and
Gommorah. After God seeing these things going on he decided to destroy the cities and its inhabitants.
We must understand that for society to be civilised and to help mankind fight against disease, and to teach the correct education to the younger
generation we must stop this wrong action. But most of all those who do this must repent, for God will judge.