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Mind Control Technology

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posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:03 AM

I know the guy i linked loves to attribute everything to Tesla and draws funny conclusions (f-ex. a wire can't gather wave energy because it's too thin..) but i was only interested in transmitting in phase with the incoming wave. i ran across this after seeing slight variations of the theme popping up in ever more locations and the principle behind it does seem straightforward and simple, actually.

Over on freeenergynews I had a big dustup with the mods of a European free energy group over something like this. They thought they had "proven" that EM could influence the decay rate of radioactive material, an idea they got from LTC Tom. Their "article" went from a half-assed description of their "discovery" into a citation of every legendary "suppressed info" from Tesla to Testatica, and how their invention was just like TESLA, just like BOHREN bla bla bla.

My first comment was that this was the free energy version of a "Godwin". The problem is, it instantly demonstrates that you have lost your objectivity. No, you are not Tesla-like. Neither is your device. In the end, what it turns out to have been was that they had re-invented the gas triggered flash tube, then did a warp-jump to an incorrect conclusion. They wanted it to be some Tesla thing, therefore, anything it did that they didn't understand was proof.

A big problem with Bohren that LTC Tom doesn't go into is where the energy comes from. Tom thinks it comes from the vacuum (the current excuse for everything) but as I understand it (this trick in a flowing gas is not my field) is that the "19 times the energy that the particle should have intercepted!!!1!!" isn't coming from nowhere, but may be coming from the gas surrounding it. So you're not making energy, you're demonstrating a really really neat local reversal of entropy that puts energy into these little solid inclusions, but it's at the expense of moving the energy from the diluent gas, and the total energy of the system is the same. Just lumpier.

Why that is, starts tapdancing around something I have an NDA on, but I'm not sure just where the lines are drawn when you leave the confines of the project. Let's say there is something you've seen a lot of in the news lately but probably haven't made connections between. A lot of this "invisibility" stuff, some of the wackier hooha you've heard from Russia this spring is all plasmonic engineering in what is known as a metamaterial. A metamaterial can be a gas or liquid with particulate inclusions...thus Bohren. That "energy moves into the particle" trick is a classic metamaterial behavior. I don't do gas phase metamaterials so I could be wrong, but I'd bet you that Bohren is just a metamaterial behavior. No magic vacuum energy. Now, there is a lot of other wacky goodness in metamaterials, the behaviors are just incredible and the fun hasn't really gotten going yet with metamaterials and the military, even after almost 10 years of deployment in the field.

about bioelectricity... what are people measuring when they're doing an EEG or ECG?

It's an electrical field, but it's not made by a longitudinal current flow in the neuron or muscle cell. Actually, there are a LOT of similarities between muscle fibers and neurons, and they both use that charge pump/ion channel trick where the potential across the cell membrane reverses.

A neuron starts out about 70mV negative, measured from the inside to the outside. When it fires, a ripple of little gates called 'ion channels' open in a wave moving down the membrane, and the sodium and potassium ions swap places, leaving the inside 40mV positive. So, from the outside at a distance, you had this little 70mV positive charge showing, that suddenly becomes a 40mV negative charge. As neurons depolarize this way moving towards an electrode, you see an increasingly negative potential. So what shows up on an EEG or ECG is not just nerves firing, it's also entangled with the direction that the waves of polarization/depolarization are moving - it's a product of numbers of neurons and the cosine of the angle the polarization wave(s) are traveling at with respect to the electrode axis. In other words, it's a bunch of crap jumbled up and no way to sort it out. That's why they have so many leads... a wave moving at 90 degrees from your electrodes has almost no detectable output.

I used to have a link to a flash animation of this but I don't see it. If I find it I'll put it up.

how do people and animals maintain voltage differences between different spots on the skin without a current?

Any time you have a potential difference across a conductor, there is a current flow. The voltage differences on your skin are pretty small, and usually transitory. The energy to make these changes in potential comes from the food you eat, it runs little charge pumps in the cell membranes of neurons and muscles.

nerve impulse transmission doesn't need to result in net current to be susceptible to induced currents, does it?

A "proper" nerve impulse is caused by stimulation of the nerve at a synapse. The synaptic connection may be to a dendrite or the cell body of a target neuron. The neuron 'weighs' this input against other inputs it's getting, and against some internal set of values that assign relevance. If it decides the inputs meet its criteria, it fires and starts a ripple of depolarization down the cell body and axon to another neuron.

The synapses can be chemical (this is where neurotransmitters come in) or electrical. The electrical ones are more or less just direct connections from one cell to another so that the depolarization wave can continue without "processing".

The depolarization waves that are the real 'nerve impulse' proceed down the membrane by a mechanism that knows to throw open the ion channels when it 'sees' a reversed potential difference coming towards it. That's where the "wave" thing comes from. The guy to my left just opened his spigot because I saw the membrane to my left reverse potential, so I'll open mine, so on down the line. When you apply a current, you "trick" this mechanism, usually not in a coordinated way, into thinking the guy to the left has opened his ion channel. So the neuron fires, sort of chaotically.

about wavelengths of ELF signals and cellphone towers: since i haven't seen such an alledged 'array' myself, i have to agree with you, nothing conclusive here.

I know there's a lot of wacky ideas about cell towers. Frankly, you do have to wonder what the long term effect of being bathed in RF will be, especially over a certain density. There is another way they could do this, and it would work better and take less power, but the government is subtly discouraging it. Sometimes not so subtly. There's you a real conspiracy, I guess. In this case, it's because it's a tactically useful communications technique, with a lot of negative uses in the wrong hands. So, I can sort of see it. There are other reasons too that I won't go into. But we use it here for commlinks between 'things', it's too useful to not. One day they'll quit impeding it, then you'll see cell phones that will run for weeks from one AAA. And the overall RF power density will drop by, I dunno, maybe 1000x. The technique is really efficient, 2 or 3 mW will reach any reasonable cell distance.

Frankly, some of the cell phone hooha I see makes me grieve for the rational thought processes of my fellow man. "Holy hand grenades" come to mind.

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