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What do you think the geezer is trying to say in this vid?

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posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 07:47 AM
what do you reckon this bloke is saying about females in this vid.

considering what is happening in kuwait at the mo. lol

posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 08:00 AM
He was trying to show that most people don't know what the term "women's suffrage" means. They equate the word to SUFFER.

suf·frage ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sfrj)

The right or privilege of voting; franchise.
The exercise of such a right.
A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office.
A short intercessory prayer.

suf·fer ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sfr)
v. suf·fered, suf·fer·ing, suf·fers
v. intr.
To feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment.
To tolerate or endure evil, injury, pain, or death. See Synonyms at bear1.
To appear at a disadvantage: “He suffers by comparison with his greater contemporary” (Albert C. Baugh).

The kid was making a mockery out of people's ignorance and that is why he pointed out in the beginning of the vid that it was a "school of excellence". Once he was found out by the administration of the school, he was booted from the campus.

Jay Leno and others have done the same thing or near same thing for comical bits on their shows. I think the Man Show did something similar with having women sign fake petitions to "end women's suffrage".

Some thought his video was satiracal and funny. Others thought it was just downright mean.

To me, it just shows what we aren't teaching our kids today.


posted on Jul, 1 2006 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
He was trying to show that most people don't know what the term "women's suffrage" means. They equate the word to SUFFER.



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