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OK, our own government did it. Now what do we do?

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posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 02:11 PM
Ok. We know, and have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Government of the United States has 'masterminded' 9/11. We, the citizens, are supposed to rally on right behind our leader and support support support the fight to stop terrorism! Like sheep, we were just supposed to go in and follow right? Well we caught it, and its coming down on them. The whole picture isn't clear yet, but hopefully through time, and true justice, we will know everything. There is no more question weather they did it or not, it is apparent.

Now what do we do? What actions do we take? Who do we talk to? Who can we trust?

I think its time to fight the terrorists.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 02:31 PM
I would not say that they "Masterminded" 9/11 - more like "Utilized".

Check this Thread out:

At this time - after much analysis - I am now more certain that ever that the TRUTH of what happened concerning 9/11 =

"B. Bush Admin. had Prior Knowledge: For a second group, the term “9-11” connotes an event with a more sinister dimension. These people believe that the Bush Administration KNEW the attacks were coming and intentionally let them happen (in order to forward their own Agendas)."

That would be nothing less than TREASON - making the Bush Administration CO-CONSPIRITORS with the Radical Islamic Extremists! It would make THEM as guilty of Terrorism as Al-Queada - Guilty of the Premeditated MURDER of it's own U.S. Citizens!!!

The best thing that can be done at this point is to throw the "Ruling Regime" of the U.S. for the last 5 & 1/2 Years out of Power! Excluding a Violent Coup or Impeachment - this means via the democratic Electoral process.

[edit on 22-6-2006 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 22-6-2006 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by 8th
Ok. We know, and have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Government of the United States has 'masterminded' 9/11.

Really? What is it?

Now what do we do? What actions do we take? Who do we talk to? Who can we trust?

If people in the government did 911, then they have to be rounded up and shot. SO lets be careful when we say 'they did it', its kinda a big commitment.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:22 PM
I dont believe that rounded up and shot is what the next step is... no matter how good that sounds. The actual next step is really to initiate impeachment processes. This can be done on the city/county level... and also at a state level. Once they are out of office it would be easier to take them out... less security. :-)

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:41 PM
Noone would be rounded up and shot. Those days are long over when the Government is accountable for it's screwups. Reality check please. Think about what you just said. There were congressional hearings over Clinton and a stupid sex scandal... Come on! Where's the Bush Impeachment. Just blah blah blah is all we'll ever hear. Get Real!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by thecandyman
I dont believe that rounded up and shot is what the next step is... no matter how good that sounds. The actual next step is really to initiate impeachment processes.

Incorrect. If the big powers in teh government orchestrated the attack, then they won't go along with impeachment. THe only option is to get guns, assemble the army, and send it after them, killing anyone that tries to stop it.

Once they are out of office it would be easier to take them out... less security. :-)

In all likelyhood, if it was shown that bush, cheney, etc, actualyl did 911, their own secret service agents would put a bullet in their heads.

when the Government is accountable for it's screwups

If Bush did 911, its not a screwup, its a coup.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by 8th
Ok. We know, and have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Government of the United States has 'masterminded' 9/11.


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:54 PM

Now what do we do?

What we usually do these days... NOTHING We talk about it, we belly ache about it to anyone who will listen, but I see no one taking up arms.

When I moved here from Canada I heard on the CB radio that there was going to be a 6 cent per gallon increase on deisel feul. The truckers were driving to Washington to circle the White House.... now look at the gas price hikes... I see no marches, no serious boycotts...

If thats what has become of America's spirit on gas prices I see no hope on bigger issues.

Have we become WUSSES??? To chicken or lazy to stand up for a cause? Or are we afraid we might "disappear in the night" if we stand up?

[Wanna send a message to the oil boys? Boycott ONE petrol company! Americans will not go without gas, but what would happen if we all stop buying say Exxon?..... just a though

I think that unless there is irrefutable proof in writing and in duplicate, dropped on CNN's desk, we will do nothing.

But perhaps there is a ray of sunshine. All the current arrests of top level polititions for "misconduct" lately. Maybe , just maybe ...

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:57 PM
No we don't wanna talk about taking them out to be shot... bad idea... crying "Off with their Head" went out of favor some time ago.

Hand em all a rifle, and put em on a Plane to Iraq and let Them fight it out. After all They wanted the War

[edit on 22-6-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by 8th
Ok. We know, and have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Government of the United States has 'masterminded' 9/11.

As was asked before, where!?!?!?!?!?

You can't make a statement like that and not back it up.

Also the government is huge. You have to be more specific.

I think its time to fight the terrorists.

I agree


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Now what do we do?

What we usually do these days... NOTHING We talk about it, we belly ache about it to anyone who will listen, but I see no one taking up arms.

This is what I fear. I know there are people out there, people like me, who are ready. But, a bunch of armed militia with no message, meaning, or sense, will go no further then the Iraqi rebels screaming 'down with America!' We need an organization. A plan.. something to really get the light out on this and get anything, even a BREEZE, to get the ball rolling.

Originally posted by Johnmike

Originally posted by 8th
Ok. We know, and have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Government of the United States has 'masterminded' 9/11.


I know its hilarious! Masterminded is suuuuch an over statement.

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
As was asked before, where!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry, I cannot sit at the computer all day and respond to this thread instantaneously, I have duties that must be accomplished
As said before, The whole picture isn't clear yet, but hopefully through time, and true justice, we will know everything. The evidence is all around you friend. The picture is being painted as we speak. My thread is not about the proof, it is about new action and direction. So if you would be so kind, and please post on topic.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:58 PM
i remember seeing a picture of the hole in the wall at pentagon
a close up, and i 'm sure there was a sign of some kind above the hole

but i noticed something was MISSING

i didnt bother to look at the pieces lying around

but the hole in the wall where the "plane" went through

there were NO MARKS whatsoever on either side of the hole know , where the wings should have hit?!?!

im sure on a jumbo airliner those huge wings
should have tore up some bricks,,, but there were no scratches

just a nice hole

the picture was here on ats 1-2 months ago,,something about 9/11
they showed video and stuff too... but that REALLY STUCK in my mind
that the wings did absolutely NO DAMAGE i looked close at the
edges of the hole and nothing, no signs of any wing damage
and on a big jet like that , they are huge!!!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Have we become WUSSES??? To chicken or lazy to stand up for a cause? Or are we afraid we might "disappear in the night" if we stand up?

I think we have, as a whole, become wimps. We're too comfy, complacent, and dependent. Myself included.

[Wanna send a message to the oil boys? Boycott ONE petrol company! Americans will not go without gas, but what would happen if we all stop buying say Exxon?..... just a though

I've been doing that since the Valdez. And since I learned of their absurd profits, I've been urging my friends to do the same.

I'm not sure what can be done at this point. Capitalism has gotten entirely out of control. It taps a human trait, greed, which often has horrible consequences.

I'm beginning to think that drastic changes will be necessary to bring us back on track. The two party system does more to divide us than to effect positive change. We don't even trust each other anymore. We're bombarded with violence and atrocities.

We're quickly loosing our credibility in the world and a large number of Americans don't seem to care.

Regardless of the government's involvement with 9/11, we've got some monumental problems on our hands if we want our children to have the lives that many of us currently enjoy. We've got to stop arguing and get together and find those things that we all agree on and make some serious noise. Then we can concentrate on the things that we don't all agree on.

It's up to us. The government is too far gone to do what needs to be done to continue our collective national well being.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Belgarath
I think we have, as a whole, become wimps. We're too comfy, complacent, and dependent.

Yep. The great majority of Americans fit this bill, whereas it would have to be vastly different before we could rise up and make any dramatic and beneficial changes, imo.

So unless things change, the most realistic route to take seems to be to prepare yourself for the worst of times domestically and let everyone else reap their consequences.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 09:18 PM

Hand em all a Rifle - put em on a Plane to Iraq and let THEM fight it out. After all THEY wanted the War.

HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! PERFECT! Very good my friend - I think that just might work! Lets call it the "Draft Republicans for Victory in Iraq" plan!

[edit on 23-6-2006 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by 8th
This is what I fear. I know there are people out there, people like me, who are ready. But, a bunch of armed militia with no message, meaning, or sense, will go no further then the Iraqi rebels screaming 'down with America!' We need an organization. A plan.. something to really get the light out on this and get anything, even a BREEZE, to get the ball rolling.

Get the ball rolling on what exactly?
A "revolution?"

I take it you have a few extra trillion dollars lying around and a plan to keep our economy afloat during your revolution? Otherwise the world in which you would create would be screwed. And I take it you already have the form of government that you want in place and ready to go and it's somehow better than the one we have now. And I take it you already have a plan to somehow convince the millions upon millions of people in this country that believe a revolution or whatever is not necessary that one is?

My thread is not about the proof, it is about new action and direction. So if you would be so kind, and please post on topic.

I would but.....Action against what? The government? Why?
This is America. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and you're saying we should do something based on evidence that's shoddy at best. Since you said you had proof without a reasonable doubt then you should have been able to provide that proof with no problems despite whatever work you're doing....


So unless things change, the most realistic route to take seems to be to prepare yourself for the worst of times domestically and let everyone else reap their consequences.

30-40 years ago things were MUCH worse in ever aspect of the government and in general yet here we are. People have been saying what you just said for decades. When do these "worst of times" finally come?

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by yeah right
i remember seeing a picture of the hole in the wall at pentagon
a close up, and i 'm sure there was a sign of some kind above the hole

You mean this hole?

But that's not an entrance hole, as you'd know had you looked just at the wall material. Impact hole is on the other side of the building.

[edit on 22-6-2006 by tuccy]

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 01:39 AM

The Government? Why? This is America. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and you're saying we should do something based on evidence that's shoddy at best.

ThatsJustWeird - the Thread that you authored & linked to from here it self shows that the Government was aware that the Terrorists were planning on executing a horrific attack against us before 9/11 took place. The very fact that those Retards with box cutters actually pulled it off is a sign of the Incompetent Failure (if not even worse = Intentional Treason) of the entire Government.

Why then was the Bush Administration - the Administration that has been in power since 2001 - never held accountable? We had Condoleezza Rice up there saying that "We had no idea that an attack which used airplanes as missiles was even conceivable" & "we had no actionable intelligence on the terrorists prior to 9/11" - both complete LIES! Does "Able Danger" ring a bell?

Oh yeah & just for the record - yes Clinton is just as responsible as Bush was - lobbing a couple of Missiles half way around the world - hitting a Baby Food factory & then calling it a day was Pathetic at best.

I have an idea - instead of "Pre-Emptively" Invading the entire world - why don't we just actually Defend the Borders of the U.S.? If we didn't have all of these Resources being sucked away by the
War in Iraq - then Defending our own Borders would not even be an issue right now!

[edit on 23-6-2006 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:39 AM

i remember seeing a picture of the hole in the wall at pentagon
a close up, and i 'm sure there was a sign of some kind above the hole

Its all in another thread here, not sure which right now but you can search it. But here is the link you are talking about with the pictures

By the way the plane was supposed to have struck the grass before the building.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:42 AM

i remember seeing a picture of the hole in the wall at pentagon
a close up, and i 'm sure there was a sign of some kind above the hole

you will also want to check out this thread

and this one


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