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Project S.B.O.M.R

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posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder

This first image I posted of Ritz crater shows the black-out to the right of the crater, but if you switch World Wind over to 30xx you can see the surface, but the resolution isn't as good.

That also answers your question Omega, I do have NASA World Wind. I suggest everyone on the project get it so we can all look at the same data when needed. With the pan, zoom, tilt, layers, etc....., other members of the team may spot something others miss.
I've also looked at Google Moon, but it's crap.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 09:06 AM
Greetings all i hope u r all well,

Nice idea Anx,
If anyone is interested in getting NASA worldwind just click Here
and away you go

It is a good program and you will be fascinated by some of the moon visuals.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to use my other moon thread availalable
as a sort of cross reference for this project, i have put in alot of valuable infomation in there and so have some other members like semper and anx .

There is one thing that makes my mind tick about this moon base theory, and that is has anyone heared of project highjump?? or admiral Richard E Byrd??
That is a case that really makes me think .
I have made an entry on it into Tinwiki about it so feel free to have a look and tell us what you think.

Also Anx, how do u capture those images like that on NasaWldwnd?

There are things that are out there i have no doubt about it.


posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by niteboy82

As for the tracks that we are seeing on the moon, I am attempting to find pictures that have shown what moonquakes would create, compared to actually tracks created. It appears that moonquakes last much longer than our earthquakes do. Also this may give us an idea of what type of materials would be required to build a base that would withstand seismic activity. If we know what materials cannot be used, we will be able to hone our searchs in a little better.

I thought in order for a quake to occur there had to be some sort of tectonic friction ?(or so the deffinition of a quake is ) are there plates on the moon? or how does this occur? this is indeed very interesting.
I will have a read of that for sure

nice posting niteboy, i found that fascinating.

i wonder how the moons gravity field would work in conjunction with these quakes?
if there were buildings there and a quake occured wouldnt the buildings have a
increased chance of non-collapse? i will have a look more into this as i think it is really interesting


posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Thanks Omega!

There are at least four different kinds of moonquakes: (1) deep moonquakes about 700 km below the surface, probably caused by tides; (2) vibrations from the impact of meteorites; (3) thermal quakes caused by the expansion of the frigid crust when first illuminated by the morning sun after two weeks of deep-freeze lunar night; and (4) shallow moonquakes only 20 or 30 kilometers below the surface. Moonquakes

There would have to an effort put out on the part of the team building the base to make sure that there were no serious moonquakes around the area. In the article provided, there is an instance of a 5.5 quake. This would have to be avoided at all costs. This could help us hone in on where there's a higher probability of base placement. That is also mentioned in the article on the above link.

"Any habitat would have to be built of materials that are somewhat flexible," so no air-leaking cracks would develop. "We'd also need to know the fatigue threshold of building materials," that is, how much repeated bending and shaking they could withstand.

Here is a picture of what a buggy makes in regard to tracks on the moon's surface. When I look at the pictures that have already been provided in this thread, I notice that there are usually single line tracks (or at least that is how they appear from a distance). I think those tracks are going to be important for us to analyze what couls cause them. The chaining effect also in that one picture looked interesting. I can't figure out what would cause that naturally. I wish the picture could be zoomed out more. I would like to see if the "chain" gets any larger as it moves outward. I think I may need to brush up on fractals, as that would give us a better idea of what would be occuring naturally as a pattern, compared to something manmade that would be more random in design.

I was reading the Wikipedia article on moon colonization, and mentioned is the far side of the moon, and how communications can be made feasible with the use of a satellite at a Langrangian point, so that it would be kept stationary.

Actually, that Wikipedia article provides a wealth of information on how the base could be constructed, and artist renderings of what it could look like. This may be a good source to help us in identifying anything that we find "strange" on the moon.

[edit on 6/25/06 by niteboy82]

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Omega85

Also Anx, how do u capture those images like that on NasaWldwnd?

I installed ScreenPrint32, a small program that can be tied to the "print screen" button on your keyboard. After you hit "print screen" you can define the area of the screen that you want to capture, and then save it as a .jpg to the folder of your choice.

You can get a free copy of the software at this link, and it has no restrictions or adware.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 11:15 AM
Cheers Anx im getting right now

Interesting Niteboy , very interesting indeed , i see where u are coming from about analising the areas of the moon with most quake presence and those without.
good idea mate, but my question is how would we as a team find that out?

Any ideas anyone?


posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Well Omega, I finally made it , I thought that I explained my schedule to you via u2u?

Some very interesting find's about our lunar activities and possible placement's for (Geographically speaking) for a lunar base's or possibly "There is a higher technology at work already?" Nice ifnds none the less.

Is there anything in particular that we need some one to research on? I found Niteboy's find to be quite interesting, maybe I could start thing's off there, if he needs the help?

Either way, I am here and I am going to do some "Lunar surface searching" until I hear otherwise from you Omega.

If need be, just u2u me, that goes for any of the team!!

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 03:53 PM
I was searching around and stumbled across this little tid-bit of information. I tried to see as to the validity of the named authors, it seem they were being to "Fishy" about the context on this page.

The page is copyright protected, so I have to give the URL . it is not a very long read, but is quite interesting if it is fact.

I'll will go and check on some of the other find's that can cooberate the findimg's mentioned in the paraphrased text's.

Here's something else I ran across, pretty self explanitory if you ask me, but that is why we are doig this , right?

The moon has its more controversial mysteries, too. Some think extraterrestrials have or once had bases there. Some think there's stuff on the moon -- other than the hardware, flags, and debris left there by the Apollo astronauts - that the government knows about, but is not telling us. Decades - even centuries - before we sent ships to the moon, observers with telescopes have claimed to see signs of intelligent life or design there. Indeed, there are many enigmatic photos that seem to show shapes and structures on the lunar surface that don't fit conventional explanations. Perhaps there are reasonable answers for them, but those answers are not easy to find.

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 04:13 PM
Hello, i hope u r well.

I just wanted to say welcome to Allred.
and just a friendly reminder to read everything in the thread , I am trully glad you are finally here

I must be off now but i will return with more research.
i will also look into the previouse posts.
Once again Welcome To The Research Thread Allred.


posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 05:16 PM
This website has some heavy reading to it , and I can't deny or support the a fore mentioned website. I read it in it's entirity and found it profound on some point's, but there are some areas I have never even thought about. so, with all respect to the motto "Deny Ignorance", I have posted it for you to get your response for the finding itself.
Omega and you other guy's, "If you find this article of bad taste or incorrect analogies, please let me know and I will definately edit for your guy's approval.
Here's a little excert from the web page to give you a taste of what it is about.

Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow object' comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon?

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 05:58 PM
I was doing some research on Ronald Regehr (aka: Alien Chaser) and I found some very interesting statements that he has nade with the entirity of the moon and it's position in our solar system.
Ronald Regehr design's top secret military satellite systems. He is recognized as an Astronautical/Aeronautical engineer and works on the next generation spy satellites , and with his insider knowledge that the U.S. Government has suppressed and with held information about Paranormal and Anomilies as the satellite data confirms.

I've read this writing and it is very intriguing to say the least. As far as I can tell, this Ronald Regehr is pretty much a straight shooter when it come's to exploration of space and planetary implications as to what is going on "Out There".

All thing's set aside, I do find the read extremely (Hypothetically) factual with all kind' sof thing's to back up his theories, including the location's of specific anomolies that are on the moon, and to what quadrant they can be located.

The moon is the Rosetta stone of the planets." —Robert Jastrow,
First Chairman, NASA Lunar Exploration Committee

After hundreds of years of detailed observation and study, our closest companion in the vast universe, Earth’s moon, remains an enigma. Six moon landings and hundreds of experiments have resulted in more questions being asked than answered. Among them:

You can find the rest of the story here:

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 07:04 PM
I was stumbling thru some of the different pic's that I found of the moon, I decided look thru all the photo's that were there and this is what I pulled up. It is actually an atlas of the moon by Apollo 4, I believe. Here is the website to check it out.
Can anyone tell me how to use "Photobucket"?

Here is a picture that I found with some very remarkable details. You can clearly see that it is a facitility of some sort. This picture was supposed to be smugged by NASA, but apparently they forgot one!!!HeHeHe!!!!!!

Let me know what you guy's think..

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 06:42 AM

I have found this one to be much more reliable and easy to use.

Works well with small files, and even medium size ones.


posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 07:10 AM
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to contribute for the last couple days. I'm in the process of moving so I probably won't have access to the internet outside of work for a while. So I'll do my part here. I have some catching up to do today first though.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:53 PM
I finally figured out how to use Photobucket and I went to paint to describe what I see in this picture. As for the LAT/LON, I don't know for sure, I will be exploring the previously posted "Lunar Atlas" to see if I can come across exact coordinates to be able to locate it precisely. There is an earlier post of mine that has it in a gathering of pictures, sorry guy's, I will look into it for more details for it's authenticity. If there is a problem with having this pic posted, "Let me know, I'll file it until I have the back up for it,K?"

I cannot out line the structures I see in the pic. You will see that they are pretty evident though. As you look to the center, bottom right you will see the largest and most pronounced structure, but at the bottom left of the main structure you can see 2 more anomilies that are remarkably close to the large one for design. In the complete upper right hand corner , you can see what seem's to be a "Satellite shaped dish" and under it there seem's to be a chasim with what seem's to be some kind of entrance, if you look closer, there seem's to be 2 square objects that do resemble generators of some sort. Below this structure you can see a colauge of smaller structures all over at the base of the high cliff, and also to the upper right of the main structure.
Like I mentioned before, I am not sure of the coordinates of it's location, but I have'nt given up on trying to find out. If by chance any of you guy's have seen this before and can validate it or debunk it, please let me know.

This is from a Frennch satellite photo of the earth's moon. The arrow shows where to look, I am not sure if this photo will show up thumbnail or not, but if it does, take and copy it and bring it to paint, use your zoom tool, you will see something there that look's like a "Moon Station".

Here is a picture that depict's 2 anomalies, the first to recognize is the center of the crater, there seem's to be, or what appears to be a factory of some sort and below the crater area there is a flying triangular shape, I have ran across alot of these triangular anomalies and I have come to the conclusion there is something to them.IF this picture comes out thumbnail , take it to paint and use your zoom tool to enhance it.

This pic look's as if it is a lunar facility as well,"What do you guy's think?"

[edit on 26-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
I was stumbling thru some of the different pic's that I found of the moon, I decided look thru all the photo's that were there and this is what I pulled up. It is actually an atlas of the moon by Apollo 4, I believe. Here is the website to check it out.
Can anyone tell me how to use "Photobucket"?

Here is a picture that I found with some very remarkable details. You can clearly see that it is a facitility of some sort. This picture was supposed to be smugged by NASA, but apparently they forgot one!!!HeHeHe!!!!!!

Let me know what you guy's think..

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
I was stumbling thru some of the different pic's that I found of the moon, I decided look thru all the photo's that were there and this is what I pulled up. It is actually an atlas of the moon by Apollo 4, I believe. Here is the website to check it out.
Can anyone tell me how to use "Photobucket"?

Here is a picture that I found with some very remarkable details. You can clearly see that it is a facitility of some sort. This picture was supposed to be smugged by NASA, but apparently they forgot one!!!HeHeHe!!!!!!
Let me know what you guy's think..

During Apollo 8's orbit around the moon the astronauts took several pictures of the area animated below.
Below is a rare animated representation of what the Astronauts actually saw and how they saw it.Upon futher examination perhaps we can see why they were interested in this area.
When we look close at one of the frames used in the animation above we see an anomoly

The crater to the center and left with the object sitting up straight with a grid-like face is what's of interest.
Some have said the center object is a result of a central peak.. and a central depression.
Closeups and zooms below.

Above you can clearly see a raised structure with a grid-like face.
Almost like what you could see in a sci-fi movie where aircraft enter in and out of each dark entrance.
This same type of grid is seen on the asteroid Eros, which I discuss in further detail on the Eros Page

The left image is extremely zoomed in and the right image is the same image inverted

(This is the left photo)
(This is the right photo)
For some reasons unknown to me, it will not let me upload this side of the picture, it was just an "Inverted color/black&white" photo though, it clearly show's the displacement of light to dark.

Magelhaens Crater - Continued..
Think it's just a trick of light and shadow?
Well, the following images were all taken from multiple orbiting satellites under different lighting conditions. They are from very large .TIFF image files, zoomed into the Magelhaens crater to illustrate that there is an uplifted structure of some kind there.

There are 5 picture's of close up's as of this point. I will post a URL to all of them for you guy's.

Now, obviously under certain lighting conditions the structure is more clearly shown. Even with the sunlight directly over-head you can see something in the center of said crater

So, "What do you all think of this anomily?"
I don't have the coordinates for it, but the website is pretty intense on the study of "Anomolies" none the less.

South Of The Kunowski Crater (Updated)

The Above Image: Is one of three frames shot of an area south of the Kunowski crater. Below I provide each Hasslebad image and then final mosaic which matches each image together.
Full Size Images: Left Mosiac / Middle Mosaic / Right Mosaic / Full Sized Mosaic (Very Large)
Several strange looking structures.
More "Bizzare" stuff.
Pyramid-like pointed structure and shadow.

Same thing as above, different area.
The only problem is (as usual) once you zoom in we lose so much image quality it becomes difficult to pin anything down.

Above in the right of image is an uplifted area (Mound) with either an oval or circular like whole or cave on the side facing the astronauts. Not to mention the round oval shaped mound in the center which looks strange.
The area is photographed twice, second image is below.

Now we can see the cave-like feature more pronounced. It's clearly there, question is -
is it natural?

South Of The Kunowski Crater - The Pyramid?

The Above Image: Is one of three frames shot of an area south of the Kunowski crater. Below I provide each Hasslebad image and then final mosaic which matches each image together.
Full Size Images: Left Mosiac / Middle Mosaic / Right Mosaic / Full Sized Mosaic (Very Large)

This is an extremely small area of the large mosaic above.
The bottom-right of the photo this anomoly can be found.
Below is a blowup of the feature.

And.. We have a pyramid-like structure on the moon.

Kind of a long post, but it serve's it's purpose for easy search and find method for this thread. Hope you guy's like what I've found thus far.I will keep on looking.

[edit on 27-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Allred5923
I was stumbling thru some of the different pic's that I found of the moon, I decided look thru all the photo's that were there and this is what I pulled up. It is actually an atlas of the moon by Apollo 4, I believe. Here is the website to check it out.
Can anyone tell me how to use "Photobucket"?

Here is a picture that I found with some very remarkable details. You can clearly see that it is a facitility of some sort. This picture was supposed to be smugged by NASA, but apparently they forgot one!!!HeHeHe!!!!

Let me know what you guy's think..

[edit on 25-6-2006 by Allred5923]

For some reason, the original picture I posted did not work from ATS uploads. I am reposting it here now. You may have to take it to paint and use the magnification feature, but it is quite an interesting find.
Any thought's as to what it could be?

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 08:57 PM
I have been coversing with Omega85 about the possibilities of individuals mining the moon for precious metals. The more I look into this being a fact, I keep stumbling onto these picture's that pretty much back up my assumptions of it being"Fact", though I don't have conclusive evidence to prove any of the photo's, I can definately say with no disregard that there is alot of anomalies on the moon that strongly imitate mining dig's that are here on earth, and I don't just mean one find of the evidence at hand either, there are all kind's of photographic images of the moon that tend to support this theory.
I will see how much visual (Hypothetical) information of the proof's of this being a reality. I will keep posting them to this post under the "Edit", and I am sure there are going to be a few.
So guy's, Help me authenticate them, or help me "Debunk" them.
This is an animation drawing of what a Lunar base would look like, it was designed by Engineer's of geographical,Scientifical,Mathematicians and Space aeronautical/aerospace capacities thought and intelligences.

This is the site I aquired the animated photo,very intelligent read for the insight of the possibilities:

Look at the similarities of the former picture's that I have posted, it is truly remarkable.

Here's the first one that I found with startling similarities to a earthly mining area.

super questionable images from the Moon.
This is on our nearest neighbor, whom we've visited!
Most of these pictures were taken by the Apollo astronauts
as they orbited. I think before long they're all going to come out with the truth
of what they saw, and why we haven't been back.

Here is a very wide spread and abnormal anomaly. If it is from a meteor impact, it's the first "Artistic and Unnatural Phenomena" I've ever seen before.

This is an article of discussion of possible Asteroid or Moon facilitations for to mine either of them , it doesn't declare that they have achieved it yet, but if the Gov. is thinking about it already,"Who knows?".

However, there are debates and discussions on which one is better, and some people are taking sides, e.g., for establishing a base or embarking on a first mission to retrieve material. It may be premature to take sides at this time, especially as there are continuing discoveries such as ice at a lunar pole and newly found Earth approaching asteroids which are cheaper to get to.

Here is an interesting tid-bit of information that concurrs with my initial thoughts on the possibility that they could be on the moon already. As for the constant search for the information of either us or another life form already inhabiting the moon already,there seem's to be a self concious and gut feeling that it is probably the human species that is already inhabiting our nearest satellite already.But, as the way the self annalitical goes, I will let you be the judge.

Over time, of course, economic expansion makes projects like a Moon Base more affordable and, sooner or later, we will be able to undertake a lunar program without having to spend an Apollo-like fraction of the nation's wealth. During the past century and more, the American GDP has doubled in real terms about once every twenty-five years and there is every reason to believe that growth will continue for a long time to come. Economic expansion comes largely as a result of gains in productivity and, certainly, the limits to our creative use of new machines, new processes, and new resources are nowhere in sight. As the wealth of the nation grows and, indeed, as other nations acquire spaceflight capabilities, the total level of space activities will expand - albeit with ups and downs superimposed on the overall trend - to the point that construction of a permanent lunar base will become feasible. If, for example, we assume continued investment at about 0.25% of the growing GDP and we also assume that we could conduct a space program that included both a space station and a lunar base for about 30 billion 1990 dollars, then we might see a resumption of lunar operations - preceded by a decade or more of preparatory work - in about 2015.

Of course, if the NASA budget allotment were to grow more quickly than the economy as a whole, we could build the lunar base sooner than 2015.

The source of information:

It doesn't look as if I was to far off on the possibilities of the "Lunar Mining Missions" being in progress as we speak. I was going through some other alternatives for what the would be nesseccary for such an event to take place, I imagined it would be something of a treaty of sort's, low and behold,"Look what I found." And you don't do thing's like this unless there is an in initiative to produce such a document. It is a very long read, I have'nt gotten a chance to go through all of it of course, but the proverbial "Ball" is on the roll.
Your thought's gentlemen?

Treaty on Principles Governing The Activities Of States In The Exploration And Use Of Outer Space, Including The Moon And Other Celestial Bodies
January 27, 1967

The source of information:

[edit on 27-6-2006 by Allred5923]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 10:59 PM
Need some help here.

I was reading an article on a hypothesis that the actual structural make up of the Moon differs in reference to the "light" side vs. the "dark" side.

According to what I recall of the article, the "dark" side is more metallic and of a harder material.

However, I was reading this at work and had to shut it down to go on a call and lost the page????

Anyone know of this, or what article it may have come from?


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