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Is it just me? Or are there newly opened minds...?

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posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 04:30 PM
I guess I've always been somewhat of a skeptic.

But somehow in the last year or so, I've gotten more obsessed with the "reasons behind the events."

And the more I've looked into the major political events of the past decade, the more convinced I've become that there's a story behind almost everything that goes on.

I'm old enough to have grown up on black & white sitcoms like Leave it to Beaver, so maybe I've just been living in delusion.

Do other participants here notice The Da Vinci Code, Coast to Coast radio and the 9/11 Truth and other sites increasing talk and maybe awareness of "grand schemes" behind current events?

Or is Joe Sixpack still just sleeping in his La-ze Boy?

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:26 PM
I guess it's just me.


posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:34 PM
it could be that we are just part of a collective mind, and with the 100 monkey syndrome, we all start to question eventually.

or it could be our leaders want all the conspiracy talk for what ever reason, maybe testing society. there has got to be a good reason why so many are asking questions today, we all know deep down something is wrong.

personally i think mankind has woken up to late and the nwo is here already and nothing can stop it, we as a collective know this and are just waking up to late. soon we will all be put back to sleep again, eventually.

[edit on 8-6-2006 by andy1033]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:47 PM
Well if you want to put me back to sleep your gonna have to do it permanantly!

and yes minds are being awakened and it is a very good sign for us, The best you can do is to educate others. Tell others the truth, hand out packets of info to people, go to rallies. It is not to late, and it had better not be for humanities sake.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:58 PM
most media reporting is very poor, I have personaly been very close to matters the national press has reported on and observed the timing of news reports months after the actual events with new events to increase the impact of the events by having two related ones reported as one. even though they are seperate issues sperated by months of time. Also the media greatly exagerates risks to scare the public and claims the scintific comunity comes to one consenusus when infact the genral consensus is the opoisit.
This behavior is now so obvious that people are begining to rearlise they are been lied to on a daily basis. It's now very rare for me to come accross anyone who dosen't belive in some conspiracy, and soon after talking to me even more rare

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 06:05 PM
I think most of us agree that information accessability is almost overwhelming and discontent at being manipulated is driving us on, but on a similar note I recently had an awareness of a possible beginning of multi-dimensional (or something) sight. Driving home and looking from my rearview mirror, then turning my head both ways and looking behind me, and then to get even another view from my side mirrors kind of opened an awareness of more than one frame of reference, simultaneously.
And truely, there are so many layers upon layers and so on. Kinda like Shrek. Ogre's have many layers, too.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 06:15 PM
yep kinda like I'm on the nwo layer and others are on the left/right layer, and some are on the alien layer...

Hell... once they censor the internet... were screwed... There are layers, each of which you have to break through to see the truth... deny propaganda

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Mr_Peel
I guess it's just me.

No it´s not. And you are right: there is some form of awakening going on. Some form of gradual preparation for revelation? Could well be...

Interesting times, almost sixties like things going on.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 06:32 PM
Just the way we sit and wait. It's like no one believes anything until it's done. We are re-active instead of pro-active. When some major life changing societal event takes place it is met with outrage immediatly replaced with apathy and helplessness and maybe some tsk, tsk, tsk.
Tristin, I like the way you think!

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Just the way we sit and wait. It's like no one believes anything until it's done. We are re-active instead of pro-active. When some major life changing societal event takes place it is met with outrage immediatly replaced with apathy and helplessness and maybe some tsk, tsk, tsk.

As I have stated in other posts: apathy, abulia, and amnesia are predominant in society today. These revelations are deliberate and in most cases not revealed by those who wish to stir us into action against the cryptocracy. They are revealed by those who would enslave us.

As these secrets are revealed to us all we can do is sit back and wait for the next thrilling installment. Our silence is deafening to those in power, as it equals approval. Nothing fuels further atrocities more than tacit approval.

Our mental enslavement is at such a level now that revelation without consequence is easily enabled.

With the degraded and atrophied nature of modern man's perceptions and insight, such revelations may only serve to strengthen the cryptocracy's mental hold.

Our appetite for shock-titillation and passive voyeurism means that no-one is shocked into action, rather, we want more.

The more that is revealed to us also shows us the invincibility of this monlithic beast.

[edit on 8-6-2006 by Beelzebubba]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 07:23 PM
You said it so well. I remember 10-11 years ago when I corresponded with a man living in New York who had recently came from Russia, his home country. I tried to pry any insights regarding things to come that he may have been able to shed some light on. The only thing he would give me was that there was for sure going to be a civil war in this country in the near future. At that point I couldn't stretch my mind to that extreme, but now.....................
Not that I am suggesting such a thing, but how long can you poke a stick at a dog before he bites you?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by HardToGet

Originally posted by Mr_Peel
I guess it's just me.

No it´s not. And you are right: there is some form of awakening going on. Some form of gradual preparation for revelation? Could well be...

Interesting times, almost sixties like things going on.

Yes, well put. i was there (60s) and I actually remember it. (To which the comedic retort was if you remember the 60s, you didn't do them right.)

We knew there was a lot that was fishy about the Vietnam war. We didn't find out until decades later that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident that was used to bring us into the war was faked. We still don't know the real (economic) reason for that war. We do know now that the North Vietnamese were convinced we wanted Vietnam as a colony. You'd think we'd have learned from that to stay out of civil wars.

So today, we have the post-Gulf War revelation that he stories of Saddam's soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators was made up to create public support for the war. And now we know of the long, messy involvement of the US government with Saddam. And we know he asked a senior US diplomat if the US would intervene if he invaded Kuwait, and was told 'no.'

And the Internet has been a big factor in getting this information out (along with disinformation).

So here's the dilemma, IMHO: if people are increasingly able to pre-filter their information sources (the death of mass media) and be exposed only to the stuff that they allow "in." are we going to create two classes: the suspicious, cynical and open and the prejudiced, faithful and closed?

Is it possible to 'awaken' the majority any more?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 01:59 PM
mr peel, i understand where youre going, i to think something is going on here with society. are we all being tested to see which types of people are we, and how we understand and take in information.

like for instance, i think alot of stuff that has come out about 911 is disinfo, and i feel some group of people is analysing how the public take these infos in.

where the sciety is going is interesting because like you say there seems to be two types of people now, those who are open to conspiracies and those that are not.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Our senses are not crystal clear planes of glass to an objective Universe. Our senses are more like hazy filters blocking us from our complete awareness of what we have no desire to truly see; but within The Cosmic Plane -consists an infinite array of absolutely everything imaginable. But here, in this solid, three-dimensional Maya, we’ve all created a fictional mask that keeps us veiled from the bigger truth.
Perhaps more of us are simply removing ourselves from our own prison/hood/mask?
Awakening up and seeing more connections that don’t belong to the Maya.
The thing is- we’ve all had our glimpses. The hood quickly being removed and you catch the light. It’s keeping that hood off-now, that’s the tricky part!!
No one says prison is comfortable, yet we all find it to be more comfy than the truth.
Imagine everybody being hoodwinked.
Now imagine everybody choosing to actually *see*

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 04:57 PM
Rah! Rah! Rah! from the cheerleading squad.
I am glad to *see* some of my core feelings being expressed by those of you responding to this thread. Alot of times on ATS I feel more challenged or ignored when I post. This thread has validated the deep knowing that doesn't get much expression. I do believe that we are being prepared.......

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Rah! Rah! Rah! from the cheerleading squad.
I am glad to *see* some of my core feelings being expressed by those of you responding to this thread. Alot of times on ATS I feel more challenged or ignored when I post. This thread has validated the deep knowing that doesn't get much expression. I do believe that we are being prepared.......

Ah, you are HERE -and awake!
Not cheering along from the side. It doesn't matter when exactly we've arrived here, only that we are finally beginning to.
And challenged or ignored by us "conspiracy nuts?" That's gonna happen when we hang with the paranoid. It's only when we realize we are all paranoid together -for good reason, that we relax. Wait. When does a conspiracy "theorist" ever truly relax?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
You said it so well. I remember 10-11 years ago when I corresponded with a man living in New York who had recently came from Russia, his home country. I tried to pry any insights regarding things to come that he may have been able to shed some light on. The only thing he would give me was that there was for sure going to be a civil war in this country in the near future. At that point I couldn't stretch my mind to that extreme, but now.....................
Not that I am suggesting such a thing, but how long can you poke a stick at a dog before he bites you?

The Russian man told you the future?

Anyways as some of you pointed out so far that while more and more people are being awoken through the use of the internet, and that it's only a matter of time before the internet is censored. Already it's happening, just turn on Fox News and I guarentee you will see something that has to do with some girl getting raped by a guy on myspace, someone being kidnapped and she may have met them on the internet, spreading all over America that the internet is used only by child porn loving rapist who just want to feed off your child. This urges parents to monitor what kids look at I think for two reasons, One being that the parent will monitor it for the Gov. Lets say a kid's parents always see what he sees on the internet, if he began looking at loose change videos and such his "Patriotic" father would not be very happy with that now would he! The second reason I think this fear and expectence that one should monitor children ont he internet is so the next generation grows up EXPECTING to be monitored, to be censored, for their own good! Look at your news papers, children are being arrested, handcuffed in school, on buses, serving expulsions and suspensions for insane reasons, all to condition them.

As of right now, we have more freedoms still then any other state on earth, however our republic is slowly giving up those freedoms because of 9/11. We aparently are to trusting of our government (general population) and are to busy fighting left vs right to actually see what is really hurting us.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Just the way we sit and wait. It's like no one believes anything until it's done. We are re-active instead of pro-active.

nah... We are non-active... refering to people in general, if we were adequately re-active we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place

Tristin, I like the way you think!

Thanx for the complement... dont worry the "new toy effect" as I like to call it wears off quick... I wonder if getting a kick out of insulting yourself is cynical or crazy or senile... I keep confusing the 1st and 3rd... gonna go and look them up... okay Its cynical... yay... now I can say that I show the characteristics of people over 70 years older than me... what fun... thank god its not physical characteristics...
If a rolling stone gathers no moss then why is my mind getting old... hmmm.... and I'm sure using it... that is a good thought inspiring question... neat...

on a slightly more serious note:
Yes our patriotic fathers would say, "crud, we just finished with one revolution, now we have to fight another!" The second revolution may not be a war neccesarily but maybe more like the renaissance, I hope it doesn't come to a revolt... and if you poke a dog while he's a sleep he'll wake up, then poke him again and he'll bite to answere the question of how long you can poke a dog before he bites you. Even if 9/11 was legit, even if these two wars (or one which ever you want to call it) were justified, none of the things going on are neccesary, moral, or even defendable (or at least not on a level playing field)

oh and by the way: dont worry about spelling my name right, everyone gets it wrong at least once!

Thats actually my real name... pretty cool!

[edit on 6/9/06 by TristanBW9456]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 01:54 PM
Sorry bout' the name spelling, Tristan! Got it right, this time.
We are waking up, but what in the world are we waking up to do?

This type of question has sent me even to try and build a Merkabah vehicle of light for transportation, but I fear that may be a bit to Hale Bopp for me, any one else want to shed some light. I see reference to the "truth" alot. I wish it were so easy to identify. I can usually understand not-truth, but the "truth" still eludes me.

I think the truth cannot be explained, you do have to *see* it, as someone mentioned earlier. And also like what was said, the mask is removed for a minute and then we go back to blindness.

Has anyone noticed a big increase in coincidences, or put another way subjects and other things being duplicated massively? People saying same things at same time and number combinations being seen alot when you become aware of certain types of things? I will stop before I sound too crazy

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:54 PM
what truth, there is always a level of possible deception, I dont want to think about it seriously because it scares me... But I try to cut through some of the less scarier parts... anyway if I was going to talk about the parts that scare me I'd go on bts's spirituality forum...

We are waking up into the same world... It all repeats but its a cycle that must remain in motion, deception and awakening, If one end stops then the other will dominate it and essentially the world will end...

And when large numbers of coincedences happen it almost always means something is up...

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