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Javier Solana related

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posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 10:55 AM
I've been coming here off and on for a year or two. Just decided I'd finally register after watching the news this morning.

I was just thinking the other day, since so many people think Mr. Solana is the AntiChrist, and he's "supposed" to appear in his role in a few days, you'd think we'd at least hear something about him leading up to it. But the news never mentions him.

This morning I was doing my morning workout before breakfast with CNN on, and I hear "Javier Solana..." I look over to the tv, this being, perhaps the first time I've ever seen him on the news.

Apparently he's getting involved in the Iran nuclear issue. There are articles online now, but I didn't read them yet. I just thought it was funny that he appears right after I was complaining.

Well, with May 23rd, 25th, and June 1st getting crossed off the list, anyone have any expectations for the 6th? Good ol' JS seems to be the top candidate, right now since we're getting close to the big day, who else is going for the title of AntiChrist? There must be a speculation list of prime suspects somewhere. Unfortunately I'm still not good at searching.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 11:33 AM
Looks like our friend will be in the middle east Sunday and Monday. Mr. Solana is also supposed to be the one to take the offer to Iran. Though no date is set for his trip there. Gonna be watching nice closely.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 10:42 PM
His name doesn't add up.
Unless his authority is somehow handed over to someone else...

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 08:52 AM
And his pal Romano Prodi of Rome Italy, as I posted earlier on the Javier Solana thread about him ...Solana and his job was under Prodi when Prodi was EU Comm President and they instituted all the EU laws and regulations and put the Euro in place.
Here's a news item you might find connected and interesting: "Prodi to take active role in MidEast Peace Process".....

[edit on 12-6-2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 05:50 PM
Just thought id mention to Wise Sheep. Javier Solana in one translation means enlightened sun. That sounds pretty freaky to me.

Either way I think at the moment he is the prime candidate for the ac. It says in the bible that the ac will emerge from out of nowhere onto the world stage and be a bringer of peace to the middle east. So far Javier Solana checks out.. and the day he came into the public eye was 06/06/06 and that was when he offered Iran the peace deal.

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 11:02 PM

Stock Markets merge into first ever Trans-Atlantic share market. Prodi says we need to work together as "Euronext and NYSE merge".....

(within the context of saving the EU Constitution)

PS: Regarding all the posts about the 6/06/2006 date regarding the Anti Christ.
PSS: Romano Prodi turns 66 in kidding. Would that be considered a "number of a man?" I don't think so cuz why would they make a mark (for the hand or forehead) of his age? It's not even his birthdate....

[edit on 6/14/2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:28 PM
I agree man I think everything you said about number of his name is relevant. But I just think it was kinda odd for sum of those fortold things to happen on that day.

Be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 07:52 PM
With all the "signs" in the world nowadays, I'd be surprised if these aren't the final few years of life, or history as we've known it. Too many things are starting to happen & unfold prophetically.

I just recently gained a new interest in the search for clues concerning the AntiChrist, world events, The Book of Revelation...etc. The funny thing is, there are a few KEY names/subjects that keep turning up.

The ones I've noticed repeatedly coming up as (strong) possibilities include:

Javier Solana
Prince Charles
Prince William
Prince Harry
The Pope
Vladmir Putin

NOW.... the most compelling & interesting of them all is the "Royal trio" of the Princes. Just Google their names with "AntiChrist" & you'd be amazed at what turns up.

But another thing to think about is, all of these leaders are most likely all connected to each other through their "secret" organizations. (Which I believe to be true.) Do some research on the history of the U.S.A. & our money, & the meanings behind the symbols used.....

AND.... if you want some more interesting reading, check out a list of words/names/phrases that have a numeric value of Six Hundred Sixty Six.

All I can suggest is that we all keep our eyes open & pay attention to the world events.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:37 PM
I agree --you are right that they are all connected together in their organizations for sure...they have to be because of their positions as leaders of their perspetive countries. Yes- be "watchmen on the wall"

Oh--Hal Lindsay even has Romano Prodi on his forgot him on your list of names that keep coming up.

[edit on 6/15/2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 02:13 AM
Romano Prodi, their man in Italy according to Russian KGB

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by DawnGrace
I agree --you are right that they are all connected together in their organizations for sure...they have to be because of their positions as leaders of their perspetive countries. Yes- be "watchmen on the wall"

Oh--Hal Lindsay even has Romano Prodi on his forgot him on your list of names that keep coming up.

[edit on 6/15/2006 by DawnGrace]

Ahh yes, Good ol' Romano.....

The good thing is, some of us don't have to worry about this at all.
Although it WOULD be interesting to see the begining stages happen.... just to see "who" it is.

Unfortunately, many people will be deceived & seal their fates by not listening to what was told over 2000 years ago. I know I've gone back & forth with myself over this subject, but I know now that it IS the truth.

When I saw the news articles about "Veri-Chip" & realized what it actually is, it just reaffirmed what I already knew. (Thankfully!)

I just hope more people really see what is happening!

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 01:46 PM
An interesting post I found on the website noted below:
"Here's where the seven-year element comes in. The EU has a seven-year budget term. So, Solana has been tasked with drawing up a new funding instrument for his ENP that will take over when the EU's new term begins on January 1, 2007. This new instrument is called the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). It is basically Solana's new budget when he becomes super Foreign Minister and Commission Vice President. It's goal is to finance Solana's foreign policy objectives. Starting on January 1, 2007, the ENPI will begin funding all the action plans and deals for all these many nations. The long-term plans will be up to seven years. Again, there will be monitoring and reporting mid-term. A total review is to be completed by December 31, 2011. It's a covenant with many. And, it's for seven-years.

Besides the extended powers provided Solana -- powers that will rival the new EU Presideny -- the Constitution of Rome sets a Headline Goal of 2010 for all Solana's civilian and military peace-keeping/peace-making capabilities to be deployable. These broad-ranging assets include 9 battle groups, heavy lift aircraft, aircraft carrier, satellite communications and much more. Here's the way I see it: Beginning on January 1, 2007, Solana will have a huge expense account with which he can implement his ENP foreign and security policy for seven years. And, it's not hard to see how Solana's covenant with many could easily fall apart. If so, it's also not hard to see how Solana's emergency powers could be evoked 3 1/2 years later in 2010 when all his civilian and military capabilities are in place. It's also easy to see how Solana could receive emergency authority to act for the remaining 3 1/2 years of the seven-year term. And, this could lead to the final events of this age that are described in both Daniel and Revelation."


[edit on 6/19/2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 01:59 PM

"In Europe Verichip announces it's first authorized representative--BASED IN ITALY" --( in in Romano in Solana's right hand man)
"This representative has extensive experience in both commercial and government sectors" ( I BET HE HAS !! )
Verichip clinical study done in Rome in 2004. Then they won an award for it....
Search "Verichip Italy"

(If the Rapture doesn't take place within almost DAYS, then we will all have to restudy our Bible about us going THRU the Tribulation, that's how close we are it appears to me.)

[edit on 6/19/2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by DawnGrace

"In Europe Verichip announces it's first authorized representative--BASED IN ITALY" --( in in Romano in Solana's right hand man)
"This representative has extensive experience in both commercial and government sectors" ( I BET HE HAS !! )
Verichip clinical study done in Rome in 2004. Then they won an award for it....
Search "Verichip Italy"

(If the Rapture doesn't take place within almost DAYS, then we will all have to restudy our Bible about us going THRU the Tribulation, that's how close we are it appears to me.)

I'm pretty sure we are really close too.
I just don't know how long it'll take to become "Mandatory" for the chip to be issued.

Remember though, once the AntiChrist comes into power, it'll be about 3 1/2 years or so, before he reveals his TRUE self & intentions.

So we might see him arrive, & be taken out before things get to that 1/2 way point of his 7 year reign.

OR, we might be taken out BEFORE his arrival, which would usher in the AntiChrist to try to explain the disappearance for many people.... like the 1st rapture was fake & was an ilusion.... OR that the people who suddenly vanished were "his more evolved people" & he is here to teach us to acheive that spiritual growth....

I'm still not completely clear either.
I've heard churches teach all of the above......

But you're right, it's a good idea to read Revelation, & try to get a better understanding.

[edit on 6/19/2006 by DawnGrace]

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69
Just thought id mention to Wise Sheep. Javier Solana in one translation means enlightened sun.

Well no doubt there would be a high level illuminist in that position at all times. He's not the man.

My sights are still set on the "Defender of Faith". Nobody else would come to mind on a world wide scale when royalty, and king were mentioned. Not to mention Charles' title perfectly summing up to 666 in Hebrew and the precise symbology on his coat of arms. If one went by his coat of arms alone it pretty much narrows him down even compared to William. My guess is William is there to carry the 'seed' on into the new age (or at least it'd be their faulty plan). That bloodline has been kept up for a reason and it ain't just to sit up on a pedestal and collect dust.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

Originally posted by ka0s69
Just thought id mention to Wise Sheep. Javier Solana in one translation means enlightened sun.

Well no doubt there would be a high level illuminist in that position at all times. He's not the man.

My sights are still set on the "Defender of Faith". Nobody else would come to mind on a world wide scale when royalty, and king were mentioned. Not to mention Charles' title perfectly summing up to 666 in Hebrew and the precise symbology on his coat of arms. If one went by his coat of arms alone it pretty much narrows him down even compared to William. My guess is William is there to carry the 'seed' on into the new age (or at least it'd be their faulty plan). That bloodline has been kept up for a reason and it ain't just to sit up on a pedestal and collect dust.

Hmm yeah thats what I was thinking aye. Those illuminati got there fingers in every pie lol. I do think it quite possible for the AC to be Charles or William. But the AC is supposedly supposed to be charming and good with words... I could see William being much more suited to this role.

Another point I thought i would mention, England is now part of the EU and If there were a mojor war or terrorist event to happen. I could easily see the head position of the EU being passed to sum1 else say a King or Prince perhaps... And we all know the amount of power Javier Solona has.

I rekon all we have to do is watch the EU. They are the emerging rome and it shouldnt be too long now.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by ka0s69
But the AC is supposedly supposed to be charming and good with words...

Well let a man surface that is capable of calling fire down from heaven (Rev. 13:13). In the public's eyes, that'd satisfy the charm and he'd be good enough with words proceeding an act like that.

posted on Jun, 20 2006 @ 08:49 PM
solana's office that he now holds and the emergency powers that he will be able to in voke when the constitution is ratified was created under Recomendation 666 check it out for your selves!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 02:16 PM
"Prodi and Putin" are in the Search news today....reaffirming old ties and claiming unity on ENERGY issues between the 2 countries--Italy and Russia....(seems like that's what Iran's issue is on right now, don't they call it ENERGY related issues? --and Solana gave them until June 29 to reply to his offer) .....but they are saying Mid Aug they will respond. Solana also made comments about N Korea's test missile firing....he spoke at the Vienna conference about it. Boy things are lining up quickly it appears to me. Look up....

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 02:18 AM
Try not to worry so much Dawn. You've already begun to doubt.

I do not know how to do that "quote" thing yet, but, you said...
(If the Rapture doesn't take place within almost DAYS, then we will all have to restudy our Bible about us going THRU the Tribulation, that's how close we are it appears to me.)

If you check Revelations Chapter 2 and 3(the letters that the one like unto the Son of Man instructed John to write to the churches), you will find that only the church of Philadelphia will be kept from the Hour of Temptation. Your guess is as good as mine as to what the church of Philadelphia is today, but I'm posting my opinion as a new thread.

That doesn't mean that you aren't saved... It simply means that there will be those God still has against, or like Smyrna, those who will suffer 10 days (or 10 years) of tribulation(prison, and so forth) from those claiming to be Jews, but ARE the synagogue of Satan, anyway.

As for being ON TOPIC... the only problem I have with thinking Javier is the AC is simply... does he have roots in Assyria (Iran) or not? The Scripture refers to the AC as The Assyrian. Although, that could mean...anything.
check out this website for one man's opinion and outline of Revelations.
A LOT of info about the AC, the false prophet, etc.

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