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Celtic Cross, and the Tool of Giza?

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posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 09:30 PM

I bring this back up for a single reason

Watching the Discovery Show on the KV63, the researchs went on the record, and ECHOED, ECHOed, EChoed, Echoed, echoed what I noted below.

Everything and it is Everything, passes through Hawass or his Ministry, prior to "revelation". None of the Dig People had authority to speak about the Find, until the Ministry showed up and gave their blessing.

"Nothing, and I mean Nothing, coming from Egypt has any interpetation other than Hawass. Sure, he's set himself up for a good gig. I will give him this, but who else is there to verify these finds? I do not know, nor can I find any. Everything is according to Hawass."

But as far as who verifies the finds, Hawass doesn't make any of them these days. He sits in an office, and the digs are done by universities around the world:
Page of links:
Johns Hopkins:
Christian digs from ASOR:
Lycoming College:

... and on, and on and on. These are the people doing the digs.

"I would like to see, what has been found though. Not be told about what he thought he found. Do you understand this. It's just wonderful they found this and that, and have no idea what it was until Hawass says so. That bothers me to no end. But maybe it's just the 'hidden' skeptic me." You responded

Heh. It's just that you don't know where to look for the material. It's out there by the ton! I know about it, because I am interested in this and have some subscriptions to dig reports.

The problem is that when archaeologists and students report their findings, the public doesn't care. There's no aliens, giant skeletons, or ancient helicopters. There's just people, living and dying, and loving and hating. There's prayers and charms and incantations that don't relate to anything we do or need today. Media would rather report on whether two celebreties are going to have a baby or a divorce than on studies of artifact diversity.

Anyway, here's just a small handfull of some of the reports out there of digs in Egypt that Hawass had nothing to do with (other than saying they could dig and giving them permits for some of the artifacts to be taken out of Egypt.)

Brown University's excavation at Petra:

Bunches of them listed:

Archaeology Magazine's neat article on the pet mummies of Egypt:

Petrie Museum:

and on and on to the tune of 100 or more per year. Hawass could not have directed all of them, or even as many as five of them. All these expeditions produce reams of reports. At least 3600 of them show up on Google scholar:

Anyway, there's some links there you may enjoy. At the very least, just peeking into them will help you get a more balanced picture of what the rest of the world does at Egyptian digs. Egyptian archaeology does not start and end with Hawass.
[edit on 31-5-2006 by Byrd]

Well, irked by what the KV63 Diggers noted, I looked at your links, SEEKING this carefully, and confirmation is noted in the Majority of these, that Hawass and his Ministry are the site verifiers.

I couldn't verify the Petra Link, since that's out of Hawass's Grip, and I concede, I found nothing about Hawass or his ministry in Petries Link, since Hawass and his department were not conceived of, LITERALLY.

But the others either had oversight or direct involvement supervised by these people.

Some of the Links, I admit would not open for some reason, but one of the Sites you offered was even Hawass's Site.

SO, please know, I understand people from anywhere can dig. No one cares, but inorder to do so, you must have:

1st: Hawass's Approval
2nd: Hawass's Rules
3rd: Hawass's oversight by him or his people
4th: Hawass and his people authorize the Find.

After this, then sure, everything is good to be discounted or confirmed according to whatever anyone would wishes to publish, but by then, the matter has already been documented and authenicated by Hawass and his people.

I trust you will look, and check yourself.

I do not makeup things. I may ponder some conjecture or speculate on matters once and a while, but I do not knowingly misrepresent facts, and I thank you for this ability to note this so through your links, rather than mine, although the result would have been the same..

And how did you ever get Petra, the Rock, The refuge of Israel, in those links my friend?



posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:43 AM
I have no clue what the tool of Giza is, but I have a question. I'll be grateful if you put up with me. I love this stuff, but don't know anything. When did the celts start using the crosses?

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by MudCloud
I have no clue what the tool of Giza is, but I have a question. I'll be grateful if you put up with me. I love this stuff, but don't know anything. When did the celts start using the crosses?

It was noted by Byrd Earlier as follows

It's Christian and started in England in the 800's, as the church finally dominated religion in the British Isles and the land became more unified.

(an Irish Christian's website on this, with some detail not found elsewhere: )

I saw a site that claimed that Callanish megalithic structure in Scotland was a very ancient Celtic Cross... but when you look at the photos of the site, the clam is just a tad dubious:

This appears to be the case as outlined in some of these links, but it makes me wonder.

But as of now, this is the best detail offered to account for this, outside of Mr Miller's notes.



posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:34 AM
Shane wrote]

Nothing, and I mean Nothing, coming from Egypt has any interpetation other than Hawass. Sure, he's set himself up for a good gig. I will give him this, but who else is there to verify these finds? I do not know, nor can I find any. Everything is according to Hawass.

bc] I agree that everything is screened - but if you give it some study "your own self" (as Festus from Gunsmoke was fond of saying) it is possible to get the truth. I offer some work that I have done on the Pyramid Texts from Saqqara, Egypt.

The celestial science of the ancient Egyptians


posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by beforebc
bc] I agree that everything is screened - but if you give it some study "your own self" it is possible to get the truth. I offer some work that I have done on the Pyramid Texts from Saqqara, Egypt.

The celestial science of the ancient Egyptians

bc .\

Thanks for your input. I Appreciate this message, and frankly, I am quite familiar with this stem of though, as it applies to Egyptians of Old.

I guess the matter revolves around the Egyptians and what they where, at sometime.

Myself, I believe, due to thier Ancient Texts and Beliefs, that these people knew things we only have touched on this century. They had a full knowledge of the gods, although a distorted one, since it was the gods telling them this knowledge., but never the less, I believe them to a Special People with a Special Past.

Other's, as can be seen throughtout, tend to think of them as part thereof the normal people of the time, with no clue, other than through coincidence, and had no grasp or understanding of things of this nature. The Living Loving Simpletons that had climbed an envolutionary ladder.

But I guess we will need to be awaiting, some further finds, that can deal with this Ancient Past.

Again, thanks for the input



posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:30 AM
Hello Shane,

Shane wrote] They (the ancient Egyptians) had a full knowledge of the gods, although a distorted one ..

bc] I agree that they had a full knowledge of the gods .. but I disagree that it was distorted.

I have studied the Pyramid Texts for over 15 years and as I mentioned in my The celestial science of the ancient Egyptians the Texts are a collection of paragraphs of gods speaking to gods, or the sun, or a constellation will speak. But always of a science (as you mentioned) that we have not achieved yet.

I doubt too, that the Pyramid Texts were written by Egyptians .. if I was to venture an "educated guess," I'd say the Texts were written by a past race perhaps from the Yucatan.

If you look at my website link to Jupiter, and the Eye of Horus you'll see that they believed that earth came from within Jupiter. But note: I use their quotes - it is NOT my speculation.


posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by beforebc
I agree that they had a full knowledge of the gods .. but I disagree that it was distorted. bc .\

Maybe I should clarify.

I do not think they had distorted views, for example, of the Knowledge of the Stars, or the Wonders of Honey and so on. They seemed to have this well understood.

I meant, in specific to their gods. This was the Distortion I was refering to. Their gods, are the Fallen Angels, and the knowledge is skewed, by these Angels, who claim to have been gods.

That is not to discount the abilites of the Fallen, since they are beyond mankind, but they did not tell the Egyptians what they were, and thus set themselves up as gods.



posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:58 PM
Hey Byrd

I was looking through some of the Current News, in the Acrhaeology Archives, and found this little ditty, as an example of what I have been meaning, and inorder to ensure we get a clear picture of what this Cracker Hawass does.

A nice little piece was speaking about Egypts request to return Nefertiti from the Germans.'s%20Egyptian%20

So Pro vs Con and history is this debate is covered quite well.

Hawass told the Weekly that if the SCA officially demanded the return of the bust and the Berlin Museum refused to hand it back to Egypt, "all scientific ties between the SCA and the museum will be cut off and Egypt will prohibit the establishment of any future exhibitions to be held in Berlin Museum." In addition he urged other countries affected by similar issues to prepare a list of stolen artefacts considered unique and invaluable to their cultural identity that should be handed over for good or on loan. He asked these countries to prepare their lists in order that they might be submitted in an upcoming meeting to be held in Egypt in August.

That is extortion, that I will need to add to the unsavory considerations I have for this guy.

As for the Spoils, as they seem to be refered, I thought this was telling as well.

The bust of Nefertiti was unearthed in 1912 by the German excavator Ludwig Borchardt, and is considered to be the most famous work of art from Ancient Egypt. Hawass says that Borchardt, anxious to preserve the bust for Germany, took advantage of the practice at the time of splitting the spoils of any new discovery between the Egyptian Antiquities Authority and the foreign mission concerned. In those days the law required discoveries to be brought to what was then the Antiquities Service, where a special committee supervised the distribution. Borchardt, who discovered the head at Tel Al-Amarna, did not declare the bust and hid it under less important objects. The Egyptian authorities failed to recognise its beauty and importance. According to Borchardt himself, he did not clean the bust but left it covered in mud when he took it to the Egyptian Museum for the usual division of spoils. The service, on that occasion, took the limestone statues of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, and gave the head of Queen Nefertiti to the expedition because it was made of gypsum -- or so they thought.

This same procedure, would be done today Byrd, and the 'spoils', would likely have more scrutiny, than in the early 1900's.

And there's that thing as well. HAWASS SAYS. Man does that irk me.

I will also note, as an side, I do agree, that these artifacts should be returned. They are the worlds artifacts, and they came from Egypt. If we wished to view them, we should be afforded the chance to see it all, in Egypt, or where ever the Country of Origin maybe for the artifact.

If in this Case, the Germans wished to construct a suitable facility in Egypt to display Nefertiti, thats another thing. The Germans could maintain title, and display their collection, within the realm of Origin.

But they shouldn't end up, hidden in the Sands of Hawass's Storage facilites neither. They must be displayed and properly.

And that would go for Jordanian, Iraqi, Iranian, Israeli, Greek, Roman, and so on, artifacts. They should be displayed where they came from.



[edit on 5-6-2006 by Shane]

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