posted on Oct, 26 2002 @ 01:00 PM
I see alot of people on this board talking about how ineffective the War on Ter
ror is, and how peaceful solutions were found to the problems
caused by the IRA and other such groups. Well, to start with, the British grew tired of fighting. That is why they lost. Secondly, the IRA had a clear
goal. Al Quaeda does not. You cannot negotiate with people who make ambiguous demands, who attack you essentially because they ha
te the way you
live and desire to set up a global Islamic theocracy. These people will not negotiate. They will not stop attacking us until they win. Whether all you
leftist, European pansies (to those Europeans who are not pansies, I apologize) want to believe it, this is a war to the end. There will be no quarter
from them. We can and must fight them with all our resources, with or without allies.
That said, I also think Bush is an idiot. Why? Because there is an obvious solution to our problem: unite with other countries with our goals. We have
united strongly with Britain, but we must not stop there. Japan and America are tied together more closely than perhaps any nations in history, but we
must do more. We must reach out to Russia. Russia is, in my mind, the key to victory. Russia is a rising economic power. To the south of them, there
are Islamic nations who wish to tear them down. To their southeast, there is China, which covets Siberia. If America and Russia (the world's two
strongest military and soon to be two strongest economic powers) unite, along with Britain and Japan, we will complete the following goals:
- Russia and Britain pin the EU in, preventing Muslim expansionism from that part of the world.
- Russia and Japan will exert enough economic pressure on China to force the end of global Communist expansionism. China will then be on "our"
- The same will happen with North Korea.
- With American manpower, the Russians will be able to dig for oil in Siberia. This will provide enough oil to prevent the West from needing to rely
on Islamic oil sources.
- This in turn will lead to economic collapse in the Muslim world.
- American military power will continue to persue and hound terrorists, especially to the south of Russia, and set up true republics in such
nations as Iraq, Iran, etc.
However, Bush missed a great opportunity to reach out to Russia: the theatre incident. Had he offered help, he could have moved a long way towards
such an alliance.
[Edited on 26-10-2002 by jesusislord]