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You know how all those people at the top are involved in Satanic Secret societies...

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posted on May, 3 2006 @ 04:24 PM
It *IS* Satanic, they call Satan "Exus" he's their God, they pray to Lucifer. How do I know? Because my granny ocasionally had some of them "Bless the house" when I was with her (My mother is from Brazil, remember that). Now how that's "blessing the house" I have no idea, but she was superstitious (I think this had a hand in her early death if you ask me). No mistake, they consider Lucifer their king and have demons posess their "priests". That's Quimbanda.


posted on May, 3 2006 @ 04:37 PM
No they are Satanic in the eyes of those who view all non-YHVH derived religions as Satanic.

It's a mind control technique they use to keep control of their followers.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 05:54 PM
Damnit Cug!!! Whenever I find a coven of warlocks who have "King Lucifer" as a God, who use demon posession as a core ritual, who have scores of demons as minor Gods you always diss me as a liar even though they openly say they worship Satan! It's Satanic end of matter. YHVH=only God worth worshipping, all other "gods'=demons just like Elijah and Jesus Christ used to say.

Their "god":

ie: Devils. PERIOD

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Nakash]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian

I read the link you posted and the whole time the only thing I could think was that these people are protesting a bunch of people that were doing something (i.e. assembling and excercising free speech) that the people protesting would be incredibly angry if they weren't allowed to do. Wow, that was wordy and complex, let me try again.
Basically, what I'm saying is why are those people protesting? Its a group of folks that get together and hang out, why limit their ability to do that or limit their ability to excercise free speech? If someone stepped in and stopped them, couldn't the same argument be made to stop the protestors from protesting? Seems like a bunch of people with too much time on their hands, they should take up raquetball or something instead.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 09:28 AM

It's Satanic end of matter.

Right . who the F*** are you to determine this? Oh thats right you are one of those
bible thumping , canabilistic, holyrolling, halleuah shouting, GOD HATES FAGS,
GOD HATES ALL SOLDIERS, MENTALfundies. You are right all else is wrong.

Historically speaking had you lived throughout history you wouls have been the one to light Jeanne's fire ( literally) , You would have gleefully shown up for work each day
in Phillippe's dungeons, you would have happily taken your leading role through the last 3 centuries in the burnings,hangings,stonings, and pressings. Ill bet you would have
even been easy to find in Alabama inspite of your sheet and pillowcase.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
But David Icke kindof takes it too far with saying shapeshifting reptiles rule the world. I mean I'm open minded but I have a really hard time believing that particular thing.

Maybe they BOUGHT him long time ago to stir confusion lol

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