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Drug Companies Inventing Diseases!

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posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 02:36 PM
I'm sorry for your medical problems...

I know lots of people that have had organ replacements. And I'm sorry to report that ALL of those organs had to be 'replaced' because of the systematic abuse heaped on those specific orgrans... Most often by MDs.

Almost all drugs have serious side effects... The two organs that are typically the hardest impacted by the side effects are the liver and kidneys.

It's no secret that the drug companies openly disclose with varying degrees of vagueness that these drugs have side effects. The real beauty of the spin they use is to somehow leave the impression that these proported side effects are somehow rare...

But the absolutely priceless piece of spin is leaving the prospective client with the imperssion that this is NOT normal!

'You are NOT normal are you?'
'No... Of course NOT! I AM normal!'

So, obviously these 'side effects' will occur to someone else.

So the bottom line is...

Prescription medications are fairly devastating.

The hidden disaster in all of this is the assumption by most of the public that 'over the counter' drugs have got to be safe... Or else they would be regulated by the prescription process.

The sad fact is drugs like Ibuprofen grind up kidneys for lunch, aspirin is a disaster in progress to the stomach lining, Tylenol kills LOTS and LOTS of children mostly due to fearmongering about the dangers of fever.

>You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are taking about

I won't contest most of your assertions...

But needless to say the old Eskimos with their blubber diets find 'modern medicines' theories on high choloesterol quite amusing!

In fact, the media lobby spin doctors have now adjusted their dogma to include 'good choloesterol' and 'bad choloesterol'!

Bad choloesterol! Bad choloesterol!

I am NOT making this up...

Hey! Maybe that would be a good name for a difficult to house train puppy.

Take care Arnold_Vosloo.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by golemina]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 03:56 PM
golemina -

You seem to be an innately cruel individual. The delight you take in making fun of people with chronic conditions is disgusting.

The fact that you "got lucky" and have a healthy constitution is not something you should be throwing in the faces of those who do not. Chronic ill health is not something people intend to suffer. Not all disease is preventable. Stop proselytizing as if it is.

Furthermore, your recommendations to cleanse oneself are enough to cause death in themselves. Diagnosis - acute gastronomic boredom or AGB.

Now that I have posted in the spirit of this thread I am going to take steps to prevent AGB and have a nice cup of Colombian coffee.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:01 PM
It's very true...that is why I was hesitant to try this new vitamin that came out. They are like..gummy vitamins that are in the shape of little apples. Well I had one...but I don't want to take one again. But that's just I don't think there is anything wrong with the stuff. However..

Aids was created by the government. No not our government. The stupid Shadow Government.

So was Eboli, Anthrax, and! Bird Flu. I mean c'mon..this stuff just keeps on coming out to scare people.

Here look at this... Weapons of Mass Destruction

1) Threats from weapons of mass destruction include contact with chemical and biological agents as well as the release of nuclear energy. Just two months after the attack on 9/11, in November of 2001, a photo editor working at the largest circulation weekly newspaper in the world became the first person to die from an Anthrax attack. A series of anthrax-laced letters killed five Americans. Anthrax-laced letters were mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy as well as members of the news media.

2) The Defense Department has admitted that nerve gas and other toxic material testing had been conducted in the 1960s. Among its admissions:

* At least 14 open-air tests of the lethal nerve gas VX were
performed at Maryland's Edgewood Arsenal.

* Soldiers were exposed to VX to test unproven protective suits.

* Bacillis globigii, a bacteria closely related to anthrax, was
sprayed airborne in Alaska and Hawaii.

* Hallucinogenic chemicals were tested on unsuspecting soldiers.

* E. coli was deliberately released during chemical-dispersion
testing on Oahu, Hawaii.

* Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense serves as an umbrella term for
at least 40 and possibly over 100 open-air tests of biowarfare agents
at its now-closed Desert Test Center in Utah.

* Infectious bacteria was released into the air above San Francisco.

* A two-year test was executed in which artillery shells and bombs
filled with sarin and VX were exploded near Fort Greeley, Alaska.

* Military barracks in Oahu were sprayed with a biological agent
shown to cause infections in individuals with diminished immune-
system capacity.

* A benzilic-acid derivative known to cause hallucinations and
confusion was sprayed under the jungle canopy near Hilo, Hawaii, in
two separate series of tests.

3) Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), was developed by the U.S. Navy in 1972. The specific person that developed it was a doctor by the name of R.M. Donner. The initial AIDS research was funded by Congress with hearings on July 1, 1969. The Department of Defense appropriations report for 1970 defined the objective as creating a biological virus for which there was no known immunity.

4) The AIDS virus was introduced by the World Health Organization into Africa in 1972. Part of the final vaccination series, which eradicated smallpox, also introduced the AIDS virus.

5) A vaccine for hepatitis B was also tested on homosexuals in New York in 1978 and two years later in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and St. Louis, in a program by the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health. The “AIDS epidemic” began among the homosexual communities of those very same cities in 1981.

6) Fortunately, there has not been a terrorist incident yet involving nuclear weapons. But, the potential dangers are very real. There are many suitcase size nuclear bombs that have been smuggled into the United States and can be detonated at any time. In addition, nuclear power plants are susceptible to damage from mortar, rocket, and missile attack. The affects from radiation of a damaged nuclear reactor could cause devastation over a large portion of the United States.

This should be viewed here at this link

I believe that ,is 100% accuarate...

stupid gov...

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:14 PM
truthmatters1111 -

I am going to add one more item to your list - Lyme disease.

Disease Source - Plum Island Animal Disease Center

Recommended Reading - Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory - Michael C. Carroll

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 06:57 PM

>You seem to be an innately cruel individual. The delight you take in making fun of people with chronic conditions is disgusting.

I have no clue where you made this up from...

>The fact that you "got lucky" and have a healthy constitution is not something you should be throwing in the faces of those who do not. Chronic ill health is not something people intend to suffer.

Like 'luck' has anything to do with what we are talking about...

I can not tell you HOW sad it is that DRUG COMPANIES are inflicting such harm on people in the name of the almighty dollar...

The fact that you somehow want to make this about me borders on the bizarre.

> Not all disease is preventable.

Au contraire, the vast majority of disease IS preventable...

Though it has already been covered...

People, unfortunaterly often fooled by the propagandistic nonsense coming out of the DRUG COMPANIES, are suffering for the most part from self-inflicted disease vectors...

At the risk of repeating myself, a quick summary might be don't take drugs, eat properly (if you need help, talk to a health store, don't use the BS pyramid coming out of the FDA), and exercise regularly, both mentally & physically.

>furthermore, your recommendations to cleanse oneself are enough to cause death in themselves.

First of all it's not a cleanse, it's slightest of changes in diet.

'Cause death'? That's strange. I've got a couple of friends sent home TO DIE with necrotic intestines I would venture to guess have a slightly different opinion than yours.

> Stop proselytizing as if it is.
The word 'proselytizing' is typically reserved for religion/faith issues.

But I get your drift.

If what I say seems to distress you so much...

Might I be so bold as to offer an observation it might be to better for you to just put me on ignore, cuz all my posts seem to revolve around a theme that shouldn't be too hard to predict...

And also for a guy who seems worried about anything gastro ('acute gastronomic boredom'... that's quite the sense of humor you have there
), you probably aren't doing yourself any favors drinking coffee... The rumor about long term addiction to coffee is that your wife might not find you as frisky as you once were...

Enjoy your coffee, big guy AND take care.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by golemina]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by golemina

[1] ...Like 'luck' has anything to do with what we are talking about...

[2] ...the vast majority of disease IS preventable...

[3] ...don't take drugs, eat properly (if you need help, talk to a health store, don't use the BS pyramid coming out of the FDA), and exercise regularly, both mentally & physically...

[4] ...First of all it's not a cleanse, it's slightest of changes in diet.

[5] ...The word 'proselytizing' is typically reserved for religion/faith issues...

[6] ...cuz...

[7] ...The rumor about long term addiction to coffee is that your wife might not find you as frisky as you once were...Enjoy your coffee, big guy AND take care.

1. Genetic luck of the draw has a great deal to do with an individual's health. Predisposition plays more of a role than you are willing to concede.

2. I cannot argue with this statement. You are correct.

3. I agree with your statement as far as eating healthy food and exercising regularly. I disagree with avoiding some pharmaceuticals. There are many beneficial medications on the market today, aspirin being one of them.

4. The effect is the same.

5. No it is not. See definition 2, transitive verb - proselytize

6. This is not a word. This link will be of use to you - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

7. Yes, a rumor it is. And, since I have no wife, being a woman, erectile dysfunction is not an issue for me.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 09:41 PM
to point out that you're mostly OT?

Some of the few things on topic...

>1. Genetic luck of the draw has a great deal to do with an individual's health. Predisposition plays more of a role than you are willing to concede.

This is ENTIRELY drug company propaganda.

Unless you're Norwegian...

>There are many beneficial medications on the market today, aspirin being one of them.

Don't be shy... Go ahead and share with us which drugs you consider 'beneficial'.

Aspirin... How many deaths a year would you attribute to aspirin poisoning?

>7. Yes, a rumor it is. And, since I have no wife, being a woman, erectile dysfunction is not an issue for me.


posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 09:56 PM
"If feels like my knees are going to explode and the bone is grinding on bone."

That sounds like Arthritis or some other joint deteriorating disorder. It could also be age related. RLS has no physical characteristics to diagnose. Infact the only method i am aware of is ruling every other possible thing out.

I know a Doctor who perscribed obecalp (placebo) for RLS and it worked for his patient. Most people these days just want to take pills for the sake of feeling some kind of personal protection from disorders. It's like mass hypochondria very crazy times we live in these days. I can't beleive we let them walk over us like this. I realize the human body has a strong immune system that needs to get a flu once in a while etc. The more your bodie natural defense get's a work out the stronger it becomes. Think of it like getting chicken pox you get them once and your body adapts to not contract this potentially lethal disease again.

pills are more dangerous then some of the drugs that are outlawed like Pot which has shown many, many medical benifits. Yet because it does not have Bayer or whatever big pharm slapped on to the damn thing it will remain illegal for most who could really benifit from it's medicinal properties. It is infact the best anti-nausia medication i have ever seen and used. As a pain killer too it is amazing. Plus it has never killed one person from using it. It is impossible to overdose you will not find one case of lung cancer or any other disease cause by it's use why is this?

I know i should not discuss the above but it had to mentioned that thing you least suspect could be the next cure for a major disease. I just so happen to have a prescription from my Doctor and i have been approved by health Canada to grow my own. This means i do not have to buy off the street and my medicine is free and legal for me to use anytime anywhere in Canada.

My Doc agrees with me it has helped keeping me out of a wheel chair since i suffer not only from spinal injuries and rhumatoid Arthritis as well. The pain even on the medication is there but it is not that bad and it stops the muscle spasms too.

I recommend this for anyone who enjoys trying alternate and natural medicines not conventional in the medical community.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by golemina

[1] Would it really be rude of point out that you're mostly OT?

> Genetic luck of the draw has a great deal to do with an individual's health. Predisposition plays more of a role than you are willing to concede.

[2] This is ENTIRELY drug company propaganda.

1. Yes, it is rude since I have followed your lead. Rudeness appears to be your hallmark. You try to disguise it with pedestrian barbs, but that is not working for you either.

2. Please prove this assertion. Based on the tenor of your statements in this thread, one can easily see that you are anti-science. Is there a specific reason for this hostility? Were you a "victim" of the pharmaceutical or medical industries?

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor

...pills are more dangerous then some of the drugs that are outlawed like Pot which has shown many, many medical benifits

...I know i should not discuss the above but it had to mentioned that thing you least suspect could be the next cure for a major disease.

You should not be afraid to post your opinion, however unpopular it may be. Cannabis has been proven effective for various purposes. There is nothing wrong with stating that fact.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 10:24 AM
my very own stalker!

Rudeness, pedestrian barbs, anti-science, hostility, spelling lessons, innate cruelty...

Did I miss anything Bibliophile?

When you decide to come back within the bounds of civility, not to mention somewhere back on topic... We'll chat some more. Until then take care of yourself and maybe get some professional help/counseling for your misplaced anger.

From what I can tell your only purpose here seems to be derail the thread... Or antagonize me... Here are your results so far...

Moving on...

With regards to...

"If feels like my knees are going to explode and the bone is grinding on bone."

Its fair to say that's pretty much not normal. Peoples joints (as well as tendons moving in their sheaths) are lubricated/protected from wear by what is referred to as synovial fluid.

One of the very first warning signs of declining health is achy joints, the only reason that is typically noticed first is... pain. There are lots of other not so visible warning signs... such as excess plaque buildup on your teeth, degrading toe nails, and rapidly ageing skin.

The problem with the typical MD is if you come to them complaining of joint pain, they will almost inevitably give you... Yes! You guessed it drugs. The purpose of these drugs is to mask the pain.

In their thinking... Mission Accomplished!

The reality is not so rosy. Those particular types of drugs will only serve to exacerbate the problem that caused there to be a problem with the quality/quantity of synovial fluid available to lubricate your moving parts in the first place.

If because you derail natures method of letting you know that you have a problem, and you think problem fixed and continue to use/abuse your joints, you will be letting yourself in for much more serious pain and damage, starting with potentially damaging the cartilage/tendons.

MDs do have you ultimately covered though... Joint replacements are becoming very common!

If you have joint/arthritis problems you are almost guaranteed to have PH/acidity problems. You really need to get this addressed (how has already been discussed).

In a nutshell, your body moves calcium around all of the time, when you start to go acid, the transport mechanism doesn't work as well and deposits start to accumulate in the joints (highly visible on joint xrays of folks with arthritis).

If this is happening to you, get with someone that can help you get back to the basics of good nutrition and good health.

Also here is a word you might want to become familiar with... glucosamine. Takes a few days, for some people up to 2 weeks, but whats a little anecdotal evidence...
between friends?

The_Doctor you a far braver man then I am... Thanks for sharing. As you undoubtedly already know, the problem for folks in the US is a little more political, as somewhat recent events in Oregon would suggest.

It's highly unfortunate that the FDA would rather basically turn people into criminals instead of letting them get the help that seems to work for them... irregardless of what school of medical thought it comes from.

Because in the end, isn't that what really counts?

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 12:53 PM
Say a Dr finds a cure for aids, he can not use it on his patients because it is not FDA approved. Because he is just a small town Doctor he cannot afford the millions of dollars need for research to get it approved but if he uses it on his patients he can loose his medical license.

I do understand the situation in the U.S. it is an absolute sham. The issue is really the pursuit of happiness for sick and healthy people alike. Freedom of consciousness for people.

There is a movement in the US as well as here for reform. That if you want to learn more about you can go to and for information regarding reform.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 01:51 AM

In a nutshell, your body moves calcium around all of the time, when you start to go acid, the transport mechanism doesn't work as well and deposits start to accumulate in the joints (highly visible on joint xrays of folks with arthritis).

I'm sorry, but this just goes against the basics of organic chemistry. Yes, your body "moves calcium around", per se. It is moved in the ionic state, a state which forms most readily in acidic environments. So, it would seem your hypothesis that becoming acidotic prevents the transport of calcium is flying in the face of easily reproducible experiments that I, as well as probably every student who has ever taken an organics lab class, has performed. It's an acid-catalysed ionization or dissociation.

Also here is a word you might want to become familiar with... glucosamine. Takes a few days, for some people up to 2 weeks, but whats a little anecdotal evidence... between friends? are preaching about arthritis being caused be an acidotic state of body, and then telling someone to take amino ACID supplements? That's a bit backwards. You are aware that glucosamine becomes a conjugate acid in the natural human body, right?

Also, it's generally considered a bad practice to give blatant medical directions to someone when you don't have credentials, have never seen the patient, and have no idea what other conditions they have. I would never, ever, ever begin to diagnose or attempt to treat someone via internet message board, but I also have a license to lose, you just face massive law suits should something go wrong with your "treatment". Even natural, herbal supplements can have an adverse effect on someone given the right combinations of treatment and body chemistry. Just be aware of that.


posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 09:39 AM
Good to have you in this thread.

It's always good to have someone bring the MDs point of view.

>I'm sorry, but this just goes against the basics of organic chemistry. Yes, your body "moves calcium around", per se. It is moved in the ionic state, a state which forms most readily in acidic environments. So, it would seem your hypothesis that becoming acidotic prevents the transport of calcium is flying in the face of easily reproducible experiments that I, as well as probably every student who has ever taken an organics lab class, has performed. It's an acid-catalysed ionization or dissociation.

I just love it when a student (You're third year right?) comes in and MAKES my argument for me.

So what you're saying the relief that LOTS and LOTS of people achieve in their basic health by correcting the body PH back from a sickly acidic state to a more neutral and healthy neutral state (PH of 7.0 is neutral
) is totally bogus because...

You take organic chemistry...

And the theory clashes with what you been taught/learned.

> are preaching about arthritis being caused be an acidotic state of body, and then telling someone to take amino ACID supplements? That's a bit backwards. You are aware that glucosamine becomes a conjugate acid in the natural human body, right?

Ditto argument.

The fact that glucosamine supplements seem to provide joint lubrication relief for gazillions of people should STOP doing that because you say so?

>Also, it's generally considered a bad practice to give blatant medical directions to someone when you don't have credentials, have never seen the patient, and have no idea what other conditions they have. I would never, ever, ever begin to diagnose or attempt to treat someone via internet message board, but I also have a license to lose, you just face massive law suits should something go wrong with your "treatment". Even natural, herbal supplements can have an adverse effect on someone given the right combinations of treatment and body chemistry. Just be aware of that.

All that sounds really good in theory...

But the reality is it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to sue an MD over even flagrant overprescription of pain killing drugs under the best of conditions...

The best solution we've found is to file an official complaint and to supplement those efforts with reports (anonymous if you're a big fraidy cat
) to the police. It takes a while... sometimes years, but depending on the quality of your info/police workload, you can get these rogue MDs/pharmacists decertified.

What usually does them in in the end, is they are caught in undercover stings selling drugs prescriptions for office visit fees or selling black market.

As for the threat to myself...

You really don't need to explain it to me, I've seen how FDA enforcement works first hand.

I've seen how alternative medical practitioners are targeted on bogus charges/violations.

I've seen how the FDA systematic removes any real remedies... For example, if you look at the way the porcine homeopathic secretin was taken away from the autisitic community.

They ran some ABSOLUTELY RIGGED trials to study secretins 'efficacy'.

Of course, you already KNOW what results they found...

Then threatened the homeopathic labs in Mexico.

The net result... American autistic children no longer receive the REAL benefit of secretin... No! It now goes to the children of European families... much to their delight.

Homeopathic secretin was an unbelievable find for the autistic community. I personally witnessed one child with particularly distressed intestinal tract, suffering from aggregious cramping and diarrhea.

One week... ONE WEEK! after being adminstered this homeopathic remedy sublingually, this little boy had normal bowel movements, lost his eye contact aversion, and started talking! Started talking! STARTED TALKING!

Ten days later he was potty trained.

Course... that's all anecdotal.

You know Bsl4doc if you fancy yourself a healer, you should look into homeopathy... It's pure fantasy. Being a scientist, I only care that it just works baby...

BTW, the secretin works it's magic thru a direct intestinal-brain metabollic pathway... Shhh!!! It's a secret.

Conversations with you are always so stimulating Bsl4doc. How are your travails with studies my friend?

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 12:03 PM
Golema, I think you misunderstood my post. I didn't not "make your argument" for you at all. The body is naturally in a slightly acidic state. The acidic environment HELPS the movement of calcium, not hinders it. Also, can you please refer to a study which proves the link between glucosamine (an acid) and arthritis?



posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by bsl4doc

Also, can you please refer to a study which proves the link between glucosamine (an acid) and arthritis?

I've been watching this thread, doc. This guy doesn't answer questions. He just throws more garbage at you.

He knows everything and is never wrong. If you keep that in mind, you'll be fine.

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 04:46 PM
"But the reality is it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to sue an MD over even flagrant overprescription of pain killing drugs under the best of conditions... "

I beleive if a doctor was prescribing unessicarily needed pain killers and over medicating you he could get nailed with a lil something called malpractice and you can get sued and loose your medical license.

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
So you say Kidney dialisis causes RLS well I have a problem with that. Since no diagnosis methods besides rulling everything else out exists for RLS. they don't even know what causes RLS or how to detect it. I have a problem with what you said because Kidney dialisis would have nothing to do with RLS.

People who medicate for disorders that cannot be diagnosed by a doctor are what i like to refer as hypchondriacs. I beleive that RLS along with other types of patients are infact suffering from something more psychological in nature.

I am looking at a pathology book as we speak and RLS is not a disorder or a symptom of Kidney Dialisis.

If you are experiencing muscle spasms or pain in you legs it may and most likely is a result of the transplant since they do need to cut muscle in the lower back it is just as likely you are suffering from minor nerve damage as a result of you surgury and not a disorder. See the muscles in you back and neck are connected to the ones in your legs this includes nerves as well. Now when you sever these muscles and nerves the pain or spasms may cascade to your legs more.

I suggest you go onto these sites and see what they have to say about rls mate

Restless legs in kidney dialysis

Cramp or Restless legs at night: Cramps and restless legs at night affect some people on PD. An imbalance in the levels of water and salt in the blood may be a factor in cramp. Stretching and massaging the limb can help. Quinine sulphate taken at bedtime helps prevent cramp. Restless leg syndrome (an irresistible urge to move the legs at night) can occur in kidney failure. It can be very stressful as it disrupts sleep, leading to tiredness during the day. A tablet called Clonazepam is sometimes used to treat this problem. It may also help the person to sleep.

Many people on dialysis have trouble sleeping at night because of aching, uncomfortable, jittery, or "restless" legs. You may feel a strong impulse to kick or thrash your legs. Kicking may occur during sleep and disturb a bed partner throughout the night. Theories about the causes of this syndrome include nerve damage and chemical imbalances.

In the May issue of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Sabbatini et al. [1] discussed insomnia in maintenance haemodialysis patients. They found that the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in their patients was 46%.

for someone calling themselves the doctor you clearly know nothing about medicine. there are NO MUSCLES cut in my back, the transplanted organ is inserted from the front in the lower abdomin/grion area connecting to the iliac artery. rarely is it necessary to remove the patients native kidneys and if so it is done from the abdomen.

The surgical team will then place the donor kidney into the abdomen and connect the kidney's blood vessels to the recipient's iliac artery and vein. The surgeons will then connect the ureter to the bladder. A small drain, called a Jackson Pratt, may be placed into the abdominal cavity to drain any excess fluid.

The normal position for a transplant is low down in the abdomen, well away from the position of normal kidneys. The transplant sits under the skin, and can be felt under the skin if you press hard, just above the pelvic brim - the pelvic brim is the bone you can feel just above the pocket on a pair of trousers.

It is not necessary, therefore, to remove someone's own, failed kidneys in order to do a transplant. Exceptions are when these kidneys are often infected, and might cause problems after a transplant, Also, some people with polycystic kidneys have such large kidneys that there is no room in the side to put transplant, so that one of the polycystic kidneys must be removed. To remove someone's old kidneys at the same time as a transplant would increase the risks of transplant failure, so that such operations are done before someone goes on the transplant list.

Try speaking to a nephrologist before stating you poorly researched theories

posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 09:33 AM
Hi golemina

I do agree with a lot of what you have to say, it is true that the drugs used to prevent rejection may eventually cause the transplanted kidney to fail. BUT transplant is NOT A CURE, there is no cure for kidney diseases. It is purely considered a treatment and the best treatment you can get. As far as all organs being replaced that is not true, speak to my friend Pam who just yesterday celebrated the 29th anniversary of her transplant which is still going strong.

No transplant patient would regret having the transplant even if it just lasted a year. A year free of dialysis three times a week, free of severe diet restrictions, free from BP meds and feeling well to actually be able to live your life.

Almost all drugs have serious side effects... The two organs that are typically the hardest impacted by the side effects are the liver and kidneys.

that is absolutely true, in fact I would say every drug has side effects. The effects on the liver and kidney vary depending on what the drug is so not every drug would cause kidney or liver damage. It is a case of weighing up the benefits to the patient to the potential side effects which is what a trustworthy doctor would do. Sadly not all doctors will be prepared to do that and just see drugs as a way of getting rid of the patient!

It's no secret that the drug companies openly disclose with varying degrees of vagueness that these drugs have side effects. The real beauty of the spin they use is to somehow leave the impression that these proported side effects are somehow rare...

I agree to a degree, I have come across doctors who flatly deny that drugs they have presribed to me are causing my side effects! But I have to say that my nephrologist has always been very honest with me but I guess that not all will be! Pre and post tx the effects of the drugs where made very clear to me, the risks of the anti-rejection drugs were clearly and in great detail explained.

[quote[But the absolutely priceless piece of spin is leaving the prospective client with the imperssion that this is NOT normal!

'You are NOT normal are you?'
'No... Of course NOT! I AM normal!'

So, obviously these 'side effects' will occur to someone else.

as i said I do agree this is often the case.

So the bottom line is...

Prescription medications are fairly devastating.

I agree there is always potential for drugs to be devastating but where as one drug will work in one person with no noticible side effects in another they could suffer severe side effects.

The hidden disaster in all of this is the assumption by most of the public that 'over the counter' drugs have got to be safe... Or else they would be regulated by the prescription process.


The sad fact is drugs like Ibuprofen grind up kidneys for lunch, aspirin is a disaster in progress to the stomach lining, Tylenol kills LOTS and LOTS of children mostly due to fearmongering about the dangers of fever.

very true but it is made clear to kidney patients never to take it, in moderation you would not suffer any lasting effects but used regularly there is the potential for severe kdiney damage

You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are taking about

I won't contest most of your assertions...

I get a little upset when people talk about things they dont know much about. No offence intended.

But needless to say the old Eskimos with their blubber diets find 'modern medicines' theories on high choloesterol quite amusing!

In fact, the media lobby spin doctors have now adjusted their dogma to include 'good choloesterol' and 'bad choloesterol'!

Bad choloesterol! Bad choloesterol!

I am NOT making this up...

Hey! Maybe that would be a good name for a difficult to house train puppy.

Take care Arnold_Vosloo.

Yeah I bet they do, High chlorestrol is due to the diet most of us now have. There are groups of high risk patients whom statins are of great benefit. I and other kdiney patients will have high chlorestrol no matter our diet as the body can't deal with chlorestrol in the same way a healthy one can obviously increasing the risk to the heart.

Anyway I'm doing well and 1000% better than I was on dialysis


posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Bls4doc, I was poking some good natured fun at you also... for making chemistry comparisons in vitro vs the human body.

>The body is naturally in a slightly acidic state.
Au contraire. Test the saliva of a healthy child.

Versus of course healthy adults...

Versus of course very sick adults.

Be sure to share your results with us. It's always good to get feedback.

>Also, can you please refer to a study which proves the link between glucosamine (an acid) and arthritis?

Proves... as in offer 'proof'? That sounds like an absolute. That's not the way it works.

In fact, I would venture to guess in all things medical that there is no such thing as proof. You don't have to look any farther than the MDs chemotherapy treatment for cancer. I only know of ONE person that has ever survived chemo. They were never referred to as 'cured' (an absolute)... It was more along the lines of 'in remission'.

See what I'm getting at?

Best case is more something alongs the lines of 'has been shown to'...

Also, it's not glucosamine vs arthritis. It's more like arthritis and acidic...

Have you ever looked at homeopathy, Bls4doc?

>I've been watching this thread, doc. This guy doesn't answer questions. He just throws more garbage at you.

>He knows everything and is never wrong. If you keep that in mind, you'll be fine.

I know this will sound strange... But I am STUPID! Not only am I stupid, but I fully embrace my stupidity.

It's the only way that I've ever found to be able to prepare yourself to absorb, to be receptive to new knowledge...

That's what I do...

You sound like you know a lot Tea... So why don't you share with us?

>I beleive if a doctor was prescribing unessicarily needed pain killers and over medicating you he could get nailed with a lil something called malpractice and you can get sued and loose your medical license.

I fight a lot of battles in court. I don't take on a legal case in less I will win. It's hugely complicated. It takes forever. It is terribly expensive. Most people simply don't have that kind of fight in them.

But you are right, The_Doctor, it can be done. You have to be on a mission.

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