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Illegal Immigrants:What can we do?

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posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:22 AM
wow Bogieman...your a pot calling the kettle black...

Now lets take your perception one step further....I wonder what the Native American Indians would have to say about this? I wonder what the Indigenous Australians would say?

It is one big can of worms.

Let's point the finger at Homo erectus...why that neanderthal left Africa and dispersed into other portions of the world, regional populations slowly evolved into modern humans; thats if we rely on the Multiregional Continuity Model...BUT if we rely on the Out of Africa Model...modern humans evolved relatively recently in Africa and migrated into Eurasia and replaced all populations which had decended from Homo erectus. Either way...Homo erectus is to blame imo...

what do you think?

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:59 AM
Think about this for a moment, You are waiting in line with your wife or family at the best restaurant in town, waiting for Hours
Then all of a sudden some people just look around, then Pop under the rope and jump line and get in ahead of you and Everybody else who was waiting in line Like they SHOULD BE! You would be Pissed off and angry

Well same Damn thing, I am SO sick of everyone spinning this as racist, being afraid or any other BS. Plain and simple Has nothing to do with race, being afraid or anything else So stop taking the light off of how it really is or trying to shift things.
They are ILLEGAL Period. I dont care what color, what country or anything else. Fill out the paper work and wait just like everyone else did.

And amazing they come to this country yet most dont want to even speak english, amazing You want a country to embrace you and give you a chance, On YOUR Terms....Look at the protests, most carried Mexican flags NOT American, Most could not speak english and the speeches were in Spanish. Yet they want to become American LMAO

People From India, Pakistan China etc....the come here, guess what, they all speak english or sure as hell try to And more important teach their children to and make sure their children Speak english and learn it.
Not the case with Most of the Mexicans and spanish speakers that come here.

As long as they come here legally great, but this has to come to a screehing halt, and this BS of stopping traffic with a Protest Well the first guy trying to get his wife to the hospital because she is pregnant and these Idiots are blocking the road, I hope he has a big truck with a nice thick bumper on the front.

Get in line people and do it legally, Does Not Matter WHAT Country you are from, what color...enforce it legally all across the board PERIOD.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by bogieman
start shooting them? i think thats racist and you ought to be careful about saying things like that... white europeans are the dumbest race on the planet, everything you touch you destroy you are a curse and the reason why is because you are not gods children you are the devils children youre evil

I think you would be well advised to heed your own advice with comments like that. Blatant racism like the comment above is the worst possible thing that we can do in this situation.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 06:40 AM
most of the protesters are american but since your racist you cant see that and mexicans arent going no where whether you like it or not and by the way most mexicans are american indians for all the dumb people of the world

echoe im not racist im just speaking the truth white europeans mudered most of the real americans the natives and then you brought all the africans over here and then you invaded mexico and stole their land you white europeans are evil plain and simple god called you people wolves in sheeps clothing

you people say put the military on the border so you can invade mexico again some say put land mines on the border some say shoot the mexicans some say run them over in cars and i think thats racist and uncalled for

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:00 AM
Wow, i assume that youre hispanic making openly racist comments like that and then using reflection back on me to call ME a racist?? Yikes if even 20% of the hispanic community feels this way then id say we have a race war on our hands in the near future.

Ill agree that whites have done some pretty dastardly deeds in the past but that is not relevant to this topic. We are a nation of laws and customs and illegals do not respect these. I am all for anyone coming to this country as long as they learn MY language, respect MY customs and laws, and dont suck off the welfare teet. The hispanics i see all over my town are very hard workers and from what i can tell keep to themselves. I dont have anything against them other than the fact that they wont adapt to american living conditions and customs and are dirty for the most part. I know plenty of whites that are dirty too and i wouldnt hesitate to tell them that either if they moved into my area en masse and started to affect my standard of living.

Deny hate and ignorance. Racist comments will get you nowhere in life and will more than likely get you flogged if you make them in public. We are all in this thing together and thats the only way we are getting out of it.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by bogiemanyou people say put the military on the border so you can invade mexico again some say put land mines on the border some say shoot the mexicans some say run them over in cars and i think thats racist and uncalled for

Actually its within our rights to do that to protect our nation from invaders and possible terrorist infiltrators. whether you realize it or not illegals are waging war on america right now, its just mostly an economic war. We are well within our rights as a sovereign nation to protect ourselves.

You are also reading too much race into this when people say turn them back, mine the border, shoot to kill. It wouldnt matter if mexico was populated by whites, blacks, yellows, greens, pinks or browns. They would still be an invading army of poor people looking to circumvent laws and milk the system as much as they can. I dont remember seeing anyone make any comments on here that said shoot them there brown mexicans. If mexico was inhabited by poor white trailer trash youd still have the same people calling for mining the borders and deporting them or shooting them. Thats why its not a race issue here. The real issue which is independent of race is that we americans dont want our country which we worked hard to build turned into a poor 3rd world toilet. Ignorant people always play the race card when they know they dont have a leg to stand on. Dont be one of those people.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:12 AM
escro i agree we will have to defend ourselves by any means necessary against the white european and since you people are war hungry and that you desire a civil war im sure youll get what you deserve

and i also agree with you that the white european is dirty

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:16 AM
escro it is illegal to shoot people for nothing so dont do it and quit being racist if you know whats good for you

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:20 AM
How about you let them stay as they do all the jobs many people think they are to good for. Besides you are all immigrants anyway, and only from about 300 years ago. The reason immigrants come to you country from Latin America at least is becasue of the great inflation American companies caused in there homlands in the 80`s. Also didn`t you steal Texas from The Mexicans?

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 09:19 AM
*sigh* no point talking to an ignorant racist. If ignorance and hate is all you know then you may return to them and leave the dialogue to people that have something meaningful to contribute.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
How about you let them stay as they do all the jobs many people think they are to good for. Besides you are all immigrants anyway, and only from about 300 years ago. The reason immigrants come to you country from Latin America at least is becasue of the great inflation American companies caused in there homlands in the 80`s. Also didn`t you steal Texas from The Mexicans?

As long as they are legal they are welcome to stay. This whole issue is over ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, NOT Legal Immigration.

With illegals there is no way to tell who has a criminal record and who doesnt, no way to get an accurate count of immigrants, etc...

I have not seen ANYWHERE where people have a problem with LEGAL immigrants, its the illegals that are the issue here.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 09:30 AM
Let's all take a deep breath and please refrain from directing your comments AT other members, shall we?

Yes, we shall.

Let's get back on topic, please. Thank you.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 10:00 AM
The beautiful flower of reason has spoken, and just in time:

Here's my prediction; All current illegal Mexican Nationals now in the US will be given amnesty and thus be legal. Green cards will be available at your local 7-11, just like a 6pak or a lotto ticket.

In the future Immigrants will be forced to go thru check points where they will be given their green cards, no questions asked.

To think American Business is going to give up cheap labor is very naive; nothing is really going to change!!!

One more prediction; This issue will be used by the various political partys to divide the American people; to keep their attention from things that REALLY matter.

[edit on 29-3-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
One more prediction; This issue will be used by the various political partys to divide the American people; to keep their attention from things that REALLY matter.


While I see many very rightfully angry American citizens complaining here in ATS. . . When I turn the TV on the only ones making a stance and using our freedom of speech that belongs only to American citizens are the illegal immigrants.

Where are the protest of the American citizens that know what our government is trying to do, giving a free pass to illegal to bring more illegals so interest groups and corporate American can keep choosing illegal workers over American citizens because is more Profitable

Where is the outraged Americans?

Probably siting at home typing like me in their computers.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 02:47 PM
Exactly marg. Most of us who understand what is really happening have pretty much given up hope for truth and justice. We are just riding this wave...waiting for it to break.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 04:41 PM

You have seen all the members that opposed immigration, they have voiced their views, opinions and disappointments.

But in my observations I see that when you turn the TV on you don't see any outrage American citizen out there making a stand against what they believe is wrong and using their free speech.

But what you see is the same people that many are against it making that stance and using free speech that after all belong by right to the American people in this nation.

Yes many has lost their will to make a stance.

But. . . by the way many express their opinions and feeling in these boards they out to be the first ones making sure that our elected politicians do something about it and the right thing.

Amnesty is wrong free workers passes are wrong and is just going to favor the interest groups that are lobbying in Washington for it even the immigrants will be losing at this just like they are right now.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
California and other border states rely on these illegal immigrants to keep the economy going, Most of the people on welfare aren't illegal aliens, they are American citizens. I'm all for throwing the criminals out but the hard working decent immigrants should be left alone.

Its these kind of statements that make people sound ignorant, I used to live in Ca, for the better half of my life, and we didnt depend on immigrants to keep the economy talk to anyone from california, and I bet you theyll say they want the immigrants out of california. And americans will do the farm jobs and the tough labor jobs, we have in the past and we would do it again....the only reason we hire them is because they work for bananas. And saying lets throw the criminals out but keep the hard working immigrants here....hello!!! all illegal immigrants are criminals. And yes sorry to say most of the Illeal immigrants have applied for welfare, because Ca was stupid enough to give alot of them drivers licenses. Anyway you should really pay attention to the news before posting. but thanks all the same for your input.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 07:58 PM

You have to understand who rules our nation and that is corporate American.

While the American citizens in California do not want illegal immigrants the businesses that solicit them do.

like you said slave labor is what they want, why paying minimum wage to and American citizen when they have ten illegal migrant workers to do the job for the same price.

Is the businesses that support this type of working arrangement the ones at fault and our politicians are selling themselves to private interest that lobby for easier laws for migrant workers.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by bogieman
escro i agree we will have to defend ourselves by any means necessary against the white european and since you people are war hungry and that you desire a civil war im sure youll get what you deserve

and i also agree with you that the white european is dirty

You know what Im a white guy and i find your comments severly offensive, i hope you get a u2u from the moderators of this board because obviously you cant keep the racism out of this discussion, and as the author of this thread I will personally make sure that the moderators hear about this...your relativley new to ats and i think you should read the rules again...please refrain from racism, white people arent that bad.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 08:03 PM
we need to pass laws that hold employers of immigrents accountable for all medical bills , back taxes , etc.. of all employees found to be illegal

but most of all we need to inforce the laws we already have, if we had done that from the start we wouldnt be in the mess we are now...

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