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do any ats members actually not believe in aliens?

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posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 01:03 AM
I thought that this quote might be appreciated:

"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."

-George Carlin

But I don't think that the way that aliens are being portrayed currently as being little green men is accurate. If life has evolved or formed or created elsewhere in the universe I am sure that it could come up with a much more adaptive form than a 3 foot tall green man with big eyes, no visible ears, small mouth area, no visible nose, and no visible genital. This description alone would prove that there would be no ingenuity or beauty in the creation of this being, which is proof for me that the universe had no part in making it. This being said I believe that this idea of a "being" is no more than a fabrication of the human mind.

[edit on 3/27/2006 by The_Final]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 01:21 AM
The skeptics are full of wishful thinking, they seem believe in whatever makes them comfortable.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
Thats what people want.Hard proof evidence.Thats always the case,although its not always a reasonable reason to doubt something in existence.

Do you mean that doubting a claim for which there is no "hard proof evidence" is not always a reasonable thing to do?

In that case, would you please tell us what you think constitutes reasonable grounds for doubt? I'm awfully curious.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:48 AM
yes I made it clear.There are somethings in this world that exist without hardproof evidence.And many people find it easy to believe.

-The lord exists,yet theres no hardproof evidence of his existence,yet we have a large percentage of evangelicalists in this nation,including me.
What about many of the other religions?Islam,Hindusm,Buddist etc..

-We know that there are nine planets in our solarsystem,yet theres no hard proof evidence now is there.Oh yes,there are photographs of these planets,but how are you sure its not fabricated.there are a half a dozen claim real photos of aliens,yet many are fake.How is this different?Are you going to believe everything your government tells you.Are you going to believe something exists simply because of afew photographs.Define what is considered real evidence?

-Osama Bin laden exists?Oh yes you hear him off the media,you hear the bush administration mention him acouple of times,but how do you,personally,know he exists?

The thing is.I believe there are nine planets.I believe Osama exists.I am a christian and i believe in God.I also believe that there is currently a race of beings,be it afew species, that are currently visiting earth.Im not throwing what i believe in at everybody,i just get real frustrated when ad iscussion board is constantly filled with afew non-believers who seem to do just so.Throw their beliefs into everyones faces.I enjoy debating with them the first time.But when the stubborn side of things begin to take place,its really takes the fun out of debating.No handshake for a fun discussion.Just an insult.An unnecessary insult.

Do you really think the main intentions of abductees and researchers who come onto aliens/UFOs expect to spend most of their time debating with non-believers.No.Their mostly here to share their research and share into their stories.Better yet debunk some major sites.Also to be in a place where there are many others like them.

There are many different kinds of evidence.What I may consider evidence is completely different to how you see it.Its one of the things that makes be different to you.

Your intentions was to come onto ATS UFO/aliens and convince people that UFO`s and close encounters are not real.In particular Rand expected to to prove his/her belief by posting a thread to explain the UFO theory and disprove centuries of sightings,encounters and debate/speculation.Yet you constantly got questioned,and to this time,your thread has not changed the minds of many members here.I respect you for your belief,and the thread was thoroughly researched,but when you attempt to disprove what i believe in,and tell me that what i have been seeing all my life were blimps!?Better still some of you go so low as to assume my age because of how i type.You expect to score some "points".I dont see this as a friendly debate,i see it clearly as dis-respect.Lack of understanding others.

If you dont believe in this UFOS` & current visitation of extra-terrestrial life,thats your choice(again),but dont treat me like an idiot purely because you showed me what you considered was evidence.Oh yes,and in my firstpost,when i said "Bozo"I was directing to those who come on here and post threads as too call us all idiots for our beliefs in this topic.There have been afew posts over the past months.And maby,some sense in you might understand my frustration.If you mis-understood this,i apologise.But i stand by my comment early on the few who disrupt whats ment to be a peaceful debate forum.

Im done here debating what i believe.Out.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by blackSt33L]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
yes I made it clear.There are somethings in this world that exist without hardproof evidence.And many people find it easy to believe.

-The lord exists,yet theres no hardproof evidence of his existence,yet we have a large percentage of evangelicalists in this nation,including me.
What about many of the other religions?Islam,Hindusm,Buddist etc..

[edit on 27-3-2006 by blackSt33L]

I'm confused when you talk about God and nine planets, A faith in
a religeon of any sort usually demands a 'buck stops here' headpiece
and also requires very little evidence as to strengthen faith and hope.
It leads the believer to make decisions based on high moral and
generally good beliefs and therefore tends to benefit the society that the
believer lives in.
The 'Nine planets' idea is simply that most people don't have access to
technology that can guarantee that individual that certain parts of reality
are as others say.

I am not making light of the present troubles in the world, but it seems
to me that... and I say it with all respect sir, there are people in high office
who are trying their best to overcome these religeous/capitalist and tribal
problems. I know it's easy to boo from the cheap seats about 'hidden'
agendas and evil lurking the corridors of high places in Goverment, but we
don't really know the full story, the media tends to play it's viewers/
readers like a two-dollar banjo anyway.

So this dilemma will continue, some will fully believe in ET's, some will sit on
the fence and wait for a final outcome and others will demand positive,
unswerving evidence that we're not alone, before accepting that we may
not be the only savages in the cosmos.
Chill blackSt33L, we'll get there.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by IronMan]

[edit on 27-3-2006 by IronMan]

[edit on 27-3-2006 by IronMan]

MOD Edit: Large Quotes -- See This Thread especially when responding and quoting the post right above yours!

[edit on 3/27/06/27 by junglejake]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 09:02 AM
I am convinced, but that doesn't mean i will link everything to Aliens.

Implants are proof of unknown tech, not unknown life, silicon chips are probably an earthly speciality, being mostly 2D and all, their progress in secret labs may be much more overwhelming than what we are used to. As for DNA samples, i am certain genetic signatures can be faked rather easily (think stem cells + synthetic profile), anything can be faked, it's just a question of effort, mostly. No proof, for sure, but something to keep in mind, just like dream manipulation (i'm inclined to think it's real) and various shady weapon systems like sound and microwave based ones which may very well be able to induce exactly the symptoms of 'abduction' or facilitate a real kidnapping.

That said, the abduction phenomenon is widespread and is most likely REAL. The perpetrators are doing it on a large scale, large scale is, imho a dead giveaway for terran activity. Furthermore, an ET civlisation would f-ex be perfectly capable of taking entire cows and simply converting what they don't need into plastic or what have you, in order to arouse less suspicion. limited cargo capacity is of course a hallmark of helicopters....

..which, of course, doesn't mean that cattle mutilations are not being done by ETs, but it doesn't feel right, imho. i tend to think of this as a kind of trial, things need to be proven beyond reasonable doubt - which means successfully linking a sizeable portion of abductions to alien parties. until then, all options have to be considered.

PS: let's try a different angle:

you see there are many ways to reach the same conclusion

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by GlassRunner
The skeptics are full of wishful thinking, they seem believe in whatever makes them comfortable.

As long as they leave the others alone and do not make lengthy posts trying to convince them that they are the ones that are right, I do not think that this is a bad thing, almost everyone has his wishful thinkings, right.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by GlassRunner
The skeptics are full of wishful thinking, they seem believe in whatever makes them comfortable.

As long as they leave the others alone and do not make lengthy posts trying to convince them that they are the ones that are right, I do not think that this is a bad thing, almost everyone has his wishful thinkings, right.

Just kind of curious here... You're saying it's not alright for skeptics to come on ATS and post lengthy posts as to why they believe there are no aliens? However, it would appear that if it goes along with your belief systm/paradigm, then lengthy posts are ok????

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 10:06 PM
I think it would be cool if there were such a thing as aliens, but I have yet to see any real good evidence that there are any. So at this point, if somebody asks me if there are aliens, I have to honestly reply that there's no convincing evidence that there is life anywhere in the universe than right here on Earth.

I guess I'm not much for believing in things, because to me that just seems like getting your hopes up about something, and I've had too many hopes fail to bother with them much anymore.

So there are no aliens.
There is no "God," however you want to try to define it.
There is no one True Love out there for me.
There's no "real" magic.
Life is just as you see it day to day. And then you die.


posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 05:05 AM
Oh dear, do aliens exist? What I wanted to know is, does it matter? If people wish to believe there is life more intelligent then us (and they're 4 feet high green men who go "BLARGH") then knowledge isn't important, we'll either be wiped out in our sleep (if they're anything like us) or they'll leave us alone. I don't see why there has to be intelligent life, the Earth is perfectly placed and the chances of us even existing on the planet are about 1x10^-9123. They're could be biological life elsewhere, but why should a species exist as diverse as us? We're so different from any other animal with our "morales" and "dreams". I won't believe till I'm shaking one of the little men's hands

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:29 AM
I do not believe in the stereotypical aliens but i do believe in other life forms.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 11:50 AM
I didn't believe in aliens. I thought we were likely to be alone within distances that can be travelled.

I don't know about aliens, but I do believe in UFOs that are not of classical aerodynamic origin. Too many reputable people, and people I trust, have seen them, including my brother. The real question is why are they kept officially denied.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard
why do you think they dont exist?

For the same reason I think unicorns don't exist (and if you have to ask me why I'm so convinced unicorns don't exist, then we can't go much further). Incidentally, I do think unicorn-looking animals MIGHT exist on some OTHER planet really far from here. The universe is really big. But just because they could in principle exist doesn't mean they walk *our* forests and do magic, etc..

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by whyfish
Oh dear, do aliens exist? What I wanted to know is, does it matter? If people wish to believe there is life more intelligent then us (and they're 4 feet high green men who go "BLARGH") then knowledge isn't important, we'll either be wiped out in our sleep (if they're anything like us) or they'll leave us alone. I don't see why there has to be intelligent life, the Earth is perfectly placed and the chances of us even existing on the planet are about 1x10^-9123. They're could be biological life elsewhere, but why should a species exist as diverse as us? We're so different from any other animal with our "morales" and "dreams". I won't believe till I'm shaking one of the little men's hands

Ok. I do exist.
It's "Blargy" not "Blargh." Get it right!

Anyway, who cares about aliens?!? The 9Dimensional 16ft high Lion People are coming (btw this wouldn't work). Well kootie sed so.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:23 PM
I can't really say I "believe" or "don't believe" in aliens. I guess I'm more of an alien agnostic. I think there is a good possibility and find the subject very interesting, tho.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:26 PM
Hard evidence exists out there, it's just being blocked from us. Throughout history stories of people from the stars, and flying machines are commonplace. The problem seems to be that too many people take what they're given, and deny anything else.

They are out there, and we will meet them one day.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:35 PM
n the mean time, give me more cowbell, baby!

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:37 PM
If there were only a one in a kagillion chance of another intelligent civilization in the universe, and the universe is infinite, then aren't there an infinite number of intelligent civilizations in the universe? I mean, in strictly mathematical terms, that is a proof, right?

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Earlybird
If there were only a one in a kagillion chance of another intelligent civilization in the universe, and the universe is infinite, then aren't there an infinite number of intelligent civilizations in the universe? I mean, in strictly mathematical terms, that is a proof, right?

Nah. If you flip a coin an infinite number of times, it'll never land on anything other than heads or tales. Infinity by itself doesn't guarantee anything. Besides, there are "infinities," and there are "infinities." The universe, as big as it may be, is not infinite.

Here. Take an infinite line, for instance.

Put a point on it.

Now you've really created two infinities.
This one to the left. And this right one.


Since the lines on either side of the point are equal in length.

So life exists on one side of the point, but not on the other.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 12:49 PM
[great avatar]

I'm not sure which idea is more absurd - that we're not alone in the universe or that we are. Drake equation and blah de blah. I'd think there MUST be life elsewhere in the universe, and I'd extend that to include there must be some "intelligent" life somewhere else.

I, however, do not believe we've been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial life. You can do the "maybe" and speculation game ad nauseam and not really get anywhere. Like the whole "are we living in a computer simulation" question. You can't prove it either way. Fun though, isn't it? Proof of any life elsewhere would be the story of the millenium. Proof of intelligent extraterrestrial visitation would be... beyond that.

I'll buy it when a credible scientific source validates it.

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