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From Australia - My Real Experiences with the Demonic

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posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 11:59 PM
Hey fellow ATS'ers, greetings from Australia! I have replied this to someone on here before, but I wanted to post it as a thread and see what (if anything) you guys had to say about it, similar experiences etc, even just debunking, so without further ado, here are my two stories of contact with the demonic.

I broke my leg badly in 2005 at the beginning of the year, and as a result, after the operation, spent about 2 weeks at my parents house because it was just easier for me to be there (and they have cable tv.)

Anyway, I hadn't seen my girlfriend of the time for that whole two weeks, and with so much spare time on my hands, had been doing a lot of reading as well as music, and I also began to dabble in the occult. Knowingly or unknowingly, or perhaps my frustration at not being able to see my girlfriend and all the usual stuff that goes with that for a 20 year old guy, one night after going to sleep at midnight, I was attacked by an incubus/succubus.

I have never really been much of a religious person, but I have been becoming more so over the past 3 or so years, but let me tell you, this was definately an entity that I did not imagine. First of all, it started like a very very vivid lucid dream, only highly erotic. I met this beautiful european girl with lush dark brown/black hair, and the sleeping encounter progressed into the sexual act, which was absolutely mindblowing by the way. Anyway, about 10 minutes into this the beautiful girl turned around and asked if she had my permission to do something, what this was exactly I cannot remember, but because I was in such a state of sexual bliss and frenzy I gave my permission.

Sort of like -
Beautiful Girl - "Can I do "this" ........?"
Me - "Yes"
Her - "I can do "this" to you?"
Me - "Yes"
Her - "You have given me permission to do "this" ?"
Myself - "Yes"

It was at this point that the girls face first and then body kind of melted/morphed into a red/orange/black pixelated and blurry kind of horrorible thing, and her eyes became pure black and evil, when looking at me it was draining my energy/soul. I was absolutely terrified, I knew that I was having intercourse with a Demon. I was overcame with an immense feeling of dread, such as I have never encountered before, and I have been in 2 near fatal car accidents (never me driving though.)

This immense dread and fear was accompanied by a physical sensation of an extreme vaccum like pressure/sucking on my loinal area, which felt like I was having all of my energy/seed drained out of the area just above the private parts and below the stomach. Looking back, it would have been a pleasant feeling if I hadn't been in such terror.

As I stated earlier, I have never been very religious, and I have never been baptised, but for some reason in my fear I called upon the name of Christ, and prayed and screamed and prayed and screamed the name of Christ over and over again, when coming out of this area of the dreamscape I could feel the demon trying to pull me back in, and for a while it seemed as though it would not let me leave and I could not wake up. It was holding me in my nightmare, but eventually by screaming the name of Christ over and over I managed to wake up whereupon I turned all the lights in my room on and prayed for the first time in years in thanks to Christ for saving me from that. I knew that I had angered the being by escaping from it in the nightmare realm, and after that I couldn't sleep in that room without a light on for the rest of my stay there, imagine that, a 20 year old man sleeping with the light on, and I'm a big guy! 6'2 and 110 kilograms!

I will also add that by the time I managed to escape and wake up, it was 3.40am. After my encounter, I did some research and discovered that the hour between 3 and 4am is considered by some in the occult realm to be the demonic witching hour where evil power and energy is at its greatest.

This was my second of two encounters I have had with demons, and let me tell you they are not nice, nothing in the conscious world compares to the horror and fear of what these things can do to you in the confines of your mind, and especially whilst you sleep. My first encounter was a different kind of nightmare demon, I won't explain this as in depth as I have already typed a lot!!

Once again, a very vivid lucid dream like state, but this time made me feel that I had actually already woken from the dream. It was as though my conscious mind had awoken, and it started like any other normal day, I was going to get up and go to work, I looked over at my bench, and I actually saw the entity in the first person, I can only describe it as a blur on reality, I could see through it to the wall, but very very blurry, the best I can say is that if you have seen the movie predator, where he goes half invisible kind of thing, it looked like that. It launched itself into my head, and took control of myself. I was forced above and out of my own body, whereupon I watched myself (with the demon in control) get up, go down the hall, and murder my housemates and their 2 dogs very violently and bloodily with a kitchen knife. All the while, I was watching myself from above and screaming for me to stop.

Once again, the sensation of not being able to get out of the nightmare and wake up, only this first time I didn't call upon Christ, I just kept screaming and screaming and it felt like I woke up three times, only to be pulled back into the dream until I finally actually did wake up screaming.

I know critics will say they were just nightmares or I am some sicko, but I have had nightmares before and these two experiences were completely different. I know that I encountered some kind of other entity both times and these were probably the two worst experiences of my life.

Nowadays I just research the occult instead of dabbling.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:37 AM
Interesting story and thanks for putting it up here because it takes a brave person to do that.

I'm curious, did you have sleep paralysis during or before these very vivid dreams?

You did the right thing calling upon Christ, I had an encounter with a demon and that is what I did and it instantly disappeared.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:12 AM
Wow that is a very interesting story. Good post. I never really knew demons could creep into your dreams like that.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:15 AM
Some believe that when you enter certain brain states that you enter the etheric world and that is where you encounter these types of entities. I guess if an evil entity wants to enter your body then they are trying to posess you. All I know is that what I saw was very ugly and very scary and it was very intimidating but it disappeared real fast when I called upon Christ to save me!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:44 AM
DRBONES666, Good of you to share,I once had a similiar experience to the succubus dream that you told. Only they didn't change form in the first dream( i had several,and there were two of them that would visit me) but it was as i recall a very painful experience, i could feel her cutting me while we were in the act(in the dream at least), there were two that plagued my dreams for a while, and in one of the latter dreams i had finally seen them revealed their forms which was a horrified mesh of animal/person for one and insect/person for the other. to this day i don't know why they stopped.

On the discussion of demons though, I've never had an attack stop after praying to god or jesus. sometimes i would here laughter, The only emotion that worked to get me out of those dreams were anger, Extreme Anger to the point where i've strained my neck and shoulders from being so tense.

The whole night terror scenerio as well as the shadow people subject has always interested me , Of course nowadays i stay away from the subjects and find myself sleeping well (usually).

Good of you to share this
there are prolly alot of people here who can say they've had a similiar experience.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 03:07 AM
sounds like a succubi to me too aye you did the right thing there scary ....
lures man its all about the lure and good sex is a good one

dont know what I would do

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:39 AM
*Why would you ever put "666" in your username after such a frightening experience?

*How did you manage to hop up and turn on all the lights with a broken leg?

*Were you on any painkillers from your broken leg at the time?

I have a number of friends who are 'in tune' with this sort of thing. Most of them actually managed to say no to the succubus though. Like one guy thought he was awake in his house but he was really dreaming. Then all of a sudden this girl just walks in through the door into his house and is all "Hey wanna do it" etc. He said no. She pestered him about it for a while until he finally yelled at her about it, and she finally left. As she was leaving, she turned around one more time just as she was about to leave, only she now had a horrible demon face with the black eyes you describe etc. (that gives it away every time, even if they appear to be a normal person). And she said "Bye (His name)" in a weird demonic voice and left, then he woke up.

Now I've had similar dreams, only without the demon part to follow it

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:50 PM
Yes, I've had dreams/fantasies not of my own design that have had me coupling with women in such a manner, some I know in real life. It is different for me though. You talk about 2 weeks without your girlfriend. I have been celibate for 4 years. That's right, just me and Rosy and her five sisters. I don't know if that qualifies as celibacy, or not.

What happens with me is I bring these women in my dreams/fantasies to orgasm, and a demon of some horrible type exits their bodies as they climax.

I don't know if I am in violation of the T&C's here, so mods please edit if I am. Just telling the truth about the weirdness that is my life.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by DrBones666.........It was holding me in my nightmare, but eventually by screaming the name of Christ over and over I managed to wake up whereupon I turned all the lights in my room on and prayed for the first time in years in thanks to Christ for saving me from that. I knew that I had angered the being by escaping from it in the nightmare realm.....

You will only be opening yourself up to more of these experiences.
Big clue: When you called out Christ name, it ended (for the most part). This is truly because he heard you calling him (he'll never let you down).

Originally posted by DrBones666.........I did some research and discovered that the hour between 3 and 4am is considered by some in the occult realm to be the demonic witching hour where evil power and energy is at its greatest......

3:00pm is the hour of the Divine Mercy. Jesus Christ died on the cross at 3 in the afternoon.
3:00am is the hour of demons (inverse - according to who??? I'm not sure)

Originally posted by DrBones666........This was my second of two encounters I have had with demons, and let me tell you they are not nice, nothing in the conscious world compares to the horror and fear of what these things can do to you in the confines of your mind......

You have been given a glimpse or taste of Hell. Not a cool place like lot's of badasses think it is.
Do your best to avoid going there. You've been given a preview.

Originally posted by DrBones666.......the best I can say is that if you have seen the movie looked like that.

I had a very similar experince that I posted here awhile back. Same thing that happened to you happened to me. What's weird is that my demon looked very similar to the "Predator" too (that was my first thought upon seeing him). Only my demon was all black (like a "shadow person"), no distinguishable features, but he was huge (almost to the top of my bedroom door) and well muscled. Like yours, mine couldn't have me the way he would have liked to. No sex was involved though. But he stormed up to me and screamed into my face, mad because he couldn't have me. Really mad....enraged. I too woke up calling for Jesus to help me. That was when I saw the demon fully conscious with my eyes wide open. His silhouette was on the bedroom wall straight ahead of me at the foot of my bed and as soon as he saw me catching a glimpse of him he headed into the doorway and was gone. Scared the living sh*t out of me. I said the "Our Father" and all fear dissippated.

These things seems to make their appearance when we are at weak points in our lives. You: recovering from an injury. Me: recovering from a relationship breakup/broken heart.

[edit on 23-3-2006 by zerotolerance]

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Thank for the response guys, more would be great though!

In response to the above questions, I don't know why I put 666 at the end of my name...

There was a lamp next to my bed, plus I only had one leg broken so I could "hop" up and put more lights on as you put it...

No I wasn't on painkillers, I had been the first 3 days after the op, but I don't like taking chemicals, I don't even like taking panadol.

And I didn't mean it looked like the predator alien, it looked like he does when they're half invisible, like a blurry see through shape, except the eyes, and this wasn't the succubus, this experience wasn't sexual like the one while I had the broken leg...

Anyones else have any responses?

[edit on 23-3-2006 by DrBones666]

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 12:01 AM
hey sorry if i step aside from the subject, but i too have had very close encounters with demons, except i cannot decipher mine and to be honest with ya is driving me nuts. I cannot recall "a good night sleep" i have e-mailed several religious groups with my problem but none have replied. I will copy and paste the sent e-mail so u guys can read, I have only talked about some "dreams/nightmares" here, but anyone with any expertise or understanding on this matter, PLEASE help me.

I am 21 years old and i was hoping maybe my e-mail can be brought to Dr ** attention. As a child I was brought up in the path of God. I assisted a Pentecostal church with my family. As I got older however I strayed from the Lord. This happened when I was about 14 or 15. Although I was not going to church(and I still dont) and not living according to how the Lord asks, I never lost the fear of God. I also understand of the spiritual war that goes on. I am very aware of the existence of angels and demons. When I was like 18 I started having this dreams( or nightmares) of some very scary stuff. In the dreams, while everything is going on, I hear a voice(i believe is God or the holy spirit) somehow explaining the events of my dream, and I always wanted to write everything right after waking up from my dream but I would be so scared I would always put it off till the morning. When the morning came I knew i had the dream but I would no longer remember key facts. As a kid, I studied the bible extensively(well my parents made me) and the Lord gifted me with several Gifts So I somewhat have an Idea of whats going on in my dreams. At first my dreams were about the tribulation, or stages in the tribulation. After several of those dreams I really yearned to go to church and talk to someone abut this but never did for i did not know which church to go to. I used to watch your show loyally and have a great deal of respect for you. Anyways, I stopped having the tribulation dreams and I would finally have good rest at night. About 6 months down the road, I started being attacked by demons at night in my sleep. These latter incidents, I could almost swear their werent dreams or nightmares but more like experiences. Different kinds of demons and different kinds of places. Well in my experiences when I felt the presence of the demons, just the presence, I would get this immense fear overcome me and start just brutally shaking of fear when the demon would show up. In these experiences they NEVER "touched" me, it was more like they just got a kick of just scaring the crap out of me. i would wake up with just an unexplainable fear that I was so scared I didnt even want to wake up my girlfriend to tell her. I would be afraid to go back to sleep. Several times when I did go back to sleep i would go back to the same place and same demon for the same torturing. I always told my girlfriend about this and she didnt know exactly what to do. One day, I commented to her how next time I was going to fight them. Literally, fight them. So from then on I tried to get over the extreme fear, and have tried to fight. On one dream I DESTROYED what I believe to be a very low ranking demon. The reason I say this because like I mentioned there is always this voice in my dreams either telling, or explaining whats going on. Last night I was visited by another demon, which a voice told me was a powerful one. I was on my knees crying and shaking trying to overcome my fear, when I managed to just yell out " the blood of christ has power" and everytime I said that the demon would "teleport" a few feet back. I was comforted by assurance and security to see I actually had something that would drive the demon back, so i continued to yell the same phrase louder and started walking towards him and yelling until he disappeared and I woke up. I was told the name and the purpose of the demon but once again I did not log it. HELP anyone?

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 01:29 AM
Oh man, that's always been one of my worst "fears." Although I know it won't ever happen, one of the worst things I can imagine happening to me is being possessed and then watching myself harm my family or friends. Thanks for sharing! I don't know what else to tell you other than I'm glad you shared your story...

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 10:15 AM

This immense dread and fear was accompanied by a physical sensation of an extreme vaccum like pressure/sucking on my loinal area, which felt like I was having all of my energy/seed drained out of the area just above the private parts and below the stomach. Looking back, it would have been a pleasant feeling if I hadn't been in such terror.

I find this interesting... When practicing using ki or energy... you usually draw the energy/ki from this area... It is supposebly where all your energy is stored...

Mod edit: Fixed quote tags.

[edit on 2006-6-4 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 11:06 AM
Yes, the low abdomen/pelvic saddle is the location of the "Root Chakra".

angelslayer, try to overcome your reluctance to seek help from clergy. All doubt and fear comes from evil energy. Don't let it stop you from doing what you know you need to do. Read Psalms and Proverbs in the Bible before going to sleep at night. Those Books are incantations against the devil, especially Psalms. The 23rd Psalm has always been very comforting to me, as well as Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

May God bless and keep you in your time of trials.

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 11:45 PM
angelslayer, try to overcome your reluctance to seek help from clergy. All doubt and fear comes from evil energy. Don't let it stop you from doing what you know you need to do.

yea but see ICARUS RISING, the problem is I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. WHAT AM I TO DO? u know, i wanna SLEEP at night like normal people.... but thanks for the advice.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by angelslayer
yea but see ICARUS RISING, the problem is I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. WHAT AM I TO DO? u know, i wanna SLEEP at night like normal people.... but thanks for the advice.

I know it is far easier to say than do, but the FEAR must be overcome.

That is what the demons want. It may be part of the reason they keep coming back to attack. They want the spiritual energy that is released through the emotion of fear.
Cut off their supply and deny them their feast. You have to fight and fight hard.
Perhaps you can picture yourself in the dream as a fierce warrior with a mighty sword and shield.
Do not view these demons with awe and fear, view them instead as the pathetic scavengers that they are. Believe that you are greater than them.

Take heart in what you have already discovered to be an effective weapon against these demons. The Name and Divine Energy of Jesus Christ.
If there are other identities you consider to be powerful and Divine then ask them to help you in the fight also if you feel the need.
Believe in yourself and believe you can destroy the demons (whatever there rank). You destroyed one, you can destroy others.
You've already found you can make one (powerful) demon back off.
Others can be made to back off as well.
Give them one hell of a fight and let them know you mean buisiness.

Good Luck.

[edit on 30-5-2006 by point]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 11:13 AM
very interesting thread that i can relate to,
i too have had similar experience. Most confronting of all was the time i saw the grim reaper sickle and all in full detail in an awakened state after a light doze, only the thing was it was multi-dimensional (sleep paralysis was involved they say its hypnogogic) i could see him, but he was at a distance say 15 metres away in my cupboard that was 2 metres away from where i was sleeping.
1 week later i was mugged, bashed, left unconscience and dying for an hour and a half before seeing the initial light that i saw and moving 150 metres to raise alarm for safety and emergency help. going back to the night i saw the grim reaper when i was able to break the paralysis i moved from my room and my younger brother asked me what was wrong because he clearly saw that i was as white as a ghost, looking as though i had seen a ghost, i told him what had transpired and said to enter my room closely afterwards ( me still shaking at this stage) he said when he entered my room he just felt a coldness that was unexplainable and that he was freaked out.
this is the first time i have ever discussed those events in relation to me nearly dying. and i feel better for it, thanks to the person who started this thread

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by point

Originally posted by angelslayer
yea but see ICARUS RISING, the problem is I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. WHAT AM I TO DO? u know, i wanna SLEEP at night like normal people.... but thanks for the advice.

I know it is far easier to say than do, but the FEAR must be overcome.

That is what the demons want. It may be part of the reason they keep coming back to attack. They want the spiritual energy that is released through the emotion of fear.
Cut off their supply and deny them their feast. You have to fight and fight hard.
Perhaps you can picture yourself in the dream as a fierce warrior with a mighty sword and shield.
Do not view these demons with awe and fear, view them instead as the pathetic scavengers that they are. Believe that you are greater than them.

Take heart in what you have already discovered to be an effective weapon against these demons. The Name and Divine Energy of Jesus Christ.
If there are other identities you consider to be powerful and Divine then ask them to help you in the fight also if you feel the need.
Believe in yourself and believe you can destroy the demons (whatever there rank). You destroyed one, you can destroy others.
You've already found you can make one (powerful) demon back off.
Others can be made to back off as well.
Give them one hell of a fight and let them know you mean buisiness.

Good Luck.

[edit on 30-5-2006 by point]

hey tanks alot for ur words of encouragement, i needed that
, i feel alot better and ready to face anything, thanks alot again man. GOD BLESS U!!

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Hi, im new, this is my first post, i've been lurking awhile.

I've had similar experiances, a few years back, I was sleeping on my couch and a naked girl came walking into my house, and started reaching for my zipper without saying anything, i grabbed her wrist and said what are you doingged, similar to what's been described here and she got up and walked out, stopped at my door, her face changed back to looking normal, and she said bye in a deep weird voice too.

Another time I was woken up and had a large dark shape with glowing eyes leaning over me, he said he was a powerful demon and started reaching for me, I started out scared #less, then pushed it into anger and said No (actually kind of yelled it at the thing) it stopped, screamed in my face and was gone, just not there anymore, and at this point i was definatly awake as i got up, turned on the lights, and brewed coffee

I've come to the conclusion turning fear to anger is also effective

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 06:59 AM
I have had experiences that are also just as vivid and was given wonderful advice from a close friend. He directed me to a Qi Gong master who has been amazing in his guidence.

If you are interested in learning from somebody who can help you I would be happy to forward you his details. He is based in Melbourne but should be able to advise you of an appropriate Master in your area if this is not appropriate.
Kind Regards,

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