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The earth may explode in the long run

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posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 07:27 AM
I was wondering where to post this till I saw the one on Gravity and thought I'd put it there to start with. Don't know weather it has to do with aliens or origins. Please feel free to do the needful if this isn't the rightforum.

Here is a theory ----

Gravity pulls every thing towards the centre. So the earth is getting smaller and the pressure below the crust is increasing. When the pressure gets more than the crust of the earth can hold then it just might burst.

Volcanoes are there to release the pressure and these volcanic mountains are just getting bigger and bigger due to more erruptions. So the pressure check is getting bigger (like in a pressure cooker). When the pressure check gets greater than what the remaining part of the crust can hold then the earth might blowup.

Now if this happened on some other planet where they were civilized and grew their technologicaly, then they would have built a huge space ship and left their planet (reminds me of Superman's origin) taking DNA samples of say life on their's.

Now this ship reaches a planet that has the right gravity/mass, heat, sunlight, etc but only thing is it's just has a very loose outer surface and has huge beings (like dinos) swimming thru it with a food chain. Something like vegitation on the top and herbivores and carnivores.

Now the civilization that came on the ship drops some huge plates onto the surface which slowly sinks and sets in. They then scoopup every thing and starts piling them in the plates. Forgot to mention that they also wipe out the dinos (and insects?) especially the big ones as the were very violent and let the small ones be. The water flowed down from these scoops and became the seas and there was dry land. Now he planted the garden and recreated the lifeforms of his planet (Genesis Including his own Image?) .

There was no rain at that point as there wasn't any huge water mass for evaporation. Water used to just come out of the surface as mist and condence and flow into the sea. This went on until the equibilirium changed and there was a huge rain. Reminds me of Noah. Guess he took DNA samples and made a boat the others just didn't know what rain was.

The space ship could still be around like the light in the sky that the 3 wise men followed because it was rotating with the earth like a satelite. Now the perfect DNA from it with the DNA of women.

If we look at the diff combinations of our DNA on earth then there are XY, XX. Do you think there is a YY?

P.S. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'd sure like opinions, comments, etc on this writeup.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 07:47 AM
What? I don't even know what your talking about either lol ... this isn't meant for the science forum. Should have this moved to atleast origins if anything. Possibly BTS ...

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 08:04 AM
Actually, you don't have to worry about the earth exploding. In the same way you don't have to worry about the sun (at least our sun) exploding.

What happens in a star is that as the pressure rises and the energy/area increases, nuclear fussion progresses more rapidly, resulting in a greater "outward" force. Thus, once the "inward" force of gravity meets the outward force of fussion they cancel out and put the sun at equilibrium.

As fusionable material runs out, the Sun starts to collapse, getting smaller. However, energy remains the same and so energy/area increases (it gets hotter). Eventually you reach the Helium Flash where the Sun begins Helium Fusion - it's the same as Hydrogen Fusion, except, due to the higher temperatures, occurs faster. Thus, the Sun has a shorter lifespan when in the Hydrogen fusion.

This keeps going on until there is not enough fusionable material left in general, and the Sun will continue to collapse until it reaches electron support (or some word like that) where the further collapse is prevented by the electro-magnetic force of the electrons.

Now, in very large stars fusionable material goes all the way into producing Iron - although the star is likely only producing iron for 1 day before it then goes Supernova. You see, anything below Iron is fusionable for energy, and anything above Iron is fissionable for energy, however Iron itself is the asymtop - you can't get energy out of it either way. Thus, when that runs out, the collapse of the star is unpreventable.

When it does hit that electron point, the force of gravity (due to the star's massive size) isn't strong enough, and the electrons are pushed into the atomic nucleus - creating neutrons. At this point a supernova occurs, releasing off tons and tons of energy. What's left is either a Neutron Star or a Black hole (where even Neutron pressure is unable to hold the star in one piece - imagine a Neutron star as a giant atom, because that's essentially what it is). A Neutron star, however, doesn't actually create any energy. In fact, it's just slowly releasing stored up energy. Also, since the spin increases as a star shrinks (watch figure-skaters that bring their arms and legs in close), the surface of a Neutron star can be moving extremely fast (fastest recorded is 1/3rd the speed of light).

Anyways, the Earth is under a similar equilibrium. As the pressure increases, the "push" from pressure begins to form into a natural equilibrium of the "pull" of gravity. This is what prevents the Earth from both exploding and from collapsing into a black hole. Since it's a natural equlibrium, its actually very difficult to disrupt - and so one should never worry about it.

Also, since no additional mass is entering the system, it's just mass moving around within the system, it's not like have more mass on the surface will change things. The overall mass remains constant. Whether it's lava inside or outside the Earth is irrelevant.

Finally, for those wondering why I didn't include how the Sun expands to massive proportions nearing the end of it's life, I didn't think it was important to go through that process. Another interesting fact is, though, that if a Star isn't massive enough to undergo Carbon fusion, then if one found a dead star's core of Carbon it would essentially be the biggest diamond in the universe... or at least in your part of the universe.

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