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I am astonished, why has no one talked about this?

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posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:43 AM
Has no one even heard of the recent Israeli raid on West Bank prison? Israeli forces came in with armed bulldozers, tanks, and helicopters.....and for what? To capture the imprisoned formerly militants that were about to be released after serving their terms. Three innocent Palestinian prison guards were killed. To futher intensify the outrage, American and British guards suspiciously left the prison just two weeks before the raid.

This Israeli attack is serverely critisied and condemned by U.N and E.U.

So is this what has become of Israel? Having the abusive power to rightfully invaide other countries' public jurisdiction property full of unthreatening prisoners and faultless prison guards, and shell it with tank fire and helicopter bullets, take the men whoever they wish and get away with it?

Shame on you Israel

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:47 AM
Here you go.

be astonished no more.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:50 AM
Why is there another copy of this thread here?

Afraid you won't get coverage in one or the other?

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:51 AM
Thanks for your link, it's time the world finally see through the Israeli disguise and the camouflage as who is the real big bad "terrorist" and the true victims in Middle East.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by EarthUnificationFrontier
Thanks for your link, it's time the world finally see through the Israeli disguise and the camouflage as who is the real big bad "terrorist" and the true victims in Middle East.

Ah yes the diry stinking jew....second only to the North American white man in terms of evil! Yes I now see. Evil jews and their American white lap dogs.

Yeah whatever, way to just come out and say: "Hey I'm an ***." If you have something to contribute besides blatient bias then say it.

I do like your sig line, it is probably the single greatest example of gross simplification I have yet to see. Might what to talk to a poster by the name of Souljah. I think you two would get along just fine, with all you Jew and American hating.

[edit on 16-3-2006 by Imperium Americana]

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:11 AM
Wake up, open your eyes, smell the air of realiaty: It is you that walks alone with a foolish few that are still blinded by the propaganda and lies, surrounded by rest of the world standing against America and Israel.

Just admit it, US and Israel are probably the two most hated countries in the world, and of course with appropriate reasons from the masses of people.

PS: I see no false claim in my sig, it was the truth in its most pure and rather ugly form without any sugar coating of lies and sophistication. If you think what the sig states is wrong please enlighten me

[edit on 16-3-2006 by EarthUnificationFrontier]

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:13 AM
Imperium Americana if you haven't realized it was you that posted in this thread without any real contributions to the topic: Israel raid on West Bank Prison.

Please ATQ in your post next time.

[edit on 16-3-2006 by EarthUnificationFrontier]

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by EarthUnificationFrontier
American and British guards suspiciously left the prison just two weeks before the raid.

The people that were captured were terrorists. The Yehudis made a deal with the Palestinian Authority wherein the PA could hold them, so long as there were third party observers. Those observeres, the brits and yanks, left, thus, the deal was off, and the yehudis took the men prisoner.

So is this what has become of Israel? Having the abusive power to rightfully invaide other countries' public jurisdiction

What other country was invaded here? The occupied territories are not a sovreign nation.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 01:30 AM
I infact admire Israel when it dose things like this.
I wish my country could respond to its pesky lil' neighbours in a similar fashion ..sigh..

But our govt. is a bunch of softies. They only get all worked up when terrorism comes knocking at their doorstep. (Rewind: Parliment attack 2001)

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