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Over Three Hundred Disproofs of God�s Existence

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posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 01:21 AM
For my dear Christian friends on this Forum I offer the following link which summarizes the typical atheist argument about the existence of God. Somewhere in this web page you will find an example of the thought process utilized in typical atheist logic and argument:

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 01:33 AM
I must comment on the unwavered dedication of you and others here @ ATS. It is those of you who proudly admit your faith in God, that are beacons to those who yet not see.

Always will there be those who refuse to believe, and those who never will. They are the ones who need prayers the most, even though it may not do them any good. As God already knows what lays in store, for everyone. May he be merciful, and all forgiving to those deserving.

Your actions do not go unnoticed, and are appreciated by those of us who care.

Blessings to you and yours, may the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

(An Irish blessing, for those who didn't know.)

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 01:46 AM
then in tune with your argument...
your very existence is non existencial...

may we meet again at the cross roads to duel...

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:08 AM
@ jagdflieger: Only for christian friends? I am Muslim, can I read it too?

Briliant link, dude, briliant

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:12 AM
it looked like athiesm for dummies...

any good links with good information...

yet in all it is only information a tool that can be bended for the likes of the wielder...

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:42 AM
i read a few. they're all inane. you can't disprove god.
i know that the whole point of the exercise is to make atheists realize that they should at least have some doubt o fthe existance of the divine, but the arguments are so lame, i can't even get through them all without changing the channel.
all arguments against god are lame.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:44 AM
for the arguments even the time spent posting and not praising is lame...

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:13 AM
I think Jadeflieger is cool.

God doesnt exsist. You people just havent realized it yet.


posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:11 AM
Same old stuff from atheists, nothing new. I agree with you Billy in the fact that atheistic thought is weak and above all false. Good words too Advisor and I agree.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:17 AM
How come these 'proofs' haven't now changed the world I wonder? Funny enough there are people who apparently either have a different idea of proof or they prove that the 'proof' is
crap. Proof is generally a universal so that article
decide for yourselves, it aint worth touchin'.

Who is anyone to talk about God anymore anyway? I mean I have
never met an honest or truly righteous person, so, how can anyone being not a God, know the qualifications of Godhood to be
able to discern on an absolute scale even peep much less say anything about God, or the existence of God or deity or anything really that existed before them?

I wonder who people think they are sometimes.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:19 AM
For atheists Luc, they believe Man is their personal God.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:39 AM
This should have been titled:

300 Examples of Really Bad Deductive Reasoning

I honestly approached it with an open mind and personally I do not care if others are Athiest, Christian, Buddhist, or whatever...It's your choice not mine...

The Logical Process within the statements on that page were seriously lacking signs of intelligence. Both in Theory and Structure. My 3 year old neice makes better and more understandable "logical" statements even with her lack of experience and limited use of language and speech.

Of course I didn't read all 300 of them but I did read quite a few and even skipped around thinking that maybe only the poor examples were at the begining and got better as you went down the list. Sadly they continued to be just short of making sense. Perhaps those who DO find this to be of Genius Thought or Insightful can post a couple of the better ones for those of us who may have missed them.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 06:19 AM
I was scared for a minute that this was a real example of someone's "logic". I'm sure that there are those with a similar lack of reasoning, but I hope I never encounter them!

These examples, while amusing, were not actually posted by an athiest site. This was actually a Christian ministry site which adapted it from the Atheists of Silicon Valley to debunk their philosophy. I could not find the original version so I don't know how it was initially written. I did find a good explanation of the Atheist's belief.

I personally, believe in God and the Christian faith (not the religion) in Creation. I think that it's only fair, though, to represent all views honestly, so that everyone can make their own decision.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 08:32 AM
Some (real) disproofs of God...

1. God says he loves man, yet he routinely has wiped out hordes of innocents by his own directives (i.e. the ten plagues of Egypt, the Great Flood, and his announced upcoming Armageddon). Now, you could argue that that they were sinners, but seriously, how much could little Egyptian infants sin?

2. One of the Seven Deadly sins is Vanity, yet God is guilty of this in his own Ten Commandments (no worship of false idols...he is so vain that man not worship another, that it made the top ten list!)

3. God is supposed to be loving of all mankind, yet routinely cheers on the destruction of the unfaithful, even so far as suggesting their being gutted, their women raped, etc. (mostly in the Old Testament)

4. The word of God has been routinely proven wrong, by science, as far as our evolution, the Earth not being the center of the Universe, etc.

5. What deity would allow it's most faithful representatives, to be universally viewed as pediphiles and child molestors? Surely, if anyone deserved some fire and brimstone, it's these bad reps....???

This could go on and on of course...because God doesn't need to be disproved. His followers do an admirable job of this, all on their own...

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 09:22 AM
Jezebel is right.

It wasn't written by an athiest. It was written by a Christian. The original is a document BY an athiest that lambasts the arguments Christians use in their "defense of God."

Here's the original:

Note that (unlike the pseudo-athiest arguments) these ARE arguments used in apologetics debates by Christians.

Also note that the fake athiest version doesn't actually contain 300 arguments.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 10:46 AM
Again it seems that the fine art of satire is unappreciated by many people in today�s world.
These people would watch the movie �Zelig� and think that it was a real documentary.
This is sad because satire has a honorable literary tradition.

Over the past few months, I have seen many atheist �arguments� presented at ATS and
indeed the logical process behind these �arguments� can be distilled down to essentially
what is contained on the linked web page. The skeptics love to throw charges of bad
scholarship and incredibility at the Christians yet seem to fail to see their own bad
scholarship and incredibility. Also the skeptics send out cries of �unfair, foul play� when
the theists use the very same kind of arguments and tactics that the atheists use.

Indeed I have seen many arguments made by skeptics which indicate that they did not ever
bother to do any checking on the validity of the source they are quoting and just accepted
that source as being correct. Such is the �pagan origins of Jesus� contention. A few
minutes spent at a Hindu or Buddhist web site would prove that many of the statements
made in the �pagan origins of Jesus� thesis is pure bunk. Indeed it seems that the atheists
seem to think that they can make any kind of thesis based on pure assumption, totally bad
scholarship, wild interpolations of a few facts, skewed view of history and then present
this thesis as irrefutable fact.

Many of the skeptics arugments can be listed as this:
1. Argument by outrage. Oh all those poor people killed by that mean old God. First
their argument shows that they did not truly understand what was going on. Secondly if
this argument does hold weight, do you think I want to mess with Him and make Him mad
at me. No way.
2. Forgery, all is forgery. The skeptics state that the Bible is nothing but forgeries written
years after the fact and then use the Bible as proof for their thesis (Hyram Maccoby is an
example). The interchange would go something like this:
Skeptic: The New Testament was written years after the fact. It is a pack of lies. Paul
really was a ....
Christian: Wait a minute you are using the New Testament as evidence of your contention
that Paul was a .... Yet you just said that the New Testament is a pack of lies.
Skeptic: Well that part of the New Testament is reliable.
Give me a Break.
3. The Oral Tradition. A variation of the �Forgery, all is Forgery� thesis. The skeptics
contend that the New Testament was written years after the events. Why the first
reference to the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John can be dated to 170 A.D. to
185 A.D. almost 150 years after the Crucifixion. Yet they quote Tacitus of which the
earliest text comes from about 800 A. D. Also they love to use the Zoroastrians as the
source of many Jewish and Christians beliefs. However the Zoroastrians texts which are
extant today were written from 220 A.D. to 650 A.D. at least 800 to 1200 years after the
life of Zoroaster. All of a sudden the oral tradition becomes reliable. In short the oral
tradition of Christians changes in a period of a few years, while the oral tradition of every
body else remains fixed for thousands of years.

Here is lexicon of skeptic's terms which you may encounter in their writtings and what
follows is what these statemenst really mean:

Every legitimate scholar ---
> The one guy out of a hundred that agrees with me.

After consulting an expert in the field ---
> I asked my barber.

Numerous experts agree that ---
> Not only is it my barber's opinion, the waiter at my favorite restaurant also agrees.

Having done extensive research on ---
> Read a book once with a chapter on the subject.

After exhaustive research on ---
> Read a book once dealing with the subject.

Being an expert in the field ---
> Read two books.

Having discovered many Biblical contradictions ---
> This is what I found at The little smiley faces sure
help; otherwise, I might have to think for myself.

Being a noted author in the field ---
> I finally scrapped together enough cash to get New Adventures Press (or Writers Club
Press) to publish the crap I threw together.

Being a well respected author ---
> Enough people were conned into buying my first book, I was able to afford to get a
second book published.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 11:11 AM
Theories are all the athiests have to try and justify their lack of loyalty and faith to anything but themselves.
Theories are the first things that atheism whips out to prove god does not exist,again,THEORIES.
I was an atheist once I suppose,but over time I realised there had to be more to it than what I saw here,and began to seek the truth.
I did not seek the truth of whether God existed,I sought to try to explain my own existence and purpose here.
None of the information I found made any sense at all,it did not explain anything fully,just common sense with "theories" hung on it as if these "theories" were truths.
My search ended in my eyes being opened to the fact that there is something more,something beyond infinite,something beyond these sorry ass measures that we judge ourselves,and others judge us by in this world.
An atheist who claims to have morals is not a true atheist.
Religion does not mean those who practice it have any idea what God is.
It's one of those personal things you come upon on your own,you can't see or hear it,no one can teach it to you,you must realise that you are a part of something greater than yourself or this world.
I'm sure God loves atheists too,after all,he gave them life.
You coulda been created as a rock,I'll bet rocks give their creator more recognition and respect than most humans do,if they can think......
Peace to you,and may those who you insist do not exist and have power over you forgive you for denying them your recognition.
And I ain't talking about politicians.
The scariest thing here and now is peoples ignorance,because they believe something so completely,their children never get the chance to develop beliefs of their own,their children inherit the parent's beliefs without questioning them or thinking for themselves,the parents inherited their faith from their parents.
Faith is not inherited,it is developed.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by uNBaLaNCeD]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Always will there be those who refuse to believe, and those who never will. They are the ones who need prayers the most, even though it may not do them any good. As God already knows what lays in store, for everyone. May he be merciful, and all forgiving to those deserving.

Sure! Pray for conversion. How absolutely arrogant of you!
Screw you, and your god damn religious BS! Nothing pisses a non-believer off more than some weak xian praying for them. Keep your religion to yourself. I'm contemplating leaving this forum for good. There's far too much religious advocation going on here. That pretty much makes this a religious forum, IMO. It also reduces the seriousness of the content here. Quite frankly, it makes you look like a cult.

BTW, that page was obviously written by angry teenagers, or retards.

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
An atheist who claims to have morals is not a true atheist.

Why would you say such a thing? Secular humanists can and do have good morals. This is an idiotic statement. Care to elaborate?

[Edited on 10-9-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 12:04 PM
Satyr the name of the Forum is Religion and Spiritualism, again would ask if there is something wrong with you???

By the way perhaps if would be best if you did leave especially if you can not discuss without engaging in personal attacks.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Satyr

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Always will there be those who refuse to believe, and those who never will. They are the ones who need prayers the most, even though it may not do them any good. As God already knows what lays in store, for everyone. May he be merciful, and all forgiving to those deserving.

Sure! Pray for conversion. How absolutely arrogant of you!
Screw you, and your god damn religious BS! Nothing pisses a non-believer off more than some weak xian praying for them. Keep your religion to yourself. I'm contemplating leaving this forum for good. There's far too much religious advocation going on here. That pretty much makes this a religious forum, IMO. It also reduces the seriousness of the content here. Quite frankly, it makes you look like a cult.

BTW, that page was obviously written by angry teenagers, or retards.

[Edited on 10-9-2003 by Satyr]

I support your stance Satyr.......I do not understand this need for others to validate their belief system by trying to help those who do not want their help. I'm sure if you wanted help you would ask for it. Otherwise to assume you are somehow in need or unable to live successfully on your own is belittling.

Edit: Although you should save the anger and name calling for our Government Officials IMO.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by mOjOm]

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