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From the traitor's mouth:

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posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
See, Tom, ya screwed up already. DUUUH-OOOHHH!

stop that!

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Venus: I can't help it. He brings out the worst in me---and he started it.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
He could not find his ass full of # if his life depended on it.

But he found a great SO.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 12:20 PM
Well after reading all 6 pages of this thread I have to say this has got to be one of the funniest threads I've ever seen here.

Colonel I agree with you about the current administration. But I also think that both parties are just as bad. And that is the truth.

Colonel I like you man I really do. You're republican bashing has become legendary, and I must say I laugh my ass off everytime you go on one of your tyrades. I really enjoy them. Funny Stuff. Again I agree with most of what you say. I just wish you would stop personaly attacking members. Thats not cool dude.

Anyways. Great Thread. Funny Stuff.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 01:48 PM
I'm sorry Ocelot but me andf Tyriffic have had a long history and if you notice, he attacked me first.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 01:53 PM
It is hard to find something when you have every desparate commie and lefty in the world working against you non-stop 24 hours a day in the vain hope of toppling you.

Are you an agent for the communist party Colonel? Just wondering.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:07 PM
Why do you live in constant fear and preach such?

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
There is nothing beneath a republican. No matter what this admin or it supporters do: Lie to the people and have hundreds of soldiers die, commit treason, steal from the state of CA, use massive drugs from a backlot at Denny's, abuse women, molest children. It doesn't matter. They still support them.


Don't try to figure it out. You will go insane. Just know it and try to stop the plague.

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by Colonel]

wtf is this crap? It has been a long while since I have been here, but the only person who has ever sounded this frigging communistic was Abraham Virture. I don't know if you appreciate the analogy, but I'm sure you know he's been banned.

Ah, so automatically those who molest children and kill women are those you call "re-pugnants?"(NOTE TO MODS: sorry I had to avoid the censor, but I needed to use the word to get the point across) Well, guess what? You're liberal probably buddy Mr. Vladimir Lennin was one of you. Yet because of him, millions died. Your party doesn't sound so innocent now, does it?

This is not to say I fully support republicans and conservatives, though... Gays should be allowed to marry and adopt. We can't get rid of all the taxes. Those who rape and murder should be killed. But saying that those who disagree are evil? Therapy, man.

I suggest you check out my post in "the liberal explanation." It may enrage you, or you may agree. Either way, it seems to describe how you're acting.

Have a nice, non-liberal day.

Signing off,

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
I'm sorry Ocelot but me andf Tyriffic have had a long history and if you notice, he attacked me first.

shades of illmatic... oi.

*sorry to double-post*

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by High_Lord_Warrior
[wtf is this crap? It has been a long while since I have been here, but the only person who has ever sounded this frigging communistic was Abraham Virture. I don't know if you appreciate the analogy, but I'm sure you know he's been banned.

Have a nice, non-liberal day.

Signing off,

Abraham Virtue was banned? Yeah, so what? Am I supposed to start giving a #? ANd is that all you repugnants have to say? Oh, becuase he doesn't believe in our fascist ideas or support our dictator Bush, he must be a Commie. Dude, it's old. That # went out with McCartyism.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Abraham Virtue was banned? Yeah, so what? Am I supposed to start giving a #? ANd is that all you repugnants have to say? Oh, becuase he doesn't believe in our fascist ideas or support our dictator Bush, he must be a Commie. Dude, it's old. That # went out with McCartyism.

Temper, temper... Shame how testy some of us can get over the smallest things.

I merely implied that you were like him. He was far-left-wing, and that sector is communism, is it not? Fact cannot be destroyed with opinion. That is something that is seemingly invisible to the mass populace of ATS.

Also, have you checked my profile, or asked around about the user who suddenly appears with 260 posts? I hate Bush. I hate the man and I hate his opinions. I am definitely a Democrat, despite the fact that I am more conservative than liberal. I'd applaud someone who does not support bush(btw, kudos to you for fighting those who do support him, i.e. TC). Its a terrible sin to assume things.

You'd be surprised how many people are republican, yet are not in the classification you give to most of them. It seems that you, like my old "friend" Illmatic67, will blame and point the finger at anyone in a certain class. You point the finger at the republican, merely for having differing opinions than your own. Illmatic did the same with the white man, for a sin that the whites did to his ancestors.

I must say though, you do fit the stereotype of those at ATS. You cannot allow anyone with a different opinion than yours to exist alongside you. You cannot be proven wrong, because it is a massive conspiracy against you. Congratulations, my friend. You've found the right meassage board.

Signing off,

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:45 PM
Listen, I've been fighting the repugnants (including mods) daily since I've been here. It's almost to the point of knee jerk reaction when answering. Unfortuantely, there can be no middle ground in this because the repugnants are a monolithic group They will not deter one iota from their beliefs. So, they are all the same to me.

If my attack upon you was unwarranted, I apologize. It appears that it has been.

[Edited on 11-10-2003 by Colonel]

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 04:02 PM
Apology accepted. However... It appears to me that even though you say that you have justification for your hatred of the republican, you deny that there is a middle ground between the centrist Republican(your everyday joe schmoe) and full-fledged Hitler wanna-be's. You can say that they are all scum, but as with everything, there is a large space between that which you hate and what which you see in front of you.

The hatred of republicans such as Dubya is understandable. While the Administration tries to make it look as if it is run by intelligent human beings, in truth it is run by a moron. Bush can't pronounce "nuclear," for God's sake. This is indismissable, and I wish that those who can swear by Bush's name would realize this.

However, referring to them as a "monolithic group"(a"one rock" group? the statement itself makes little sense to me) is just stupid. Yeah, they "can't deter one iota from their beliefs," but neither can hardcore democrats, can they? Did you ever see Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton admit that one of their beliefs is wrong? If you have, it must have been like seeing the face of God.

If you go by the reason you gave, you must hate all of the politicians, because the description of unable to admit they are wrong describes all of the beaurocrats we have in this morass of a government.

Signing off,

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 04:25 PM
When i first read that there would be a probe ionto it all, i KNEW there would be noone found responsible.

It was just a big "We're gunna save our butts contest and make noone repsonsible scene".

Why? Coz it saves their butts, and thye can be invincible for doing whatever they want, even such as being a traitor.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by High_Lord_Warrior
Apology accepted. However... It appears to me that even though you say that you have justification for your hatred of the republican, you deny that there is a middle ground between the centrist Republican(your everyday joe schmoe) and full-fledged Hitler wanna-be's. You can say that they are all scum, but as with everything, there is a large space between that which you hate and what which you see in front of you.

The hatred of republicans such as Dubya is understandable. While the Administration tries to make it look as if it is run by intelligent human beings, in truth it is run by a moron. Bush can't pronounce "nuclear," for God's sake. This is indismissable, and I wish that those who can swear by Bush's name would realize this.

However, referring to them as a "monolithic group"(a"one rock" group? the statement itself makes little sense to me) is just stupid. Yeah, they "can't deter one iota from their beliefs," but neither can hardcore democrats, can they? Did you ever see Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton admit that one of their beliefs is wrong? If you have, it must have been like seeing the face of God.

If you go by the reason you gave, you must hate all of the politicians, because the description of unable to admit they are wrong describes all of the beaurocrats we have in this morass of a government.

Signing off,

Monolithic: massive, solid, and uniform. Webster's II Dictionary. (You're kinda lookin for a flame I see).

Yes, they are a monolithic group. On the Dems side, we disagree on a variety of issues. Just take the Iraqi war for example. Many Dems disagree as to whether we should have been there. But, we accept them. Not the Repugnants. You either think our way or you're out. And, we wil make an example of you as a lesson to the others.

That's why I war against them.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 07:26 PM
Colonel and HLW calm down,no need for a fire fight.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Colonel and HLW calm down,no need for a fire fight.


Thanks, super-mod, but we're fine. This is far more civilized than the arguments you and I used to get into, so why are to telling me to calm down? Quite frankly, I'm enjoying this debate quite a bit. It's good to be debating with a competent person for once.

Back on subject, I get flamed enough on lots of boards. Its no new business to me, Colonel. Besides, you can't blame someone for going by a word's roots rather than its meaning. My post stays as it is.

Signing off,

EDIT: I hate spelling mistakes.

[Edited on 10/11/03 by High_Lord_Warrior]

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 07:37 PM
I am more concerned about the use of profanity mainly be Colonel. Please refrain from it.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 07:40 PM
You know Colonel, (nice chatting with you again, btw) why even pick a side if all you do is label yourself for other close-minded people to stereotype you? I do not consider myself either a Democrat or a Republican, simply because of the conflict of interests the two parties have. I would rather make my decisions without bias, based upon my personal code of ethics, rather than feel pressure form the party i belong to. That is the beauty of having your own vote, and i'll be darned if I'll allow a political party to sway my vote. After all, I am voting for a law or a man when I enter a ballot. Certainly, the party behind the man or the law has motives and I must take that into account. But why allow someone else's motives to become your own?

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by darkhowling
You know Colonel, (nice chatting with you again, btw) why even pick a side if all you do is label yourself for other close-minded people to stereotype you? I do not consider myself either a Democrat or a Republican, simply because of the conflict of interests the two parties have. I would rather make my decisions without bias, based upon my personal code of ethics, rather than feel pressure form the party i belong to. That is the beauty of having your own vote, and i'll be darned if I'll allow a political party to sway my vote. After all, I am voting for a law or a man when I enter a ballot. Certainly, the party behind the man or the law has motives and I must take that into account. But why allow someone else's motives to become your own?

You are the wisest person I have met in a long while. This is really the most sense I have heard come from someone's "mouth" since I was very young.

You are right; the restrictions of a single political party are without a doubt the most annoying thing in this country. They limit the mind of an American, causing him or her to think only a certain way.

Whether democrat of republican, the leaders of the parties will be the ones who damn the ones who disagree with them. So, theoretically, both sides are monolithic. Therefore, should you not be a non-politically-affiliated person who hates all parties, Colonel? That would make a lot more sense, going by your reasoning.

Signing off,

PS Don't yell at me fore the "damn" part, JM. It's uncensored for a reason, so super-mod can go off-duty.

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