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Our Lives, & Everything Around Us = a SIMULATION!

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 06:07 PM
Read my siggie folks. What freaks me out is that all the crap that happens to a person may have been chosen by them. If that is the case then some of us are masochists for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:24 PM
Really, thats strange isn't it. Certain things just seem to be out of sinc. Your not the first to say that. My brother owns a Electical Business as well. Speaking with 2 of His workers, that were at my house making repairs on the wiring once again, told me about a strange anomaly they
came across during a huge job they had at a plant, which sounded very similar to yours!
This has crossed my mind several times over the past months, when noticing things to be out of sorts!
Have you taken notice of anything else to be out of wack? Or was that the only time?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:36 PM
What was this "anomoly", angelwings?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by idbltrl001
That's right my friends... we are in THE MATRIX.
Your Grandparents death? Planned, and coded randomly a long ass time ago.

We are in the matrix. Now who wants to jump off a building with me?

Well, if everything is fake than who are you talking to?


posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Hi Captain,
First let me stress again these guys are your average guys that are the kind that they don't believe everything one hears or see's that is out of the norm, is related to strange things like ghost, aliens etc, they say theirs always a rational explanation for just about everything, is the way they think, or shall I say how they once thought lol !
They said, they were putting in new wiring at this plant, and one of them said, to the other the machines that were running didn't even sound real to them, but almost like a recording sound, they said was the strangest darnest thing, which it left them scratching their heads.
It gets even stranger they said, when one of them went to the truck for parts, and when walking back looked up at the strange smoke coming from the chimney or smoke stack. I forget exactly what he said what the smoke was coming out of, but this I remember clearly, that he said the smoke looked fake and not real, like something out of a cartoon, so much so he went in got his buddy and said what you make of it! They said the smoke would come out a few feet and totally vanish not even slowly disintegrate as usual. I asked them was it a lot of smoke that would seem to come out, they said yes, that it was not small in proportion at all, but a large quantity so much so, that one would expect it to slowly drift and dissolve away. They said again the only way to describe it, was it looked like something out of a cartoon. It didn't even look real. They always seen smoke coming from many factory's & plants they worked at, but this left them totally perplexed over this.
It gets weirder yet, they go back in, and really took a good look around, everything they were looking at just seemed out of sorts, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, when one of them was going to go and investigate where one strange sound was coming from - he said a gentlemen then appeared which seemed to be from out of no where, calling him away from the direction he was headed. Then it seemed he was anxious at keeping their attention diverted away from there, with ongoing conversations, till their work was completed!
When I asked them, did they ever have anything like that ever happen before, they both said no, and they were real glad to get out of there, because being there they said it felt like their equilibrium also was out of sorts, since the moment they got there, and it took most of the day after that, to then feel back to their old selfs!
They laughed and said they felt like they were in something from the twilight zone!

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:35 PM
Definitely sounds like a "flaw in the programmin" to me. Wow. Now I'm really starting to believe this stuff. It's a good thing I'm not the only one

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:38 PM
Captain Hi again
when I signed on today, I noticed on the 2000 reply threads list, their was one on there about another Matrix thread, must be a real good one, to have gotten more than 2000 replys. I'm going to check it out, I thought I tell you too!

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:45 AM
Interersting thread.

If by chance possible, a theory could be that the reason to create such a primative being would be to study how quickly other species advance -- and how, etc.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:20 PM
rodie I just got an idea, are they able to go back and take a look at the plant again?
Would love to find out if things are still strange there. Im going to see on my end too, if anyone has had a call back to fix anything else there.
Be interesting to find out if things are still acting out of sinc, wouldn't it?

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