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To America from the Iraqi resistance #2

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posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 11:22 AM
I'll say it again, wouldn't it make better sense to give the West a reason to leave; a doorway through which to leave, and then do as you wish? If the Iraqi Resistance really wanted to resist, this is a perfect example of how the best resistance is to give nothing for the opposing side to push against.

Of course, that might mean I would be laid off of my job, so don't consider that to much.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 12:01 PM
Soulijah also seems to forget that Saddam was in violation of cease-fire terms from the 90-91 Gulf War. Violations inwhich Saddam was given numerous (17) chances not to get destroyed.

But since it doesn't meet his 'anti-american' must be a lie......

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Every Occupation - Especially those ILLEGAL ones - Result in RESISTANCE.

So, with Iraq the Resistance is really nothing new.

illegal ones?.... You still trying to sing that old song?....

The "resistance" as you call it is so good towards the Iraqis that Iraqis themselves are killing your "terrorists"...ooops i mean your "revolutionary friends"......

Iraqi civilians fight back, kill 3 attackers

Gun battle shows private citizens are getting fed up

By Robert F. Worth
New York Times News Service
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Ordinary Iraqis rarely strike back at the insurgents who terrorize their country. But just before noon on Tuesday a carpenter named Dhia saw a troop of masked gunmen with grenades coming toward his shop here and decided he had had enough.
As the gunmen emerged from their cars, Dhia and his young relatives shouldered their Kalashnikov rifles and opened fire, police and witnesses said. In the fierce gun battle that followed, three of the insurgents were killed, and the rest fled just after the police arrived. Two of Dhia's nephews and a bystander were wounded, the police said.
"We attacked them before they attacked us," said Dhia, 35, his face still contorted with rage and excitement as he stood barefoot outside his home a few hours after the battle, a 9-mm pistol in his hand. He would not give his last name.

Excerpted from.

oh, and let's not forget what happens when there is word of one of your "revolutionary friends" is around Iraqi citizens.....

1,000 Iraqis Die in Stampede Over Rumors of Suicide BombBy Robert F. Worth THE NEW YORK TIMES BAGHDAD, IRAQ
1,000 Iraqis Die in Stampede Over Rumors of Suicide Bomb
By Robert F. Worth


More than 950 people were killed and hundreds injured Wednesday morning when rumors of a suicide bomber provoked a frenzied stampede in a procession of Shiite pilgrims as they crossed a bridge in northern Baghdad, government and hospital officials said.

Most of the dead were crushed or suffocated, witnesses said, but many also drowned after falling or jumping into the Tigris River after the panicking crowd broke through the bridge’s railings. The disaster was by far the greatest one-day loss of life since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003.

Excerpted from.

I will keep bringing these facts to light everytime you, or anyone else, tries to claim the "insurgents/terrorists" are fighting for the Iraqi people.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 05:18 PM
Too bad they didn't leave a return adress...

I'm sure I and my country would give them some kind of reply.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 11:01 PM

Thankyou, for your wisdom

However, for those of us who HAVE experienced more of life than the day to day drudgery, we know, that without the human spirit, we dont exist anyway. This is absolutely something to fight for.

Judge Crowne.

It's illogical to say :

We have to stay in iraq because there are people fighting us.
it's like.
We will leave when the violence, that is caused by Our presence, ends.

Come one thomas, your not brainless, the US agenda is not for peace in iraq, it's surely for something far far more sinicster.

If there was no opposition to them being in iraq, i'm sure their excuse for staying would be, "SEEE SEEE since no one is fighting us, THEY WANT US TO STAY... and "help" oversee reconstruction". Their building perminant bases one way or the other, WAKE UP !!! IF the resistance ends tomorow their not going to leave, don't be soo gullible!!!

The ones sewing secterian violence which as you know are the occupiers, their excuse is to stay for the time being as peace keepers, So what benefits them, is not a resistance against them, but secterian violence,which they are creating in iraq. Not that they really need an excuse anyway, they can always come up with one, but it also serves them in other ways such as Defaming the resistance (something which they hate and despise and doesn't benefit them) and dividing and conquering the iraqi people.

So you see Even though the illuminati might find someway to manipulate the resistance in the media into something that can benefit them, they find some small way to benefit from anything even things normally against htem, that's what they do, they are opportunists, pure capitalists.

But the resistance it apposes them far more than they can find anything to benefit from it, because they actually WANT CONTROLL OF IRAQ, no matter what you see in the media, no matter what public opinion outside iraq is, the resistance is what is on the ground in iraq, they live among the people, they are teachers and taxi drivers, tailors and students, they are brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, their the ones that are winning the hearts of the people, faster than any of your controlled media can, They are what is most dangerous to the Agenda of the NWO, because right now, they are the ones who are winning this war.

Now, the question to me is, do they do this because shoving Islamic rule down the throats of these tired but resiliant people that important to them,

Thomas listen, this is your greatest misconception. Normally i would forgive you, if you where the standard ignoramous, since your media drums you down with things like "islam extremism is the enemy" = "our allies are not islamic extremists") . BUT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!!!!! You should look beyond what you are being told AND LOOK AT THE FACTS!

Those who are collaborating with the americans right now, see the american occupation as a way in which they can gain power , and the majority of those people BELIVE IN ISLAMIC RULE!!!!!!


Before the occupation and sanctions, Iraqi women enjoyed the most equal treatement in comparison to the whole of the arab world (with the exception of Syria *ahem*).

Now with the US's new puppets, all those rights that women had are being stripped away, by the "islamic rule" that your so affraid of thomas, that your government FUNDED in the first place.

How The US Erase Women’s
Rights In Iraq

By Ghali Hassan

10 October, 2005

Prior to the arrival of U.S. forces, Iraqi women were free to go wherever they wish and wear whatever they like. The 1970 Iraqi constitution, gave Iraqi women equity and liberty unmatched in the Muslim World. Since the U.S. invasion, Iraqi women’s rights have fallen to the lowest level in Iraq’s history. Under the new U.S.-crafted constitution, which will be put to referendum on the 15 October while the bloodbath mounts each day, women’s rights will be oppressed and the role of women in Iraqi society will be curtailed and relegated to the caring for “children and the elderly”.

Immediately after the invasion, the U.S. embarked on cultivating friendships with religious groups and clerics. The aim was the complete destruction of nationalist movements, including women’s rights movements, and replacing them with expatriate religious fanatics and criminals piggybacked from Iran, the U.S. and Britain. In the mean time the U.S. moved to liquidate any Iraqi opposition or dissent to the Occupation.

During his stint in Baghdad as the U.S. Proconsul, L. Paul Bremer often appeared with pro-Occupation women groups to foster the myth that the U.S is “liberating Muslim women”, while at the same time signing laws that were detrimental to women’s rights. Like George Bush and Tony Blair, Paul Bremer is no feminist, but he used feminism’s rhetoric to enforce Western imperialism. “Whether in the hands of patriarchal men or feminists, the idea of feminism essentially functioned to morally justify the attack[s] on native societies and to support the notion of comprehensive superiority of Europe [and America]”, wrote Leila Ahmad, professor of women’s studies and an expert on gender at Harvard University. Hence, feminism serves as the “handmaid of colonialism”, added Ahmed.

Since March 2003, Iraqi women have been brutally attacked, kidnapped and intimidated from participating in Iraqi society. The generation-old equality and liberty laws have been, replaced by Middle Ages laws that strip women of their rights and put them in the same oppressive life as women in Afghanistan, the nation which the U.S. invaded to “liberate” its oppressed women. The 1970 Iraqi constitution is not only the most progressive constitution in the Muslim World, but also the most equal. Iraqis were mentioned only as “citizens”, and Iraqi women’s rights were specifically protected.

In December 2003, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) – constituted mostly of the current puppet government – approved resolution 137, which will replace Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Laws with religious law to be administered by conservative religious clerics from different religious groups with different interpretation of Islamic laws. The laws could affect women’s rights to education, employment, and freedom of movement, divorce, children custody and inheritance. The 55-member Constitutional Committee, who allegedly drafted – under the American radar – the new constitution, is only 17 per cent women. Like the January elections, the drafting of the constitution was undemocratic and lack public participation. Amid the escalation of violence, Iraqis are asked to vote on a constitution they do not understand. Many Iraqis believe “the new constitution weakens the state and strengthens religion within the government”, which can be used to suppress people’s rights and freedom in general and women’s rights in particular.

So you see, it's not the resistance who want to shuve islamic rule "down iraq's throught", it's america
Still don't belive it?

John Pilger said this :

TONY JONES: It sounds, however, like you were saying these young men, about to join this Gestapo-like police force, are not innocent?

JOHN PILGER: Well, they're not...

It's nice that you call them 'these young men'.

They're among some of the most vicious creatures.

I mean, most of them will be led by people who the Americans would have slapped into Guantanamo Bay had they - if they didn't have another duty to perform for them.

The United States has singled out all of Saddam Hussein's top security and intelligence people.

He ran one of the most effective security, yes, Gestapo’s in the Middle East.

They've taken them and these people are now training 10,000, paid for by the CIA, to effectively do unto the Americans what they did under Saddam Hussein.

That's what they did in Vietnam..

HEH, looks to me, like your exporters of freedom, are importing UN-freedom.

I said this, and i'll say it again thomas.

Anyway, the resistance is not about one System over another, the resistance is not a political movement, they don't belive in sharia, or communism, or capitalism or any one said thing, they are a combination of many many different iraqies with many many different ideas about how they want iraq to be run. All with on thing in common, their patriotism to their country, and their wish for self determination and dignity.

When the occupation is pushed out, and iraqies can decide what they really want. WETHER THEY THEMSELVES DECIDE ON THE SHARIA LAW , IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO, WITH YOU OR I.

Their choice as to how they want to run their country is up to them not up, that's the freedom you want for iraqies right thomas, that they can decide for themselves? Not just your capitalist HELL pseudo-freedom.

I say this one last time thomas and i hope you can understand it. THe iraqi resistance doesn't back on idealogy over the other, because they are a mixture of hundreds of different ideologies, some of them islamic, som of them socialist, MOST OF THEM NATIONALIST. Are not pushing for any political ideology, just TRUE freedom for their country.


As for your further claims that the IRaqi resistance is made up of foreign fighters.

Please note that even your government was forced to quietly admit this wasn't true.

However, of the more than 1000 men between the ages of 15 and 55 who
were captured in intense fighting in Falluja last week, just 15 are
confirmed foreign fighters, General George Casey, the top US ground
commander in Iraq, said on Monday.


quote: a senior U.S. military official said Friday in Baghdad.
Still, the vast majority of insurgents are Iraqis.
"We've got, oh, roughly 10,800 -- give or take -- prisoners. I think there are like 357, 358, something like that, third-country nationals, some of whom have been in Iraq for many, many years," the senior official said.

Report attacks 'myth' of foreign fighters

Brian Whitaker and Ewen MacAskill
Friday September 23, 2005
The Guardian

The US and the Iraqi government have overstated the number of foreign fighters in Iraq, "feeding the myth" that they are the backbone of the insurgency, an American thinktank says in a new report.

Foreign militants - mainly from Algeria, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia - account for less than 10% of the estimated 30,000 insurgents, according to the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Iraq's foreign fighters: few
By: Dan Murphy on: 27.09.2005 [13:40] (277 reads)
A new report says foreigners make up 4 to 10 percent of Iraq's 30,000 insurgents

(5764 bytes)

CAIRO – Much of the US effort in Iraq in recent months has been aimed at stopping the inflow of foreign jihadis. US warplanes have blown up bridges to deny insurgent infiltration routes, troops have occupied small towns thought to be crossing points for foreigners into bigger cities, and spy drones continuously buzz the Syrian border.
Even if the US can seal Iraq's borders, stopping the flow of foreign fighters would do little to eliminate most of the country's insurgents. Only 4 to 10 percent of the country's combatants are foreign fighters, according to a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies released last week. But while they are a minority, says the report, they are a potent segment largely from Algeria and Syria.

By Jonathan Finer
The Washington Post
Updated: 12:40 a.m. ET Nov. 17, 2005

The relative importance of the foreign component of Iraq's two-year-old insurgency, estimated at between 4 and 10 percent of all guerrillas, has been a matter of growing debate in military and intelligence circles, U.S. and Iraqi officials and American commanders said. Top U.S. military officials here have long emphasized the influence of groups such as al Qaeda in Iraq, an insurgent network led by a Jordanian, Abu Musab Zarqawi. But analysts say the focus on foreign elements is also an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the insurgency in the eyes of Iraqis, by portraying it as terrorism foisted on the country by outsiders.

"Both Iraqis and coalition people often exaggerate the role of foreign infiltrators and downplay the role of Iraqi resentment in the insurgency," said Anthony H. Cordesman, a former Pentagon official now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, who is writing a book about the Iraqi insurgency.

‘Blaming outsiders’
"It makes the government's counterinsurgency efforts seem more legitimate, and it links what's going on in Iraq to the war on terrorism," he continued. "When people go out into battle, they often characterize enemies in the most negative way possible. Obviously there are all kinds of interacting political prejudices they can bring out by blaming outsiders."

And last but not least, from the iraqi resistance themselves.

Your representatives, & their media, have portrayed an image that an insurgency is in Effect & that it is led by elements of foreign fighters entering from Syria & neighboring Countries; yet we assure you, that it is only a continuation of what Bush once claimed,“Mission Accomplished”. This resistance movement was prepared for, & is only the second chapter of this War. And we are mostly if not all Iraqis, Proud Iraqis who kept their oaths to defend people & country

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 11:33 PM
The little propaganda machine marches on!
(I forgot where I first heard that, but Im pretty sure it was in reference to you)

Again, more ridiculious claims backed up by cheap websites like and the rants of people who have no other evidence other than thier words and long essays.

SS, Im not doubting your allegations to the point were there is no chance they could be true. I just need proof, I've looked for it and still nothing. (yes, I know. Look harder.) It's always the same, read what this person has to say, read this essay, someone told me, etc.....

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 11:49 PM
The story you sent, was not of civilians fighting the resistance.

Your friend Dha is actually a resistance fighter, and what he was fighting was US run militia, badr bridgades, other wise known as death Squads. they too where head covering and carry weapons.

otherwise, why would the resistance just attack them, death squads are what attack civilians.

It's amazing how the new york times manipulated it.

The majority of the iraqi people, love the resistance.

Their families, their freedom fighters.

FALLUJAH, IRAQ: Residents of Fallujah celebrate as they ride on a pick up truck through the streets of the restive city, 50 kms west of Baghdad, 10 May 2004. Celebratory gunfire rattled across the Sunni Muslim bastion of Fallujah. Both Iraqi police and masked insurgents shot off rounds and people flooded the streets


From this point on, let's keep the discusion about the contents of the Resistance message. I trust that the moderators here will assist me in this regard.

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:01 AM

The little propaganda machine marches on!
(I forgot where I first heard that, but Im pretty sure it was in reference to you)

SS, Im not doubting your allegations to the point were there is no chance they could be true. I just need proof, I've looked for it and still nothing. (yes, I know. Look harder.) It's always the same, read what this person has to say, read this essay, someone told me, etc.....

So in other words, you want me to send a Solid object through ATS forum. Is that right? Well i'm sorry but cyberspace just doesn't work that way.

I am offering you a different opinion, and i back that opinion up with some factual information. For example, i give you my opinion of the Iraqi resistance, and i show you this message coming from them, does what the resistance say reflect my opinion of them, is that evidence. In history, and in courts of law, testimony of a person who is at the location of is tantamount to evidence. It's not my opinion that you should be looking at, but the evidence which is the testimony and message from the iraqi resistance.

But when it comes right down to it, different opinion is all that i myself can offer, it's all any of us can offer in this FORUM where peoples opinions are shared.

Yes, it was me who was called a little propoganda machine
And i'm not denying it either, we are all propoganda machines, we propogate our ideas and opinions to each other , we argue our ideas to each other, that is what propoganda means. Now these might be wrong or right ideas, they might be propogated through truth or if you are a dishonourable person, through lies. But indeed we are all propoganda machines, the only difference is, i'm better at it than most of the people on this forum

Now please, what's YOUR opinion of what the iraqi resistance has said in their video communique?

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
The majority of the iraqi people, love the resistance.
Their families, their freedom fighters.
From this point on, let's keep the discusion about the contents of the Resistance message. I trust that the moderators here will assist me in this regard.

[edit on 13-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

Yes if they are traitors to the UK and the US. Manipulation of words - simple sales and closing. How about we discuss reality, please complain to the mods to get me a warning, to shut me up. Lets focus on what is real. Iraq will be a wealthy nation. You fear, however, as soon as this is realized, the Iranian party is dead. Your constant logistic program of sending foreign troops across the Syrain and Iranian border to blow up Iraqi civilians and coalition troops will cease. That would mean your ideal of Jihad is failing and that God is not with you. This would also mean dependence on Saudi oil will contimue to slip as Iraqi oil sales continue to rise. History proves that the people of Iraq will be successfulas they have always been throughout history. They have a strategic tradin location, fertile ground, and ample trading partners. This has not changed for thousands of years. Yet to many who believe in corrupt Jihad philosophy, Iraq should be a war ground to fight the western world, and of course we anticipated this and of course you have already failed. Why? Simply because people want to live peaceful, prosperous lives. Without being blown up in their streets by "resistance" IED's. Reality is American's will be seen as the friends of Iraq over Iran, and Syria. Why? Because we do not choose to blow up their children for the ultimate purpose of winning. That's where Jihad loses. Children come before Jihad by the civilized.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:16 AM
For example, what is your opinion when the resistance says:

"By weakness & ignorance, you have allowed this gang of criminals to hijack you country, create a new phobia, to recruit those whom they regard as nothing but fuel & vehicles to their master plan."

Or when they say.

"As for the declared casualties, This is an epic on it’s own. We assure you that the figures are far higher than declared. It is not a secret today in Iraq, what we call the green card soldiers, young men from South America & other parts of the world gathered and promised the U.S. citizenship & large sums of cash for their mercenary services in Iraq. They are always on the frontlines, & their casualty figures are never declared. They are hidden in unmarked graves and dumped into rivers under the cover of moonless nights. Some of which, the resistance has provided evidence of. There are also the large numbers of security contractors, who are not listed as military personnel. To us, it is one thing to be tricked into this war, but it is totally different, to come here & fight someone else’s war. "

or when they say

"& as odd as it may seem, we advise you to take matters into your own hands, & rid this world of such criminals, or any form of government which resembles the Neo-cons in their aims. Form a third party if need be, appoint those who resist pre-emptive war as true representatives of the people, before it is too late. & if demonstrations & protests are not heard, use & protect what is left of your constitution & correct matters by force."

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister

Or when they say.

The "they" is your opinion gleaned from artilces for propaganda. Do you agree with the policy of Iran and the policy of Iraqi resistance?

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Oh there you are sweet SS....was begining to think you had moved on lol......any good to see you back on the boards.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:29 AM

i missed you too

vincere 7

How about we discuss reality, please complain to the mods to get me a warning, to shut me up.

I am happy to continue with you an open debate about that, as i have been doing and will continue to do for some time.

But please, choose another thread where we can have that age old arguement. Perhaps in a debate forum, or start a thread of your own saying how i am just soo soo wrong.

This thread is of something new.

"they" is the video message that i have posted

Do you agree with the policy of Iran and the policy of Iraqi resistance?

The policy of iran (of sharia) is the same policy of those collaborating with the americans now in iraq, as i have previously shown.

The reistance has no political "policy" other than to rid their country of occupation.

Wether of i agree with any political ideology is of no consequence to what i percieve to be a just response to something unjust. If you must know, my politics is left leaning.

Now surely i have entertained your questions enough.


The "they" is your opinion gleaned from artilces for propaganda.

No, 'they' are the Iraqi resistance, who made this video, with a message on it.

What do you think of that message?

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
I am happy to continue with you an open debate about that, as i have been doing and will continue to do for some time.
But please, choose another thread where we can have that age old arguement. Perhaps in a debate forum, or start a thread of your own saying how i am just soo soo wrong.
This thread is of something new.

The age old argument of terrorism. Sorry girl your flowery speech will not work with me. Perhaps we can continue to discuss how you cannot answer my question, that you agree with the death of American and UK troops, by the occupation you support.

Originally posted by Vincere7
Do you agree with the policy of Iran and the policy of Iraqi resistance?

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
The policy of iran is the policy of ones collaborating with the americans now in iraq, as i have previously shown.

You mean the policy of blowing American and UK troops to pieces along with Iraqi children. That is the policy you speak of correct?

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
The reistance has no political "policy" other than to rid their country of occupation.

How do the foreigners rid the Ameicans and UK troops from Iraq? I'd like to point out the "resistance" cannot do so without ridding Iraqi families of their own children and family members through explosive devices. Do you agree with these facts?

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
Wether of i agree with any political ideology is of no consequence to what i percieve to be a just response to something unjust. If you must know, my politics is left leaning.

So blowing up children by roadside bombs and RPG attacks is a just response according to you. Please demonstrate this any way you see fit. I'm sure the Iraq mother and father would love to hear your excuses.

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
Now surely i have entertained your questions enough.

I am not entertained and I hope to God no one else is at your blatant disregard for life in supporting terrorist action.

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
No, 'they' are the Iraqi resistance, who made this video, with a message on it.
What do you think of that message?

I think of it as I would the messages from Hitler poor girl.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:54 AM

Your false claims again that the iraqi resistance is made up of foreigners.

well let's take a look at what the Iraqi Resistance has to say about that, IN THEIR VIDEO COMMUNIQUE #7 WHICH IS THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD.

" Your representatives, & their media, have portrayed an image that an insurgency is in Effect & that it is led by elements of foreign fighters entering from Syria & neighboring Countries; yet we assure you, that it is only a continuation of what Bush once claimed, “Mission Accomplished”. This resistance movement was prepared for, & is only the second chapter of this War. And we are mostly if not all Iraqis, Proud Iraqis who kept their oaths to defend people & country.


Have you not asked yourselves, where are the weapons of mass destruction, & where are the links between our previous government & the once CIA sponsored AL-Qaida? Or is that all now a thing of the past?

So is it like the resistance says vincere? That it's all in the past?

Also let's see what the resistance have to say about your claims that they are behind the civilian deaths in iraq.

After the failed American Elections in Iraq, they will now play the sectarian card. They are already sending their mercenaries to destroy churches & mosques alike in order to prepare the grounds for civil war & unrest. They will train more & more local traitors to conduct police operations & detention raids on anyone who does not accept democracy performed at the muzzle of a barrel. The local mercenaries will also act as sandbags to their masters, when we choose to strike.

The non conduct of your troops has also taken it’s toll on our people, it has created resentment & disgust. They dismiss these war crimes as isolated cases, yet the figures are always on the rise. What’s more are the scandals of Abu Graib, poka, The use of Chemical weapons on Falluja, & only gods knows what’s to come.

Life under Dictatorship is far more safer, than behind the bars of your democracy.

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister

Your false claims again that the iraqi resistance is made up of foreigners.

Oh, I make no such assumption. The foreigners, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebannon, Iran, and Yemen are providing much money, troops, and bribes to keep the young and foolish killing their own Iraqi blood. I'm sure years from now they shall weep at the devastaion they have caused to their families, friends, and neighbors by being decieved through money, and Jihad promises by those who lust to kill Americans and Europeans. You yourself are deceived and agree with such as you cannot answer my responses.

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
Have you not asked yourselves, where are the weapons of mass destruction, & where are the links between our previous government & the once CIA sponsored AL-Qaida? Or is that all now a thing of the past?

The weapons of mass destruction are within your mind and all those who will wage war against America and the UK in the name of Jihad. You see we do not play by the rules when it comes to destroying those who will destroy us. Not only have you lost, but you have lost the countries and the resources you sought to use in your war against us. Now you shall buy these precious resources from your enemy and the very people you sought to use in destruction against us. They shall become wealthy and dominate your nation.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister

Before the occupation and sanctions, Iraqi women enjoyed the most equal treatement in comparison to the whole of the arab world (with the exception of Syria *ahem*).

Now with the US's new puppets, all those rights that women had are being stripped away, by the "islamic rule" that your so affraid of thomas, that your government FUNDED in the first place.

Those 'rights' seem to be coming back, ten fold. Glad to see some control given back into the hands of the Iraqi women.

Army helping Iraqi businesswomen win contracts
February 10, 2006

About 250 reconstruction contracts worth more than $250 million have been awarded to women-owned businesses in Iraq over the past eight months.

Opportunities for Iraqi businesswomen are increasing, with help of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, according to a civil engineer who just returned from Iraq two months ago.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 01:19 AM

Those 'rights' seem to be coming back, ten fold. Glad to see some control given back into the hands of the Iraqi women

Err hello?

the article states that due to the occupation iraqi women are being stripped of the rights they had before the occupation.

During his stint in Baghdad as the U.S. Proconsul, L. Paul Bremer often appeared with pro-Occupation women groups to foster the myth that the U.S is “liberating Muslim women”, while at the same time signing laws that were detrimental to women’s rights.

The generation-old equality and liberty laws have been, replaced by Middle Ages laws that strip women of their rights and put them in the same oppressive life as women in Afghanistan, the nation which the U.S. invaded to “liberate” its oppressed women. The 1970 Iraqi constitution is not only the most progressive constitution in the Muslim World, but also the most equal. Iraqis were mentioned only as “citizens”, and Iraqi women’s rights were specifically protected.

In December 2003, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) – constituted mostly of the current puppet government – approved resolution 137, which will replace Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Laws with religious law to be administered by conservative religious clerics from different religious groups with different interpretation of Islamic laws. The laws could affect women’s rights to education, employment, and freedom of movement, divorce, children custody and inheritance. The 55-member Constitutional Committee, who allegedly drafted – under the American radar – the new constitution, is only 17 per cent women. Like the January elections, the drafting of the constitution was undemocratic and lack public participation. Amid the escalation of violence, Iraqis are asked to vote on a constitution they do not understand. Many Iraqis believe “the new constitution weakens the state and strengthens religion within the government”, which can be used to suppress people’s rights and freedom in general and women’s rights in particular.

Throwing kick backs at the beurguisie elite of iraq, is not tantamount to giving women their rights.

It's not enough that you throw some money at already rich females, while the rights of regular iraqi women are being eroded.


let's see what the Iraqi resistance have to say about it, in their video message.

Women who give birth to deformed babies, caused by the effect of your military’s depleted Uranium shells.

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 01:24 AM
The great part about it SourGrapes, and I am a contractor myself, is that women cannot be denied their rights even under the influence of #e rule, simply because America will enforce women's rights. Now enforce is a strong word. So is the beating of a husband with no law to protect a women from such. There will be many changes. Many Islamic women find this in direct contradiction of the Qu'ran. It amuses me to see many women under Sadaam rule to say, "Oh I had many rights and freedoms," and yet those women rapped by the very Sadaam philosophy of control have a very different story of torture and abuse as compared to their "beautiful" concubines.

Regardless it's overwhelmingly agreed women shall have more rights under the new Iraq as voting proves such. The difficult part will be following the Qu'ran by elders, women included, in defining the new Iraq through consitution and cultural belief.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 01:27 AM

The weapons of mass destruction are within your mind and all those who will wage war against America and the UK in the name of Jihad. You see we do not play by the rules when it comes to destroying those who will destroy us.

Let's see what the iraqi resistance have to say, about your claims that they ever intended to attack you.

From iraqi resistance communique #6

We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or the U.S. nor are we responsible for 9/11. These are only a few of the lies that these criminals present to cover their true plans for the control of the energy resources of the world, in face of a growing China and a strong unified Europe . It is Ironic that the Iraqi's are to bear the full face of this large and growing conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world.

Then you said.

Not only have you lost, but you have lost the countries and the resources you sought to use in your war against us. Now you shall buy these precious resources from your enemy and the very people you sought to use in destruction against us. They shall become wealthy and dominate your nation.

So let me understand this, You admit that your war against iraq was about getting iraq's resources?

IN that case, your not the kind of person this message was intending to reach.

The iraqi resistance intends this for Good americans and true patriots, not murdering imperilaists, the exact sort of criminals that the iraqi resistance was talking about.

[edit on 14-2-2006 by Syrian Sister]

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