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Earth Base One?

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posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:00 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any information relating to an area in South America by the name of "Earth Base One." I have searched the net for hours now and can not find anything about it. I was viewing a video where Jordan Maxwell explains that it is possibly one of the first cities in the history of man and that it is high atop a mountain similar to Machu Picchu. I searched the forums here and like my prior searches around the net, came up with nothing. So at this point I conclued that having made an account for these forums months ago, I would put it to use and see if anyone had any information in regard to this matter. So far my outlook on this matter is somewhat skeptical considering that Maxwell said it was highly documented on the net. And yet, I havent been able to find one single sentence mentoning this alleged ancient site.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:30 AM
There is a brief rference in this article:

A link to buy the movie referenced above:

Another reference:

You are right, not to many references.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 04:08 AM
Thanks for the links. The thrid link suggests that this site is the same place as Tiahuanaco...

"Alan Landsberg has called Tiahuanaco Earth Base One."

That helps me out alot. Again, thanks.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:25 PM
I've been researching these stuff for a while now, I thought Atlantis was the first city/civilization?
Can anyone shed light on this subject?


[edit on 6-2-2006 by sinarty]

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by sinarty
I've been researching these stuff for a while now, I thought Atlantis was the first city/civilization?


All evidence still points to Atlantis being myth.

While humans (Australopithecenes and others) have been around for about 5 million years or so, the ability of humans to live in large groups has been limited by landscape and agriculture. It was only after the development of tamed animals and planting food crops that it was possible for several hundred people to live permanently in a single area.

There are villages that archaeologists have uncovered that date back 10,000 years and more, but the first true cities (or the oldest ones) that archaeologists have found lie in India and date to about 6,000 BC; a time when the earth was starting to warm up. These cities gradually subsided into the Indian ocean.

The next oldest cities are in the Middle East and in Egypt. By 5,000 BC, Egypt was building cities and they were well established in China, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean civilizations. 3000 BC saw the rise of the larger civilizations in the Americas, though those never advanced as technologically as the European area civilizations did.

"Earth Base One" is a movie and a rather bad one. One person made reference to the movie in looking at Tiahuanaco, but that's about as significant as me labeling Atlanta as "Dallas Lite."

Just because you call it that and make some superficial connections, it doesn't mean a hill of beans.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 10:40 AM
Interesting point, Bryad.
Think you can have a look at a timeline I'm working on?

I'm not so sure about the dates and all... I've verified most of them with numerous other timelines, but still, some things are not in place.
Could you have a look at it? and tell me what you think.


posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by sinarty
Interesting point, Bryad.
Think you can have a look at a timeline I'm working on?

I'm not so sure about the dates and all... I've verified most of them with numerous other timelines, but still, some things are not in place.
Could you have a look at it? and tell me what you think.

If your sources are Velikovski, Sitchin, etc, then I think it's correct.

If you're intending to tie up things with archaeology and known writings of civilizations, there's a lot of problems with that timeline (such as the Gobi Desert was well known and written about long before the "destruction" scenario and the Archimedes story is an urban legend (recently hatcheted to death by the "Mythbusters" tv show.))

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
"Earth Base One" is a movie and a rather bad one. One person made reference to the movie in looking at Tiahuanaco, but that's about as significant as me labeling Atlanta as "Dallas Lite."

Just because you call it that and make some superficial connections, it doesn't mean a hill of beans.

Didn't know it was a movie. After the first reply I had come to the conclusion that this subject was quite possibly complete and utter garbage. Had it not been almost totally cleared up that this subject is insignificant, I would be sorry about posting this thread in the first place..

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:29 PM
Starting to think this is all another stitch up by the masters of evil again...

Think plan (B) is astro theology...meaning just another concocted virus to brain wash the masses by the agent's and army of the human and jinn kind that are down with the illuminati the even't that there "novus ordo seclorum" plan fail's...and that's it...

O yes before i forget the Jinn are not all evil just like not all of us are evil..and though yes we mostly don't see them but they are certainly amoung us and have lived here as long if not longer than we have and we have been on this planet for at least three and half to four million years to date....and yes they have technology and have travelled the stars there is plenty of evidence for that that much i do understand and believe....

Just a message to those who are astro theologians i don't believe all of you are evil just misguided on a few points that put's you as just pawns in the illuminati's game arena so save yourselves from eternal demise cus the Great Maker and Shaper, our True Creator we know as the Unseen One,of which there is no other one and my meaning on that is, "THE ONE has never been seen by anything that our Creator has ever created not ever and that's a fact! But wait untill an appoint day i have know knowledge time wise on that day we will for sure see our Maker as one alone unique in all attributes.....

For now the Creator is beond the comprehension of all Creation...

Don't wish to offend you cus i know as well as you that you have got to know what the Creator is to know what our Creator isn't and vicer versa....

And the false gods you call upon for council will only lead you astay...
since our father Adam and Mother was cast out from grace along with satan and his followers amounst the Jinn have we lived here and nothing changes on that level and you strangley deny the existance of suilman you call soloman he was given great understanding and was not a magician...
See the truth is they are not telling you he was given to rule over your aliens and made them build great buildings and technologies far more advanced than what we would we expect and now there is evidence the jinn have made bases on many of the planets and moons near our sun...see suilman was smart he was given great insight and knowledge before he ended up in his grave he ordered the the aliens/jinns to destroy much of what they had developed or please think about this...
know angels followed iblis/satan who was before his arrogance a great teacher intrusted with great knowlelge and authority but as unlike us human and jinn the angles have no free will they follow the laws and rules that our Creator set at the time creation was made manifest just like the universes or heavens rotate in a orbit so do the angles follow the laws set by the Creator even before all life ie; space or time, light or darkness or anything we know or don't except for evil that is that comes about by those with a free will...the choice is your's..

I know for all concerned that this is indeed hard to obsorb but only the truth and the guidance from our Maker can set us free for the lies and distortions of the illuministics grip...

This life is a test upon the faithful indeed and in the end our orbit of time is the return to our Creator who will reveal all that we did in the life of this i personally don't want to get on the wrong side of our Creator know i love our Creator and to me that is what we have all been created for....and it in my chest i feel The Maker...and i know it isn't with my physical brain or heart i do the thinking with lol even the ancients knew that and from my continued persuite of researching great knowledge and wisdom to save my own ass first...we had better be careful who's council we are listening too...or you may end up with wasted energy in servicing the wrong remedy for all free will loving poeples of the human kind and jinn likewise.....Thx ZOOM.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:58 PM

There are villages that archaeologists have uncovered that date back 10,000 years and more, but the first true cities (or the oldest ones) that archaeologists have found lie in India and date to about 6,000 BC; a time when the earth was starting to warm up. These cities gradually subsided into the Indian ocean.

The next oldest cities are in the Middle East and in Egypt. By 5,000 BC, Egypt was building cities and they were well established in China, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean civilizations. 3000 BC saw the rise of the larger civilizations in the Americas, though those never advanced as technologically as the European area civilizations did.

Just wondering, do your dates include the time spent living in "temporary" structures while the cities themselves were being built.
I could imagine a village made up of several hundred people without benefit of permanent structures for quite awhile. In effect structures that would decay to nearly nothing would be hard to date.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 05:47 AM
HI all again

These things you speak off on the decaying front only happen in this heaven or universe.

There are many methods by which modern scientists can measure the age of something but many of them are accuracy..though this info can be easily found on the net..

From what i understand this space craft we call earth was once a long time ago part of the higher heaven the illuminists who are infact the agents and army of iblis/the devil know this and play on this new thing 'aliens' business.

In the old world they were called spirits etc just another name but really the same thing,just like the illuminist idea when that idea is exploited to the max and exposed they start it off again but under a new name but we know in essence its the same thing...

The astro theologians are right on many things but in essence who are they serving were do they get there council from cause if it isn't from the Creator of all that is in the heavens/universes and earth and all between them then it is just another name given by the illuminists who serve the one cast out call iblis you call the devil not to be mistaken with lucifer that was one of there ideas that got exposed long ago but iblis is the devils real name....but also he has been given many titles..

Just like the illuminists ideas all sound yippy do dah on the day but at the end of the day the out come in essence is pure evil.

I strongly believe our Creator is going to rap up this existance we now live in eventually..the rubbish will be thrown in the bin and the good stuff will be an adorement for our Creator forever.
The rubbish will not be happy but the good will be forever.

Heard of nimrod the great the jews know of him the honest ones the guy at the time of abraham funny also the astro theologians deny abraham...shame that's there loss in the end.

Nimrod had a virgin birth but in fact like all of the lies in the past (except for isah/jesus you call him) his mother had sex out of marriage that being a no no which is right morally..but to cover up her sinn she said and angel of the Creator.....cutting a long story short similiar to the isah truth as she was well versed in scripture (Creator has always sent down what we call divine revelation in the form of books from way back basically telling us to serve known only the creator and follow the carrier of the Creators message)but because she was a servant of iblis she was given great status in the land and wealth a new old idea in born anyway she gave birth to nimrod who at the end of the day call himself God he used magic as the illuminists do and had the all seeing eye or camera and technology we would think of as only having today so all this modern stuff ain't so modern it goes way back have you heard of the babelonian batteries i could go on and on with these kind of findings but i will not cause as i have to so do you have to learn educate and research for yourselves and call only upon the one and only to guide you as i do and that isn't iblis the arrogant one....Thx ZOOM

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:31 PM
More commonly refered to as Tiahuanaco I think. Try a search on that.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Byrd

Myth is from the God "Mythra". If you are going to comment do your research Idoit.
Keep searching for earth base one the rest of you. Good luck!
The Truth Will Set You Free.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Just wondering, do your dates include the time spent living in "temporary" structures while the cities themselves were being built.

Even temporary structures if they disturb the ground will leave a trace. As Byrd noted above hunter-gathers cannot susstain large bodies of people in one place-the resources are depleted to quickly. You need agriculture and domesticated animals for a stable population growth*. One other thing you need is santitation - which is why the first cities came to be next to rivers - a natural sewer.

*There has been discussion that a sea based resource civilization might be possible but that requires a far ranging fishing fleet and still requires land based fruits and vegetables.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Anyone who thinks Atlantis is still considered a myth hasn't read a lot on the matter.
Every old civilisations from Azteks, Mayans to Egyptians and even the present Tibetains records show testimony of the existence of the Atlantis civilisation.
And before Atlantis was another continent called MU.
Do your homework.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:22 AM
I think too many of us still think the universe revolves around the earth. We are but a tiny part of a vast universe, it was here before us and it will be here when we're gone. This planet was formed in space, so the origin of everything on this planet is obviously space.

Lifeforms are not unique, we only have to look around to the many different species of life on earth to know that. So the possibility of unintelligent life on other planets has to be extremely high, ie bacteria's and such.

Intelligent life however, I cant answer if that is unique or not, but lets put it this way. Logically the universe is so vast, we would have to be extremely arrogant and small minded to assume we are the only life that would exist in it. Scientifically however, the chances of the same chemicals, compounds and conditions coming together to form life on a planet in another galaxy, would appear slim, but not impossible.

Maybe we are unique to living under these conditions on earth, but maybe other lifeforms exist under different conditions elsewhere. One thing we do know is lifeforms do have the capacity to evolve to different conditions here on earth, so why not somewhere else?.

The ultimate question is "If the sole purpose of the universe is not to contain and sustain life, then what the hell is the point of it?"

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Jay Weishaupt

I found on the net, some information on a city in Bolivia that could be Earth Base One. The name of that city is Tiahuanaco. I believe That Jordan Maxwell is referring to this city. Although it is not called Earth Base one, the images correspond very much to the description he made of it.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Jay Weishaupt
I've checked out the Indispensable Jordan Maxwell also. Although I knew of the site of the ancient ruins he spoke of in the interview. Out of curiosity I was peaked to find this Earth Base 1 auspiciously misdirected. Rather than waste too much time I searched TIAHUANACO Bolivia and that's probably a good starting point if you have'nt yet found, keep up the Home Work. These ancient sites are a trove of mystery.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:52 AM
yeah i saw the same thing about buildings on earth base 1 i cannot findd enything either i bet theres some kind of cufferup on the internet

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Byrd


All evidence still points to Atlantis being myth.

so are you speaking on behalf of the people that know there was a sea in the middle of europe [that thing which was as big as africa and asia combined] at the time of atlantis or for the folks that don't?

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