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Bush Commision? Ready to impeach Bush? You bet!

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posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Instead of making baby noises and whinning, why dont the REAL Americans on this board tell us why he SHOULDNT be impeached???

As such, dgtempe, instead of making those faint-hearted and half-arse continually chanted calls for Bush's impeachment, why don't you, as a REAL AMERICAN, stop talking and taunting, and DO?

I, as with others, do not need to keep hearing/reading your, and others, continued weak and incessant chants for Bush's impeachment, when in truth, nobody gives a damn about Bush being impeached, other than those hard left-leaning liberals, such as yourself, Kennedy, Kerry, etc, etc.

Do us all a favor and walk the walk instead of continually doing the talk.
Actions speak louder than taunts and words, dgtempe....


[edit on 6-2-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Boatphone
It seems to me that the "commision" is just a group of left leaning college teachers, "playwrites", poets, and others.

That must mean they're wrong, overly biased and should not be trusted by any means, and they should be shipped off to Gitmo for aiding terrorists.

I only spotted one playwrite and one poet, btw.

Originally posted by QuietSoul
Whats the point? In 10 months we'll all be thinking about the next President. And a trial would likely take longer then that anyhow.

So the Bush administration (note: not just Bush) should be allowed to get away with their crimes because of that? What makes them any diffrent from ordinary criminals (excepts that their crimes dwarf that of Joe Average the criminals crimes) ?

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 09:59 AM
Well, shut my mouth....

This of course is a sore subject to many. It is also sore to me. Yes, there is enough to impeach but its not going to happen for the reasons i previously stated.

Its not fair to single me out as a nut case, you know i'm not nuts.

I'm with the majority in this country who happens to think we are headed for doomsday, and aint nothing going to stop it now.

I think these little organizations have a perfect right to meet and threaten, they have nothing else to do. Good for them
It makes them feel better, so what??

We are headed (darn, i just looked, its snowing) down a dark road, full of bad intelligence, instigation, death and destruction.

I do feel that Iran's horsie must be stopped NOW. Hopefully by democratic means. Dont let that surprise you about me. I actually am not a far left liberal, i'm moderate Democrat.

When someone lies to me, its pretty hard for me to forgive and forget. I am just that kind of girl.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 10:09 AM
Stop talking and DO your part, and your part is not simply mouthing your incessant hate and spilled wine on this board.

Like the Nike commericals: Just Do It.

The time of talking is over, don't you think?!
The clock is ticking, so if your looking to see Bush impeached, GET BUSY, cause quite frankly, the talk is getting really cheap and mute.

But, hey, this is simply a place to voice opinion, beliefs, and sentiments.
As such, there comes a time when all that simply becomes blather and nonsense. After reading such chants for Bush's impeachment for over two years, it appears that all that is happening is TALK.

How unfortunate and sad, but definately speaks volumes for those who are still doing the chanting and talking of and not doing.


posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 10:26 AM
The majority of this country does not beleive it is headed for doomsday, in fact most of them are content with high mortgages, SUV payments, fast Food, starbucks and gated communities. These are the things that control America, not George Bush.

If you feel that Bush lied about going into Iraq, realize that there are many other individuals who provided him that intel and help to bring about the decision after UN referral, who wanted to do nothing.Based on the stature of Saddms stating that he had WMD's. It was not some private committee who said, we need to get him, we think it might have some, he was openly stating that he did. That is a bad move. This will attract the attention of people outside the ME, which it did. He should not have used so much bravaod against his neighnors, and maybe he would still have a country and his sons.

Impeaching Bush owuld do nothing but divert attention away from what is really going on around us. just like Clinton's trial, when he diod not retaliate for the Cole bombing based of the fact it would have looked like a Wag the dog manuvuer.

Personally, I think bieng the president is like bieng a father to 300 miliion people. You will never be right, everyone will do things behind your back, and years later you will get blamed for those problems.

Dgtempe, run for a local office in you city. If you ahve good ideas, people will listen.

[edit on 6-2-2006 by esdad71]

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 10:26 AM
Well, i will leave you with these thoughts;

Should i go on a one-woman crusade to impeach Bush? I'd be arrested immediately.

Should i put on green fatigues, get a Cuban cigar and call myself "Che"?

I'd be arrested.

Should i form a comittee of Bush bashers here in Cape Cod and have a parade?
I'd be arrested.

I like my freedom, i love my family, and i aint no Cindy Sheehan.
Just look at what is said about her. I am sure, Seekerof, you admire her courage? She is taking a stance. You must think thats admirable???

At this point in time there is nothing for me to do but say to all "I told you so"

...And keep talking...its all i have and that hasnt been taken away from me yet...

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Stop talking and DO your part, and your part is not simply mouthing your incessant hate and spilled wine on this board.

Like the Nike commericals: Just Do It.

The time of talking is over, don't you think?!
The clock is ticking, so if your looking to see Bush impeached, GET BUSY, cause quite frankly, the talk is getting really cheap and mute.

I have to agree with Seekerof here.

Originally posted by esdad71
The majority of this country does not beleive it is headed for doomsday, in fact most of them are content with high mortgages, SUV payments, fast Food, starbucks and gated communities. These are the things that control America, not George Bush.

I have to disagree on that one. Those are a few of the things that keep citizens of highly developed countries, like the U.S. and Western Europe, busy and mezmorized, and that does help public officials and others to get away with crimes when the citizens have their priorities all mixed up.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 11:35 AM
We are discussing Bush, and I was answering dgtempe, and stating people are not looking at doomsday because they are too concerned with material things and American Idol.

In the days following 9/11, everyone in the country wanted a flag. Where are they now? In the closet of the bandwagon patriot who was told to take it down by his homeowners association.

We, the people of this nation, have created the country we live in, and i tire of just blaming hte president. Even if Kerry had won, I truly do not think things would be much different.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Esdad, Kerry works for Bush- you are right, there is no difference. We have reached the last chapters of the book, and the characters are all working toward the same goal.

There is nowhere to turn. This will be where the AntiChrist comes in. Wonder who it will be?

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:45 PM
Well, I hate Bush as much as the next person, but impeaching him won't do a damn thing, except keep me from hearing him lie and seeing his ugly mug on TV every day.

Dude is a puppet, though, and Kerry, his cousin and fellow Bonesman, would have been the same. Though, I do have to wonder, because Bush somehow gets everyone to go along with the globalist rape of America. Clinton got shot down trying half the crap Bush has pulled. What the hell is it about Chimp Face that makes people believe every lie he tells?

Come on, there hasn't been a real prez election for a while now. AT LEAST all going back from Chimp Face to his daddy were rigged, and probably more. You still think the prez election is real when they start touting Hillary and Arnold a WEEK AFTER Bush is re-installed?

Wouldn't mind impeachment, though. At least get rid of one of these professional liars.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Well, i will leave you with these thoughts;

Should i go on a one-woman crusade to impeach Bush? I'd be arrested immediately.

Should i put on green fatigues, get a Cuban cigar and call myself "Che"?

I'd be arrested.

Should i form a comittee of Bush bashers here in Cape Cod and have a parade?
I'd be arrested.

I like my freedom, i love my family, and i aint no Cindy Sheehan.
Just look at what is said about her. I am sure, Seekerof, you admire her courage? She is taking a stance. You must think thats admirable???

At this point in time there is nothing for me to do but say to all "I told you so"

...And keep talking...its all i have and that hasnt been taken away from me yet...

Wow, I mean seriously wow. You really believe the stuff you just typed out there? I'm not gonna say what I'm thinking out of generosity. But I have to ask. How much time do you spend looking over your shoulder? You really believe that crap coming out of and other such sites saying dissent will get you arrested? Please! Step back take 10 deep breaths and remember that you are in the USA and you dont get arrested for such things.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:50 PM
An impeachment trial will do nothing but deter theAmerican public from real issues. It is time now to research your choice in 2008, and start a movement or website now, instead of 6 months before an election. To many good ideas are raped in the media and fade away with no resolve.

You are correct in that the final chapter has been written, and I truly do not think our president, along with any other sane individual wants war, but as history shows, it is inevitable for change to occur on a global scale.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
An impeachment trial will do nothing but deter theAmerican public from real issues. It is time now to research your choice in 2008, and start a movement or website now, instead of 6 months before an election. To many good ideas are raped in the media and fade away with no resolve.

You are correct in that the final chapter has been written, and I truly do not think our president, along with any other sane individual wants war, but as history shows, it is inevitable for change to occur on a global scale.

Choice? With the electronic voting machines, not to mention the candidates?

And, ludachris, it's not the people at making this crap up out of thin air. If you pay attetion, it's OTHER people saying this stuff; they just comment on it and draw conclusions that you don't agree with. I personally think you are in denial, or more likely benefit somehow from discrediting those in the alternative media. Funny, though, because they care more about you than the professional liars, whose boots you undoubtedly lick.

Oh, yeah, I don't believe that end times stuff either, even though it's hitting the fan now. They've been saying that end time crap for 2000 years now, give it a rest.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:04 PM
How about some content, other than blaming voting machines and the candidates. Man, you seem to have so much to bitch about yet offer no solution and do nothing but place blame. You sound like a politician.

About the end of days, unless you have not been reading about Iran, maybe you should. The global chess game is down to 3 moves.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
How about some content, other than blaming voting machines and the candidates. Man, you seem to have so much to bitch about yet offer no solution and do nothing but place blame. You sound like a politician.

About the end of days, unless you have not been reading about Iran, maybe you should. The global chess game is down to 3 moves.


Oh, right, you want me to spoon-feed you info about how there were numerous cases of voting fraud concerning the machines last election (don't even mention Florida in 2000). Or info on how Bush and Kerry are cousins and both in Skull and Bones. Well...too bad, look it up yourself.

And what the hell is that about Iran proving the end of days? It's bull. The world is going to change drastically, sure, but there won't be an anti-Christ and all that other nonsense. How about YOU post ME some evidence that the world is gonna end soon. Seriously. It's just a figment of billions of people's imaginations.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:25 PM
Spoon feed? Man, You'll need to eat through a straw if you don't learn to contain yourself . Although, It is easy to be a tough guy behind a computer .

I live in florida and know all about the debacle. So you think it is easier to change votes electronically as compared to making sure the ballots dissappear. There is nothing worse than a sore loser, and that was what gore was. The election was not stolen, unless you buy into the left agenda. It was a misstep by the media, and they had to recant the statement.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Spoon feed? Man, You'll need to eat through a straw if you don't learn to contain yourself . Although, It is easy to be a tough guy behind a computer .

I live in florida and know all about the debacle. So you think it is easier to change votes electronically as compared to making sure the ballots dissappear. There is nothing worse than a sore loser, and that was what gore was. The election was not stolen, unless you buy into the left agenda. It was a misstep by the media, and they had to recant the statement.

Oh, so now you threaten me? Please. I'm quite sure you'd pound me to a pulp, guy, sure.
I wasn't trying to be a tough guy, but you seem to be with your big bad threats. Whatever, it's pretty lame, and I won't write what I'd like to say because of those annoying warnings. Whatever.

And the election wasn't stolen? I guess that Voting Rights Act of 1965 isn't very important, especially since Bush himself said he has no idea what it is.
It's hard to believe that you live in Florida and missed how more than a million people were disenfranchised. And guess what? It was mostly poor people and minorities who had their votes thrown out. What a pity.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:47 PM
Take it as you want, there is no threat. Act like an adult don't tell me you have to spoon feed me anything, and we are good. I was trying to point out you wouldn't act like that is a public social situation.

Your ideas seem very young and idealsit, and frankly, read like a million other new members who come on the board here and harrass people who still believe in thier country and their president.

Well, rent a bus during the next election and pick up the poor and elderly, that is what the democrats and republicans do during each election. No one is stopped from voting, and you have no right to complain if you do not take the time to put down the bottle or pipe or remote and vote.

Also, showing fear to stand up tor yourself and recieve a warning from a mod to state how you feel shows you have no conviction in the basic belief of defending yourself, so how can you attack others. such as our president.
What would you say, honestly, if you were given 10 minutes with the president. (crickets)

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Take it as you want, there is no threat. Act like an adult don't tell me you have to spoon feed me anything, and we are good. I was trying to point out you wouldn't act like that is a public social situation.

Your ideas seem very young and idealsit, and frankly, read like a million other new members who come on the board here and harrass people who still believe in thier country and their president.

Well, rent a bus during the next election and pick up the poor and elderly, that is what the democrats and republicans do during each election. No one is stopped from voting, and you have no right to complain if you do not take the time to put down the bottle or pipe or remote and vote.

Also, showing fear to stand up tor yourself and recieve a warning from a mod to state how you feel shows you have no conviction in the basic belief of defending yourself, so how can you attack others. such as our president.
What would you say, honestly, if you were given 10 minutes with the president. (crickets)

Fear? You're a real piece of work.

And I wouldn't say that to your face? Please. I'd do more after the way you've responded to me, straight up.

You don't believe in your country, "old school." You just like to lick Chimp Face's boots. How the hell can you lie like that? Do you not see what the Liar in Chief is doing to our country?

And, boot licker, they wouldn't let me question Bush for 10 minutes on the air. Here's why:

I'd ask him how is he conservative since he's spent more money than any other president and the govt's size has exploded under him?

I'd ask him a laundry list of questions on 9/11 and why he and his cronies use it for their own means.

I'd ask him to ask his globalist masters to please not destroy America.

I'd tell him he is one of the greatest liars I've ever seen.

What would YOU do, besides lick his boots and tell him what a good job he's doing?

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 11:10 AM
Ludacris, my reply was to Seekerof. And yes, i beleive what i post. Do you beleive what you post?????

Nothing like being blind .

Just because you feel a certain way, you are a minority. Get some wisdom and open your eyes.

I am entitled to think the way i want.
And by the way so are you. Just read the whole thread before you jump in mocking people. K?

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