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posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 06:19 PM
The first time when it happened I recieved a whole bunch of adrenaline rushed prior to it happened. Kinda felt like a shiver that went over my entire body. Kinda similar to an orgasm or somethin. Then I felt a type of numbness in my pointer finger and middle finger. It felt like there was a huge surge of energy in my two fingers, its like i could tell the energy wasn't coming from me but someone was giving it to me. I wonder if it has anything with Jesus's powers, because i have seen many picture of him holding up his pointer and middle finger in a peace sign. I have also seen pictures of angels doing this. When I did the telepathy thing the next time at Hardees, I felt really tired, kinda dehydrated, but there was no numbness or adrenaline rushes. The adrenaline rush thing, i think you can get them from like coming to a great conclusion in your life , like an epiphany, when you realize sometihng really amazing. Any more questions please ask.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 01:38 AM
were u thinking anything specific?


posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 08:00 PM
yeah dehydration and tiredness are the symptoms of many of the telepathic incoming vibration enrgy clouds from living people I see as particles. Particulary a dry tongue, scratchy throat and a feeling like I weigh more, hence have less enrgy to move until I adjust mentally.
I'm not so sure the weighing more is just mental though, I weigh myself every 3-4 days or so and sometimes I weigh 5-10 pounds more, then next time I am back down. I don't think it is actual mass weight though that does that, I think it is pressure down. The energy clouds may have an uncontrollable 'urge' to go to the center of the earth when upset. Maybe that is what happens when you die, your spirit goes to the center of gravity. The telepatic living energy certainly can go through any walls, rain, fire , strong wind I have witnessed. o there is no point being depressed or scared to live your room, some people get these symptoms during depression. Mental vibes are like a disease and they are contagious over long distances. The best way in my humble opinion to handle changes from your happy personality is to realize there is no way you are going to let anyone get you down in person or from a distant land. Heart is considered intellect and feelings, and if you can't use your intellect to get a grip on your feelings, my sympathy to ya.

keep on truckin
Honor Seed


posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 08:13 PM
oh yeah when the mind energy of other living people gets around others in public like a fuzzy grey or black tinted cloud, it makes them look tired and dehydrated, it also hits my eyes like sand in a sandstorm. Maybe it is the reason people die young , like a hundred is way to fast. It is like we are all trying to kill off each other, fact. I mean it is the way of mankind to be aggressive. look at history, it is a series of wars.

here is a theory:
What happens when the worlds popualtion reaches a certain number and most of us sending off aggressive vibes hits a critical mass of 'slam dunk' that soul to the center of the earth, and poof, in a matter of seconds, believer or not in the paranormal, 90 % of the world population is dead. Or worse, all a bunch of babbling mindless animal brained zombies with big black eyes, iris wide opened, and they all need to be fed like babies by the other 10%? The birth of a telepathic world may not be a wise idea, I'm blocking mine and advise my fellow colleauges at ATS to do the same.
A little spooky?

keep on truckin
Honor Seed

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 05:09 AM
HS you are a different case. Mattodlum did it feel like an orgasm? Did we mistaken you for a male? As for the pub I never encountered someone that goes to the pub with such ideas, I suggest you keep your imagination at a limit. HS could you continue with the "legend of hell and heaven" if it was that significant to you then why stop?

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Encablossa]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 06:51 AM
Hi Mattodlum from a fresh new ATS member kEhYo'77

Something very similar happened to me, twice. For the first time four years ago and recently now. I think it must be shifting into another dimension but more on that later. I want to share my experience but a little background will be necessary here.
I was born and raised in Poland [central Europe that is] and I'm 28. I've learnt and mastered many skills, like English for instance all by myself. Why? Because I enjoyed learning it, like I enjoy learning in general.I don't want to brag about how multitalented I am but I think that these phenomena must be connected with intelligence and many other variables which in combination make IT happen.
When it comes to telepathy, I experienced it many times throughout my life. The most common was thing with my brother and me thinking, singing the same song in that way that I was playing in my mind and he would sing it out loud, I mean, you know. But it was spontaneous end we never tried or managed to do it on demand.
The other thing is that one time I was playing with my girlfriend telling her that I had paranormal abilities and that I'll guess three numbers from 0-9 in a row and I did!. It surprised me back then. The important thing was that I sort of didn't guess the last cipher but she admitted changing her mind at the very last moment from the number I had on my mind. This might indicate that somehow I was able to impose my already made answers on her. She was a bit freaked out for sec. :] Another type of telepathy is sensing people you know while in town, on the street, wherever, randomly. Usually prior to seeing a person, usually a girl-friend or someone close, I was having intense thoughts about the person I was going to see.
But all of this is nothing to what I experienced for the first time while living in Toronto in '01/'02. Anyway I got my mind and my body into such condition which allowed my consciousness to shift to a different state. Those were times of endless hours then days and nights of intensive thinking, researching, looking for answers and then, as you said, adrenaline rush and instant knowledge on anything. Very dangerous, I almost went crazy!
And now, recently for the second time but this time I was more prepared, and I knew I’m not crazy either. When it comes to this instant knowledge you can check my posts on different board which emerged from me during those days. / Forum / Decoding Divine Design

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 11:44 AM
I want to say something about the entities while being in the other state of mind. The same similar thing in my case - they take control over people around me, although I don’t hear anything alien in my head besides my own reasoning and train of thoughts. I must have some good firewall in my head and they can’t get through but it doesn’t seem to bother them though. They ask questions, and give hints through people they control in normal speech in my case. But I know that they can receive my thoughts.

The first time it happened at one point I was a passenger, riding in the back seat of a car and the driver told me all of a sudden “You have nice speakers” and that’s it. There was no ongoing conversation or no speakers which he could have referred to. They forced me to go to hospital too, twice. I mean I understood that I had to go there and expressed my wish to take me there. The first time I was in hospital for about two weeks trying to figure out what was happening to me. I felt that they were sort of scared of me, I heard them saying that I am very strong and intelligent, they were testing me while I was there but not physically because I was against it (they wanted a sample of my liver, I agreed on a blood test only). My leading doctor must have been a real psychic I always felt strong anxiety when she was about to enter my room. She didn’t talk with me much only on one visit she asked me “How was there?” and I replied “strange”. Besides this one blood test they measured my blood pressure couple of times. While I was in isolation for a first few days I saw couple of interesting people behind the glass wall observing me with this look. One day there was some guy, who came with a notepad, sat down at a desk and started to make some notes. He didn’t look at me not even once. Our eyes never crossed, like as if he didn’t want them to. Only from time to time he made stops to concentrate and went on with writing again.

The second time in December while I went to hospital I didn’t even stay there. They knew that I know what’s going on and the doctor after short conversation asked “Do you know why it happened?” I said I didn’t. They took my blood pressure and I went home.
But the entities where around me for a few days asking strange, often out of context questions through people in control around me during normal conversations with a person. I also noted some paranormal behavior of water around me while in this altered state of mind. I wanted to take a bath and opened separate tub faucets with hot and cold water to let it running. But when I touched the hot stream it became cool cold and the cold one was getting warmer while submerging the other hand’s finger in it within a fraction of a second. But I remember the first time it happened while at home yet they wouldn’t let me take a bath then, Although I was in the tub already I couldn’t open the faucets like as if they were frozen or something and on the contrast I heard water boiling in the kitchen all the time. I can tell you that these entities use phones in that dimension not to communicate but to make connections and if you want to make a call no one can dial the number but you. I think that it’s about making a mental link with a person you about to call.

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 11:48 AM
Damn this synchronicity again! Most of the time when I check time on my phone I see dual numbers. They hunt me
And now the previous post 11:44 !!!
something is coming...

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 12:14 AM
i do remember similar instances with the phone, they are able to mimic your friends voices so that they try and make you think that its your friends, but you can tell it is not. I wonder who these entities are. I remember one time the warned me that i wasn't following the rules. I don't really know what he meant. I have had many instances with numbers. Looking at the clock and its 6:16. Thats the sign of the devil. I think that in certain periods in your life where there is extreme paranormal activity and you can controll it more. Like I remember thinking of people and them calling instantly. Also I remember it seems like somehow people negative conversation can relate directly to your own. Like when you are out in public, and peoples conversation relates directly to your own. Or thinking of a certain idea ,something that happened to you, or a question, and someone next to you answers it while talking to another person. I don't understand how the entities are able to use people. These people are like tools, and the disposal of the entities. It is very strange. It has to be some secret group or somethin. It seems like something the greys would do. I read an awesome abduction book, where a lady talked with a grey leader. She was a member of the secret community. Anyways the stuff that the greys do reminds me of experiences I had. The Grey's love to see human reactions to many different situations. Since the greys have no emotion , they love to study ours. I heard that their goal on earth is to make perfect human alien hybrids that live, and to artificially create love. If anyone knows about this please tell me.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 06:44 PM
Well, these "entities" could just be aliens themselfs. but then again, i think ive said this before, it could be demons.

recentlly ive been noticing odd things that ive typed. not like typos, like wrong letters, more like, different words. theres been a couple of times where i did this, and didnt even know it, until i was reading over what i typed. but i dont know, maybe im trippin'.
just 2 nights ago, i was laying down, when all of a sudden, a mental image shot in front of my minds eye. i dont know where it came from, and i know it wasnt me, cause this was way different. this image came and went in a flash. it was clear as can be. i think that it might have come from the dream of someone in my house, cause this seemed to be something from a dream. cause the image was a girl on the hood of a car in the road. houses in the back, green grass (certainly not from a place here in AZ), daytime, about noon. i dont remember seeing any trees, but it felt like there were. but this was a still image, but for some reason, i had the idea thaT the car was moving down the road, her hair moving in the wind, and alos the trees moving, though there werent any. everything looked fine, other than i dont remember being able to see if there was someone even driving the car, yet, i remember there not being anyone driving.
there has also, more in the past, been times when i had feelings, sensations, and there was abosolutly no reason for me to be feeling what i was at the time.

[edit on 18-2-2006 by azdude1804]

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 02:48 AM
I have the same experiences albeit I have meditated and studied many different kinds of religion (especially buddhism), psychology, some biology also yoga, aikido. I guess "they" didn't expect that, especially from a nobody with no funds, someone from the ordinary society who isn't even interest in black magic, telepathy, mindcontrol and all those dark things. I must admit I really enjoyed communicating with several entities as there are nice beings out there too. But those that consume most of my time are not very nice.

I like to meditate and visualize but at some time I felt presences around me. I felt like I shouldn't meditate anymore and lock up my personality like I had to go out of my body to some location/dimension and control my body from there yet at the same time stay in my body. Why I do this is mostly involuntarily but I feel I have little choice and something or someone tunes into my body, me against several people and maybe even hardware. It grew to feeling large groups, mass-consciousness even alien contact and ghosts, demons, many monks, masters that once existed, but also entire groups and cults that commited suicide who all taught me how to use my memory, attention and body control to that "they" can't use it. As if my understanding of reality simply isn't compatible with theirs.

For those who want telepathy, be aware that you have to caution yourself for schizophrenia. Just remember if there is someone in contact with you, be sure to think positive of yourself and only connect to the lighter side of that contact. Especially when dealing with both demons and angels or simple people who are good to you and people who are not good to you at the same time be sure nobody looks at the demons in a bad way else they will behave that way.

And the most important thing is "you" are private.

About willing girls or other people to do your bidding, it is simply unethical. Every person has the right to privacy of mind, control of their own thoughts, choices what to ponder about while accepting telepathy will lead to a society where everyone can be dominated. In simple terms, think of WoW, most people in society make a lvl20 character and that's it, they grow old and maybe reach lvl30. But there are people who play WoW 24/7 and create lvl70's with ubergear (ie. people who study the occult). Those characters can dominate anyone who has accepted telepathy as something real. You think of hitting on girls to have sex, they think in terms of using your mind as a sattelite, your personality as a terminal they can use to program other people and even the programmers are not conscious of what they are doing on a subliminal level. They work and program an update for windows XP, "they" talk to the minds of those who actually do it and give a whole other meaning to it such as "Don't try to evolve spiritually, you don't like it, it's BS". To those who are evolving they say "You are superpowerful and you can use it to have sex" and even others they would say "You must protect the world against those who are mindcontrolling people"...

[edit on 4-12-2007 by Abused]

[edit on 4-12-2007 by Abused]

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