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100's of Muslims protest Muhammad cartoons in London…But how many protest terror?

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I guess all muslims are evil and should be rounded up and shot.

[/sarcasm off]

Who thinks that Nygan? That’s kind of a sick sarcasm isn’t it? I think that Muslims need to police the radicals within their ranks, and protesting cartoons that depict their prophet is a serious error in priorities if you ask me.

I think your logic is bogus if you somehow translate that into "all Muslims are evil and should be rounded up and shot", sarcasm or not.

You need to open your mind, don’t confuse talking about radical Islam as hate for all of Islam. Maybe if more people could make that distinction fewer people would be dead as a result…

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Idolatry is a big no-no when it comes to Islam. Portraying the prophet is a serious crime, for reasons only a religious extremist could possibly understand. I don't agree with their reaction, because it seems ridiculous to me, completely out of the realm of logic and reason. Consider though,

And, on top of that, most of the cartoons were poorly drawn and poorly conceived. There were several gems, the one with the two burqa clad women and the scimitar-wielding prophet (sans eyes) was particularly clever. The bomb hat was well drawn, but I'm really not sure what the point of it was.

Do papers have the right to run these cartoons? Absolutely. Do muslims have the right to be offended when you commit a sin against their faith? Absolutely. (Certain sects of Christianity have a right to get offended at abortion, birth control, taking the lord's name in vain, pre-marital sex, and so on, we can't reasonably ask them to change their beliefs, neither can they reasonably ask us to change ours - it's an idealogical deadlock.)

The bottom line is, we have to be as tolerant as we can of the behaviors of our neighbors. Failing that, people really ought to move somewhere more in tune with their beliefs, rather than insinuate themselves into a culture vastly different than their own and then riot because they don't like the policies put in place by the majority. If these rioters hate Europe so much, deport their butt to SA or the Pakistan badlands. Let them enjoy the fruits of their unwillingness to coexist peacefully with others.

The laws handed down by the state, that govern us all, have to serve us all. Laws governing idolatry don't apply to us all, so we don't all need to abide by them. Muslims are free to not draw the prophet, and to avoid gazing at his likeness, but they have no right to dictate the artistic pursuits of others.

I would urge people to remember that the rioters represent a very small percentage of muslims. Most adherents of Islam are law-abiding and peaceful, just as most Christians and Jews are the same.

The core of Islam is perfectly compatible with Christianity and Judaism, and in its purest form is a religion of peace and submission. Arguably, Islam is one of the only religions that lends itself well to governance, since the fundamental understanding of muslims is that the ummah is a community, not just spiritual, but brick and beam. Moderates are under-represented in the MSM, and that goes for ALL the religions.

The other fringe, folks like Maximus, are just as dangerous and embarassing as these rioters. Every time a muslim acts up, it's "Bomb the Hell outta them!" Obviously there's a real problem with that mindset. Roadblocks have been thrown up by BOTH sides in this conflict, and it's the responsibility of the great, unrepresented masses in the middle to rectify the situation.

I think it's high time the fringes of both sides got together in a small dirt arena and settled their differences once and for all. Moderates on both sides can watch on PPV, while these fundamentalist barbarians duke it out and blow each other up, for no other reason than because they're unfit for anything else.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:37 PM
There is not enough perpetuity of terrorist attacks to endorse protest against thereby, so in reality, its quiescent is justifiable; and of those terror attacks that do occur, we must discern between politicaly motivated, religiously motivated, prevoked, and suspectly blamed upon Muslims thereafter, and simply not categorize them all on the same page.

The questionability of these violent protests is merited, what is not is the fundamental principle of emotive responce that is the precursor of these protests, herein; these are protests that have been escalated by media agencies repeated attempts to show thier freedom of speech and opinion to an already agitated society that has been considered the mask of terrorism for the last decade and falsy blamed for the worlds whims.

It should also be noted, Skippy, that you are no worse than these silent and indifferent Muslims; you yourself are never acute to manifest circumstances where Muslims have spoken out against these constant negative refferals of their faith, instead, you bring out such and such articles to further degrade these people.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:42 PM
This is so funny it's not even funny!

"Freedom of Expression, Go to Hell"? Am I the only one seeing the irony here?

Isn't this guy expressing himself? He's using free speech, right? Am I missing something?

I don't care if they protest terror or not. That's not the point. But if they want to shut other people up, they're going to have to shut up themselves...

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:42 PM

The bottom line is, we have to be as tolerant as we can of the behaviors of our neighbors.

I absolutely agree, however we should never erode our freedoms and ideals because of a minority extremist population living among us. Unfortunately some organizations and people are willing to do that.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:42 PM
Actually for the record I know several Muslims none of whom advocate terrorism and are in fact extremely nice hard working people who make great friends and neighbors. Just thought I would point that out oh yeah they are tax paying business owners.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
The other fringe, folks like Maximus, are just as dangerous and embarassing as these rioters. Every time a muslim acts up, it's "Bomb the Hell outta them!" Obviously there's a real problem with that mindset.

act up?

So if Jews get blown all over the streets by HAMAS, the Trade Towers get taken down killing THOUSANDS or hundreds of cities in France get damaged by Islamic consider this "acting up"?

I think these actions go beyond "acting up" Bud, and yeah I have a problem with Islam and its violent religion...look around and smell the smoke.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Who thinks that Nygan? That’s kind of a sick sarcasm isn’t it?

There really isn't anythign else behind 'muslims don't stand up against evil, they're dirty hipocrits who fly into a street rage when they are offended but could care less about real people getting hurt"

You need to open your mind, don’t confuse talking about radical Islam as hate for all of Islam.

You're not talking about radical islam, you're talking about all muslims. Its patently obvious why radical didn't protest against 911, radicals were the ones that did it.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:48 PM
Case in point...

Christian groups were upset at the satyrical portrayal of a priest in NBC's 'Book of Daniel' and were able to put enough non-violent pressure on NBC to cancle the show after only a few episodes. And now they are doing the same about an upcoming 'Will and Grace' episode that will allegedly mock the crusifixion


To the best of my knowledge, despite the fact that mocking the crusifixion would rank pretty high-up on any Christian's PO scale, I haven't heard of any calls to violence.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:56 PM
Cool Avatar!

It doesn't take much to work them into a frenzy. I say we keep doing this! Islamofacist really have a different view. Hamas say we have opened the gates of hell, but they act like demons themselves. Warped minds! I wonder what Muhammad would do?

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Actually for the record I know several Muslims none of whom advocate terrorism and are in fact extremely nice hard working people who make great friends and neighbors. Just thought I would point that out oh yeah they are tax paying business owners

I lived with two Muslims, Shia, and they were quite peacefull. Not the most astute when it came to world events, could not care less mind you, and had no reason to defend/denounce the acts of Muslims terrorists, as they do understand that it was not Islam that propogated these acts, but simple economics and politics.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:57 PM
50 Muslims protest the London bombings. A few hundred thousand protest a cartoon. What's wrong with this picture? It shows Islam is a selfish religion which only cares about imposing it's laws over others at whatever cost. Islam teaches non-muslims are kafirs which need to be converted by force so they can stop worshipping some ludicrous Mohammedan distortion such as the trinity being polytheism. Christianity teaches a brotherhood in which all members are to endure persecution, and strive for the conversion of others so they can join the brotherhood and be a part of the coming kingdom. All members are taught to humble themselves since their salvation is by grace not merit, all works are held in account towards their future degree of proximity to the Godhead and his kingdom. I take Christianity. I challenge any Muslim to offer me anything even remotely close to that.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Cool Avatar Maximus!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Religon to me is the root of all evil. I can't see peace until we get rid of all the religous nuts that are causing most of the problems that we see in this world. Then maybe we may have peace. I myself couldn't care aless if you dressed up Jesus and Mohammad like a bunch of monkeys. People really need to get a grip on whats important in life. And that is we are all brothers and sisters in this world and until people in this world see that, things will only get worse. And than one day Mother Earth is gonna shake us off like a flea. I hope that is a day I will never see.

May Great Spirit bless all the people of this world and let them see the light.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by NakashI take Christianity. I challenge any Muslim to offer me anything even remotely close to that.

I'm not Muslim, but I'll offer you something pretty darn close.

Muslims believe that God (or, in Arabic, Allāh; also in Aramaic Alaha) revealed his direct word for mankind to Muhammad(c. 570–632) and other prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Six articles of belief

3. Belief in the books (kutub) sent by God:

The Suhuf-i-Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham)
The Tawrat sent to Musa (Moses)
The Zabur sent to Daud (David)
The Injil sent to Isa (Jesus)
The Qur'an sent to Muhammad

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:06 PM
Why do we protest religious ethos when we are well aware that had it been the symbols of communism or capitalism under X circumstance, we could very well see Y form of protest. It's the very fiber of our existence to seek our retribution in every praticularism against that which we abhor, so why do we cry foul against Islam when it reacts in such a way? This is becoming poor self-discourse regarding our human nature, very poor, and almost pathetic.


You've said nothing worth debate, only rethoric which fills a stadium with the same misguided innuendo as you seem to hate. It is folly to fight hatred with hatred, my freind.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:10 PM

I agree, though not with your conjecture of religion being the root of all evil; however, it is imperative that we understand that we are all homogeneous.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:18 PM
Benevolent Heretic
Great picture! Hilarious!
I wish the sign-bearers could understand the irony.

It shows Islam is a selfish religion which only cares about imposing it's laws over others at whatever cost.

Seems to me you're wrong. Islam is at least as diverse as other religions. There are fringe extremist sects, and there are many more moderate incarnations. That fact you think Islam is a homogenous entity pretty much invalidates your opinions on the subject.

Islam teaches non-muslims are kafirs which need to be converted by force..

Nope. Conversions were not allowed at first, then became discouraged, and now have attained acceptable status in some sects. Islam was a revelation for arabs only, the prophet never considered the possibility that non-arabs would want to convert.

Conversion by force is a tactic employed by ostensibly muslim militias in many parts of the world, but their goals are not religious, their ways are not religious, and their inspiration is not religious. They are violent political groups, Islamic in name only. No self-respecting Muslim would attempt a conversion by force, it goes against the words of the prophet.

Do you know how many Christian militias are operating in Africa right now? Converting people by force, raping children and forcing them to commit the same atrocities against others, these are not 'Christian' ideals, but they are being practised by 'Christians' as we speak. What about the Christian suicide bombers in Lebanon? What about the Christian nuns who facilitated the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Tutsi in Rwanda? What about Pat Robertson?

Your understanding of Islam and Christianity leaves much to be desired.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by negativenihil
Let's say tomorrow, in a French news paper, a cartoon depicting Jesus as an abortion clinic bomber is printed.

How do you expect the christian majority in America to react?

Bill O'Reilly will re-energise his ban on anything French, and you know Pat Robertson would be issusing a fatwa or two. The christian extremists would be up in arms.

Let's face facts here people. When you mock someone else's religious figure, you should expect some sort of backlash.

You'd have to be ignorant or naive to expect otherwise.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by negativenihil]

I can garuntee you wont see anything near what we are seeing from the muslims. Do you really expect us to beleive there would be signs like this in the US?

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
Actually for the record I know several Muslims none of whom advocate terrorism and are in fact extremely nice hard working people who make great friends and neighbors. Just thought I would point that out oh yeah they are tax paying business owners.

OMFG. Who here has argued that its all muslims? Yet here you are making the claim so that you can pat yourself on the back for being so worldy and diplomatic. Give me a break.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Dronetek]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 04:23 PM

I can garuntee you wont see anything near what we are seeing from the muslims. Do you really expect us to beleive there would be signs like this in the US?

This could go on for days, this infinitude of aggressive and hardline diplomacy by Christians and Muslims alike, but at the end we can only come to a single conclusion; we're all bastards.


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