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'911eyewitness' Helicopters - Video sheds some light

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posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 05:15 AM
In '911Eyewitness' the presence of various helicopters is questioned, along with the highlighting of two helicopters flying past the first tower at the time of collapse.

This video may shed some light of this, here is footage taken from one of the helicopters of the collapse:

Right click/Save As

An Israeli television news show with helicopter footage of the South Tower collapse, from Kazaa. The announcer speaks Hebrew, but we hear this in English: "It's gone, the whole tower... it's gone! Holy crap! They knocked the whole friggin' thing down! They did it... it's down, the ***' tower's down."

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 05:17 AM
i know the NYPD had a helicopter flying that day around the WTC. I remember seeing several helicopters on live tv buzzing around. Everyone was asking why they couldn't land on the roof and pick people up and make rescues that way.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:42 PM
although this is the one part of the 911eyewitness video that is based on pure speculation......the presence of *yet another* mysterious flash coming from that helicopter just before the collapse certainly is questionable and notable.

what it could possibly be i have no idea.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:46 PM
and how does this video shed any light?

all this does is confirm that we had israeli sources flying around up there.

why would that be?

how many other countries were responding while NORAD stood down?

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Hehe, my friend said someone would come up with that...


Yes, you will notice the language spoken by the people in the helicopter footage is English, yes? It was part of a news broadcast on Israeli television - ie footage sold to them... It's pretty obvious really

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 04:08 PM
fair enough.

regardless it doesn't "shed any light" particularly on the most suspicious helicopter that emitted the curious bright flash just before the collapse.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 01:58 AM
No it doesn't, but in a situation like this we have to look logically at what we do have and ask ourself, what could the flash possible be that could have anything to do with the collapse?

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Hehe, my friend said someone would come up with that...


Yes, you will notice the language spoken by the people in the helicopter footage is English, yes? It was part of a news broadcast on Israeli television - ie footage sold to them... It's pretty obvious really

Dude, i LOVE this theory!

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 03:10 PM
Is that the helicopter that supossedly made the flash? I don't get why people think that helicopters flying around is suspicious. It was a news worthy event and definately would have news helicopters flying everywhere. Heck, there's probably a news (traffic) copter over your city at the moment.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Is that the helicopter that supossedly made the flash? I don't get why people think that helicopters flying around is suspicious. It was a news worthy event and definately would have news helicopters flying everywhere. Heck, there's probably a news (traffic) copter over your city at the moment.

There was supposed to be no-fly though, obivously it was not quite the case. Who knows what went on, I imagine the aircraft flying had clearance somehow. A chopper is hardly a threat really anyway. This video proves that at least some were news choppers and will explain one helicopter in the movie. The fact that one was flying and a news chopper means that there could and were more.

I don't know what that flash was, assuming it's genuine and not enhanced.. well your guess is as good as mine. But I do not see any logical explanation for it being related to the collapse.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 06:38 AM
Did you see the photo of the lady standing in the impact hole on the north tower?

How can people be standing in the zone where the fire was hot enough to weaken the steel?

Only NYPD air sea rescue were allowed on the scene and the interesting thing is that the they didn't try to drop water or rescue which is what they are trained to do.

I think the flashes from inside the dark smoke can't possibly be a reflection and the fact that only one chopper hovered over the tower seconds before it fell is significant.

The firemen had reached the impact zone and reported small isolated pockets that only required two lines to knock down. Read the transcripts that were kept under wraps for 4 years.

Enter mystery chopper FLASH FLASH FLASH and the first steel frame structure in history goes down in less than one hour????

They had to move up the demo schedule because they couldn't let the firemen put out the fire!!!!

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 06:44 AM
I have read the transcript and heard the tape:
They had reached the first floor of damage, I cannot understand how anyone can think what was said implies that over the several floors of damage there were only '2 small pockets of fire'.
The view from the outside showed that was not the case if nothing else

Another fine example of the warping of facts by those with an agenda, or simply those who fail to think...

Yes the flashes were odd, but what could they be to have anything to do with the collapse? Simple question really, or it should be.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 06:57 AM
So you didn't see the lady in the impact zone?

Check out Painful Questions.

Unless you're only interested in obfuscation of the obvious.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 07:12 AM
And? People survived the actual collapse too, one guy actually fell with the tower or something and survived unscathed. Freak occurances do happen you know. I know one person who was in a high speed crash which literally ripped his car in half and threw him out of the vehicle (no seatbelt) and he was fine.
I know two others who were in a 30mph crash and they were killed instantly.. So what's the point? Due to a freak occurance she could have been (un)lucky in surviving the impact and being in a small area not on fire.
Unfortunately I don't think she is alive to tell us exactly what happened.
Probably safe to assume though that there was something unpleasant going on behind her, or she would have been making a beeline for the stairs instead of standing there, don't you think? Maybe the people jumping were doing that for fun too

In the Oklamhoma bombing one woman was sat on one side of a desk with two colleagues on the other, after the bomb went off she was still sat there and her colleagues and that part of the room were gone. These things do happen..

Going back to the '2 small pockets of fire' crap (man I love things like that)

Let's look shall we.. Here are the relevent quotes:

B7: "Battalion 7...
Ladder 15 we've got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be abie to
knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th Floor numerous 10-45 Code 1's."
L15: "What stair are you in, Orio?"

"7Alpha to lobby command post."

"1 5 to Battalion 7."

L15: "Chief, what stair you in?"

B7: "South stairway Adam, South Tower."

L15: "Floor 78?"

B7: "10-4, numerous civilians, we gonna need 2 engines up here."

L15: "Alright 10-4, we're on our way."

"Battalion 6 to command post."

"Battalion 6, Battalion 6 reports there's a sky lobby available at the 44th floor that will
serve the floors above. Do you ... that, k?"

"7Alpha to lobby command post. Chief Palmer reports on 78th floor numerous 10-45
Code l's, we got isolated pockets of fire. We're going to need at least two handlines up
there, k."

Please excuse Google's PDF conversion - I'm in a hurry

Now let's remind ourselves what the extent of the damage was again:

In contrast, the jet that hit the South Tower, 18 minutes later, veered to the right just before impact and hit the rightmost third of the tower's southwest wall, producing an impact gash that extended from the 78th to the 94th floor.

Oh.... well will you look at that. So unless Palmer had Superman X-Ray vision, I don't really see how the statement means anything more dramatic than on the first floor of the 16 damaged floors there were two small fires.

I do wish people would bother researching stuff themselves as well as show independant thought, instead of repeating whatever Jones or some 'Truth Movement' people say. Sorry if I sound tetchy but I feel like I'm going backwards all the time.
Nearly 5 years later you'd think dumb and probably delibrate misrepresentations of information like this would have been eliminated, yet they are still going strong. If people actually keep swallowing this tripe then they'll never know the truth, and probably don't deserve to either.

[edit on 2-2-2006 by AgentSmith]

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