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You can know Your Guardian Angels Name!

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posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:05 PM
Interesting topic.

I have tried and tried many times to contact my guardian angel/higher being, etc., and have not once heard anything from them.

Can anybody help, please?

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 05:06 PM
I heard a Christian say that the reason a little girl had died was because God could not bear to be without her any longer.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:20 PM
Hello Everyone
First of all I will answer Magic's question from yesterday. Then I will get to the rest of you. Thank You all for your post!
I first spoke with my Daughter this morning and asked her to give me as much detail as she could about what she remembered that day of the accident and her Angels.
She said, Mom is was like seeing numerous brillant lights a mixture of Golden & White & Blue's all combined - not like the colors as we see here! She could make out a form almost like that similar to human, but no facial features at all, just brillance and huge in stature! It was magnificant she said!
My Son's description was similar, Him being older at the time of the accident is probably why he can give a bit more detail. He said the Angels were there before the accident happened. We were at a stop sign. He said the Angels were completly surrounding the car - everywhere He looked! They were magnificant, awesome - Brillant as the Sun! - Rays of Brillant White, Yellow, Gold, emanated from them! They had a bodily form with features, even their eyes glowed like they were telling me they were protecting us! The face was almost transparent yet they glowed! He said its difficult to find the words- they were almost too Brillant to look at! It made me squint my eyes so I could focus more clearly. so I could look at them He said. He knew his sister was seeing them too cause as he was looking all around the car at them, Sis's eye's were as big as saucers & her mouth open! Was April 13th Good Friday ( ahhhhh lucky day huh ) lol and the spring weather was beautiful I had my window open as I drove that day! My Son said right before the car slammed into us, Brillant light also filled the entire inside of the car! Oh by the way my children never saw the incoming car before it struck us. They were at complete peace seeing only the Angels. Thank God! Hope this answers your question Magic. By the way love your Avatar the Lion its Awesome!

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:26 PM
Hello Toro/Scarecrow
Interesting post, can you tell me what your good angel looks like? Also your not so good one? Or can you not see them?
By the way hopefully no one is mean to you and gets that not so good one mad! Do you know their names? Well very interesting indeed Toro, would love to hear more. Nice to meet you by the way! Angel

Hello Black
Nice to meet you. Awesome post Thank You. Have you ever seen them or heard them, or felt them near you? I remember our Pastor saying some people have more than one or many Guardian Angels. This is all so fascinating to me. Would love to hear more if your able Black. Thanks Again Angel p.s. would love to find out if they will tell you their names!

[edit on 26-1-2006 by asala]

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:50 PM
While I do believe in guardian angels, I dont believe they are here to protect us from the physical world. I don't believe they save random people from car crashes, freak accidents, or other close ecounters with death. It would be discrimnation on God's behalf to save a few special poeple while its just tuff luck for others whose angels werent there to save them from harms way. God would loves us all the same unconditionally. I belive angels are there to protect us in the spiritual realm.

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:50 PM
Hello Shar
Nice to meet you! Now that was awesome to hear. I have a special love for animals too so I know exactly how you must have felt. I too lost my little mini snauzer on a cold rainy night, he darted away after a night critter from my hubby. He lost his way because the pouring rain washed away his scent! 4 long hrs later and no dog we looked everywhere, and my husbands tears & mine were contributing to our soaking wet clothes we had on. We had come back in for a change of clothing, when I heard as clear as day, if you go back out, he's by the shed! I looked up to my husband and said what did you say, he said he didn't say anything. Well I ran outside hollering his name again and sure enough there he is like a drown rat, teeth chattering and all! I got him in the house he licked our faces to no end, wrapped him in my favorite down comforter in my arms, which it took hours for the poor thing to stop his teeth from chattering. Well to this day he won't go out in the rain! But I now know that even the animals have special Guardians as Well! Now I pay attention when he waves his tail at absolutely nothing! We all know what it is don't we! Thanks Again Angel

Hello Dodge

That is sad isn't it! All I can say is that their needed in Glory! Maybe to be a Guardian Angel for someone? I heard stories where their loved one's have died, and came back and helped rescue them from a terrible situation. Like helping them from a burning car, house etc.
But it is difficult Dodge when we do lose a loved one, its also hard to see some get Miracles & others continue to suffer. Even though I've seen many Miracles, I still see my loved ones also suffer. It's hard at times, but I'm determined to believe and Trust God that He knows best! It gives me Peace. But I understand and respect others who either don't believe or simply are hurting emotionally because of others who suffer terribly. It says someday we will even judge the angels. It is then that I believe everything will be revealed! Till then, if we ask for them to reveal themselves to us they will, in one way or another! Sometimes they do in dreams, some in touch, or even manifestations! Thanks again Dodge good point you made!

[edit on 26-1-2006 by asala]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 12:17 AM
Hi Kit
Thank you very good point! You too Shar! Hopefully this is helping Dodge! I'm answering as I read I'm still on page 1.
When did you find out your Angels name Kit? Or was it something you just always knew since you were little?
Thanks Again Angel

Hello DDay Excellent Point made, nice to meet you also!
Hi Again Asala, Awesome story, that really touched me to hear that! I've prayed many times with people who were going through real rough financial times. I would ask the Angels to help bring forth their Blessings. Since I read in the Bible that Michael the ArchAngel faught against the Prince of Persia for 21 days. Thus being why some Blessings take time! The Angels do battle against the dark forces so you may Receive!
Anyhow it was Awesome to hear that yes we are given special signs that they are nearby helping us. My husband had a simlar sign given to him like that over financial hard times before we married, days later he received a check also taking care of his need above & beyond what was needed!
Thanks Again You made my day Everybody! Angel

Hello Pixie
Now that is a first for me! I thought I heard just about every kind of Angel story/miracle etc. But this indeed is a first! A frog ..... The Lord does have an incredible sence of humor indeed. If that is all their was there at the time yep He would indeed use the frog! He made a Donkey speak so he can also cause a frog to speak! Anything is possible with the Lord! I'm just glad you are ok! That is one awesome miracle for sure that will be passed down from generation to generation! I'm going to enjoy seeing the looks on people's faces when I tell them this True Story! If I hadn't seen all the miracles I've seen, I propbably be thinking, yeah right on this one. When I read the story in the Bible about the donkey talking I say Amen, so what's so difficult about the Lord making a Froggie talk, I say Amen to that too! You are Blessed Pixie!
Thanks Again Angel

Hi Xerox
Thank you, Nice to meet you! Persistence is First! Its stated in the Word, Ask & Ask again knock & it shall be given...... If a child kept asking you over & over & over & over again may he please have that toy? Wouldn't you after awhile most likely give it to him! Maybe not right away, but sooner or later if he kept asking you, wouldn't you!
See Xenex, many that tell me who do hear their Angels name and even more from their Angels. Is usually when they least expect it! Lets just say I know your's is right around the corner! They like especially to move things around the house to let you know they are there! Also they like to let you know they are there day or night by a slight touch! Anyhow don't faint when they do lol It does shock the daylights out of one! Let me Know... just remember its persistence!

Hello Fin
Thank you for your post. My belief is yes I agree the Angels are here to protect us from the spiritual realm also! But if their are evil entities trying to cause you to have an accident etc, Your Guardian Angel would then be there to stop it, or lessen the blow as what had happened in my accident! Also protecting you like you said from the spiritual realm. Until you actually witness this - people can have only certain view points! If you ask God to show you the actual battles going on, and your sincere and able & strong enough, He will allow you to see the Spiritual Battle on all sides! Hope this helps! Thanks Again Angel

[edit on 26-1-2006 by asala]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999
Hi Kit
When did you find out your Angels name Kit? Or was it something you just always knew since you were little?
Thanks Again Angel

Well, I consider a certain person in my life my Guardian Angel. I believe that your guardian doesn't have to be any sort of paranormal being, though it can be. So I suppose the answer to your question would be, along the course of our friendship, I realized that he had saved me from sliding quickly into oblivion and taking a horrible path in life. When I figured that, it just hit me "He is my guardian angel..."

He may just sound like a regular person, but without him having been in my life, I really think I would be quite far gone today. Maybe he's not a guardian angel by your definition, but he is by mine.


posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:20 PM
I agree Kit,
Many times I feel that our friends and family are guided by them! Without our true friends where would we all be right now. They sure have made a difference in mine too! A Good Evening to you Kit

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999

Hi Xerox
Thank you, Nice to meet you! Persistence is First! Its stated in the Word, Ask & Ask again knock & it shall be given...... If a child kept asking you over & over & over & over again may he please have that toy? Wouldn't you after awhile most likely give it to him! Maybe not right away, but sooner or later if he kept asking you, wouldn't you!
See Xenex, many that tell me who do hear their Angels name and even more from their Angels. Is usually when they least expect it! Lets just say I know your's is right around the corner! They like especially to move things around the house to let you know they are there! Also they like to let you know they are there day or night by a slight touch! Anyhow don't faint when they do lol It does shock the daylights out of one! Let me Know... just remember its persistence!

Thank you for replying, Angel. Nice to meet you, too.

Is there a "special" way to contact them? Like, would it be best to be in a meditative-type state?

I had no idea they could enter our dimension and move things around!
I just thought they were beings in a higher dimension/"realm" that we could sometimes communicate with through telepathy.

Learn something new everyday!

Thank you, again. Take care

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 05:43 PM
I love talking about guardian angels even when I know now that they are souls from other times.

My has been with me all my life since I can remember and has been there when I am in very stressful situations and very special situations.

Meanwhile others are always around for different things but my main one is unique.

After many years of knowing mine I casually asked his name because he always shows himself as male.

And he just gave his name to me, for some reason I never had the need to ask before.

BTW he also told me that he will be the one to guide me when my time in earth is over, hopefully it will not be until many years to come.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 06:02 PM
Hi Marg
Nice to meet you! That was interesting, if you may, can you please share more with us? If its personal I understand. But now you have my attention and would love to hear more!

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 06:16 PM
Well after he gave me his name I ask my mother if she knew somebody by that name before I was born.

The name happen to be the same name of a Brother that my father lost when he was in Korea, he and my father were call to duty together and he died in action.

My father was very close to him because his brother was younger and he was very simple minded so he grew up with him and kept him out of trouble all the time.

That is why I feel that guardian angels could also be souls of departed loves ones.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 07:58 PM
Thanks Marg
Now that's interesting! I see that your mood says 'blues' if that means your sad, I will pray your Angel helps to brighten your day! Thanks again for sharing!

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:05 PM
Thanks, I am very happy actually that was from after the holidays I spend them sick, I will change it as soon as I can.

I am glad that you believe in angels they are very real.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 08:39 PM
Do animals have these guardian angels or just humans? If just humans at what stage in our evolution did they decide to watch over us monkeys and what did they do before that? just chill?


posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 09:33 PM
When I was going through the process of becoming Catholic, a priest told me that I could ask my guardian angel his name. I ask a few times and gave up. I still ask for his help, though and sometimes I send him on errands---like to tell my son's guardian angel to remind him to ride the bus home, or to talk to the guardian angel of someone who is difficult and thus smooth things out before I encounter that person. Since I don't know his name I just call him G.A.

One of the Catholic books I read about angels stated that they could take human or animal form. There was a certain saint---John Bosco---who worked in a very high crime area with poor orphans. It was said that whenever he was in danger, a ferocious dog would show up from out of nowhere and bare his teeth at whoever was threatening him. This happened for over 30 years with the same dog (or one that looked just like him) showing up whenever John Bosco was in danger. It was a true marvel for the townspeople many of whom believed the dog was heavensent. Could the dog have been his guardian angel in animal form? I believe so.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by zef]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 09:52 PM
I have two distinct events in which I feel God, or my guardian angel interceded on my behalf.

The first was when I was very young. Maybe 7 or so. I had opened my window in hope of jumping from it to a lower roof on our house (a gap of about 5 feet). I had my knee on the window ledge and our family cat, Talbot, scratched my back with his claws. Not puncturing the skin, but enough to cause me to come back in and be a bit angry with him. It is only after reflecting on this now that I'm older that I realize that if Talbot hadn't scratched me, I could have fallen the 12 feet onto our stone patio and been severly injured or perhaps dead. When we buried Talbot this past summer (he lived to be about 19 and was my parents first companion before my sister and I were born), I told my family this story. It was the first and last time I told it to anyone until I've recounted it here.

The second time was when I was roughly around the same age, give or take a year. My family and I were visiting my grandparents in Florida. My grandparents live in a very Levittown style community, so it was easy to get lost in the vicinity. I was bike riding by myself and became lost on the similar streets. I stopped at a sign and prayed to God. I literally said "Please just draw me an arrow in the sand or something." I did not get that request, but about 200 yards down the road there was a woman outside working in her garden with her dog. I stopped and asked her where I could find the street my grandparents live on. She directed me back to their road. I told my Mom about my little adventure and she told me "That lady with her dog was the sign you asked for."

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:31 PM
I might also add that I do not personally take the religious side of guardian angels, which may sound odd.
I believe in no God, so guardian angels being "angels" by the Christian definition is out. I simply believe that there are beings of a higher light that take it upon themselves to protect us, the beings of this world.


posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:38 PM
I was really sick once as a kid ( rubeola). I had in the middle of the illness a dream of somebody coming "out" of me and doing something to cure me. It could have been a fever dream, but I remember it to this day. That's my story. Also, the WORSE nightmare I ever had without a shadow of a doubt was when I was 12, it was a snake with a human head (I don't know whose head it was) slithering on a plate. I have no idea what it meant/means, but it REALLY freaked me out when it happened.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by Nakash]

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