posted on May, 28 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Noob alert here.
Looking for overall guidance and enlightenment.
Interests are:
1.) UFO / Alien
- Current Sightings
- Historical Hard to Find Tidbits (I've read many book and documentaries)
- Witness based reports with or without pics/vid
- Need education on the whole Reptilian, Good Grays, Bad Grays, etc. Not convinced that more than one alien race has visited Earth. Reptiles? Just
can't make that leap yet.
2.) Politics
- Mainly International
I will be totally honest with everyone. I am a skeptic by nature but truly want to believe. I have an open mind but must have rational discussion and
evidence (even circumstantial) to further my belief.
I believe most religions and belief systems are healthy for humanity and give each a sense of purpose. I am a practicing Christian and have never
feared that information I might find would change my belief in Christianity. Aliens, conspiracies, hollow earth theories, etc doesn't change the
core belief in my Christianity. Go New Testament!
I have never seen a UFO but pray frequently to see one someday. Not a tiny light in the sky that goes on and off and changes shades of colors but
something soul shaking.
For example, I just learned of John Lear and watched all 4 hours of the Project Camelot interview. I do not mean this to be disrespectful but
holographic images hit the WTC towers and not real planes? The government hacked all the news stations to add CGI to the video? This is beyond my
limit today but I always keep an open mind. My opinions are not concrete and I constantly seek info to make more informed decisions.
With all that on the table and all the baggage that might come with it, if anyone would love to show me around the site, educate me on ins-and-outs,
rules, regulations, etc it would be much appreciated. As a mentor, please don’t take on my request for help as an assignment to convert me to your
Point of View. If evidence is presented, even circumstantial, I will consider it seriously and offer my own retort with respect.
I have already read most of the Rules and Conduct posts from the Site Owners but maybe there are some unspoken or just plain good board manners I need
to know about. I have been a lurker here for about 1 month and just now started to reply to threads. I have not started any threads myself and
personally I don't see myself initiating new threads until I am much more educated or have a question that I just can't find an answer to.
Someone make me a believer!
Best Regards,