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Uhuru - The murder of all white Africans

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by anon_104712
This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: Uhuru - The murder of all white Africans

Have you no sense of truth?
You are not worth the name afrikaner.
All of you are the same.
I have seen the truth. I have first hand experience on the inner workings of this movement.
Do not fool yourself. YOU ARE HELPLESS.
You are white.
This means you are a target.
When the night of the long knives arrives, you are just a white number. Nothing else. Another head.
How is this movement financed you ask?
You have questions that have very obvious answers.
Just goes to show how little research you have done.
Open up your eyes.
Listen, you'll be sick at what you find.
UHURU will come, you will be blind.

I’ll take this anonymous post and pretend like it was addressed at me.

My sense of truth? Truth is what you can see, hear, feel, taste and understand.
I can guarantee you that I've done far more "research" than most South Africans. The difference is I don't do my research from a one-sided argument like that of the so-called "Suid-Landers" or "". No. Every story has two sides.

I don't know if I want to be called an "Afrikaner". If you have to be a hate-filled, self absorbed person that sings "De La Rey, De La Rey" at the top of his voice, with an old flag in the one hand and a beer (or "Klippies and coke") in the other hand to be an Afrikaner, then I'm definitely not an Afrikaner. Khaki isn't my colour anyway.

Uhuru will come and I will be blind? No one is as blind as the one that sees only what he wants to see...

I am not helpless. I'm not fooled by half-witted scare tactics. I have the ability to think for myself. It has brought me this far, and I bet you it will bring me even further in the future.

As a result of your "research" you have absolute "proof" of Uhuru? Well... Register. Share your evidence for everyone to see. I don't fall for the "go find it for yourself" line, because that tells me you have nothing concrete. Theories, theories and more theories. All based on biased opinions and fear. Let's see if you have the guts to stand by your anonymous claims...

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 01:00 AM
I live in South Africa, and the people have no idea what is really going on here. Our people are being killed every single day. I am sick of having to keep car windows sealed because of pool acid being thrown in our faces, sick of being scared to attend church, because farmers are being murdered, and their bibles and textbooks are being displayed on the bodies. A genocide is already taking place, and we are wasting our breaths by trying to talk to Government, because the more they ignore the problem, the more they are successfull in reaching their goal. That is to wipe out all white South Africans from the face of the earth.
Please look at this video: Carte Blanche report on farm murders

[edit on 17-4-2007 by Sicofmurder]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Sicofmurder
I am sick of having to keep car windows sealed because of pool acid being thrown in our faces

I agree with most of your grievances I don't understand why you're afraid to go to church!? And the "acid attacks" are more an urban legend than anything else. You'll find that the few "acid attacks" that do occur, occur all over the planet and is definitely not a (solitary) South African problem News Items. Articles like this are typically spread by emails. It's far from factual and typically hoaxes/spam/urban legends.

I don't see how a critically high crime rate (which affects both white and black alike) supports the theory that Uhuru may be real?

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 08:08 AM
It is not the going to church that frightens me, it is the "coming back". Even going into town scares me sh*tless. You NEVER know who is waiting for you on your return. And this is no hoax, nor urban legend, it is facts, especially in farm areas, like where I am. The acid fear, is not just a story, it is also fact. I had a email from my Medical Aid, stating that one of their members fell victim to this.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 04:00 PM
The thing that amazes me is, why hasn't this slaughter already happened. I watched , all my life, from here in the U>S> at the utter brutality that occurred under the name Aparthied, and couldn't understand why the many millions of blacks
didn't roll over the much fewer white population. I know that very brutal piolice stae existed but the blacks had all the access they needed--they did all the landscaping, home cleaning and backbreaking labor everywhere.

The death toll on both sides would have been ghastly, but I always thought it could have happened. For those of you that grew-up after Aparthide and expect or wish for peace probably would have inherited a more bigoted approach to blacks if not for forced shedding of the past--but for the scars to heal--unfortunately--whites will someday pay the ultimate price. There are those blacks willing to move forward and share--but they will not be able to save you.

As for the NWO that will supposedly step in and restore peace--makes as much sense as anything. Blacks, on their own, will be forced to make concessions to the world bank if they hope to become industrialized--and they'll owe their futures to the white man all-over again.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Saidar
Hi everyone I'm also living in South Africa. I just want to say South Africa is a great country, all this crime is because of people not having jobs etc... But about the "prophecy", I believe it's a bunch of crap. One of my friends is so scared he and his dad are literally buying an arsenal of weapons(illegally) and storing them in their basement.... They even have a machine gun...LOL Seriously I think this Siener guy is a massive hoax and it is very unlikely to happen. And if it does, c'mon people, 100 black people with knives against 20 white people with rifles and handguns, who's gonna win??

The knives was only the "prediction" and "plan" before they came into power. There is but not ONE black in this country that does NOT have a fire arm. Wether it be legal or not. The Government is disarming the whites daily, by forcing them to re-register their firearms. What for? To count the armed whites, or to target those addresses, by re-regisering. So many signs is visible on a DAILY basis. Maybe you should look around you more carefully. PLEASE visit the following link, to SEE the signs, and BELIEVE this is happening. It is a reality! Too much info is being hidden from the world. Too many statistics is being deleted from our systems, of you onlyl look at how many Police dockets "dissapear" and are being burnt, without it even being investigated? C'mon my friend, you have nothin to loose by only observing, and getting your family safe. There is no "hoax" as they like to call it. Some people are getting into a bit bizarre disinformation, but for the rest... Al we can do is TRY and keep the peace, but what if the blacks keep on telling you to your face: WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR PEACE, WE WANT YOU DEAD! That goes for small babies, as young as 6 months old that is being burnt alive! What crime did such a baby commit, other than to be white?
Here is the link, sorry most of it is in Afrikaans, but since you are from SA, you can understand the language?

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Sicofmurder
There is but not ONE black in this country that does NOT have a fire arm. Wether it be legal or not.

And you know this for a fact? You've been to every single black person's house and know for a fact that they own a firearm?

What most white scare tactics "forget" to tell you is that the crime and killings affects both white and blacks equal. Black people are just as sick and tired of crime as white people. Yes, it cannot be denied that white farmers are a specific target by a certain group, but the general crime wave is not an anti-white genocide. It's plainly good against evil.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:02 AM
Hi I have a question in "general" so to say.
so here goes.

All those who believe UHURU will/can not happen. Correct me if I'm wrong.

* In the fight for democracy, the ANC military wing were trained at (Communist?) camps in our neighboring countries (Zimbabwe?) - Wonderd why SA did nothing to stop Mugabe?
* Strikes in SA are highly organised - anyone not participating gets it (Winnie Mandela used the necklace( burning tire around the neck), Security strikes - those not conforming were pushed under trains, Imperial transport strike - Drivers not laying down tools were shot or beaten to death and the list goes on) - just read your newspapers.
* with the above mentioned intimidation tacktics, if the organisers were to tell them to murder and plunder (take their country back from the Europeans) how many will resist - "I kill you or I get killed by my own people"

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Black people are evil but they are easily manipilated. Why? Apartheid! (It seems to be the cause of all SA's problems, from poverty to aids, from lack of services to corruption)

He comes to you saing " I'm hungry/cold" you say "The racist whites lives in the houses that rightfully belongs to you." and sadly people are stupid (Individuals are clever) and the masses don't think, they just do whatever they're being told.

The problem is that we have a handfull of hatefull people who keep Apartheid alive for their own gain. Political people who see a chance to grab some power and sadly politicians tend to be heartless when they hear the call of power.

Looking at these "Questions/statements" I'd say UHURU is not only possible it's allmost fact.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Interesting post. I too was unaware of the extent of the tension in SA. It becomes harder and harder to get real news here in the states. The media, knowingly or not, are parrots for the government. There is very little objective reporting anymore.

I lived a portion of my younger years on a reservation in South Dakota, and I can tell you that economic separation was and still is a way of life for people of color in that part of America. I heard the term 'prairie 'n-word'' used fairly often, and there is a sense that it will never change.

When the American Indian Movement tried to arouse public notice some years back, they were all portrayed as criminals. Sadly, there was no other group of people willing to join in on the side of the Native American cause. There were specific request to the black community as a whole for support, but nothing came of it. The fragmentation factor kept people from seeing that it is only by uniting against oppression that it can be defeated.

(To get some idea of how this exploitation on the the reservation works, and how the US government actively supports it, rent an old movie called "Thunderheart". It is fiction, but the sentiments are true nonetheless. And it does touch heavily on the conspiracy angel.)

I agree that there is the potential for civil unrest in many nations, along lines of racial conflict. And I think it is actively 'helped along' by western leadership because it gives them a chance to consolidate power with each new event. It's much like a snake squeezing the breath out of prey, tightening with each movement in the struggle to just breath one more free breath.

The same squeezing is used in the gun control issue. Each new shooting is an excuse to remove further any means of resistance.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Just a link to a site I've discovered today. If this don't open your eyes and make you reconsider your view of the possibility of genoside in SA I don't know what will.

Read some of the articles about the southern region of africa especially the neighboring countries and those about their songs.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by dragonben
Hi I have a question in "general" so to say.
so here goes.

All those who believe UHURU will/can not happen. Correct me if I'm wrong.

* In the fight for democracy, the ANC military wing were trained at (Communist?) camps in our neighboring countries (Zimbabwe?) - Wonderd why SA did nothing to stop Mugabe?
* Strikes in SA are highly organised - anyone not participating gets it (Winnie Mandela used the necklace( burning tire around the neck), Security strikes - those not conforming were pushed under trains, Imperial transport strike - Drivers not laying down tools were shot or beaten to death and the list goes on) - just read your newspapers.
* with the above mentioned intimidation tacktics, if the organisers were to tell them to murder and plunder (take their country back from the Europeans) how many will resist - "I kill you or I get killed by my own people"
Looking at these "Questions/statements" I'd say UHURU is not only possible it's all most fact.

"Almost fact"... Is that like "almost not a lie"?
I read, and re-read your questions/statements. I'm sorry I just don't see any relation to Uhuru or a possible genocide.

1. The ANC military wing had to train somewhere. If they "trained" in South Africa they would have been thrown in jail, or worse. The "(communist?)" tells me that you're not exactly sure about the facts. And then you have to keep in mind that the "ANC military wing training" was done 15 to 30 years (and more) ago. Even Nelson Mandela got his military in Algeria in 1962. Do you think these guys that received their "training" all those years ago are still a threat? If you look at the statistics of the current crime problem, the criminals are all young men, (younger than 24 statistically speaking) - 15 % of all crimes are committed by children younger than 18. This means that most of the violent criminals were either young infants or not even born yet, when the "ANC military wing trained outside South Africa"...

Mbeki's inability to do something about the Zimbabwe situation, is purely very bad political decision making. It has no connection to "communist training camps".

2. Strikes anywhere at any time have always been highly organized. That is what can make a strike effective or not. Winnie Mandela's crimes and murders don’t have anything to do with strikes though. You'll note that the murders that occurred during your said strikes were blacks against blacks. How does that constitute a possible "Uhuru" (Black against white)?

3. No matter what "intimidation tactics" were used or will be used, there will always be those that don't want to do "the wrong thing", thus the resulting murders. Just goes to show you that the "wrong doers" are a handful. Not all blacks or whites or "yellows" should be considered the same threat as a minority. I have personally been threatened by white extremists (The Daughters of Sion) because of my views on Uhuru and the methods used by whites to "scare" whites into racism. The coin has two sides. There are extremists on both side of the colour scheme.

It's no use quoting all the crimes, because we all know how high the crime rate is. And if you take a careful look at the crime statistics you'll notice that it's not "black against white" crimes, but lawless criminals against the rest of the country.

Perhaps you should take a look at countries like Brazil, Bosnia, Israel, Iran, etc., etc. and look at what's going on in those countries. Where young children are armed and sent into war zones and killed by the thousands, and then look back at South Africa and be thankful that you don't have to arm your children. Yet.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by Gemwolf]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 11:33 AM
This thread about South Africa reminds me of the conditions in New Orleans before Katrina and the levies. There were places were policemen would not venture in the 9th ward. Really bad with crack heads, pimps and drug dealers. Very similar to what I have heard the conditions of Zambawe to be.

I remember one Mardi Gras near the downtown area of New Orleans some of the younger crowd were yelling for the whites to leave the area. Thank God the police were in force to keep the peace. Even in the French Quarter, the police did not take any disturbance when it came to safety issues no matter the color or race of people perpetrating the act.

When Katrina hit and went over the top of New Orleans, the peopel in the 9th ward said the heard a loud explosion. If dynomite were used to breach the levies, you would never find the evidence. It would be washed away. When the city became unindated with swamp water from the river and the lake, the ones that remained in the city started looting, others were crying for help.

The Red Cross came in with their helicopters to help get the 9th ward poor out of rising waters. No telling how many died in attics that could not punch holes in the roof decks. The helicopters were fired on by the drug lords and pimps from the weapons that were looted.

Black Hawk helicopters went into New Orleans at night and took out anyone wading through the mire waving a firearm. The next day the resue went on business as usual. Cnn and Fox news reported nothing about that night or why there were no more fighting and guns in the streets. Just business as usaul. This may happen is South Africa when Mandella croaks.

As far as the claim of some Afrikaners to be of Isrealite descent through their ancestor from Europe, they are probably correct. Notice I did not say Jews or Isrealli, I said Isrealite which is a big difference. Isrealites that went to Babylon captivity were from the town of Jerusalem. The Babylonians shorten this to Jews and hence the Jewish faith which was Hebrew of old. The other Isrealite folks that lived outside the walls of Jerusalem had already been taken to Assyria many years earlier. These folks are the Caucasians of the world who were scattered abroad by the Almighty for nothing following his Commandments, Statues, Judgement, Rituals and Laws. So, it does not surprise me to hear them speak of their roots in such away.

Everyone should take pride in where they came from. Everyone should respect each other and learn to live in harmony. Unfortunately, I do not see this happening anywhere in the world. It is getting worse. Look at the USA and what we do to Terrorist in Gitmo. Even our own ctizens do not get due process of the law and their day in court if they are considered terrorist. They get shipped off to the island where there are no rights except to die. I better get off my soap box are they will be searching and ready to throw me in Gitmo for being a terrorist sympathizer.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 01:17 PM
- "Almost fact"... Is that like "almost not a lie"?

I believe everything in life have a chance or propability to happen. Thus meaning that with the current situation the chances for uhuru happening increases up to the point where the chances of it happening is far more than the chances of it not happening. I do still hope it is won't happen, but I'd rather be save than sorry.

- "The ANC military wing had to train somewhere."

So if a country helps a people those people don't owe them something in return? I find this generosity hard to believe.

- Mbeki's inability to do something about the Zimbabwe situation, is purely very bad political decision making. It has no connection to "communist training camps".

Going for how many years now? The rest of the world is pressuring Mugabe to change his regime, stop the violence, while SA (the champions of African Democracy) sits back doing nothing. Our leaders fly all over to reconcile the the world "Hot spots" but our neighbor is left alone to harm, intimidate and kill opposition.

- Just goes to show you that the "wrong doers" are a handful.

As I stated later on in my post.

But lets look at one historical event - Hitler were a lunatic but he still got his military to kill Jews, this don't make Germans evil but those who opposed him were imprisoned or killed (This wouldn't be intimidation, would it?). Those who wanted "to do the right thing" could not stop it from happening either.

- It's no use quoting all the crimes, because we all know how high the crime rate is. And if you take a careful look at the crime statistics you'll notice that it's not "black against white" crimes, but lawless criminals against the rest of the country.

Sorry that wasn't my the intention to say crime causes genoside but it does create an enviroment of lawlessness and this can easily be manipulated. (especially violent crimes)

- Perhaps you should take a look at countries like Brazil, Bosnia, Israel, Iran, etc., etc. and look at what's going on in those countries. Where young children are armed and sent into war zones and killed by the thousands, and then look back at South Africa and be thankful that you don't have to arm your children. Yet.

Someone once said it's best to learn from anothers faults than your own, well do you want to sit back and let someone surprise you so you can learn?

I'm not saying you should hide in your basement to scared to walk about, but what harm is there in keeping your eyes open and trying to get a view of the big picture and playing it save.

The other post I made the same day is intended to let people look at the mentality of the general Southern African peoples. If the same thing happend in each of our neighbor countries, what makes SA different?

[edit on 14-5-2007 by dragonben]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 04:31 AM
Black people and white people are equals. In Africa, the fallout from years of terrible exploitation, manipulation, and oppression is hard to imagine disappearing without major reparations and compensation being done. Help is needed in all areas to avoid racial war going on indefinitely.
It is a common tone in this thread that SA is a great place, and that the whites have nothing much to answer for to the blacks. I disagree. There is much to answer for, and one way or another it will be answered for. Not everyone forgives and forgets, some people want payback, and will pursue it however they can.
Fear comes from ignorance, and is masked by arrogance and hate. Give and show respect, do not insult, and fight. The future doesn't look good from my viewpoint.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 04:01 AM
Here's a good example of how people that believe the fear mongering coming from the "Suidlanders" and organizations of the like, are bound to make fools out of themselves:
Woman fired because of "plan" in DVD

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Hi Gemwolf

Yes, sadly it is true that some people get carried away and do stupid things but then you allways get those kind in all walks of life.

I've read this article a while back and she, if I remember correctly, acted on some e-mail or such she recieved without verifying the facts. That's like some nut telling you to stop wearing clothes cause the world is comming to an end (You'll get arrested for indecent exposure!:lol

So what I'm trying to say is, keep your eyes open, think ahead, even make a contingency plan in the back of your head (buy some extra nonperishable foods ect. - a good idea for those months the budet don't seem to play along) but don't let this take over your life, don't forget to live, or life might go you by!

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 01:10 PM
Look! The guys that came up with the entire idea of Uhuru where as white as a sheet!
There is no real plan like this! And infact the mere fact that SOME Whites take it
Seriously will probably be the only reason something does actually happen when Mandela
Dies, since its becoming so well known.
Uhuru is a pure white right wing creation. (think AWB the Nazi wannabes everybody loves
to hate)

South Africa is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, make no mistake, the
Following gives the basic idea

Population : +200 million
Murders per year : +11000

South Africa
Population : +40 Million
Murders per year: +21000
(Source: CIA fact book and

But these are no organized efforts, gangs and independent criminals in a nationwide crime spree of straight forward crime and hate crime.
People pin it on Apartheid or poverty, both which I reject because a lot of good people come out of poverty and Apartheid was a uniting force in the Black community, and black on black crime in South
Africa is the majority of the numbers above.

You can point at the hate crime, ironing people’s skin off, pouring boiling water on Grannies etc etc..
As some sort of vendetta against whites, and you’d be right, but it’s not organised it’s just the pure individual hate crime and cruelty so common in Africa.
Seen the movie Blood diamond? Well believe it or not that movie was based on real events and despite people saying the violence was over done and unrealistic, the violence was toned done from what
Happened in reality.

What am I trying to say? Basically this is reality in Africa coming home and I’m not sure what we can
Do about it, but further than that Uhuru is pure and simple utter rubbish and can only serve to fuel
Something into existence that just isn’t there.

All of this said South Africa isn’t that bad to live in and though I’ve been robbed several times and seen one or two guys shot (Not fatal) its liveable and safe when you learn to be careful and what to watch out for.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 08:55 AM
have any of yous ever herd about area 18? Its been said that alien aircrafts have been seen around area18. Area 18 is a military base like area 51. Some of the military people that worked their said that they have seen dead alien bodys. And the workers have said that they have seen unidentified srace crafts in area 18s hanger :cool So do you guys know any thing else about area18 if so tell

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[edit on 22/5/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by game king
have any of yous ever herd about area 18? Its been said that alien aircrafts have been seen around area18. Area 18 is a military base like area 51. Some of the military people that worked their said that they have seen dead alien bodys. And the workers have said that they have seen unidentified srace crafts in area 18s hanger :cool So do you guys know any thing else about area18 if so tell

E-mail [email protected]

You have no idea what this thread is about, do you? You are a spammer, aren't you... Well, I suppose I'll just have to launch a complaint against you... Haven't done that in a while...
Don't you just love a whiner?

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