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Give DNA or no job; A.F.P.

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posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Produkt

To deny the fact that you control yourself and are accountable for your own actions in life is, to me... ridiculous. Homo Est Deus applies to every man, woman and child on this planet. What you allow and or choose is of your own responsability. Again, taking an active role in politic's can change a whole hell of alot more then you give it credit for.

Whoa there.
Quote all the airy fairy sentiment you like but don't try to tell folk they are accountable for what 'gets done to them'.
The weak, young, old, ill, injured and every other way vulnerable of the world, even in the U.S., don't "choose" or "allow" the many, countless, harms and deadly treatments to be done to them.

To "sell" this cruel, insensative, "you asked for your own suffering", filthy bit of "New Age" propaganda, that actually promotes the idea that the powerless (like the countless babies born into abuse) don't need help from those with more than their fair share, or just capable and aware of their needs, indicates that you may even be one of those who believes it's "good for the planet" to 'dispose' of "useless eaters", rather than just being incapable of understanding the many clear points posters are making.

In Australia, every Government payment goes directly into your bank account. No bank account, no payments. This includes War Veterans and War Widows, who have paid so much for the freedoms they no longer have. Most employers pay straight into accounts too.

It's because of the "success" of this system here, for so long (decades), that other Nations like yours introduce it. But it has been planned that way all along.
First "they" introduce a system "they" say works well elsewhere and claim "they" have 'protections' from any potential abuse, then "they" change the system that provides the protection. Untill we are all tied into "One Big Best Worlds Practice", for "them", in every aspect of our lives.

Australia also recently introduced "drug driving" roadside buses. The first person charged proved he was in fact 'drug free' but not untill his name and face was plastered all over the media as a "drugged driver". It's also a system that sound science doesn't support but was promoted and sold to us (well, to Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks) by a private, overseas company.

Another 'cute' thing about Australia is that VOTING IS COMPULSORY. But so what, we still suffer under a two party system like The States and whoever gets in 'forgets' all the promises they made to win votes, and they do whatever the hell they planned along.
The last person to threaten the system with a new party that had strong public support, ended up in gaol, due to the work of a "defector" from one of the major parties.

I'm glad at least one other poster picked up on the EUGENICS aspect of the the real reason blood and other identifying 'bio materials' are being collected around the world.
All the other 'reasons' are just 'handy' excuses (even when they aren't 'cost effective' but still promoted) for the big picture that's being painted with our 'blood'.
Sure some, like Produkt, may 'donate blood' (usually not their own though) but most just have it taken, drop by drop till all but the 'vampire' elite and their 'pets' are bled dead.

I'm also glad that some have picked up that this little "news brief" is actually another nail in the coffin of freedoms we could at least 'pretend' we had.

[edit on 10-1-2006 by suzy ryan]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by suzy ryan

I'm glad at least one other poster picked up on the EUGENICS aspect


you bet! problem is i could shout 20th century history footage into everybody's ears, all they'd give me is funny looks, because they don't care.

i mean i'm not even talking about Produkt, who wouldn't adress my points about the catastrophic consequences of biometric identity theft (no recourse) and indefinite detainment under 'secret' clauses, which give the victim no legal basis of refuting the claims, even if i threatened to pull the plug, lol, but i guess i'll have to stop arguing with software until the

credible rebuttal patch

leaves the alpha stage, right?

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 07:08 AM

I'm glad at least one other poster picked up on the EUGENICS aspect of the the real reason blood and other identifying 'bio materials' are being collected around the world.

Prove it. Point blank. Prove there's evidence that bio material is being collected for some evil eugenics purpose and prove that it's easier for them to do it out in the open year's later in your adult like compared to just getting the material when your born in a hospital.

Fact is you can't. You have no evidence beyond conjecture. You *think* it's being used for x purpose becuase you *refuse* to believe it's actual purpose is what's happening. So you come to the conclusion that x purpose must be true, twist a news article into looking like it's saying what your belief is. I've yet to see one article describing in full exactly to the letter what everyone is posting here as credible evidence.

Lance, I did reply to your last post where you kindly twisted two new's articles in your descriptive titles of them. No one's refuting that biometric identity theft is a possibility, but that article you posted did not describe such an event happening. Bone marrow transfer done at a hospital is hardly what one would call theft. Would you care though to describe how bio-id theft is easier then current id theft and why it would be horrible to switch. Please mind you, I'm not asking for the hype of the government is out to get me and frame me because ____ insert reason.


I never once said that the helpless don't need help. I also believe your conclusion that I'm on who feels desposing of the "useless" is a good thing. I'm all for humanism. Funny, so was the evil bavarian Illuminati group. I'd also like you to point out the clear point's of the so called eugenics issue. I'd also like for the poster's posting these so called clear issue's to cut the word play to make the what is actually happening to appear to be something more sinister. For example, post a damn news article that actually describes what the hell it is your getting at!

I don't know much about australia or how it works, but here in the usa there is no "two party" system. Howard Dean ran for office, or did everyone forget about him? There was also another guy I think, can't remember his name. [EDIT] Another thing, australia is australia. It's not run the same way as the usa, so I guess... I feel to see how both countries tie into the same goal. I've yet to experience much of what you say australia has. Maybe the NWO just hasn't gotten around to my town... or country yet

I've asked how can someone going to a bar fail a drug test, listing off three major drug's. Yet the poster who made the claim still fails to provide an answer, also being someone who just happens to work at a bar!

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Produkt]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Produkt
I've asked how can someone going to a bar fail a drug test, listing off three major drug's. Yet the poster who made the claim still fails to provide an answer, also being someone who just happens to work at a bar!

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Produkt]

That's bullpoo.

I never stated which drugs were possible, you decided to place the "list" there yourself. As for people failing, I already pointed out someone earlier on.

Originally posted by Odium
2002 Winter Olympics, Canadian Snowborder failed and didn't smoke any drugs. Ross Rebagliati was the guys name. So there is an example for you.

Edit: 1998 not 2002.

[edit on 10/1/2006 by Odium]

However, let us go look at another aspect.

People get their drinks spiked also.

Alcohol is the most common. It is used either by adding it to a non alcoholic drink or by adding extra amounts to an alcoholic drink.

Prescription drugs are also frequently used including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, muscle relaxants and hypnotics-such as Serapax, Valium and Rohypnol. Rohypnol now has a reputation as being one of the most common prescription drugs used in drink spiking cases.

Illicit drugs such as Ecstacy, '___', Fantasy, (also known as Liquid Ecstacy or GHB), Ketamine and other party drugs are known to be used. People appear high or revved up when they have been affected by a party drug. GHB is particularly nasty because it can cause serious breathing problems. People cannot sleep it off. They need to get medical assistance immediately.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11/1/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Produkt

I'm glad at least one other poster picked up on the EUGENICS aspect of the the real reason blood and other identifying 'bio materials' are being collected around the world.

Prove it. Point blank. Prove there's evidence that bio material is being collected for some evil eugenics purpose and prove that it's easier for them to do it out in the open year's later in your adult like compared to just getting the material when your born in a hospital.

guarantee that your data will be relieably destroyed in case of turmoil and impending dictatorship - you can't.

20th century showed how freaking overwhelming such regimes can be with mail, telephone and cronies alone, we don't need to find out how it is with cameras on everycorner, DNA sampling and a bored ruling elite, whose only pleasure is destroying lives.

but i guess we'll have to learn the hard way again.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 10:09 AM
I find it rather interesting that people here can claim this amazingly evil elite empire hell bent on taking over the world and yet can provide one shread of credible evidence. Most of the evidence put forth require's immense ammounts of word play and scare tactic's in an attempt to fool the gullible into believing what these people are saying is truth.


Isolated case's of date rape drug's and etc. Yes. I'm fully aware of that. As a defacto, or implication that going to a bar, as it seemed to be said would cause ordinary bar goers to fail drug test. No. Does this mean we should fear drug test's because bad people do bad thing's? In a sense, no.


Are you basicly saying you can't prove it? Sounds like it to me. Rather interesting. How can someone take what you say as credible fact if you yourself can't provide concrete evidence for what you say is true? While I'll admit, the thought of an evil elite NWO empire does sound scary and awe inspiring, there's simply no evidence that it exist's. We can word play all we want to make it appear it's there, but twisting new's article's to mean different thing's isn't evidence of jack.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 10:41 AM
The increasing level of surveillance perhaps!?

Or the fact that Tony Blair has just recently decided to give police the power to evict people from their own homes.

(Thread about to come)

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:00 AM
You mean the same increase in surveillance that is reported to make catching criminal offense's easier? Gee, I really see the cause for alarm now.

"The Government was also allowing police and local authorities to evict people from homes used for drug dealing, Mr Blair said.

"I want to get to the situation where it is really hard for these people to operate locally," he said."

My god... That evil Mr. Blair. I mean, how DARE he fight drug dealer's.

I wonder if ANYONE is getting the picture yet of blowing news article's way out of proportion to mean something entirely different then the intended purpose.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Yes, it can do good.

But there is always the potential to abuse the system. Similarly to cloning, people say they can play god and abuse that system.

Who will police the police?

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:45 AM
Everything can be abused. Are we going to fear everything or just the select few that we want to believe are being used in act's of evil control against is without evidence of such?

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Produkt



Are you basicly saying you can't prove it? Sounds like it to me. Rather interesting. How can someone take what you say as credible fact if you yourself can't provide concrete evidence for what you say is true? While I'll admit, the thought of an evil elite NWO empire does sound scary and awe inspiring, there's simply no evidence that it exist's. We can word play all we want to make it appear it's there, but twisting new's article's to mean different thing's isn't evidence of jack.

i don't need to provide proof that the NWO exists, it would be very hard, even if i could actually expose a few details, you could still argue that it was all an isolated case.

that being said, how do you explain JFK's death (don't tell me about lone gunmen, pls) without massive criminal activity going on for the coverup alone? what about depopulationism

or explain post WW2 coddling of nazi criminals without 'friendships' playing a key role

you'll say that's all BS, so be it.

the question isn't wether i'm able to actually proove that somebody's trying to kill off half of mankind,

but WHY would YOU give an anonymous organisation holding a database such tremendous power?


Yes, it can do good.

But there is always the potential to abuse the system. Similarly to cloning, people say they can play god and abuse that system.

cloning is child's play compared to this, i don't care if somebody makes million copies of an individual, as long as growing them takes the natural amount of time, this database is an instrument of control, knowledge is power and

biometric features as well as the genome cannot be replaced if 'misplaced' if somebody wanted a transplant at ANY cost, would you feel warm and cozy knowing your genetic profile can be d/led at any warez site? just THINK for once about the possibilities, pls.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 12:14 PM
Huh? What anonymous orginization? If it's anonymous, then how do you know about it?

Your link on depopulation... What would you say is the most credible evidence for it? After reading the article I fail to see any evidence, just alot of conjecture without backing up claims with credible source's. Nor do I see any "depopulation" going on in today's world. Wars, disease, crime... yes, I see those, but active government enforced or NWO enforced depopulation? C'mon now... seriously.

While I don't know much about project paper clip, I did take it upon myself to look for a more credible source of information concerning it.

Thus began Project Paperclip, the US operation which saw von Braun and more than 700 others spirited out of Germany from under the noses of the US's allies. Its aim was simple: "To exploit German scientists for American research and to deny these intellectual resources to the Soviet Union."

Altho I don't see how making use of german scientists as "coddling", from what I've read so far my opinion on the project is pretty good. Technological advancment and being ahead of other nation's is pretty much the goal of all nation's. It's no surprise the US would do the same.

Ultimatly, yes. The question IS about proof of this so called evil orginization attempting to kill off mankind. If your going to claim it into existence you must be prepared to back up your claims.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:10 PM
It's annonymous(sp?) because so many people don't know about it.

At the beginning of the Nazi rule in 1933, many people didn't know that they were going to try and take over the world and commit mass extermination. In fact, lots of Germans didn't even know that it was happening while they were at war.

It's not very hard for a government to conceal something, given the power that they have. We don't know a great deal about the NWO (enough to defeat it).

Produkt, have you read 1984 by George Orwell?
Just curious....

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
Everything can be abused.

Exactly. And especially government - which is why US democracy had so many checks and balances built into the system.

Unfortunately, this administration has dismantled or neutralized all the checks and balances.

Are we going to fear everything or just the select few that we want to believe are being used in act's of evil control against is without evidence of such?

Seems to me these boyz dismatled the chacks and balances precisely because they wanted to hide what they're doing.

Right now, they are not accountable to anyone or anything - not Congress, or the taxpayers, no one.

Should we trust them anyway? Poke no.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:21 PM
No, I haven't read 1984. It is after all a work of fiction. Fiction and reality are two seperate thing's. While 1984 does depict a scary world, you can't hide the fact that it is still a work of fiction.

While a government can and does hide certain information from both the public and other nation's it would be fairly evident if such an occurance as an NWO plot were taking place. The whole one world government plot of this so called NWO is obviously not evidently taking place. Look at the world around you. Watch the new's. There isn't a damn nation on this planet, including supposed allies that can get along or agree on anything. By what logic are people applying this to inlcude a one world government? Same thing's applie's to the supposed one world religion. It only take's one to open their eye's and look for themselve's rather then buying into the hype and word play from those looking to make a quick buck off the gullible.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:37 PM
I suggest you read 1984, it's interesting, but still as you rightly said a work of fiction.

There's a whole bunch of threads explaining the NWO which were written by the subject matter experts.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 01:45 PM
How would I find the thread's written by the subject experts?

[EDIT] Just did a search using NWO and subject matter expert, none of the result's had anything to do with my search terms.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Produkt]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
How would I find the thread's written by the subject experts?

[EDIT] Just did a search using NWO and subject matter expert, none of the result's had anything to do with my search terms.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Produkt]

Try "FSME" or search for posts by Infinite, such he is the "expert" in the area.
Or try U2Uing him and asking him to pass you on the important threads, tell him I sent you.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Produkt

I also believe your conclusion that I'm one who feels desposing of the "useless" is a good thing. I'm all for humanism. Funny, so was the evil bavarian Illuminati group.

[edit on 11-1-2006 by Produkt]

Well, umm, O.K.,sooo....Produkt, is that how you think we should help the helpless, put them out of their misery? Maybe make them "usefull" by harvesting their organs for the 'more usefull' but sickly people?

Thank you for declaring you believe, "DISPOSING of "useless" PEOPLE is A GOOD THING".

I do, so hope, folk reading your posts will keep this in mind and remember information is only as good as it's source. Your source is below.

You agree with the ideas of, "the EVIL Illuminati".

Well an awfull lot of people still don't, though saddly your numbers are growing and that is what should alert people to the fact that it is coming.

Eugenics has an interesting history, the best known example of the practice was Hitler deciding who wasn't fit to live and mass murdering them, though preferably by working and starving them to death. Why waste free labour, hey?

So who here wants a New World of Order, run by people who believe these ideas are "good"? Those who do, like Produkt, come and get your "brown shirts".....they make good cleaning rags when you have no other use.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 04:11 PM
LMAO... Man, I make one slip and you draw furthur conclusion's. After all you said you didn't stop and think once that after I forgot to finish my sentence and said I'm all for humanism... Oh christ forget it. You won't listen to rationality anyways.

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