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What? Pentagon ORDERS soldiers home on leave to promote the war in Iraq?

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posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 11:30 AM
Boy, the propaganda machine never sleeps.

Apparently, the Pentagon now has to ORDER soldiers returning home on leave to support the war. Now that's just plain ridiculous.

Pentagon propaganda program orders soldiers to promote Iraq war while home on leave

Sure inclines me to believe the words of soldiers on leave now.
I mean, if things were so great, you wouldn't think they would have to ORDER the men to praise the war. Shouldn't these troops naturally support the war, with no prodding, if things are going great? Why are they being ordered to do so? I smell propaganda...

It looks like they've been given scripts. They've been told to admit initial doubt about the war, but to "claim" that they now support it, talk about how "things are better" in Iraq, and to even throw in a few words hailing Lord Bush and his minions.
I mean, you can't make that kinda stuff up.

Oh, but look at what happens when the boys do the opposite. Are they accepted as having clashing opinions? No, these guys are being cracked down upon. One guy was FINED for posting anti-war statements on a blog! Oh, yeah, hail that war people, just listen to our boys tell it. And, if they don't tell it like it ain't
they are penalized. After all, they were ORDERED to do this.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 11:44 AM
This article is a nice tactic. Just what's needed to destroy the crediability of members of the Armed Forces. Gee do you think that it might have something to do with the fact that many military personel happen to support what they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan? Now if a member of the military speaks out in support of the war, this gives the anti-war movement an out by saying that the service member is just following orders. This has got to be one of the lowest piece of crap articles that I haqve ever read.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 11:50 AM
Some soldiers support the war, some are against it. Just because they are in the military doesnt mean they dont have opinions just like you and I. I have a few friends who are back, a few say the are against it, a few are going back because they support what we are doing. They are just like us in that their opinions differ just like ours.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 11:53 AM
where does this article take a non impartial view on this story?

I can note several lines in this showing its biased opinion against the war, independant media this is not.

This story is being spun, note the lack of names, places, qoutes or even a link to the above in the line

In interviews with a number of reservists home for the holidays, a pattern emerges on the Pentagon’s propaganda effort.

Who are these "number of reservists"?
Where to they come from?
What branch are they serving in and do they have any front line experience?

Also note the way the source is trying to highlight a "silencing" of sources:

Specialist Leonard Clark, a National Guardsman, was demoted to private and fined $1,640 for posting anti-war statements on an Internet blog.

The blog istelf insults many members of the unit and portrays an opinion which the guardsman says is the units.

In the UK army it is against regulations to commit an act which will reduce the effectiveness of the army in anyway, now IMO insulting my workmate to the world does not build a team and does not help morale.

The US army I believe has a similar regulation.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 12:06 PM
I had talked with various soldiers and friends that had returned from Iraq, in the Marine corps side of it.

Whenever I ask about how they feel many have not comment while others said that is a mess over there.

From danger, to lack of more safe areas to just a dirty dusty place that the sands seems to get in every area of your body that you don't want to know about it.

Yes people has their own personal opinions, good, bad and ugly.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 12:23 PM
The first clue that this is pure propaganda is the fact its from The second clue is how it tries to convince you not to beleive the soldiers. Nice tactic.

Maybe you couyld explain why my best friend just back from Iraq, had nothing but bad things to say even though he supports the war. I've been to Iraq and I was never briefed to tell people lies. Who exactly is making this claim besides the loons at inforwars?

I hope you realize that your name "truthseeka" is VERY misleading.

[edit on 4-1-2006 by Dronetek]

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 12:35 PM
If the Pentagon ORDERS soldiers home on leave to promote the war in Iraq, what laws are they breaking if they don't comply? ...And what punishments apply?

Is it one thing to keep your mouth shut, but a worse offense to criticize?

Is it treason for a soldier to criticise the war when he is under orders to promote it?

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

Is it treason for a soldier to criticise the war when he is under orders to promote it?

I cant see the military ever ordering soldiers to say certian things on leave. It just dosnt work that way.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
Maybe you couyld explain why my best friend just back from Iraq, had nothing but bad things to say even though he supports the war. I've been to Iraq and I was never briefed to tell people lies about Iraq.

How do we know you're not just saying you weren't briefed to tell us lies, because they briefed you to deny it if followers of Alex Jones say you were briefed to tell us lies. Very sneaky Dronetek.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
The first clue that this is pure propaganda is the fact its from

Another Source

ludaChris I agree wiith you. There are soldiers on both sides of this issue, just as there are civilians on both sides.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:10 PM
Great source BH. The script is interesting. Missed it if it was referenced earlier:

Soldiers are encouraged to contact their local news media outlets to offer interviews about the war. A detailed set of talking points encourages them to:

–Admit initial doubts about the war but claim conversion to a belief in the American mission;

–Praise military leadership in Iraq and throw in a few words of support for the Bush administration;

–Claim the mission to turn security of the country over to the Iraqis is working;

–Reiterate that America must not abandon its mission and must stay until the “job is finished.”

–Talk about how “things are better” now in Iraq.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:01 AM
In the above, does anyone notice how they "roud up" what they found?
Frankly its very worryng when a supposed agency for truth is not reporting all the truth or even any of it.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:13 AM
Who are these "sources" anyway. Didn't Alex give to the Demorats last year? It must be some kind of Partisan trickery. And what about the Pentagon leaker that gave this information to the terrorists. All this leaking is doing nothing but losing this war. We should investigate what soldiers let this bit of info slip.

And that baby needed eating too.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by FernandoPoo
Who are these "sources" anyway. Didn't Alex give to the Demorats last year? It must be some kind of Partisan trickery. And what about the Pentagon leaker that gave this information to the terrorists. All this leaking is doing nothing but losing this war. We should investigate what soldiers let this bit of info slip.

And that baby needed eating too.

Mabye we should let the media report information that it says is "real" and not false?
Mabye we shouldnt ask questions about those who question?

Not watch the watchers huh?

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:22 AM
If this was an absurd Idea I would agree, but its not. I can see the 1SG giving this very brief before leave, coming down from some over reaching Col. The question I have is where the order came from and how widespread. Not whether or not someone somwhere told their troops to do this.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by FernandoPoo
If this was an absurd Idea I would agree, but its not. I can see the 1SG giving this very brief before leave, coming down from some over reaching Col. The question I have is where the order came from and how widespread. Not whether or not someone somwhere told their troops to do this.

Agree that we cant trust the media?

Probably from some "great" mind in public relations office, thank you very much PR guys.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 04:52 PM

First off, you people who are mad because it's from Infowars are using that as a lame argument, and you know it. If you pay attention, you will see that the SOURCE article is clearly referenced. Talk about knee-jerk...

And Dronetek, yours was more lame because you attacked my name. Those facts suggest that you are 12 or are incapable of debating an issue at anything higher than a 12 year old level.

As for the validity of this article, I don't see you peeps protesting the FAKE news being put out by the Pentagon. That's right, they're ADMITTEDLY putting out fake news. A lot of this fake news comes from Iraq, but they're doing it here in the us too. Just look at the other article posted; that script is precisely the same one from the article I posted.

Now that we're past the juvenile tactics used to discredit the article
, let's look at the better arguments. Of course the troops are going to have different opinions on this.
The PROBLEM is that they're being ORDERED to do this.

Now why should these guys be ordered to say nothing but great things about the war? It would have been better (only slightly) if the Pentagon had decided that only the guys who support the effort would get all the press, while the dissenters would not have their opinions in the news as much. But noooo, EVERYONE has to agree with the script.

You like your propaganda, peeps? I hope you enjoy it, because there's plenty more to come.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:05 PM
Everyone that hasn't yet, read this thread:

In light of this note that this forum is going through a cleansing stage. Bringing it back to ATS standards. That means that the T&C is going to be strictly enforced:

Please note #2, it seems to be the one that is being abused in a major way in this forum.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Were you talking to me, intrepid? Frankly, I don't see how the Pentagon ordering soldiers to follow a script in an effort to boost American support of the war isn't conspiratorial, but maybe that's just me.

Originally posted by soficrow
Great source BH. The script is interesting. Missed it if it was referenced earlier:

When I went back and checked his source, it had the EXACT same article that I posted, yet it's a "great" source.
What do you people have against Infowars? I guess Fox News Channel, CNN, or your local news channels are the only trustworthy news outlets...

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 05:21 PM
Not just you truthseeka but this is not ATS material:

Originally posted by truthseeka
And Dronetek, yours was more lame because you attacked my name. Those facts suggest that you are 12 or are incapable of debating an issue at anything higher than a 12 year old level.

Thanks for asking for clarification.

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