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The Islamofascist's and the Nazi connection

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posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 07:07 AM
No Son it is you who does not understand.

To combine them could be seen as a grammical error (currently).

To seperate them is a Tactical error.

A tactical error in the war on Terror leads people to the pallbearer.

Peace be with you.

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 07:59 AM
I found it!

Fox News

He's right. We, the people, are not accepting the fact that the war against Islamofascism will require great sacrifice on our parts and George Patton like leadership. We are simply not prepared for the fight.


Please spare the Talk in Future, how Faux News is FAIR and BALANCED!

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 08:19 AM

it looks to me as if you do not know what "Islamofascism" means.

Here is one source that explains how this term is used:

Wikipedia: Islamofascism

"Islamofascism" is a controversial term used by some commentators to refer to Islamist movements that have or are perceived to have neofascist or totalitarian characteristics, particularly groups like Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

- And indeed, there is not only a historical grown connection between these groups and the Nazis, there is is also an actual connection between Neo-Nazis and Islamists.

And as far as I understand, this thread has been created to discuss this Islamofasicst's and Nazi connection.

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 09:56 AM
More helpful information, a book promoted from our friends at Wikepedia regarding the Islamonazis.

TextThe book deals with the relationship between Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. Morse believes that Amin al-Husseini helped to infuse the ideas of Nazism into political Islam to create a new ideology of Islamofascism. He believes that this ideology plays an important role in explaining Islamic terrorism.

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Riwka

it looks to me as if you do not know what "Islamofascism" means.

Well it looks to me, that you Ignored some Stuff from the Same Page that I quoted.

Anyway, does Neo-Fascism, Islamophobia and The Power of Nightmares mean anything to you?

They are Closely Connected to this Topic and have ALOT more to do with the term of Islamofascism then the entire Muslim Community Combined.

[edit on 3/1/06 by Souljah]

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:23 AM
I think maybe it is you are missing a very important point, and that is that the Islamic "community" was in line with the Nazis. The only time they stood against the Nazis is at teh very end of WWII, when it was extemely clear that the Nazis were losing the war. The history is there for the reading, if you want to read real history.

Your "community" is connected to the Bush family. Ironic, isn't it? Would you please come and take your separated family home?

Funny, how the Nazis tie you guys together!

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 11:47 AM
I am not sure why this relationship is causing such a ruccus, it is historical and, therefore verifiable fact, and from many sources as well some of which have been quoted, and sourced here on this particular page.
My own opinion is still that politics, and religion to these folks about whom we are discussing (my what a mild word for what has passed here
) are one and the same. They have hijacked a religion in the name of destroying two nations who's guiding principles are deeply influenced by two other religions. It is awfully difficult, if not immpossible to extricate the two, meaning religion and politics in this situation. I hope this isn't too rambling, I just got off of work, and the brain isn't klicking on all cylinders.

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 04:14 PM
Let me just begin with a hearty WOW. This thread has got more read tags than a GM dealership, and it doesn't even seem to phase you guys. Could somebody please tell me if this is a record?

Maybe I ought to be worried that those things are contagious, but if I had as little debt as I have sense i'd be pretty well off, so here I am.

1. What IS a Nazi/Fasicst?
A Nazi is a National Socialist. National Socialism was the German brand of fascism. It was basically a political manifestation of a diverse trend in post WWI Europe which grew around several basic pillars.

A. A serious need for affirmation as people and as nations in the wake of a very costly military defeat and emasculating terms of surrender.

B. Desperate demand for economic answers to a mounting crisis.

C. A techno-culture which a generation earlier had begun to question virtually everything of the past, and began to embrace dark utilitarian views towards the future (if I may generalize and interpet), somewhat illustrated in Futurist art. In short- a European outburst of teenage know-it-all-ism from a generation whose world had changed dramatically from that of their fathers.

To put it as concisely as I can manage though, a Nazi/Fascist is an ultra-nationalist who believes in the supreme authority of the state even to the exclusion of human rights.

2. Are Islam and Fascism compatable at all, or is the term "Islamo-fascism" a misleading tangent from the material problems that the West and Israel are having with Islam?

In my humble opinion, proper Islam is largely incompatible with fascism in an academic sense, though in practice the differences are subtle.

Islam, as I understand it, like virtually all religions, commands obedience first and foremost to God and by implication association first and foremost with religion, not the state.

Non-theocratic authoritarian states cannot tollerate a citizens first loyalty lying anywhere but with the state. Thus only an Islamic theocracy is truly capable of being such a thing as "Islamofascist".

Any Muslim who in practice pledges himself first and foremost to anything other than the goal of an Islamic Theocracy cannot be an Islamofascist.
I suspect, although I must admit that I am not aware of any conclusive evidence one way or another, that many Muslims who consider Israel an enemy would roundly reject theocratic government. I believe that consideration of women alone near ensures that I am on target for 50% of the population.

Therefore, I would conclude that the primary cause for comparisson between Muslims and Fascists lies in Nazi treatment of Jews. Despite strong mental association of Fascism to Anti-Semitism due to the polices of the foremost fascist state during that system's brief experiment in government, the later is not an integral component of the former.

In short- the problem is not "Islamofascism", but antisemitism.

3. Why is this distinction important to the current conflict?

Fascism is characterized by the dominance of the state, therefore its antithesis would be a system characterized by the dominance of the people. To the Western mindset this would probably be Democracy.

Democracy however cannot cure the phenomenon referred to as "Islamofascism" because it is not truly rooted in fascism, and thus the two are not mutually exclusive as we might like to believe. If the Muslim world gets free fair elections tomorrow, several nations would likely choose hawk candidates and there'd be a genocide attempt underway by year's end.

The problem we actually face is an unwillingness to coexist. The cure is something along the lines of symbiosis, compromise, give and take, etc. This cannot be achieved by regime changes. This cannot be humanely achieved through force of arms (although I assure you that with enough men and equipment, someone cast in the mould of Genghis Kahn could certainly achieve it by force).

We face an enemy unlike the Fascists now in that the destruction of state machinery only treats the symptom, not the disease. We face a situation now that needs to be addressed on an intellectual level supported by, not dominated by, the threat or use of force. In short, we can skip the war and go right to the Marshall Plan, provided of course that we draw lines and have the ability to ensure by force that those lines are not crossed as we work to build alternatives for our enemy to choose which are superior to war.

This may sound fruity, and a little odd coming from a guy who loves the slogan "nuke their (donkey) take the gas", but don't think for a minute that I've gone soft. This is Art of War 101 stuff... capturing is better than destroying. Why blow up what can be bought off for the same price? If you can convince your enemy to sell you his ammunition there isn't much need to sustain casualties destroying them, is there?

So I propose that we buy the enemy's ammunition from him. Take away the poverty, take away the images of occupiers, give them a generation to get used to cellular phones, Mac Donalds, and 40 hour work weeks, and see if anybody still listens to Fatwas calling for Jihad in 20-30 years.

In 1967, Kuwait was mobilizing its forces to participate in an Arab-Israeli war, before Israel preempted the attack.
Could anybody see that happening now? Didn't think so.

In closing, despite the many ties, which I acknowledge as historically accurate and not at all insignificant, I must reject the term Islamofascist and most of its implications. I feel that it popularizes a view that will encourage losing strategies.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
And by the way im not your son so dont call me it, im guessing your son wears a miniskirt and lipstick if your retarded mind has had any effect on his upbringing.

Consider this an official request from ATS Ownership to stop calling members "son", as they have requested. You cannot have it both ways. Your style of baiting posts has been noticed and is not compatible with our desire to foster a collaborative environment.

Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
And by the way im not your son so dont call me it, im guessing your son wears a miniskirt and lipstick if your retarded mind has had any effect on his upbringing.

Consider this an official request from ATS Ownership to stop calling members "son", as they have requested. You cannot have it both ways. Your style of baiting posts has been noticed and is not compatible with our desire to foster a collaborative environment.

Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.

Cheers Skeptic,

Loud and Clear.

Little Strategy in the War room never hurt hey ?


posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Little Strategy in the War room never hurt hey ?

Disrespect of others is never an ethical strategy.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Cheers Skeptic,

Loud and Clear.

Little Strategy in the War room never hurt hey ?


You know we are meant to be here to discuss, not fight. I guess that is the difference between you, and most the other members. Most members come here willing to learn, change there own beliefs. You come here with your eyes closed looking only to convert more people to your cause.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by HiddenReality

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Cheers Skeptic,

Loud and Clear.

Little Strategy in the War room never hurt hey ?


You know we are meant to be here to discuss, not fight. I guess that is the difference between you, and most the other members. Most members come here willing to learn, change there own beliefs. You come here with your eyes closed looking only to convert more people to your cause.

Read through a bunch of your own posts then back at you with exactly what you just wrote.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 10:47 PM
Ok... Only got through the first part of this thread before I was compelled to make a post. I will finish reading it after I finish this.


Are you seriously trying to compare video game violence to training young children to strap explosives to their bodies with the sole purpose of killing and maiming as many innocent people as possible? That's just insane man...

Even comparing a young child learning to "responsibly" fire a gun for sport can't compare to suicide bombings! I hope we go after Iran next so we can get these islamonazis or whatever they are called now out of the stone age.

*my two cents*

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:09 AM
Considering an Aribic translation of Mein Kampf has been distributed in east Jerusalem as well as the territories and has become a best seller makes one wonder.

"Thanks to Hitler, blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face ofthe earth. Although we do have a complaint against him for his revenge on them was not good enough."

-columnist Ahmad Ragab, Al-Akhbar (Egypt) April 18, 2001

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Considering an Aribic translation of Mein Kampf has been distributed in east Jerusalem as well as the territories and has become a best seller makes one wonder.

"Thanks to Hitler, blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face ofthe earth. Although we do have a complaint against him for his revenge on them was not good enough."

-columnist Ahmad Ragab, Al-Akhbar (Egypt) April 18, 2001

Thats a very good point TC, something i was aware of to, im surprised it hasnt been mentioned earlier.

While i have the attention of the most level headed moderator ive met so far do you think the "new changes" are going to shift alot of the Terror conversation away from Above top secret to politics and slug fest etc?

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:54 AM
After these many years here, I know better to guess which way the membership is going to go with their topics and conversations.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by NumberCruncher
Hello Souljah,

Big differance i can see here is Westerner's teaching there children to use firearms i assume to protect themselves from the IslamoNazi's.

The IslamoNazi's are teaching there kids to strap explosives to there body's to kill and maim as many innocent people including themselves as they can.

I am sorry, but teaching a 5-year old kid, how to shoot with a machine gun, is NOT exactly the way to increase their Safetly.

Still - you have your Perspective and I have mine.

The Enitre Western Community of Children is OBSESSED with guns and killing!

Ever hear about First Person Shooter Games?

Counter Strike - most popular Game on this Planet?

Please spare me the "Tolerant and Caring West Speech"

Bottom line is, two Means to a SAME End - Killing.

[edit on 1/1/06 by Souljah]

I don't think that gun is a machine gun. More like an assault rifle and depending on what year the photo was taken and what state, it might not even be fully automatic.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:15 AM
Also Souljah, I guess throwing rocks at a tank is more suitable for a five year old. I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but I'm pretty sure that most kids in the first world understand the concept of "video" games and how reality is different.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by sammael]

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