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The Illuminati's time is over

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posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 06:52 PM
hrmm interesting magicpriest420

it might be a possibility that the black sciences of the shadow governments secret underground facilities have played a role in distinguishing the vibration frequency levels that we humans are subject to. little by little they use their new found knowledge to usher in a totalitarian control scheme. although i think these types of sciences would be too classified to become fully disclosed, they might have influencing factors on the decision making processes of the elitest regimes controling our world, and leak into the 13 corperate media moguls running our media outlets. playing off your vibrational distortion to make you want to do things, like buy things, boycott things, or do things.

The Black Sciences are the most secret of all secrets and are seriously guarded by specially screened soldiers of Black Operations. It is their hope to merge the seen world with the unseen world. It is their goal to make sure we have a "oneness-of mind" and are spiritually harmonized to a frequency that will bring this about. The Ascended Masters have commanded them to eliminate the "Old World", with all of its old ideas and all of its old people. A new generation with a "New World View" is the agenda of the day.

do you know any other emotional levels at which these vibrations work on, be it anger, dillusion, or exileration? these are all emotions i associate the illumanti with as a part of their mass mind manipulations scheme.

The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They moved into everything from the Mafia to Harvard University to International Banking. They learned how to control the media and, thus, they controlled the television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and every person's mind - at least to a certain point.

through the think tanks of educational instutions were they able to integrate these sciences into the public.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 10:02 PM
The title of this thread is “The Illuminati's time is over"

Yet all I have read in it is how the Illuminati operates and how well they design their totalitarian control of the general population. Can someone (maybe the original poster) please address the central question?

Why is the Illuminati’s time over ?????

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 04:00 AM
Maybe because the world, or rather, it's people is slowly beginning to wake up... Let's face it; it's a common fact nowadays that George Bush Sr and Jr both are Skull and Bones. Heck, they don't even deny it. Neither does John Kerry. Two political opposites involved in the same secret society means we can kiss our democracy good-bye. I think people begin to see this, and because of it they seek more and more answers. Information is one way to counter the elite, of course. And I believe it's working right now.

[edit on 28-12-2005 by David_Reale]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by David_Reale
Let's face it; it's a common fact nowadays that George Bush Sr and Jr both are Skull and Bones. Heck, they don't even deny it.

To most people, The S&B is nothing more than a college fraternaty. In one of Alex Jones videos he goes in the Republican Convention and tells a group there about the Skulls... guess what? Nobody cared...

Originally posted by David_Reale
Two political opposites involved in the same secret society means we can kiss our democracy good-bye.

Opposites??? Are you serious? These 2 pro-corporate, pro-war, pro-privitization, pro-whateverwillmaketheirfriendsrich are opposites??? I doubt that. And I think the democracy was lost as soon as the free-press dissapeared. After all how can we make adequate political decisions without access to proper information?

I see no signs that the Illuminati is falling, all I see is signs that their hold is getting stronger. Can you give specific examples of the elite loosing any of their powers?

[edit on 28/12/05 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 05:41 AM
Well, err, no, I guess I can't. Sorry...
But I still believe they will fail, sooner or later, because what they do become more and more obvious. It doesn't take a genious to figure out that this world is buying a one-way ticket to a police state led by mayor corporations and bankers. Hell, it'll be like in one of William Gibson's novels. PEople aren't stupid, and they will realize it before it is too late, and then we will be able to stop it. That's what I'm hoping anyway, thus, my message about the elite failing their goals...

But as of yet, you're right, they are strenghtening their positions....the bastards...

Btw, what I meant with political opponent was they ARE part of two supposedly opposing partys. I know, and most people on this forum knows as well, that they aren't really opposing eachothers as they are supposed to. But the mayor part of the american people still think so.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Huabamambo
It doesn't have to mention them by name. They have many different names.

If the Illuminati still exists, which I still am not 100% convinced of, that would be the case.

Dunno if this was already posted, cba to read the whole thread, but here it comes anyway.

Back in the late 1700s when the Bavarian Illuminati was founded, one of the founders, Adam Weishaupt said, and I quote "The great strength of our order lies in it's concealment, let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name and another occupation."

So organizations like Bilderberger, the UN, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones etc. could just be fronts for the Illuminati.

But I don't buy that reptilian crap. There's just absolutely nothing to prove it. Pure speculation as far as I see it.

[edit on 28/12/2005 by SwearBear]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 12:51 PM
I always thought it sounded like he said Don Illumanati. Don Killumanati would be a totally different spin on it.

"Come with me
Hail Mary nigga
run quick, see!
What do we have here now,
la da da la da da da da da da."

Catholic reference there. Supposed to be a major opposer to the Illumanati (if you believe the Enlightened Men approach to the Illumanati, where persecuted learned men of the 1600's formed the group as a Secret Science Society. Gotta run, I'll get back to this.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 12:59 PM

Considering this Illuminati is into timing events and dates etc...whos to say they aren't awaiting that perfect "date" in time to begin. To say they could have already taken over with a police state doesn't prove anything. Its all in the "timing" or as they say "timing" is everything.

Remember, one of their most powerful #s is 11

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 02:16 PM
'NIGHTMARE thats what I am
America's nightmare
KILLUMINATI is Global Revolutionary change. A spiritual awareness, a mental change, a physical change, an a change in the destiny of AFRIKAN people.

[edited cut and pastes -nygdan]

[edit on 28-12-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by David_Reale
Let's face it; it's a common fact nowadays that George Bush Sr and Jr both are Skull and Bones. Heck, they don't even deny it. Neither does John Kerry.

So? Many people are members of fraternities. Skull & Bones is one of them.

-- Boat

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
So? Many people are members of fraternities. Skull & Bones is one of them.

You see David_Reale? Here's a perfect example, there is always a counter-argument. That is why the majority will never wake up. In order for changes to happen 3 things most happen.

1. Realization on a mass scale (Waken up)
2. Organization of an alternate system. (Like participatory economics, or else a new group of elite will simply swoop in and repeat history. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely")
3. Execution. (Hopefully with no bloodshed)

We are still a long way from even achieving #1, and that is why I don’t see the Illuminati’s power falling.

EDIT - afterthough

I thought for a while last night that maybe the Internet could be a threat to the Illuminati’s power. Although I’m sure some things on the Internet are not in the Illuminati’s interest, there are now billions and billions of web pages. Cutting through all the disinformation and finding real truths can be a difficult task indeed.

The methods of searching and organizing the Internet are also falling neatly in their hands. (ie. Google, Yahoo)

[edit on 28/12/05 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:34 AM
Yeah, but I still like to think that we at least are coming closer and closer to #1, and that's a mayor step towards crushing those bastardos. Or maybe I'm just a fool
Anyway, I know one thing, and that is we're running out of time.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:56 PM
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink....why can't people just be happy that someone is taking the time to help you and wake you up from being a SLAVE... enjoy your ignorance!

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 12:02 AM
I love the way you talk huabamabo- you have really good thoughts. I love that you arnt super judgemental and opinionated you just speak the TRUTH> Please keep going, I like reading what you have to say

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by isisluna
enjoy your ignorance!

Who are you taking to? This is a conspiracy board, most on here are quite awake, IMHO you are preaching to the wrong crowd.

I love that you arnt super judgemental and opinionated you just speak the TRUTH

What TRUTHS are you referring too? Huabamambo titled this thread "The Illuminati’s time is over", yet still hasn’t given any examples. If asking for clarification is ignorant, than you have stumbled across the most ignorant board on the Internet.

[edit on 30/12/05 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 02:05 PM
Well said Nut.

While I would tend to agree with the idea that they're falling, declaring it does need some proof/example or it's just a unbacked opinion.

It does sound like something Icke would say, so maybe the poster got the idea from there. Shame he didn't follow up with some useful info...


[edit on 30/12/05 by SteveR]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 03:50 PM
Just a side-note to Boatphone: You can call it whatever you like, but a secret society remains a secret society, and with two men from two different parties as members of the same secret society is never good, let alone when both of them are presidential candidates.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
Can someone (maybe the original poster) please address the central question?

Why is the Illuminati’s time over ?????

  • 9-11 polls, world & dog now believes it was treason - how people can still appear calm while thinkning that is beyond me
  • the illuminati label is all over the place, not just the web, dunno if they (the NWO) calls themselves illuminati, though
  • conspiracies are the craze, and it isn't fading
  • who believes JFK wasn't shot by a psyop team? **
  • last but not least: more and more people get to personally experience the lovely double standards, the censorship, the lies and most importantly the injustice that is the NWO.. do you think anybody who was subjected to the 'security measures' of a recent 'summit', where entire cities are practically evacated will not understand that they're doing that for the heck of it? use a ship for crying out loud, but nooo, they have to step on everyone's toes.

** yeah, did you know that critical warfare programs were halted during JFK's reign? that he issued silver backed banknotes and tried to abolish the federal reserve bank? Why kill him so openly? was it time critical or were they just showing off? if 'latency' was an issue, it's obvious he was going to say something very detrimental to the 'imperial cause', now, my guess is as good as yours.

my 2 c: consider Russia, consider the military & industry, consider secret operations and programs dating back to WW2 and so on.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance

  • 9-11 polls, world & dog now believes it was treason - how people can still appear calm while thinkning that is beyond me
  • the illuminati label is all over the place, not just the web, dunno if they (the NWO) calls themselves illuminati, though
  • conspiracies are the craze, and it isn't fading
  • who believes JFK wasn't shot by a psyop team? **
  • last but not least: more and more people get to personally experience the lovely double standards, the censorship, the lies and most importantly the injustice that is the NWO.. do you think anybody who was subjected to the 'security measures' of a recent 'summit', where entire cities are practically evacated will not understand that they're doing that for the heck of it? use a ship for crying out loud, but nooo, they have to step on everyone's toes.

I can't understand how people cannot see it either, it's just ridiculous....
Maybe cause there is no better alternative systems?

tried to abolish the federal reserve bank?

I've heard this too (some even say he was killed over it) but have never found anything to back this up. Do you have anything on this?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 01:51 PM
The question of the Illuminati's existence continues to this day. There was definitely a Bavarian Illuminati that existed in the past. If you have all of these different organizations (CFR, RIIA, Trilateral, Bilderbergs etc.) who share the same members where their stated goal is to reduce world population and have a world government, it makes sense that they all fall under an overriding organization that might as well be "the Illuminati". "Illuminati" is a term that is used the same as "God" is used to describe something that can't be defined or described in terms of an intelligent design. I have heard of them referred to as "The Order" as well. "They" have a plan which appears to be on track. They have succeeded in cajoling the general populace into believing that freedom can be traded in for security and the sheeple appear to be going along with it. When Bush comes out and says that he approves of and will continue to spy on American citizens without a warrant, and no one bats an eye, we are well on our way to a police state. Privacy is gone, Human rights are next. As Bush has said about the constitution, "It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” If there truly is an Illuminati, then they are advancing their agenda by leaps and bounds.

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