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Mexico retaliates for US wall. What?

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posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis

Not only do we need a wall but "brown shirts" (all puns intended) to find and throw out illegals. Yes, all 11 million...never to be allowed to return. Bag'em and electronically tag'em. The second they recross the border blast'em.

In fact we should invade Mexico and take over the OIL to pay the US back for all the lost health care costs and education costs of the millions of illegals.

Fox should be arrested and put on trial just like Saddam.

Then up at the top of your browser click PTS because thats where posts like "yeah lets get the brownshirts" or "hey I can use the word sheeple" well they are politically charged. This thread is about the idea of securing our border. Most of the people here aren't espousing hateful anti mexican rhetoric are we? And we don't say "Mexicans" we say Illegal Immigrants because A) they are illegal and B) they aren't always mexican.

Please if you wan't to try and label us racists then make a factual case. Otherwise follow the afformentioned advice.

[edit on 12/21/2005 by Agent47]

[edit on 12/21/2005 by Agent47]

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Agent47

Then up at the top of your browser click PTS because thats where posts like "yeah lets get the brownshirts" or "hey I can use the word sheeple" well they are politically charged. This thread is about the idea of securing our border. Most of the people here aren't espousing hateful anti mexican rhetoric are we? And we don't say "Mexicans" we say Illegal Immigrants because A) they are illegal and B) they aren't always mexican.

Please if you wan't to try and label us racists then make a factual case. Otherwise follow the afformentioned advice.

[edit on 12/21/2005 by Agent47]

[edit on 12/21/2005 by Agent47]

How very typical.......

Illegals (a vast majority mexican) are invading the US. INVADING.......

It should be dealt with as an invasion. Make no mistake it is a war for the survival of America.

It is an armed invasion, just google how many border patrol agents are shot at................

For PC reasons the border patrol can't shoot back............That's insane.

The "wall" is only one step. Perhaps all out WAR with Mexico is the final step.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
I want a 10 foot wall along our boarder.

10 foot?? I want at least 20 feet tall and 20 feet deep
(tunnels ya' know!). Border patrol, spot lights, the works...

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:58 AM
Am I the only one who finds it frightening how eager some people are to simply pick up guns and start killing people?

If you want war with Mexico, you could expect Venezuela, and don't be surprised when they start inviting those same "Insurgents" in Iraq giving us problems over there to this new battleground to get involved. Do we really need more enemies with the rather vast amount we already have?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:49 AM

This is really unbelievable.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:06 PM
I've said it before and I will say it again. The US economy would be totally screwed if it wasn't for cheap illegal labor. Sure they are a burden on social progams but that burden is smaller than the worforce provided.

If you've lost your job becasue an illegal citizen has taken it from you feel free to post, I am still waiting to hear from somewbody. The idea of an illlegal workforce is very common amongst first wolrld countries. Illeagal immigration needs to be kept in balance but no illegals would spell doom for our economy. The Worlds largerst farming area is California (2001 revenue $27 Billion. This would not be even remotely possible without illegal immigrants. So cheers to cheap strawberries!!

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:51 PM
This wall cannot be built quickly enough, be high enough nor run long enough! To ensure it's effectiveness we should run about 25 Amps of current through the thing. And I'm being serious!

On another note, does Mexico really think that they have a say in this? I don't recall Mexico having a seat in the House or the Senate, do you? What we do on American soil is OUR business, Mexico! GET OVER IT!!!

Maybe if you would stop publishing infomormation on how to ILLEGALLY "immigrate" into the US and START working toward stemming the problem, we US citizens might be a little more understanding. However, this is akin to an illegal invasion of our country and WE WANT YOU OUT - NOW!!! KAPISH!?!? Oh, and another note - if you and your corrupt government would actually focus on building an economy then maybe your people would want to stay in Mexico instead of coming into the US. Jeeeeeeesh, do we have to do everything for you?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

On another note, does Mexico really think that they have a say in this? I don't recall Mexico having a seat in the House or the Senate, do you? What we do on American soil is OUR business, Mexico! GET OVER IT!!!

The thing is, all of the plans for the suggested wall aren't even actually on US territory. I believe someone earlier in the thread had posted an article about it being built 500 yards off the border.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:15 PM
Someone SUGGESTED that the wall be built 500 feet off of our border. There is NO legality to building a wall on another country's land. This wall will be built on American soil - And YES, It WILL be built! I'm sorry that you take issue with our country's interest in protecting it's borders, but it is our duty, our obligation and finally, our desire!

And to those who believe that a wall, in and of itself, will not stem illegal immigration - I say you are probably right but it's a LOOOOOOONG overdue start. If the wall doesn't work by itself, we could run electricity through it and post guard towers every couple of hundred yards with "Shoot to kill" orders.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:20 PM
I laugh everytime suggests that we put up this wall with electricity and guards on shoot to kill orders, and then turns around and yells at people who compare this to Nazi Germany.

Tell me then, those of you who support the killing and other over the top methods to solve this problem - how isn't the shoot to kill orders, electric fences, guard towers - different from anything the Nazis would've implemented.

I'll only be replying to serious answers, so please, show me the difference, cause as it is, I dont see one.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Let me ask you a serious question - How in GOD'S NAME do you compare one country's right to police it's borders with Nazi Germany who engaged in INTERNAL ethnic cleansing of millions of it's OWN people!?!? I mean, JEEEEEEEEEZUS Christ. Go buy a hostory book, would ya!?!? If you can't afford one, I'll be glad to take up a collection and help ya out, K?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Go figure.

How is killing people indiscriminantely different, no matter the cause?

You still haven't answered my question, rather try to insult my knowledge and understanding of history, I don't remember tossing insults, although it seems like a popular thing to do

[edit on 21/12/05 by Conquistadork]

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The truth is that we don't want people here whose first act in this country is breaking its law!.

Well then like I said why not change the law? If that is your only problem with the issue...

Who the hell made it "illegal" in the first place? Can you tell me?

All the original white european imigrants were illegal, no? Oh wait I forget the natives didn't create laws like that, you did

Sorry if I see this as a racist issue, but what else is it?

If you think it's jobs then you are uninformed.
If you think it's crime then you are uninformed.

Illegals take jobs white Americans won't do.
More crime is commited by White Americans than illegals.

Think about it, you come here (illegaly) to make money to send home to your family, why would you risk getting caught by commiting crime?

It's quite natural for Mexicans to want to come here to work, they are migrant by nature, just like the native indians were.

I find it hard to believe you folks are getting so angry over just commiting a so called "illegal" act. There IS more to the issue than that.

What are you going to do about the many Euro's who FLY here, and stay "ILLEGALY". There are thousands, and guess what? They take the jobs YOU would do. Not low paying farm jobs or whatever that the Mexicans get.
But you don't hear about that on Fox do you? I wonder why

[edit on 20/12/2005 by ANOK]

What law, the law that says if you enter this country you must do it through propor channels in the immigration office? Please, why change a law that illegals crossing over dont abide by anyway.

Its illegal to cross into any country illegally without letting the immigration officials know about it. You know thats what pieces of identification are for(driver license, passport ect.). But when these people come over, they are mooching off taxpayers money.

Its not a racist issue as you may like it to be anok, but youd see it differently if your costs were being driven up because the illegals are getting free health care via your tax dollars. The average joe hardly makes enough money to pay the bills as it is.

Ok, so youre saying they dont come here for jobs. But yet they send money back to mexico. How do you get money, if theyre not coming for jobs how do you get money? Can you say crime. I know youre going to say its a sterotype. But theres only 3 basic ways to get money and they are, work, crime, and govt handouts. Which one are the illegals participating in, lets see, all of them maybe?

You say they do jobs white americans wont do. I'm one of those white americans you speak of. I live in a middle class neighborhood, and I work construction and landscaping whenever I come home from school. So do some of my friends, they work it with me. My cousin does it, hes white american, oh wait, my whole family does, the young males who havent yet finished up school that is.

Youre asking a question that can be also asked in reverse. Why risk working illegally and getting caught by the INS when you can commit crime, make more money quicker and stay off the radar completely?

As for European illegal immigration, its not near the problem that our southern border poses. You cant compare thousands to millions. Its no contest which one is more of a pressing issue. In the end, a wall with support of the national guard can solve this problem, get some UAV's up there and youve got an illegal proof barrier, problem solved.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:28 PM
Again, what National Guard?

They're strewn all over the globe, how are you going to scrounge up enough to cover a border that size?

Everyone has ideal solutions, but no one seems to think them through, these things require men, money, arms, and time. Where are you going to get those, when they're in such short quantity to begin with?

Although I must say the UAV solution seems to be one of the best so far, I'm glad you didn't rush straight to the "Kill them evil beaners" solution as most seem to be all too eager to engage in.

[edit on 21/12/05 by Conquistadork]

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:33 PM
But if you cannot see even the simplistic differences between Nazi Germany and the US's desire to police IT'S OWN BORDERS, then there is nothing to "Debate". You have simply rejected out-of-hand any possibility of debate. Instead, I will try to educate you.

Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, advocated the gassing of millions of Jews, Poles and Czechs - inside of his country. That is called GENOCIDE. Then he advocated spreading Germany's borders into other countries and then committing genocide against those peoples. This was his goal until he had conquered the whole of Europe.

The people of the United States are advocating building a WALL on AMERICAN SOIL - to protect SOVEREIGN AMERICAN PROPERTY FROM ILLEGAL INVADERS. We are NOT advocating ethnic cleansing, genocide nor are we advocating the spreading of American borders into other sovereign nations.

Does that spell it out simply enough for you???

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:38 PM
You don't seem to under my question. Of course it is our right to defend our borders. Of course it is our right to stem the flow of IMs into this country.

But it is no man rights to indiscriminantely kill another.

You still haven't answered me, how is killing indiscriminantely justifiable, no matter the reason?

P.S. You don't need to continue insulting me by thinking I don't understand your point. Your point has been bought up before, and I have responded to it before, long ago in the thread. I simply don't feel the need to repeat something I may have posted 2 pages ago. Stop avoiding my question, and stop trying to make it seem like I don't understand or am to slow to understand.

[edit on 21/12/05 by Conquistadork]

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by American Mad Man
I want a 10 foot wall along our boarder.

10 foot?? I want at least 20 feet tall and 20 feet deep
(tunnels ya' know!). Border patrol, spot lights, the works...

You're right!

What in the hell was I thinking...

I meant 10 feet THICK!

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Amazing how I made the same thread days ago and it went nowhere.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Conquistadork
You don't seem to under my question. Of course it is our right to defend our borders. Of course it is our right to stem the flow of IMs into this country.

But it is no man rights to indiscriminantely kill another.

You still haven't answered me, how is killing indiscriminantely justifiable, no matter the reason?

First of all, YOU claimed that the US was comparable to Nazi Germany and I was able to prove, quite solidly I should add, how YOU WERE WRONG. Secondly, I nver advocated for indiscriminate killing of anyone - only those people that were trying to illegally invade the sovereign soil of the United States of America.

Would you care to try and creatively bend my words any further?

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Conquistadork
But it is no man rights to indiscriminantely kill another.

You still haven't answered me, how is killing indiscriminantely justifiable, no matter the reason?

How is it indiscreminent to kill all those who try to cross the boarder?

The patrols would be plenty discriminating... They'd only kill people trying to ILLEGALLY enter our country.

It's simple really. Do it legally, don't do it, or risk death. Those seem like fair options to me.

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