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I think jesus was an alien..dont you?

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posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by SKMDC1
First of all, Jesus was a historical figure, that's become obvious. Josephus mentions Jesus in 2 passages of his "Antiquities of the Jews." Both are controversial in their authenticity but the second one at least was part of the "Antiquities of the Jews" as early as 240 AD. And then there's Tacitus who basically corrobarates the Biblical version of Jesus' death, albeit with obvious disdain toward the Christians, which may be good evidence that his account is authentic.

Anyway, it's clear to me Jesus was a real guy. It's also clear to me that there's *something* going on in the Old Testament with Gods and pillars of fire and pillars of smoke and giants and whatnot. I think it's possible that the Ancient Aliens (the Sumerian gods) are the wellspring of religion and mythology, and that Jesus is a member/hybrid of that race that returned for whatever reason.

IMO to casually throw out Christian writing, or figures like Jesus, just because they are part of an opposing modern viewpoint is the equivalent of religious folks throwing out the possibility of aliens and UFOs because they're not "biblical".

The Jesus Josephus speaks of was a zealot who murdered and killed Jews and Romans,

The Jesus of the New Testament was a caricature, a symbol of peace and love created by Jews.

The Zealots---Jews that fought against Rome are what brought the wrath of the Romans on all the Jews, the few remaining Jews created the story of Jesus as a lessen and a warning to other Jews that it was hate and rebellion against Roman that brought the destruction of the Jewish nation.

Therefore turn the other cheek was the new message of the new religion, and that message gained converts by the thousands, mainly non Jews---Greeks and Egyptians who also faced crucifixion by the Romans.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

The Jesus Josephus speaks of was a zealot who murdered and killed Jews and Romans,

The Jesus of the New Testament was a caricature, a symbol of peace and love created by Jews.

The Zealots---Jews that fought against Rome are what brought the wrath of the Romans on all the Jews, the few remaining Jews created the story of Jesus as a lessen and a warning to other Jews that it was hate and rebellion against Roman that brought the destruction of the Jewish nation.

Therefore turn the other cheek was the new message of the new religion, and that message gained converts by the thousands, mainly non Jews---Greeks and Egyptians who also faced crucifixion by the Romans.

sleeper,thats some intresting information you've put any chance to do believe in aliens?

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by MagicPriest420

sleeper,thats some intresting information you've put any chance to do believe in aliens?

I don't believe in aliens, I know without any doubt that extraterrestrials exist. I have posted many times about my experiences.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

I don't believe in aliens, I know without any doubt that extraterrestrials exist. I have posted many times about my experiences.

i can see,that you dont use the term aliens..and thats understandable,im just to lazy to spell extaterrestrials...

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:46 AM

Wow, three pages of posts and not one single fact or source other than the children's program Yugio and the Old Testament paste up. Was imaginary entity A really imaginary entity B? No, I don't think so.

Some questions:

Why did the aliens find it was necessary to give the Israelites those particular commandments? What do aliens have against graven images? Why did the aliens use their technology or powers to part the Red Sea rather then airlifting the Israelites out of Egypt? Why did they allow the Israelites to be enslaved to begin with? Why are the aliens so hot for the Israelites anyway? Is it possible that Mel Gibson may have made the movie "Signs" and "The Passion of the Christ" because he's a professional actor with an interest in making money? How is it that you feel the overtly Christian allegory of C.S. Lewis' old books ("The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" was first published in 1950) "The Chronicles of Narnia" has anything whatsoever to do with aliens? Where in "The Chronicles of Narnia" are there creatures with four faces, four wings, etc. I've read those books many times and while there are many fantastic creatures and talking animals, I don't recall any bearing that description. You said that religions don't allow for provable things like aliens to exist. In what way is alien existence provable? What branch of Christianity is it that believes animals are capable of sin and that they enter the afterlife? As far as I know Dog Heaven is not an official part of any Orthodoxy. Are we to understand that "our government", I'm assuming that's the U.S. government, was around 2,000 years ago and involved in a crucifixion cover-up? I think capital punishment is barbaric and wrong, but what do the activities of the governor of the secular state of California have to do with Jesus? When you talk about the garbage on television, are you referring to cartoons such as Yugio and Full Metal Alchemist? Do you have any idea how racist your comments about "black ppl" are?

What could the account of the vision of Ezekiel be about if not aliens? A lot of things. Something as simple and common as hallucinatory experiences caused by migraine headaches, epileptic seizures, strokes, or poisoning, purposeful or otherwise, via psychotropic agents such as ergot. Or most likely it could be an allegorical account meant to be understood as symbolism. The human race is a symbol generating species and yet so many of us seem so unable to understand the products of our own imaginations.

I believe the part of the Bible where it says Jesus will come back and rule over a New Jerusalem is called Revelations. You may have heard of it before.

I've got nothing against what people do at 4:20, but my friend you need to set the pipe down for a bit.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:54 AM
The idea of jesus being an alien is no more far-fetched than him being "the one true savior and god incarnate"

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
The Jesus Josephus speaks of was a zealot who murdered and killed Jews and Romans,

Originally posted by Flavius Josephus
3. Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.

Ok... where in that is the zealot and murderer? I'm not claiming all of the above is authentic, but most scholars agree that it's at least partially authentic, and no matter what you take out or change around, I still don't see a murdering zealot described.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by SKMDC1

Originally posted by sleeper
The Jesus Josephus speaks of was a zealot who murdered and killed Jews and Romans,

Originally posted by Flavius Josephus
3. Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.

Ok... where in that is the zealot and murderer? I'm not claiming all of the above is authentic, but most scholars agree that it's at least partially authentic, and no matter what you take out or change around, I still don't see a murdering zealot described.

Not sure what your question is but if you are asking where is it written that Jesus murder Jews and Romans----it's written in the many books of Josephus. There are too many chapters on it but I will quote a sentence or two, "When Valerian came near the city, he and his troops dismounted, but before any talks, the rebel leaders, led by a certain Jesus, charged out at them."

There are many more passages filled with blood and gore and for the sake of the women and children I will not quote them here---read up on Josephus and see for yourself.

Josephus did not believe or know about the Jesus of Nazareth, however three hundred years later some one inserted Jesus of Nazareth into Josephus's writings----only the most ardent of Christian historians believe that passage to be authentic.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Cicada

Wow, three pages of posts and not one single fact or source other than the children's program Yugio and the Old Testament paste up. Was imaginary entity A really imaginary entity B? No, I don't think so.

Some questions:

Why did the aliens find it was necessary to give the Israelites those particular commandments? What do aliens have against graven images? Why did the aliens use their technology or powers to part the Red Sea rather then airlifting the Israelites out of Egypt? Why did they allow the Israelites to be enslaved to begin with? Why are the aliens so hot for the Israelites anyway? Is it possible that Mel Gibson may have made the movie "Signs" and "The Passion of the Christ" because he's a professional actor with an interest in making money? How is it that you feel the overtly Christian allegory of C.S. Lewis' old books ("The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" was first published in 1950) "The Chronicles of Narnia" has anything whatsoever to do with aliens? Where in "The Chronicles of Narnia" are there creatures with four faces, four wings, etc. I've read those books many times and while there are many fantastic creatures and talking animals, I don't recall any bearing that description. You said that religions don't allow for provable things like aliens to exist. In what way is alien existence provable? What branch of Christianity is it that believes animals are capable of sin and that they enter the afterlife? As far as I know Dog Heaven is not an official part of any Orthodoxy. Are we to understand that "our government", I'm assuming that's the U.S. government, was around 2,000 years ago and involved in a crucifixion cover-up? I think capital punishment is barbaric and wrong, but what do the activities of the governor of the secular state of California have to do with Jesus? When you talk about the garbage on television, are you referring to cartoons such as Yugio and Full Metal Alchemist? Do you have any idea how racist your comments about "black ppl" are?

What could the account of the vision of Ezekiel be about if not aliens? A lot of things. Something as simple and common as hallucinatory experiences caused by migraine headaches, epileptic seizures, strokes, or poisoning, purposeful or otherwise, via psychotropic agents such as ergot. Or most likely it could be an allegorical account meant to be understood as symbolism. The human race is a symbol generating species and yet so many of us seem so unable to understand the products of our own imaginations.

I believe the part of the Bible where it says Jesus will come back and rule over a New Jerusalem is called Revelations. You may have heard of it before.

I've got nothing against what people do at 4:20, but my friend you need to set the pipe down for a bit.

-The aliens gave isarel those particular commandments,because israel needed new holyer standards to live by...everything they encountered was for the pupose of there physical and mental growth...

-Aliens have nothing aganist graven images...that is a a lie which was added to the bible to support the false concepetion of a one true god,who controlled earth, even could be that certain aliens were jealous of there they didnt want there chosen ppl to have any images of the ohter aliens who romed the earth at the time...the phillistines had a statue of there national god dogon,who was a halff man half fish being from sirius some research on the dogon tribe of west africa!

-The aliens possibly could have airlifted them,but obviously they didnt...lets just say aliens dont exsist,then why didnt god airlift him..isnt he all powerful and nothing is impossible for him to do...then why did he have them walk acroos the sea..insted of carrying them in a cloud which he is so famous for appearing in...maybe at the time the aliens didnt have a big enuff ship to hold all the children of israel(isis-ra-elohim) so moses used his magic abilites to part the was more convient to happen that way,but im sure if the aliens had big enuff ship they would have...but i dont think they had to much time,because pharoah and his army were right on there tail

-they were allowed to be slaves because ,it was all part of the plan..just like we can not think for is the same for these aliens...we cannot understand what they do and why they do it..but we know they do..and they did turned out ok for israel in the why do we really care?

-israel..are the choosen ppl of the aliens...they have a special bond with them,that no other group does...

- maybe mel gibson is being controlled by negative alien beings,who used him to show a deep conncetion between aliens and jesus...i bet a million bux that u didnt even realize that mel gibson was a pastor in the moive signs..which had reptillans aliens in it...and then went on to make passion of the christ..which was basiclly a slug fest against jesus...and another guilt trip used to controll the masses acroos the world..into feeling sad..and feeling less short of god..when god is in eveyone of us..right in ur souls

im black myself i can say what i want about MY PPPL...if ur white go ahead and say what you feel about ur ppl dont have a clue as to what there history is and smart and eductaed the blacks were in the ancient blacks are laughted upon..and seem to be labeled as crack dealer..rappers,deathrow inmates....dont tell me im rasscist...becuz i am not...

what ezekiel saw was ufos....end of discussion

i would liketo say that ppl who dont believe in aliens are to scared to accept such a tremendous truth....everyone wnats to say prove this and prove that...PROVE TO ME THAT THERE IS ONE GOD...AND THERE IS HEAVEN...PROVE THAT TO ME...AND I BETTER NOT HEAR U SAY ONE THING ABOUT THE BIBLE...SHOW ME SOME SCIENTIFIC EVEIDENCE...AND IF YOU SAY HUMANS..well i can say the same thing about aliens....i cna sya humans are proof that aliens exist because they made us...

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
No, I do not. As I have answered every time this question/statement comes up, (dozens, were you to check before making such assertions that are obvious to such a board!
), I think Christ is the Son of the Almighty God, come to Earth to pay the price for our sins. There is no lucid reason for an alien to come down and pretend to be such.

I feel your pain brother, and thanks for making my job easy. All I have to do it hit the [Quote] button and *blamo!*, pretty much the same answer I would've given. Thanks for keeping it real and doing what ATS claims, denying ignorance.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:37 AM
thomas can u be so sure that this jesus christ u are referring to was an alien? do u see any humans going around with unhuman powers and coming down from "heaven" what do u think heaven is? heaven is outerspace... many passages from the bible refer to clouds and balls of fire in the sky....what would that be referred to if we were back in that time era? UFO's for today....but clouds and fireballs in the sky for the past... how about the thrones being cast down from heaven...can u actually picture a chair coming down to earth? be must be UFO's coming down to earth while they are sitting in their thrown in the UFO. Most of the bible has been distorted and manipulated through all the years it has been in circulation. There is no way that the bible is EXACT...word for word... NO WAY! Even if the bible was exact word for word,which its not, do you really understand what they are epxlaining? i dont think you do. first you must understand that extraterrestrials do exist...and then you must decifer what the words mean... the anologies....they dont really describe everything the way we would see it today... they didnt know what a UFO was... they didnt know electricity... they would describe a UFO as a cloud or a ball of fire as i stated before... put yourself in that state of mind and then ask yourself what it means.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
No, I do not. As I have answered every time this question/statement comes up, (dozens, were you to check before making such assertions that are obvious to such a board!
), I think Christ is the Son of the Almighty God, come to Earth to pay the price for our sins. There is no lucid reason for an alien to come down and pretend to be such.

I feel your pain brother, and thanks for making my job easy. All I have to do it hit the [Quote] button and *blamo!*, pretty much the same answer I would've given. Thanks for keeping it real and doing what ATS claims, denying ignorance.

why dont any of you hold your self accountable for your own sins?...our GOD'S created us with FREE-WILL to do as we pleased,when we got outta hand,THEY disciplined us,just like a parent does to a child,until the child ,learns what he or she is doing was wrong....sin is lawlessness...there was no person who came to earth to die for any of you,when you die,you dont carry your sins with you,they die along with your physical body...know one is saving you from your self!...there is know free way of thinking if you follow a stupid have to stick to what your book says,or else your are not a true believer,to me,that hurts the learning every be-LIE-f theres is a LIE! BElieF

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Weezy ERB
thomas can u be so sure that this jesus christ u are referring to was an alien? do u see any humans going around with unhuman powers and coming down from "heaven" what do u think heaven is? heaven is outerspace... many passages from the bible refer to clouds and balls of fire in the sky....what would that be referred to if we were back in that time era? UFO's for today....but clouds and fireballs in the sky for the past... how about the thrones being cast down from heaven...can u actually picture a chair coming down to earth? be must be UFO's coming down to earth while they are sitting in their thrown in the UFO. Most of the bible has been distorted and manipulated through all the years it has been in circulation. There is no way that the bible is EXACT...word for word... NO WAY! Even if the bible was exact word for word,which its not, do you really understand what they are epxlaining? i dont think you do. first you must understand that extraterrestrials do exist...and then you must decifer what the words mean... the anologies....they dont really describe everything the way we would see it today... they didnt know what a UFO was... they didnt know electricity... they would describe a UFO as a cloud or a ball of fire as i stated before... put yourself in that state of mind and then ask yourself what it means.

exellent post weezy
..this kind of thinking is what we need to have more of!...i dont know why ppl find it so hard to believe this stuff..THERE IS MORE EVIDENCE,SIGHTINGS,AND MATERIALS about ufo's and aliens...then there is about this supposed invisible god,that jesus is supposedly the son of.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Not sure what your question is but if you are asking where is it written that Jesus murder Jews and Romans----it's written in the many books of Josephus. There are too many chapters on it but I will quote a sentence or two, "When Valerian came near the city, he and his troops dismounted, but before any talks, the rebel leaders, led by a certain Jesus, charged out at them."

Link please?

Originally posted by sleeper There are many more passages filled with blood and gore and for the sake of the women and children I will not quote them here---read up on Josephus and see for yourself.

Link please?

Originally posted by sleeper Josephus did not believe or know about the Jesus of Nazareth, however three hundred years later some one inserted Jesus of Nazareth into Josephus's writings----only the most ardent of Christian historians believe that passage to be authentic.

I think you're behind the news on Josephus. First of all the passages are included in a copy of the Antiquities dated at 200 years after Josephus, so your at least 100 years off there. And then there's this:

Originally posted by Wikipedia
Modern consensus
Over the last century, the consensus seems to have changed, and the subjective nature of many of the arguments used in the 19th century has been recognised. Judging from the 2003 survey of the historiography, it seems that the majority of modern scholars consider that Josephus really did write something here about Jesus, but that the text that has reached us is corrupt to a perhaps quite substantial extent. There has been no consensus on which portions are corrupt, or to what degree. However a significant number of scholars consider it genuine, on the grounds that all of the passages supposed to be corrupt are upheld by other writers; a significant number of scholars likewise consider the passage interpolated, on the ground that all the passages upheld are likewise demolished by other writers.

I would provide a link to this, but it is in fact from the same Wikipedia article I linked in my very first post. It seems that your contention that only the most ardent Christian historians think that passage is authentic is about 100 years out of date too. From what Wikipedia says it looks to be more like a 50/50 split at this point, and clearly still up for debate.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:23 PM
I find it funny how people who believe in aliens accept the things that are written in the bible to be somewhat accurate..but the hardcore christains,wont even think about believing in aliens at all....someone plz tell me were jesus said ,its ok to dissaprove of what other ppl believe..and also were did he say aliens are not real...and were did he say there is only one god..jesus is not the true way back to god...god has always been inside you since your birth...god can be found in your soul..god is not male or female,but is positive and negative energy...all of you hardcore christains are assuming the other stuff on your own...i never saw in the bible were jesus said the word god once...he did use father,,but the father he was talking about was not an alien,,but i cant be sure...but the reason why he never said god..was because he knew god was term used to describe aliens....he didnt want us to worship alien...even tho he knew they exists...he didnt even want you to worship him...he wanted you to worship your self,,,because each of us has the father in us...our souls are our direct link to god...not jesus...all the passages that are said to link jesus to god are false and were added in the bible to support a horrible religous practice...when you become god...there is no hell for you to burn in...but there is a heaven to live among...this heaven is outerspace...and you will live there are already in heaven....i could ramble on forever,but it would only appeal to a very few of you...WEEZY IS THE ONLY ONE SO FAR,WHO HAS THE RIGHT IDEA...

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:31 PM
sexymom has the right idea also

that was very deep magicpriest and i would add on to it but you pretty much put everything in place...ill jus wait for someone else to reply

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Weezy ERB
sexymom has the right idea also

that was very deep magicpriest and i would add on to it but you pretty much put everything in place...ill jus wait for someone else to reply

yEA, I HAVE noticed a few other ppl who might be on the same track,but im not sure...we have to wait and see

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
I find it funny how people who believe in aliens accept the things that are written in the bible to be somewhat accurate..but the hardcore christains,wont even think about believing in aliens at all....someone plz tell me were jesus said ,its ok to dissaprove of what other ppl believe..and also were did he say aliens are not real...and were did he say there is only one god..jesus is not the true way back to god...god has always been inside you since your birth...god can be found in your soul..god is not male or female,but is positive and negative energy...all of you hardcore christains are assuming the other stuff on your own...i never saw in the bible were jesus said the word god once...he did use father,,but the father he was talking about was not an alien,,but i cant be sure...but the reason why he never said god..was because he knew god was term used to describe aliens....he didnt want us to worship alien...even tho he knew they exists...he didnt even want you to worship him...he wanted you to worship your self,,,because each of us has the father in us...our souls are our direct link to god...not jesus...all the passages that are said to link jesus to god are false and were added in the bible to support a horrible religous practice...when you become god...there is no hell for you to burn in...but there is a heaven to live among...this heaven is outerspace...and you will live there are already in heaven....i could ramble on forever,but it would only appeal to a very few of you...WEEZY IS THE ONLY ONE SO FAR,WHO HAS THE RIGHT IDEA...


i know alot fo hardcore Christians that believe in Aliens and other life forms.
I think you , like most people , sterotype people.

you might as well say the Hindu people dont believe in Alien life forms .
or Buhddist.. maybe even muslims..what about the Taoist ?.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:45 PM
I think Jesus was just Jesus.
And if you want to think he was a Alien thats fine.

If you want to think he was African, Hindu,Muslim,Cambodian,Japanease
or whatever, Thats Fine too . maybe he was a inuit ?.

You can spin it anyway you want . I dont think he cares as long as you get what he is trying to say.

posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
I find it funny how people who believe in aliens accept the things that are written in the bible to be somewhat accurate..

Looks like a generalization to me. I disagree and would like to see any substantiation to support this claim.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
but the hardcore christains,wont even think about believing in aliens at all....

Assuming I quality under the "hardcore" criteria, I think about believing aliens exist. I'm open to the possibility and see no conflicts with God because of it.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
someone plz tell me were jesus said ,its ok to dissaprove of what other ppl believe..

Luke 12:49, Matthew 28:18. There are some others, but I think this is a good start if you'd like to talk about it more.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
and also were did he say aliens are not real...

Nowhere that I've found.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
and were did he say there is only one god..

Matthew 24:46, Revelation 22:12.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
jesus is not the true way back to god...

That's not what he says.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
i never saw in the bible were jesus said the word god once...

Then I'd recommend starting at Matthew and moving forward. Matthew 4:10 - "Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'" We can go for more if you like, but probably best to read the Book first.

Originally posted by MagicPriest420
he did use father,,but the father he was talking about was not an alien,,but i cant be sure...but the reason why he never said god..was because he knew god was term used to describe aliens....he didnt want us to worship alien...even tho he knew they exists...he didnt even want you to worship him...he wanted you to worship your self,,,because each of us has the father in us...our souls are our direct link to god...not jesus...all the passages that are said to link jesus to god are false and were added in the bible to support a horrible religous practice...when you become god...there is no hell for you to burn in...but there is a heaven to live among...this heaven is outerspace...and you will live there are already in heaven....i could ramble on forever,but it would only appeal to a very few of you...WEEZY IS THE ONLY ONE SO FAR,WHO HAS THE RIGHT IDEA...

The premise for the claim has already been invalidated per above, so what would be the point? I think after reading the four gospels with an open mind, this perspective about Jesus will change greatly.

[edit on 21-12-2005 by saint4God]

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