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The year 2020 - Playstation 6VR – Will you play ?

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posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by EvilBat
Count me in if there was a way to record it for later playback and also a monitor hook up for othres to watch while playing.

There was a movie (I liked it alot, most people thought it was bad...) called Strange Days. In the movie, the big "drug" at the time was a neuro-senser that people would wear and record their every move, and others would buy it so that they could be and feel like the person who recorded it... everything from a girl playing with herself in the shower to people murdering others, bank robberies... some recorded stuff so they could relive that memory. Was a pretty interesting look at it. Check out the movie, and it will give you a pretty good idea of what this thread is about.

Personally, I think it would be awesome to be able to play EverQuest like that... I would actually get to BE my Iksar Necromancer, or my Dark Elf Rogue. They call it "EverCrack" now... wait til it gets to be VR, lol...

Short answer: Yes, I would play.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 03:07 PM
Play it? I would buy stock. I would get every neural interface and chip mod out there. Not only for the gaming aspect but the instant and total access to information pumped right into your head. Not bypassing knowlege but absorbing everything.

Instant access to the sum total of human knowlege.... now that I would love to see.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 03:31 PM
The only bad thing is how the government would react to VR. Would they limit it? Would they allow VR games where you kill someone realistically? Would they allow sexual references? I think there would be an extrememly strict set of rules for VR. Games that are released would include no realistic violence, sex, gambling, or illegal activities.

Of course, with this, comes the "VR underground," which would be comprised of several VR hackers and modders that purposely change something in a game that shouldn't be changed.

Another thing is VR hacking. Is it possible? Could your perception of the VR be destroyed by some kind of virus? Would it travel through your body?

Who the hell knows, but all I know is that before VR is big and announced pubically, the developers will have to limit what they can and can't do.

I'm very excited for VR, but concerned at the same time. We'll just have to wait and see.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 08:00 PM
I remember the Sony PS9 commercials.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 08:23 PM
here's a thought, the idea of infinite knowledge is actually pretty be able to absorb information at an astonoshing rate...but........

what if the government decided to put a little steering wheel in their office, and YOU became the game? controlling your thoughts, your beliefs, your day to day activities...

at least they would save a bundle on hitmen, they could just get the guy down the street to grab his shotgun and boom!
frightening....but highly doubtful.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by HybridEB
I remember the Sony PS9 commercials.

You mean this commercial?

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 09:16 PM
Imagine the medical and palative uses of this technology and the religious debates that would ensue.

For Eg: A burns victim with only so long to live.

They would be removed from pain and their last blissfull moments filled with their chosen idealogical or religious end, be it passing through a tunnel of light, passing across the universe or being greeted by pre-recorded & constructed fellow family members who had past before.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Amschel Rothschild
The only bad thing is how the government would react to VR. Would they limit it? Would they allow VR games where you kill someone realistically? Would they allow sexual references? I think there would be an extrememly strict set of rules for VR. Games that are released would include no realistic violence, sex, gambling, or illegal activities.

Very true. This technology is nothing new. In fact it's already been tested. The problem with the young teens who played in the VR world is that when they werent in it, life was simply too dull and unsatisfying. It altered their moods and their overall mental state. Sorry I don't have details, it's just news from a trustworthy friend of a friend.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 09:34 PM
No sex or violence, most of our current forms of entertainment to a large degree are dirived from these.

I can see how they would want to have controls on it, but just look at the games today, the games that sell.

They may not have direct depictions of sexual acts but as they saying goes sex sells.

Sexual suggestion in a realistic environment itself will be under fire, you will have partners braking up over their virtual partners.

The market is there for this technology, they may have to build in modifications like user identification that only allow going under for two hours every 24 or something. So that the real world does not get left behind and humanity doesn't fall to the machine.

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