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Opposite to Indigo Children?

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posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:47 PM
A sane post about the state of affairs! Perhaps all is not yet lost!

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by D3C0D3
I have never been to school no one Tought me the basics of the English , German , Japanese languages. I started talking on my own at the age of 1 1/2 . ..I was born with skills that others go to school for years to learn.
[edit on 5/5/2007 by D3C0D3]

Disanshiohdisan-san wa baka desu ne? Baka da yo! Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka? E? Dame!

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by X-tal_Phusion

My skills are of the quantifiable and observable variety. As anyone who is truly gifted can appreciate, our differences, more often than not are perceived as curses; not figments of our imaginations. They isolate us, subject us to ridicule, burden us with impossible expectations, erode the comfort most find in faith (because we know better), and make us feel obliged to take on additional responsibility sooner than we are capable of competently doing so. Being identified as GT myself, I simply cannot understand why you would wish to segregate yourselves from others in this fashion.

Please take the time to think about the price others will force you to pay if you insist on continuing this nonsense.

Whose to say such people cant measure supernatural skills? Are you suggesting this simply because science hasn't gone through the long process of evaluating this phenomenon? Indigos aren't doing this for science, and they can measure their own progress each and every day through personal experience. These people aren't social outcasts, in fact they are often social butterflies. Also, Indigos don't willingly "segregate" themselves from others, I think you are a little confused. You are making the mistake of equating Indigos to a social status choice such as emo or skater or preppy. I'm sorry but this is a gross misconception. Indigos are awakened to a higher reality and consciousness, they aren't attempting to rectify personality differences by encompassing a social brand.

I don't get what you mean by others forcing Indigos to "pay" for believing something. Usually these people have a profoundly positive effect on the people around them, and they don't have to "pay" for anything. I am starting to wonder why you are so defensive on this subject. It is common for people to dramatically ridicule new age spirituality concepts, but you seem overly up in arms based on your number of posts and eccentric website links. If deep down you are jealous of these people then let me assure you that you are perfectly capable of doing everything they can. Each and every human being is, if they make the choice to believe.

Let me clarify that when I say indigo I mean genuine indigos, there are obviously tons of people who do fake this stuff, but there are those who are genuine as well.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Vipassana]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Vipassana
Whose to say such people cant measure supernatural skills? hasn't gone through the long process of evaluating this phenomenon? Indigos aren't doing this for science...measure their own progress each and every day through personal experience. These people aren't social outcasts, in fact they are often social butterflies. Also, Indigos don't willingly "segregate" themselves from others. Indigos are awakened to a higher reality and consciousness... I don't get what you mean by others forcing Indigos to "pay" for believing something.... wonder why you are so defensive on this subject...common for people to dramatically ridicule new age spirituality concepts...If deep down you are are perfectly capable of doing everything they can. Each and every human being is, if they make the choice to believe...indigo I mean genuine, there are obviously tons of people who do fake this stuff, but there are those who are genuine as well.
[edit on 6-5-2007 by Vipassana]

This guy was obviously not genuine about anything. This "Indigo Child" BS is just that! It is all about inflating people's self-esteem in ways that are just not healthy! In addition, it mocks people who are already segregated on the basis of real, quantifiable gifts/curses! The last thing I want people to think is that I am in any way associated with this farce! I went through a lot of hell growing up with so-called gifts and I don't appreciate it at all when pretenders show up making unsubstantiated claims which are neither measurable, observable nor equally balanced by consequences that come from being different. Anyone who calls their gifts a bowl of cherries is lying.

Anyone who makes a claim they cannot support is lying. This thread does not belong here because people are making claims they are not even trying to prove. It is bunk. This guy claimed that he was born with the knowledge that most of us (everyone < indigo) must attend school for. The trail of broken grammar, bad spelling and demanding tone was indicative of someone who never went to school so I believe that part. However, I simply cannot accept this idea he has somehow gotten into his head that he was born with knowledge which in fact, he fails to demonstrate in his poorly-written posts!

Calling oneself an indigo is a conscious, deliberate choice unless, of course one is too ill to realize what they are doing (parental brainwashing). I still cannot discard the possibility that this individual is mentally ill, as indicated by comments from this particular "social butterfly". If anything, self-labeled indigos are finding companionship in others who have self-styled themselves as pseudogifted, which magnifies the dysfunction and validates the delusion.

Society forces people to pay who are either genuinely different or pretend to be. It is inevitable. If he continues this nonsense, no one who does not participate in this silliness will ever take him seriously. I once knew someone like him who claimed to have "battles" and claimed that he was here to "save" the world, etc. Several years later, after enduring heart-breaking ridicule for claims he could never prove, he took his own life in a psych ward once the medication began taking effect (poorly supervised by staff). I'm afraid the only thing indigos are awakened to is the art of self-delusion. If you want these people to start taking themselves out when they return to reality, then by all means, encourage them and take responsibility for it.

If any "genuine" indigos are out there, then by all means post a video so that these poor sick people can be weeded out when they can't measure up. So far, I have not seen anything to indicate that this is a real thing! I possess no jealousy for what is obviously mental illness and I resent the perpetrators of this farce for confusing the public about the definition of "gifted".

Proudly, NOT an Indigo/Crystal...

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:40 PM

your last post makes a lot of sense to me, but i hope your wrong.

I think i am one of those that thinks they are special. for some stupid reason, no matter what people say about me or how badly i screw up or say the wrong thing... i still think im the illest. the whole world revolves around me, i am the star of my own movie.

I would say that i thought that was strange, but my best freind Rob is the exact same way, only he is extremely smart and i feel has more reason to believe he is special than i do.

Now what your saying is this is a delusion and i should be cautiouse about the reality of the situation and be prepared to deal with it.... I know this, but i cant help it.

Every day i play with the idea, that everything i know and how to deal with it is going to come crashing down, and i am going to end up crazy and scared. Now that i think about it, maybe my constant inspection into the possiblity, might make it impossible. I can only hope.

My point is. Reality. what is that really?

so far everyone reality is based on common beleifs and mutual understandings. If everyone didn't think the same way then these situations would go unnoticed.

The only danger i can see by beleiveing you have been elevated, is you may have a hard time blending into society and dealing with the fact that you are just like everyone else. But is that really dangerouse, or just a choice on how to live your life. It is your life and you should have the right to make what every reality you want and live it.

There are many realitys to live. and as long as you beleive in them and remain honest, i dont think anything can break your personal reality. what am i saying. governments can break anything. I guess that is why i made breaking the govenment my personal reality.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:03 PM

Sadly, I cannot. If you're able to, congrats. God has given you a special gift. But until you validate it with actual... um what do you call it.... oh yeah evidence then nobody with common sense will believe you. If you do have observational, empirical, photographic evidence then I would be more than glad to review it and become a true believer. So, do you have any?

TheB1ueSoldier. Why should I prove anything. It is not vital to me to believe in my skills. I know they're existing, they're working. So for me, I don't need any evidence for it. I got evidences through my entire life. As I stated above somewhere, I don't want to convince anyone. Crystallines are care with many things, with the exception of this. If you not believe in it, well, shrug, who cares?

Hmmm... left your childhood behind? I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you! Either you went off your meds against your psychiatrist's advice, spent your life living in fantasy-land because reality was too painful (coping mechanism) or you are just here to spin tall tales because it's just plain fun! Given the somewhat broken grammar, I suspect that you have had a difficult time fitting in socially in the past. Often people who have suffered extensive trauma will dissociate from what is real. Perhaps I should not laugh. This can be quite serious if left untreated.

Well. About my grammar. I'm not from the U.S... for my great luck. I'm from Hungary. You know, the country, where the Children of the Stars are living. Well. Many are calling my people on this way, because Hungarians are from the one of the oldest nation and almost all the Hungarians have connection to the stars. Many of the Hungarians are also have special skills, i.e. self-healing or remote-healing capability, even mind reading or predicting the future. Many of the Indigos and Crystallines are living here, in this country too. Few religions and especially those whose are opposing the Crystallines and Indigos are trying to vanish the trace of it, and also one religion want to conquer our country, but they have no luck.

X-tal_Phusion. As I see the word evolution is not really fit into your world. I guess you're the typical Average Joe who knows nothing else, just the U.S. and everything else in it. Open your eyes. U.S. is so small point comparing to the world, to the universe. And a great universe lies outside the U.S. what you should see and understand. Just look up to the stars. That great black velvet with those shiny points on it... well, that's the endless universe. Also, if you take a look at the horizon, geez... life and evolution is existing beyond it.

Just take up one question to yourself. How is it possible that all the religions have angels, helper spirits? Because they're existing, do you accepting this little fact or not. It's that simple. Many of the past had connection with spirits before. What's the strange in that, many have connection to spirits in the present?

I strongly recommend that you share this information with your physician immediately before you hurt yourself or someone else.

If you have an M.D., or a P.H.D., give it back immediately, because your analysis is completely wrong. You want to convince only to yourself that Crystallines and Indigos are not existing, because you're not one of them. And to prove this only to yourself, you're immediately saying... Psychiatric/Neurological pathology, etc, etc... Well, if you say so.

But I tell you a secret. When I was 18, I already was at few doctors for inspection just to learn, this is some sort of neuro problem or not (All these knowledge, skills are with me since my birth and/or evolved during the years.)? And what did they stated... Everything is completely normal in my mind. I'm completely healthy. This was the result of the last year too, when I was in a routine inspection. They cannot tell what are causing this, but one of the doctor whispered me, that not I'm the only one who have turned to him with this. So as I see I'm not alone with these skills. Oh. And before you would figure out something, I tell you, Hungarian doctors are one of the bests on the world. Quite better then the doctors in the U.S. So, I can say for sure, I'm completely normal and doctors are also able to prove this too.
Would you like to know more?

And that was funny.
Paying to believe. Geez! Where did you get this? From the CNN or from an other "brilliant" U.S. brainwashing site? I never payed to believe and I'm not willing to. Do you have to pay a single cent to believe in your religion? In this case drop it immediately, because that's not a religion from that moment. It's business.

As a Crystalline I'm believing in my Guardian Angel and in a religion which is not known by the public. It's free, hurt no one and we, Crystallines are NOT using our religion to gain money, to gain advantages from the dead ones, to play the poor minority. We're NOT using our religion to cover our lies or to kill someone in the name of God, it's not depending from politicians or governments, etc, etc... such as other religions are doing nowadays and did in the past. So, comparing to other religions, the religion of the Crystallines is free, natural good and crystal clean.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by X-tal_Phusion

Anyone who makes a claim they cannot support is lying. This thread does not belong here because people are making claims they are not even trying to prove.

Calling oneself an indigo is a conscious, deliberate choice unless, of course one is too ill to realize what they are doing (parental brainwashing). I still cannot discard the possibility that this individual is mentally ill, as indicated by comments from this particular "social butterfly". If anything, self-labeled indigos are finding companionship in others who have self-styled themselves as pseudogifted, which magnifies the dysfunction and validates the delusion.

Society forces people to pay who are either genuinely different or pretend to be. It is inevitable. If he continues this nonsense, no one who does not participate in this silliness will ever take him seriously. I once knew someone like him who claimed to have "battles" and claimed that he was here to "save" the world, etc. Several years later, after enduring heart-breaking ridicule for claims he could never prove, he took his own life in a psych ward once the medication began taking effect (poorly supervised by staff). I'm afraid the only thing indigos are awakened to is the art of self-delusion. If you want these people to start taking themselves out when they return to reality, then by all means, encourage them and take responsibility for it.

If any "genuine" indigos are out there, then by all means post a video so that these poor sick people can be weeded out when they can't measure up. So far, I have not seen anything to indicate that this is a real thing! I possess no jealousy for what is obviously mental illness and I resent the perpetrators of this farce for confusing the public about the definition of "gifted".

Proudly, NOT an Indigo/Crystal...

Why is it always about proof on these forums? If I remember correctly this thread was to speculate on the possibility of an anti-indigo person, not to debate the existence of indigos. No one is trying to validate their skills to anybody, they are just trying to have a dialogue on a fringe subject. People will always make claims without proof, but that does not always mean they are lying. Einstein made some very noble claims nearly 100 years ago that he could not prove. Yet even today we are starting to prove some of his most imaginative theories correct.

As with the UFO and alien topic, I feel there is a lot of disinformation on this subject. You seem to be making blind conclusions about these people, and I can only assume that this is the result of bad information and the possibility of fakers.

"If anything, self-labeled indigos are finding companionship in others who have self-styled themselves as pseudogifted, which magnifies the dysfunction and validates the delusion. "
--What possible reason would make you believe this? This idea couldn't be farther from the truth. I'll reiterate, those that are genuine are not social outcasts. They don't seek out companionship with weirdos to feel complacent about their abilities. They have fairly normal social lives, and the suggestion that they are mentally ill is just another blind assumption.

Indeed the burden of proof ultimately lies with the Indigos themselves. If they really are here to usher in a spiritual revolution then I suppose time will tell, because it will either happen or it wont. I wonder if they would even bother taking the time to prove their abilities, I am of the belief that they have a mission and they dont care about showing magic tricks to people. The spiritual side of this is what is the most urgent, while at the same time it is very difficult to quantify and measure skills that are of a spiritual nature. However, they are not trying to take anything away from people who do have common and accepted gifts such as academic prowess, musical talent, etc..

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:21 PM
The profile that describes to Indigo Children actually would make it highly unlikely for them to say they are or might be an Indigo Child.

Someone who sais they are an Indigo would actually be profiled as an opposite of what Indigo Children would be or represent.

Someone who claims to be an Indigo Child has a craving for attention and wants everything to be about them, want to be regarded as being special or gifted, etc (ego driven people)

With Indigo Children its the opposite. When they do something, it doesn't even enter their mind that they might get rewarded for it or receive attention for it, they are selfless.
Getting attention or rewards for their deeds or special skills is illogical to them, because for them its natural that you help others if you are able to and use everything you have, give everything you have, including your own life, to help.
It would actually make them uneasy that they receive praise or rewards for something they feel everyone else should be doing too instead of glorifying him/her for doing it.

And for the opposite of them? Anyone you see thats an ego tripping, powerhungry, attention whore would fit the bill of being their opposite.

Indigo Children are supposed to be the ones that teach our current day selfish egotistical society that there is another way.

[edit on 6/5/07 by thematrix]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 03:17 PM

With Indigo Children its the opposite. When they do something, it doesn't even enter their mind that they might get rewarded for it or receive attention for it, they are selfless. Getting attention or rewards for their deeds or special skills is illogical to them, because for them its natural that you help others if you are able to and use everything you have, give everything you have, including your own life, to help.

Exactly. Here are few differences between Indigos/Crystallines (C/I + those ones, whose have at least a small measure of connection to spirituality, even without even their own knowledge... called as Pre-Crystallines, whose spirits are ready to awaken someday.) and Anti-Indigos (A-I). These answers are based on experience. I'm usually love to make these sort of experiments, when I have a chance to study the differences between Crystallines and those ones, what we're calling here as Anti-Indigos. Just read the comments back here or in other topics, regarding to Crystallines/Indigos and you can check the results. C/Is, such as myself are always calm, never want to prove their existence, their claiming, but Crystallines/Indigos are always able to speak with each other without being attack the other one, while A-Is are always want proof, evidences, always playing the smart guy, while there is nothing in the background. So, here is a list of questions and answers...

You should help on someone...
C/I... okay. not a problem. why not?
A-I... no way... OR sure (and in his mind... well, well, well, what will be my reward?)

Someone should pay 10USD, but he accidentally gives you 100USD without being notice it and would immediately rush away, because he is in a hurry.
C/I... uh... sir. sorry. you gave me 100 instead of 10.
A-I... thank you (grin... oh, my... I'm rich!).

A homeless needs only 1USD...
C/I... here you're. do you need something else?
A-I... get lost, bum!

If you would have a chance to being the most powerful warlord, or one of the richest men on the world, or one of the most powerful man, what you would do?
C/I... I would refuse it. Rather free spirituality, then ultimate power.
A-I... I want more power. and money. lots of money. that's important.

If you would choose an icon to yourself, what would it be?
C/I... My dear Guardian Angel.
A-I... Demon, because that's powerful. Angels are weak (Well. They're mistaking in this, but if they want to believe in this, go ahead. Not our problem again.). OR my favorite... I don't need an icon. I'm one of the chosen people. I'm coming after God (Yeah. Sure. Do he know about this? Self-advertising, self-advertising. Otherwise, Angels are finding these claiming sooooooooooo funny.).

When someone is happy, the reaction of a...
C/I... Oh! Hi! Howdy! You seems to be happy! What happened?
A-I... What's your problem? What ruined your day? (and from that moment, the A-I will start to ruin the happiness of the other on why not basis.).

When someone is asking about something personal...
C/I... happily explains everything.
A-I... are you envy on me? I'm not going to tell you.

If you would had a wish...
C/I... peace and health to everyone.
A-I... health to me, money and power (Not always in this order and sometimes they say two from this three.).

When someone is asking you that you have a life and prove it...
C/I... I'm not going to prove it. Why should I?
A-I... I have a BMW, a really expensive one. I have the most powerful computer, dual core processor, the newest graphic card, etc, etc... (A-Is are usually starting to detail their achievements, like life is would be some sort of race. "I have better things than you do."... and C/I response for this... "And who cares?".).

What would you be, if you would start your life over?
C/I... the same, what C/Is are used to do. something creative. Writing, drawing, creating something (Anything, what is connecting to creating something new or have connection to spirituality.)
A-I... Business men or something similar to gain money and to achieve power.

If you have no problem with anything and you have a nice day...
C/I... Good day. Howdy?
A-I... Well, well, well. As I see something is bothering you. What's the problem? (And even if you're saying "Nothing, everything is fine", A-I is going to ask this until that very moment, when you will have enough.).

Somone is believing in something, i.e. spiritualism...
C/I... tell me more about it. I'm curious.
A-I... prove it, show evidence. (Even if someone would try to prove it, the A-I never would believe in it, because it's not fit into his small, empty, power-hungry, warmongering, money lover world. That's the primary reason, why C/Is are not going to prove their existence. We don't have to and we don't care that others are believe in it or not.).

I saw an angel, a real one... or... I saw a ghost... or I had the strangest dream ever....
C/I... really? tell me more. I'm curious.
A-I... good for you (or something similar. A-Is are never care what others have seen or experienced. They have only one major rule... Everything is all about me. What the others are telling to them... means nothing to them.).

The nature of...
C/I... natural good, happy. able to glad to small things too. C/Is are always sleep well because they never betrayed anyone, never tricked anyone and never intend to.
A-I... envy, evil, always want more, always questioning others and want to force their opinion to others. A-Is are always fear from something "will the boss realized that I late day by day?", "can I gain 10 more cents just once with one transfer? will he notice it?", "will my friend is going to realize that I slept or want to sleep with his girlfriend?". A-Is are live in fear continuously, even if they have power and money. They always have something to hide.

And for the last. Do you know what the real difference between C/Is and A-Is? The fact is C/Is knows, that at the very end, nothing will count, only the deeds, what you did in your life. What in A-Is are believe in: their ultimate power, their money can save them from anything, even from death. But the fact is... at your death-bed, your power and your money will means nothing and it will not going to save your spirit from that, what will comes after life.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 05:54 AM
i am the opposite you've been looking may not find me.i will not allow cannot stop me.i will destroy the earth.indigo children are your is too late to stop me.farewell.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by demonicindigochild
i am the opposite you've been looking may not find me.i will not allow cannot stop me.i will destroy the is too late to stop me.farewell.

Now that's all rather negative and befitting a self confessed demon

Here's the part I lifted out:

Originally posted by demonicindigochild indigo children are your saviors.

Now why would any self-respecting one-post demon-with-a-jetblack-aura say anything like that?

Seriously though, this thread is comic gold

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:04 PM
Mirrorshade. It's a comic for you, it's an excellent proof for us to see the real behavior and differences between standard ones and Crystallines. You or people who is registered just for this comment at ATS (DemonicIndigo) giving us an excellent place to study the differences. So, we rather thank you these comments.
Remember. Crystallines, such as myself, are not really care what you believe about us.

One last thing. We're not here to save the world. I still don't know where from you get this info. But that's also true that not we we will be the ones, whose are going to destroy it. We will stay out of the destruction of the normal people. If you want to kill each other, please leave the innocents alone and go ahead, fight and kill each other. At least there will be more place for Crystallines, Indigos and anyone, whose want to live in a normal world.
But, well... yes, from your view, yes, maybe Crystallines and Indigos will be the ones, whose are going to rebuild the world from the destruction what the power hungry, demon lover people are going to cause. It's not saving the world. But if it's necessary, yes, Crystallines and Indigos will act first to rebuild the civilization from the destruction.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 07:01 PM
No there can't be an opposite of something that doesn't exist.

When I read the so called traits most children I have come across would have them.

According to mumsy, I had these traits, I am near fifty now...kinda blows a hole in the recent earth saving phenomena, doesn't it

If there really was such a human animal identified, I can see several reasons for their existence, without bringing in the "special" card.

1) It could just be the identification of an already existing condition. As an animal humans have never been as studied as in the last decades...children more studied now than ever. It would not be surprising that any study would find patterns against preconceived ideas.

2) Changes in diet. There is now more and more evidence that diet has an effect on our mental, as well as physical, make up. So who is to say that any observed changes could be the result of eating differently produced foodstuffs. Our diets vary more now too.

3) Changes in our environment and the way we are brought up. I observe that parents today have less time for their children. More time working, one parent families, too much telly, fat lazy, ugly kids seem to be the norm now. Certainly I would say children are less disciplined than I was. Still, even though I was disciplined...I still had Indigo traits.

On top of this is the Internet. If it were not for the Internet so many of the "dipsy, doodle, loony toon beliefs" we see in these forums would not exist to the extent they currently do.

Years ago, if you were a sad, lost loser..that's all you were. Now, you can "research" the Internet and find that you are special...and not just some zero, a piece of human dog-dirt being scraped off the shoe of destiny.

"You too can be special just pay $300 for a consultation".

"Are you a Vermilion child? Just pay $40 for my latest book and find out!!"

"You are an Indigo child...and so is your cat....just cross my palm with silver."

Look people. Life is crap, live with it. Don't let a bunch of snake oil salesmen fool you into believing otherwise. Just get on with life....stop hiding behind nonsensical, elitist titles. This fantasy world is stopping you from living your life in the only reality that we know exists.

I am always amused by the fact that one of the champions of the Indigo fairy tale is Doreen Virtue. A woman who lied about her career and who proudly uses her PhD title, to give her credence....but fails to mention that she just bought it in a correspondence course

I read some of the posts here and wonder how long it will be before someone comes to grief because of the nonsense that is allowed to be posted here.

I can't wait for Richard Dawkins "Enemies of Reason" documentary to stir you lot up and see what excuses you come up with for your failings. I don't know, the mighty power of the mind won't work because there is an unbeliever near

I would love to have your imaginations...I wouldn't have to pay for TV. Still on the plus side, all the time you people are on these boards in your safe little delusional piece of cyber space, your off the streets...maybe safe enough to let me go shopping

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 04:55 PM

you know I tried to make some sense of that

even thought about answering

I got sidetracked by the massive amount of spelling and grammar that got mangled

then i realized : these indigo ones are so superior they don't need grammar anymore, I mean they know japanes german english and russian by the time they are four.

so the ones that post on forums saying they are indigo, but who are still #ing up simple sentences are presumably so advanced that i can't see why they can't actually use a simple sentence.


[edit on 9-8-2007 by Mirrorshade]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 05:03 PM
indigo children aura is purple?

oo thats news to me,i though i am since i share ALOT of the symptoms
now i know why i like that emo girl with purple on her hair

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Unisol. Yes. Tha aura of the Indigos are indigo like a purple shade of the dark blue. And the aura of the Crystallines are sapphire blue. But the aura is something else, not what you defined.

Mirror. Is it the only thing what you can say? The grammar? I'm not a Native American, nor British. It's the fifth language that I can speak and I know that my grammar is not the best. And honestly, I don't really care about it. Why should I? Plus my native language is quite harder then your one. My language is similar to Japanese and Chinese, one of the hardest on the planet. After the sentence set up is reversed, the grammar set up is also quite different; it's really easy to make grammar mistakes when you're writing. But when I'm speaking with Americans, Canadians or even with British, they always believe that I'm from the states. So, I can't see any problem here at all. But that's true; I don't really care about grammar. Well. At least not on forums. We aren't on a grammar contest, right?

But if we're already speaking about the grammar. In almost all languages, especially in English, the sentences are starting with capital letters. So "even thought about answering"... it's starting with capital "E", just as the other sentences, where you spared the capital letters.
So as I see not I'm the one who has some glitch in the grammar. The difference between you and me... I have the excuse to make mistakes, because I'm not native. But after you're someone, whose native language is this language... well, you cannot have any excuse, Mister. Plus, as I stated before, I don't really care about my grammar here, because right now, it's not my work, where grammar is really count. Just to tell you. I'm a writer.

As I asked already, please tell me, where did I ever write the following: Indigos and Crystallines are superior. If you want to believe this go ahead. But I never said this, not here at ATS, nor at other places. What I stated, Crystallines and Indigos are never consider themselves special, because our life is cannot be special in our eyes. Those ones, whose are consider themselves special, making advertisements how special they're... now, those ones are the fake ones. But if you can read, and I guess you can, you can see that I never said that C/Is are special. If you consider me, or other Crystallines or Indigos as special, that's only your problem. But for this, here is my answer: We don't care about this. With this, you're creating a fake statement, an illusion to yourself to explain something, what you cannot. It's that simple.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:49 PM
The "Indigo child" crap is all bull#. Plain and simple. I haven't seen one shred of scientific proof.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Johnmike. Thank you for your comment. And here is my response. We don't care that you want to see proofs or not. In this case, for you, we're not existing. We simply don't care about it. Crystallines and Indigos are not going to prove anything to anyone. It's not our wish to see proofs for everything. i.e. We're believing in angels, because we're seeing them. If you cannot see them, that's not our problem at all. We're not going to prove something, what you cannot see or don't want to see. We're not teachers, professors to bring evidences for everyone. Uh-uh. That's not our duty.

We also don't want to prove that we're living, that we're existing. It would be the same, if someone would ask you: Please prove me, that you're living. Please prove me, what you're seeing, a color for example is blue. And that blue is the same blue what others are seeing with their eyes. Well, well, well. You cannot prove that at all. Why? Because what your mind is experiencing, feeling, seeing, that cannot be proven scientifically at all. Maybe that blue what you're seeing is green in the reality. Or a darker shade of blue, while others are seeing it to lighter blue. But for you, that's the blue, because you've learned it all over your life. And even if someone is saying it to you, someone who has color blind, that color is green, you will say it, uh-uh, it's blue. But what happens what you're seeing, what you're experiencing is not that what you're really seeing, really experiencing. What happens if the others are able to see quite more?

Everyone's experience is unique, cannot be proved at all, because everyone is living, experiencing one thing from quite different perspectives. Other example. I can see the auras of people. My eyes and my mind is able to visualize it. How do anyone would show evidence about it? No one can show evidence about personal experiences. And after we, Crystallines and Indigos realized this, we're not intended to prove it at all. It's that simple. You can live with this or not, that's not our problem again.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:33 PM
Whether or not you prove something is your decision.

In the meantime, I urge all members of this forum to dismiss anything without evidence. If you read through it, you should realize how far-fetched this is. If you believe it, or disbelieve it, or whatever, fine, but do so because the evidence supports it. Some things here are quite laughable, like the "questions and answers" for "indigos" and "anti-indigos". Things I wouldn't believe without reason to do so.

I haven't found one study that has verified the existence of the human ability to perceive these "auras". Additionally, I haven't found one that proves anything close to this "indigo child" stuff. I could be wrong, I could easily have missed something, but I haven't seen it.
There are, however, studies that refute these claims.

While it's not anyone's responsibility to explain himself, he must do so if he wishes to be taken seriously.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 01:43 AM
In the 21st century, everyone need to prove him or herself to be taken seriously. It's a sad tradition, because nowadays people already need to prove every small details in their lives to be taken seriously, i.e. he was in vacation and enjoyed it. And he must prove it. Now, Crystallines and Indigos are not caring with this prove, show evidence tradition. If someone is not taking us seriously, we don't care about it. We're not going to prove our existence, nor anything else what is connecting to us or our lives. We mustn't and don't need to prove anything to you or to anyone else. Your world is not our world. Your rules are not our rules. And frankly, our lives are quite better, more peaceful on this way. Man. I don't need to believe in Crystallines or Indigos, because I'm one of them. Either I believe in it or not, it's not going to change any facts.

If there are not so much scientific explanation, mentioning about us, about the skills of the Crystallines and Indigos, we did and we're doing everything right. We rather staying in the shadows.

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