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The B2 Electrogravitic Technology Research Project

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posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 01:20 PM
Our newest Research Project, headed up by our very own ZionMainframe of fame:

The B2 Electrogravitic Technology Research Project.


Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology is under development in U.S. Air Force black R&D programs since late 1954.

In a March 1992 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, entitled "Black world engineers, scientists, encourage using highly classified technology for civil applications" is explained how the B-2's sharp leading edge is charged to "many millions of volts", while the corresponding negative charge is blown out in the jets from the four engines.

Our goal of this project is to find out whether or not the B-2 Stealth Bomber is equipped with electrogravitic technology or not and we plan to analyse several rumours about classified systems aboard the B-2.
Other than that, we also intend to investigate how anti-gravity (electro gravity) exactly works.

The team so far is:

Members listed below may be u2ued for contact purposes.

ZionMainframe, Fulcrum, DeltaNine, ghost (seek information about the B-2's anti-gravity systems, analyse rumours about the B-2's classified systems)

Seekerof (concentrates on anti-gravity technology)

Zzub (searched for useful articles on the B-2's classified systems)

(I'm sure there will be more added to the team)

[edit on 14-3-2005 by ADVISOR]

posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 02:01 PM
Thanks DR.

Ever since the B-2 was officially declassified many odd things were noticed about the plane and it's program.

  • Many people are amazed how quiet the B-2 is during take-off.
  • It's official operating speed is not declassified.
  • First the USAF said Chemicals are added to the exhaust to cool the exhaust, but later they admitted, it is to prevent the forming of contrials.
  • Both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream are charged to an incredibly high voltage.
  • A few USAF publications by Wright Aeronautical Laboratory and Air Force Systems Command's Astronautics Laboratory about the B-2, are about topics as 'electric-field propulsion', and 'electrogravitics' (or anti-gravity), the transient alteration of not only thrust but also a body's weight.

...The list of odd things about the B-2 is endless.

The goal of this project is to get to know more about the B-2, and deal with the many (incorrect) rumours about the B-2.

I hope we won't let anyone down. (but don't expect us to get detailed blueprints of anti-gravity engines

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 07:41 PM
From: AirInternational Jan 2000 By: Bill Gunston

Military Power

(article 'talks' about advanced military jet engines,
and i started re-writing this from the point when B-2 / electogravitics are mentioned.)


Eliminating the pilot, as well as any fins, will do much to enhance stealht qualities.
This will focus increased pressure on the need to devise truly stealthy propulsion systems.
For many years, designers have made it impossible for hostile radars to 'see' the face of the engine,
by suitably kinking the inlet duct (or, as noted, putting it above the fuselage).
The propulsive nozzle is harder, and here there is a need to minimise thermal, visual and even acoustic signatures.
The Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk nozzles are flattened slits in the trailing edge of the wing,
while those of the B-2 are tucked inside deep channels above the rear part of the wing, upstream of movable trailing edges.

I have numerous documents, all published openly in the United States, which purport to explain how the B-2 is even stranger.. far, far.. stranger.. than it appears. Most are articles published in commercial magazines, some are openly published US Patents, while a few are open USAF publications by Wright Aeronautical Laboratory and Air Force Systems Command's Astronautics Laboratory. They deal with such topics as electric field propulsion, and electrogravitics (or anti-gravity), the transient alteration of not only thrust but also a body's weigt.
Sci-Fi has nothing on this stuff.

The literature goes back to Faraday, but the idea of electrogravitics really took off in 1920s when an American physicist, Townsend T Brown, carried out extensive experiments. He may have been the first to recognise that a capacitor (a dielectric material sandwiched between positive and negative plates)
experiences a force tending to move it in the direction of the positive face. He found that the electrostatic charge induced a gravity field between the two plates. Soon he was making capacitors rotate on whirling arms,
and measuring the loss in weight of the capacitor with positive face turned uppermost.

In 1953, Brown demonstrated to the USAF a whirling rig of 50ft (15.2m) diameter, which at 150,000 volts (150kv) became a mere blur. The subject was immediately classified, and for the next 40 years, while 'black' research in this field made astonishing progress, it was not reported. Though private individuals continued to experiment, and to take out unclassified patents, not much surfaced. Exceptions were Electrogravitics Systems (Feb. 1956) and The Gravitics Situation (Dec. 1956), published for subscribers only by Aviation Studies (International). This was London-based 'think tank' run by two very bright young men, R G 'Dickt' Worcester and John Longhurst. Unlike the established journals, they published reports and informed comment without the slightest regard for questions of 'security'.
The only time they were taken to court, they won their case and collected heavy damages.

I was fascinated to read those reports, but had no wish to reside in The Tower , so i refained from discussing clever aeroplanes with leading edges charged to millions of volts positive and the trailing edges at millions of volts negative. In any case, it all seemed a bit far-fetched, especially as it appeared that the gravity field could not
only propel aircraft to supersonic speed with propulsive efficiency greater than 1 but could also lift them independently to the atmosphere.

Wonderous things

Various snippets appeared suggesting that electrostatic fiels could not only do wonderous things in the field of propulsion dut could also reduse aerodynamic turbulence (at any mach number), reduce radar cross-section and even virtually eliminate sonic boom. Indeed, back in 1952, Dr M Rose had noted in unclassified literature: "The positive field.. travelling in front.. acts as a buffer which starts moving the air out of the way. This.. field acts as an entering wedge which softens the supersonic barrier.." From 1985, the name P A LaViolette emerges as author of a shoal pf interesting electrogravitics articles in professional literature.

The first Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber was rolled out on Nov. 22, 1988, and anyone with the slightest interest in the aircraft could not fail to have noticed the unbelievable leading edge, with deep profile coming to a knife-edge almost in line with the upper surface. In 1990, a NASA 'boffin' retired and perhaps foolishly talked to The Arkansas Democrat who did not understand his story and ran it under the headline "Ex-NASA expert says Stealth uses parts from UFO".

What really put the cat among the proverbial pigeons was a feature published in a March 1992 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, entitled "Black world engineers, scientists,encourage using highly classified technology for civil applications". For the first time in open literature, this article explained how the B-2s sharp leading edge is charged to "many millions of volts", while the corresponding negative charge is blown out in the jets from the four engines. There is more: though the General Electric F118 engines can operate as ordinary turbofans,
in flight they act as flame-jet generators, pumping out gas greatly diluted by fresh air, all at millions of volts negative. The word 'flame' gives a rather false picture, because in fact the jet comes out not very much hotter than the surrounding atmosphere.

Unclassified articles have described in some detail how the leading edge is divided into eight sections, each individually ionised. The section on each wing immediately upstream of the engines cannot be thus ionised,
because the air would then enter the engines and cancel out the negative charge in the jets. accordingly, this is where the Hughes covert strike radars are installed. They would not be able to 'see' forwards if they were
anywhere else.

Take-off trust of the F118-100 at sea level is given as '19,000lb (84.5kN) class' by Northrop Grumman and as '17,300lb (77.0kN)' by the USAF. These are startlingly low figures for and aircraft whose take-off weight is said
to be 336,000lb (152,635kg) and which was until recently said to weight 376,000lb (170,550kg). Aircraft usually get heavuer over the years, not 20 tonnes lighter. Even at the supposed reduced weight, the ratio of thrust to weight
is a mere of 0.2, an extraordinarily low value for a combat aircraft.

The USAF has never said anything about B-2s speed. It has been tacitly assumed to be in the Mach 0.8 class, but according to extensive open literature, the four F118 engines equate to about 25 MW (megawatts) of electrical power at the take-off, but under the influence of the electrogravitic field the speed could soon become supersonic, the output of the air-diluted exhaust then rising to t least 100 MW.

Everyone who has heard a B-2 take off has been astonished at the quietness. Obviously the noise would not be in the same class as the F101 engines of the B-1B in full afterburner, but writers have used the words 'shocking',
'uncanny' and 'incredible' in describing B-2 departures. As for elimination of the contrails (condensation trails) (normaly a giveaway even for a stealth aircraft), the USAF said chlorofluorosulphonic acid was injected into
to the jets to eliminate contrails. Later it said this was done by 'regulating exhaust temperatures'. Such an explanation is nonsense: contrails are ice crystals from water vapour left when hydrocarbon fuel is burned, and can
never be eliminated by 'regulating exhaust temperatures'. Another point to note is thet the channels downstream of the jetpipes appear to be carbon-fibre composite, which is incompatible with normal jet temperatures
(not because of the fibre, but because of the adhesive sticking them together).

Other writers have commented on the size of the B-2 wing and noted that its stealth depends on the huge black skin being made of RAM (radar-absorbent material). This, say the physicists, is 'a high-k, high-density dielectric ceramic, capable of generating an enormous electrogravitic lift force when charged'. I could go on and on.
We have come some way from the Lancaster and B-17, and i seem to have strayed some way from the traditional jet engines. (end)

My notes:

Above: A Plan view of the B-2 illustrating the positive-charged ionised air ahead of the aircraft and
the negatively-charged air in the jet exhaust. Cowlings on either side of the cockpit feed
large amounts of air to the flame-jet-high-voltage generators enclosed within the B-2s body.
(By: The Unholy Trinity UFB)

1) This is a good article about the B-2s electrogravitics, from a professional aviation magazine and the facts are presented here in such a way that i do actually belive that most of what his saying is the truht.

2) As those of you that know Bill Gunston and his books, you know that he is 100% of facts and non of untrue claims and lies.

3) I hope that some of you will enjoy this information.. i have done so since Jan 2000 when i bought this magazine.

4) And as you can see that the electrogravitics have a long history, and i am intressed to know more about this 'Townsend T Brown' and his 1953 demonstration to the USAF.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 08:30 AM
At: I found:

>And with all all those variable wing surfaces, could it be that
>that the B2 has the ability to fly very slowly? Stall-speed data
>is not available.

Now ask yourself, why would the stall-speed be a secret?

At I found:

>According to a former WW2 pilot, it is rumored that up to 20 >ground crew may have been fatally zapped by touching the B-2 >too soon after it landed. Also the tires were reportedly built with >external stainless steel casings to permit charge bleed off at >touchdown.

Why is the plane electriclly charged in flight? Most planes are grounded, because a build up of electrical charge can cause a fire or an explosion. Secondly electrical charge or discharge can mess up electronics( this is the reason that lightening strikes are usually so dangerous to an aircraft!) But the B-2 was Design to hold an electrical charge while in flight!

Now think back to the find on SAIC's work on anti-gravtiy propulsion! I just found the offical statement of the program's goals "To test theories of inductive coupling between electromagnetic and gravitational forces as they would apply to aircraft or spacecraft Propulsion.

Now the following is MY PERSONAL THEORY:

I think that the B-2 may use an anti-gravity base active stealth system.

Here's My proof:

1. It's a known Scientific fact that both light and RADAR are forms of electromagnetic energy

2. Gravity can bend electromagnetic energy (that's why black holes distort the image of near by objects)

3. Northrop and the USAF are known to have studieded Active Stealth technology for the ATB (B-2)

4. On form of active stealth was based on the concept of bending radar beams around the aircraft (Source: Bill Sweetman's Stealth Aircraft)

It's not conclusive, but it's a red flag for our researcher to check up on. Maybe we can fallow up on the "Active Stealth" aspect. It may give us some critical clues into the B-2. I know they say the B-2 defensive systems are all passive, but these are the same people that say Area 51 doesn't exist! Do you really want to trust them now?


[Edited on 7-10-2003 by ghost]

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 09:20 AM
(source pointed to me by Protector a ATS member..)

From figs.27(i) and (ii) can be seen the diagrammatic form of a rig made by Thomas Townsend Brown which, according to film footage taken at the time (presumably in the late 50?s) by his colleges, hovered in the air about six feet off the ground when connected up to a high voltage source. There are precious few actual written descriptions of how it worked but it obviously follows on from two of his electrokinetic patents (US 2,949,550 Aug 16 1960, and 3,187,206 June 1 1965), but with some useful modifications.

As will be seen below he was on the right track to developing America?s first electrokinetic UFO. In the pursuit of extra ?anti-gravity? power Brown charged up a large sphere by streaming electrons off of a focus-rod electrode attached to a positively charged arcuate, or conical, electrode. To this large sphere he attached a rod, and at the end of the rod was connected a much smaller sphere.

He realised that a much smaller sphere attached to the furthest end of the rod would be charged to the same voltage-pressure as the large sphere, but because in the laws of electrostatics of charge density being inversely proportional to radius of curvature the small sphere would attain a greatly increased density of electric charge (compared to a simple rod electrode on its own for instance). With this electronic configuration he greatly enhanced his electrokinetic, or electrogravitic, or as he later called it hydrostatic propulsion, and proved very effectively that he was able to make a metallic object defy the force of gravity.

TT Brown?s reasoning behind his method of electrokinetic levitation is to be found in his US patent 3,187,206 where he says, "A force is produced in the direction of one electrode provided that electrode is of such configuration to cause the lines-of-force to converge steeply upon the other electrode. The force, therefore, is in a direction from the region of high flux density toward the region of low flux density, generally in the direction through the axis of the electrodes." And, "Broadly, the invention relates to shaping an electrical field to produce a force upon the device that shapes the field. The electrical field is shaped by the use of an electrode of special configuration whereby the electric lines-of-force are made to converge at a distance from the electrode."


This article and diagram shows the basics of Thomas Townsend Browns electrogravitic, or as he later called it hydrostatic propulsion..

That is belived to be 'powering' B-2 also..

Like i earlier posted:

In 1953, Brown demonstrated to the USAF a whirling rig of 50ft (15.2m) diameter, which at 150,000 volts (150kv) became a mere blur. The subject was immediately classified, and for the next 40 years, while 'black' research in this field made astonishing progress, it was not reported.

This gives a great insight to this matter..


posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:08 AM
How are anti-gravity systems controlled?

It has been known for sometime now by "Black World" technologists that the key to controlling gravity is Element 115 on the Periodic Table - Ununpentium. The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A-wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A-field around them, in addition to the gravity B-field that is native to all matter. By controlling the gravity A-wave, you can control gravity. By fuelling an aircraft reactor with ununpentium, you have an aircraft capable of utilizing anti-gravity propulsion.

Electrogravitic (antigravity) technology, under development in U.S. Air Force black R&D programs since late 1954, may now have been put to practical use in the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion. This inference is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. Positive ions emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's exhaust stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a potential difference in excess of 15 million volts. According to electrogravitic research carried out by physicist T. Townsend Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an artificial gravity field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft in the direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this sort could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion efficiency when cruising at supersonic velocities.

For many years rumors circulated that the U.S. was secretly developing a highly advanced, radar-evading aircraft. Rumor turned to reality in November of 1988, when the Air Force unveiled the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. Although military spokesmen provided the news media with some information about the craft's outward design, and low radar and infrared profile, there was much they were silent about. However, several years later, some key secrets about the B-2 were leaked to the press. On March 9, 1992, "Aviation Week and Space Technology" magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its wing-like body. Those familiar with the electrogravitics research of American physicist T. Townsend Brown will quickly realize that this is tantamount to stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity aircraft.

How are anti-gravity systems controlled?

In 1968 Brown started researching electrogravity. They began wind tunnel studies to research the aerodynamic effects of applying high voltage charges to the leading edges of aircraft bodies. They said that they expected that the resulting electrical potential would ionize air molecules upwind of the aircraft and that the resulting repulsive electrical forces would condition the air stream so as to lower drag, reduce heating, and soften the supersonic boom.

As the speed of the B2 hasnt been declassified I think the B2 is cable of the super sonic speed with no super sonic boom. Also the reduced heat is what help the B2 be stealth. "Aviation Week" reported that the B-2 uses "electrostatic field-generating techniques" in its wing leading edges to help it minimize aerodynamic turbulence and thereby reduce its radar cross section.

this shows how the b2 might be use the anti-gravity. positive and negative ion clouds would produce a locally altered gravity field that would cause the B-2 to feel a forward-directed gravitic force.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:13 AM
Element 115, the key to understanding how the ultra-secret "Black World" has created aircraft capable of manipulating gravity and space/time, has been identified, and the recent discovery of element 118, which decayed into element 114, further helps identify the possibilities.

The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them, in addition to the gravity B field that is native to all matter.

The Key To Gravity-Control Systems

No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave length, and frequency, just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic waves.

And in like manner, the gravity A wave is amplified and then focused on the desired destination to cause the space/time distortion required for practical space travel.

This amplified gravity A wave is so powerful that the only naturally occurring source of gravity that could cause space/time to distort this much would be a black hole.

We're amplifying a wave that barely extends past the perimeter of an atom until it's large enough to distort vast amounts of space/time.

The rest

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by FULCRUM
(source pointed to me by Protector a ATS member..)

As will be seen below he was on the right track to developing America?s first electrokinetic UFO. In the pursuit of extra ?anti-gravity? power Brown charged up a large sphere by streaming electrons off of a focus-rod electrode attached to a positively charged arcuate, or conical, electrode. To this large sphere he attached a rod, and at the end of the rod was connected a much smaller sphere.

He realised that a much smaller sphere attached to the furthest end of the rod would be charged to the same voltage-pressure as the large sphere, but because in the laws of electrostatics of charge density being inversely proportional to radius of curvature the small sphere would attain a greatly increased density of electric charge (compared to a simple rod electrode on its own for instance). With this electronic configuration he greatly enhanced his electrokinetic, or electrogravitic, or as he later called it hydrostatic propulsion, and proved very effectively that he was able to make a metallic object defy the force of gravity.

This article and diagram shows the basics of Thomas Townsend Browns electrogravitic, or as he later called it hydrostatic propulsion..

That is belived to be 'powering' B-2 also..

I think you found something important here Fulcrum. I intend to dig into the physics electrostatic fields. If we can learn how to convert electrical current in to static electricity we may be close to figuring out how this whole thing works. I'm off to chase this theory.


posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 07:43 AM

The above link is for an electrostatic generator. I did some digging on Furcrum's last find. What I found is a generator that converts current electricity into static electricity( the charge that makes your wool sweater stick to you on a cold day). Now, you're probably wondering, what does this have to do with the B-2?

Here's my thinking: We already know from earlier finds the there is a link between between electromagnetic and gravitational forces (the post on the SAIC/GE research into antigravity). Static eletricity is a stationary charge that will hold to a surface(touch an older TV or Computer screen, you'll see what I'm talking about). This means that you could hold a static charge on the outer surface of an aircraft. If you can couple eletric and gravitational forces, then might it not be possibal to use some kind of inductive coupling, as SAIC studied, to hold the antigravity feild onto the outer surface of the B-2(or another aircraft for that matter).

Maybe we can dig deeper in this. What do you all think?


posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 01:05 PM
Guys look at this quote. I think this is very intresting. Maybe we should find out if its true.

The B-2 is capable of taking off under normal jet propulsion. But when airborne, its electrogravitic drive may be switched on for added thrust. This system can only be turned on under dry conditions. If the B-2's dielectric wing were to become wet, the applied high voltage charge would short out, which explains why the B-2 is unable to fly in the rain.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 08:14 PM
this is the link for the quote above.
look under number 3 and The B2 Bomber.

The B-2 Bomber. In 1992, black project scientists disclosed to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust to a high voltage and also charges the leading edge of its wing-like body to the opposite polarity. This information led Dr. LaViolette in 1993 to reverse engineer the B-2's propulsion system. He proposed that the B-2 is essentially a realization of Townsend Brown's patented electrogravitic aircraft. The B-2 is capable of taking off under normal jet propulsion. But when airborne, its electrogravitic drive may be switched on for added thrust. This system can only be turned on under dry conditions. If the B-2's dielectric wing were to become wet, the applied high voltage charge would short out, which explains why the B-2 is unable to fly in the rain.With electrogravitic drive, the B-2 is able to drastically cut its fuel consumption, possibly even to zero under high speed flight conditions.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 10:53 PM
Just got some more info.
Maybe it will help.

The hydrostatic pressure (which can be compared to aerodynamic pressure) is lower on the upper surface of the cupola than on the inner surface of the cupola. This can be compared to a conventional airplane wing with the extrados ( upper surface of the wing ) and the intrados ( lower surface of the wing ). This differential pressure is the direct cause of the EHD-FS lift.
The rest

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 01:30 AM
Is Antigravity Technology being Employed in the B2 Bomber?

  • Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware has claimed that a three star general revealed that "the new Lockheed-Martin space shuttle (National Space Plane) and the B-2 (stealth bomber) both have electro-gravitic systems on board" and that "this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each."
    (Named the source of the leak..)

  • After taking off conventionally, the B-2 has the option of switching to anti-gravity mode. It has been said that using it's anti-gravitic technology, the B-2 can fly around the world without refuelling.
    (This would be something unheard.. AROUND THE WORLD!!!)

  • Several months after "Aviation Week" published the article, black world security personnel went into high gear. That sector of the black R&D community received VERY STRONG warnings and, as a result, the group of scientists subsequently broke off contact with the magazine. Clearly, the overseers of black R&D programs were substantially concerned about the information leaks that had come out in that article.
    (If this is true and they were 'WARNED'.. it would 'tell' that these claims are in fact the truht.. claims that B-2 has electorgravitics.. as there is no point giving 'WARNINGS if this wasnt true?)

  • Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named "Project Winterhaven", which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitled "Electrogravitics Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control", prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives. The study, originally classified "Confidential", mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled "The Gravitics Situation". Since that time much of the work in electro-antigravity has proceeded in Air Force black projects on a relatively large scale.
    (Mach 3 'Saucer'.. Maybe this is what we know as Aurora? Or the TR-3A/B?)

  • Rumors circulating among people close to the project allege that the B-2 does utilize antigravity technology. So, our conjecture, that the B-2 incorporates an electrogravitic drive, appears to be substantially correct.
    (So much talk about it so it must be the truht?)

Townsend Brown at 53 years, in 1958.

Electrokinetic Apparatus at the Bahnson Lab, January 3, 1958.

  • Thomas Townsend Brown, an American physicist, was a leader in developing theories concerning the link between electromagnetic and gravitational fields theorized by Dr. Albert Einstein. He advanced from theory to application with the development of solid and disc-shaped apparatuses which are believed to have created and utilized temporary, localized gravitational fields.

Here about Project Winterhaven and Electrogarvitics..

  • In 1952, Brown went on to submit a pro�posal for a �joint services� technology demonstration programme, �Project Winterhaven�, that was designed to lead to a M3 disc-shaped interceptor powered via his elec�tro-kinetic propulsion principles. A series of tests demonstrated to the US Air Force in the mid- 1950s, in which 3ft diameter disc-shaped capacitors were supposedly charged at 150 kV, were said by some contemporary sources to have exhibited results �so impressive as to be highly classified.� Brown also fell victim to the claim that the �Bifeld Brown effect� was attributable to ion wind � a claim he sought to refute by demonstrating the ability of his capacitors to levitate in a vacuum. According to Ventura, lifters have also performed successfully under vacuum conditions. But ion wind or not � and, in a sense, proponents say what does it matter, if it leads to an entirely new form of aero-propulsion � the lifter debate and Brown�s work are attracting the attention of some high-profile organisations. Indeed, there are signs that after years on the shelf as a taboo science, electrogravitics � antigravity by another name � is under the microscope of government agencies and aero�space companies as they seek to find breakthrough propulsion technologies that could catapult aviation into a new era. The US Congress recently voted to give $4.75 million of US taxpayers money to the West Virginia-based Institute of Software Research (ISR) to see if its scientists could independently verify the bold claims being made for the lifters.

  • Boeing denies that it is funding �any activities� in this area, but it declined to be interviewed on any aspect of its interest in Podkletnov�s work � or its other �anti-gravity� type research projects. One of these was well documented in a publication called �Infinite Energy�, which reported that the Phantom Works ran tests in late 1999 of a �two-rotor reactionless drive unit� built by a California-based inventor called Robert Cook. The tests were led by Jamie Childress, �principal investigator� in this field for the Phantom Works in Seattle. On 29 November, 1999, the magazine reported, the reactionless drive unit �proved itself by accelerating a series of 5lb weights from zero to over 1,000ft per minute in a fraction of a second and then decelerating them without producing the 90 to 100lb negative reaction force required by Newton�s Third Law of action-reaction.� The Cook Inertial Propulsion (CIP) engine uses a pair of counter-rotating arms spinning about a com�mon axle to convert centrifugal force into linear force. By adding additional rotors, Cook says that he can markedly increase the thrust.

"Boeing denies that it is funding"..
(Pentagon is doing the funding?)

Hope this helps..


posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Russian
Element 115, the key to understanding how the ultra-secret "Black World" has created aircraft capable of manipulating gravity and space/time, has been identified, and the recent discovery of element 118, which decayed into element 114, further helps identify the possibilities.

The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have their own gravity A field around them, in addition to the gravity B field that is native to all matter.

The Key To Gravity-Control Systems

No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though the distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave length, and frequency, just like any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic waves.

And in like manner, the gravity A wave is amplified and then focused on the desired destination to cause the space/time distortion required for practical space travel.

This amplified gravity A wave is so powerful that the only naturally occurring source of gravity that could cause space/time to distort this much would be a black hole.

We're amplifying a wave that barely extends past the perimeter of an atom until it's large enough to distort vast amounts of space/time.

The rest

ZetaTalk: Element 115
Regarding element 115. This is an accurate story, told by an individual who was disheartened by what he saw while working for the United States government. He survived, against the precepts he was employed under, but not without injury. In the end, those who would silence him have learned to use his rebellion. Secrets lie heavy on the hearts of those who must maintain them. Element 115 is only one of the elements available to use, which you are unfamiliar with. Earth does not naturally have an element that equates to Element 115, nor do other worlds. This is a manufactured element, and about this process we can say no more. As with the discussion of time manipulation, this discussion could not go much further under the rules we are bound to follow.

Could this be B2's secret. Is this way the goverment is hiding Element 115 away from us?

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Russian
this is the link for the quote above.
look under number 3 and The B2 Bomber.

The B-2 Bomber. In 1992, black project scientists disclosed to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust to a high voltage and also charges the leading edge of its wing-like body to the opposite polarity. This information led Dr. LaViolette in 1993 to reverse engineer the B-2's propulsion system. He proposed that the B-2 is essentially a realization of Townsend Brown's patented electrogravitic aircraft. The B-2 is capable of taking off under normal jet propulsion. But when airborne, its electrogravitic drive may be switched on for added thrust. This system can only be turned on under dry conditions. If the B-2's dielectric wing were to become wet, the applied high voltage charge would short out, which explains why the B-2 is unable to fly in the rain.With electrogravitic drive, the B-2 is able to drastically cut its fuel consumption, possibly even to zero under high speed flight conditions.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

Good find! However, this doesn't mean the B-2 can't fly in the rain.
First of all there is a possibility that the B-2 is not grounded. If the
B-2 isn't grounded in flight it won't short out( over head power lines aren't insulated, and they don't short out in the rain).

Second even if this system didn't work in the rain, the B-2 could still fly useing aerodynamic lift, after all it is a flying wing. But that doesn't mean it has no effect, if my theory is correct, then rain might have another effect: if the system uses a static charge to hold the electrogravitational field then the antigravity propulsion system defenently doesn't work in the rain. Remember: this does NOT mean the B-2 cannot fly, it just means that the antigravity system does not work in the rain.


posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by ghost

Originally posted by Russian
this is the link for the quote above.
look under number 3 and The B2 Bomber.

The B-2 Bomber. In 1992, black project scientists disclosed to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust to a high voltage and also charges the leading edge of its wing-like body to the opposite polarity. This information led Dr. LaViolette in 1993 to reverse engineer the B-2's propulsion system. He proposed that the B-2 is essentially a realization of Townsend Brown's patented electrogravitic aircraft. The B-2 is capable of taking off under normal jet propulsion. But when airborne, its electrogravitic drive may be switched on for added thrust. This system can only be turned on under dry conditions. If the B-2's dielectric wing were to become wet, the applied high voltage charge would short out, which explains why the B-2 is unable to fly in the rain.With electrogravitic drive, the B-2 is able to drastically cut its fuel consumption, possibly even to zero under high speed flight conditions.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Russian]

Good find! However, this doesn't mean the B-2 can't fly in the rain.
First of all there is a possibility that the B-2 is not grounded. If the
B-2 isn't grounded in flight it won't short out( over head power lines aren't insulated, and they don't short out in the rain).

Second even if this system didn't work in the rain, the B-2 could still fly useing aerodynamic lift, after all it is a flying wing. But that doesn't mean it has no effect, if my theory is correct, then rain might have another effect: if the system uses a static charge to hold the electrogravitational field then the antigravity propulsion system defenently doesn't work in the rain. Remember: this does NOT mean the B-2 cannot fly, it just means that the antigravity system does not work in the rain.


Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I ment is that the anti-gravity system wont work in rain. So the B2 will have to fly with its own power(fuel).

posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 05:50 AM
I tried to fallow up the element 115 connection to the science of antigravity. But there's a problem, this strange element seems completely unknown to whiteworld science, so there's no way to confirm any of it's proporties. It does not even appear on the Periodic Table of Elements. If we intend to make a positive link between element 115 and antigravity technology, we need some facts about the basic properties of this element. The veigue info on our website and a few others suggests that Element 115 would be highly unstable and therefore radioactive. Any one have an idea how to get some hard facts on this mystery element?


posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 08:37 PM
ZetaTalk: Element 115
Regarding element 115. This is an accurate story, told by an individual who was disheartened by what he saw while working for the United States government. He survived, against the precepts he was employed under, but not without injury. In the end, those who would silence him have learned to use his rebellion. Secrets lie heavy on the hearts of those who must maintain them. Element 115 is only one of the elements available to use, which you are unfamiliar with. Earth does not naturally have an element that equates to Element 115, nor do other worlds. This is a manufactured element, and about this process we can say no more. As with the discussion of time manipulation, this discussion could not go much further under the rules we are bound to follow.

Could this be B2's secret. Is this way the goverment is hiding Element 115 away from us?

sorry to post this again but maybe you missed it

posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Russian
ZetaTalk: Element 115
Regarding element 115. This is an accurate story, told by an individual who was disheartened by what he saw while working for the United States government. He survived, against the precepts he was employed under, but not without injury. In the end, those who would silence him have learned to use his rebellion. Secrets lie heavy on the hearts of those who must maintain them. Element 115 is only one of the elements available to use, which you are unfamiliar with. Earth does not naturally have an element that equates to Element 115, nor do other worlds. This is a manufactured element, and about this process we can say no more. As with the discussion of time manipulation, this discussion could not go much further under the rules we are bound to follow.

Could this be B2's secret. Is this way the goverment is hiding Element 115 away from us?

sorry to post this again but maybe you missed it

Thanks for posting this again Russian, I had missed it the first time around. It's a manafactured element that was created in a lab. The most common way to manafacture elements is in a nuclear reactor. If this is the case the element may be unstable and radioactive. I'll see if this might be the case.


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