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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 09:55 AM
Can people please stop making the 'this has to be a fake because the Ebens are living in something that looks like a mud hut' argument? I mean, really, I enjoy eating barbecued ribs and I'm sure that my cro-magnon ancestors enjoyed the same. I eat with a spoon and fork most of the time. My bet is that my descendants will, as well, 10,000 years from now. I enjoy sleeping on a bed with a pillow under my head. My bet is that, in the 33rd century, most people will not suddenly decide to sleep on glass and nails.

We simply cannot, as I have said before, dismiss this all because the Ebens are not doing the things we would expect them to. As 'aliens' they will probably perceive the world differently than we do. If this story is true... we've already seen that they perceive ethical dilemmas differently than we do.

And... so far as the huts go... a few hundred posts back I linked to several websites that dealt with desert architecture. Many of them discussed why updated 'huts' make a lot of sense, in terms of energy conservation/cooling concerns out in the desert.

Oh... and... so far as the Team Leader's entries go... yes, his english is bad. He may also, though, be giving an oral statement that's being recorded (perhaps under hypnosis). His 'logs' may be a collection of things he wrote on the mission, things he wrote later on as addenda, and things he said that were recorded back on earth. As I've pointed out already, the discrepency over the use of 308's body may just be the product of taking written material out of context (for instance, it seems to me like he began that log by saying what his recent decision -- to allow the Ebens to use 308's body -- was and THEN he began to tell the story of the events that led up to that decision).

Let me put this point another way: Have you guys ever read a transcript of a radio interview? If you look at one... you'll notice 'discrepencies' and linguistic errors that are really just a byproduct of the interview process.

In my imagination, the ultimate 'source' for the Serpo stuff is a collection of official and personal logs, written subject summaries, audio tapes, and photos. It may very well be that some of the official summaries will contradict with a particular day's personal account -- as the participants are not omniscient -- and some of the personal logs will take on a point of view that, at times, will be in error.

Finally, we have to remember that the Team Leader, though cross-trained as a scientist, was probably selected for his leadership abilities. He probably had experience directing research projects. This does not mean that, at all times, he is going to be great at explaining scientific elements -- especially scientific elements that may be unknown to him. The Team Leader, if the story is real, is a person with one perspective, a limited amount of knowledge, and the means to only convey the basic story. He was not a researcher writing the Serpo story decades later... compiling material in a scholarly way.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by proserpinfrmr
Mr. Ryan.
What is your response to this information:
"Today I attended a mini FZ conference in EG. It was
initiated by our own Clive Nicol, and Bill Ryan. Bill
is on the Ron's Org Gamesmaster course which is their
OT 17, and has never been in COS! Was a real pleasure
to meet them."

There's quite a few Bill Ryans on this globe, do we really need to verify these stupid google searches every single time.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Tricky4u

Originally posted by proserpinfrmr
Mr. Ryan.
What is your response to this information:
"Today I attended a mini FZ conference in EG. It was
initiated by our own Clive Nicol, and Bill Ryan. Bill
is on the Ron's Org Gamesmaster course which is their
OT 17, and has never been in COS! Was a real pleasure
to meet them."

There's quite a few Bill Ryans on this globe, do we really need to verify these stupid google searches every single time.

This one, from a google search, includes a contact email. How many of you know his email?

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:17 AM

yes, that's the same email address.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:33 AM
I don't think ATS is doing this story justice by headlining it as a hoax, question mark or otherwise. The so-called smoking gun is nothing of the sort and there have been several explanations for the perceived flaw. What's the difference in this "smoking gun" and all the other problems that have been debated? This one doesn't seem nearly as valid as the "physics don't work" problem (which we were given a somewhat reasonable explanation to and then everyone dropped it.) There have been at least as many reasonable explanations of the Log 3888 post. Why is this flaw a smoking gun?

There have been several decent explanations for the changing tense and reference to Log 3888. Here is my favorite:

Originally posted by Concerned Citizen
Is it possible that these postings are from the commander's own journal, and not the "official" one? It might explain a lot. It would explain why he doesn't always sound official, and why he mentions his home and family. AND most importantly why he does the flashback. He states that he already wrote about it in a previous "log" and gives the number. None of these entries have been associated with a "log number." Maybe he didn't previously mention the incident in his personal journal, so he was recounting it for that reason.

This would explain a lot of the problems people have with the style of writing, and it makes sense to me that a Commander on a mission like this would have an official Team Log he was ordered to keep updated, but then his own journal as well. In posting 11, Anonymous calls it a "Diary"... and then in posting 13 he refers to a "Log 3888". Why do we think these are the same thing? I was disappointed reading through the thread that this post was largely ignored. In the spirit of William of Occam, it's the simplest solution that fits all the facts.

The huge upswell in negativism seems to be due to 2 things. 1) the frustrating lack of promised photos... and 2) the "Hoax" headline at the top of the board. People are now assuming the smoking gun has been found and that the whole thing is 100% proven baloney. And that is simply not the case. The headline "Project Serpo a Hoax?" could've been there from the beginning. Why not "Project Serpo a Fact?" or "Project Serpo a Marketing Ploy?" or "Project Serpo a New Disney Movie?" At this point in the game all of those headlines are accurate. There is no proof either way yet. Why lead people to a conclusion? It seems to me people went from *wanting* this to be real to *wanting* it to be a hoax based on nothing more than an opinion of the writing style of diary entries. That's hardly a "smoking gun."

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by proserpinfrmr

Originally posted by Tricky4u

Originally posted by proserpinfrmr
Mr. Ryan.
What is your response to this information:
"Today I attended a mini FZ conference in EG. It was
initiated by our own Clive Nicol, and Bill Ryan. Bill
is on the Ron's Org Gamesmaster course which is their
OT 17, and has never been in COS! Was a real pleasure
to meet them."

There's quite a few Bill Ryans on this globe, do we really need to verify these stupid google searches every single time.

This one, from a google search, includes a contact email. How many of you know his email?

Yes - it is the same email address. I think it is safe to say this is the same "Bill Ryan".

For those of you unfamiliar with Freezone or the CoS - it would behoove you to do your homework. Plenty of info available for those who seek the truth. This will get you started.

[edit on 30-1-2006 by No1Uno]

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by proserpinfrmr
Mr. Ryan.
What is your response to this information:
"Today I attended a mini FZ conference in EG. It was
initiated by our own Clive Nicol, and Bill Ryan. Bill
is on the Ron's Org Gamesmaster course which is their
OT 17, and has never been in COS! Was a real pleasure
to meet them."

Good one, proserpinfrmr.

It could mean, in theory, that this is possibly a viral marketing scheme for an upcoming game and it would not surprise me of this is for a platform system, however, all of this reads like a roleplaying module such as the old D&D game where an alien craft crashed into the fantasy world..classic module.

But, I found a link or two regarding the SERPO story and I think I know where it's originating from..but first I have to ask the mods for permission to publish the link/URLs.



EDIT: by the way, that link I'm looking at you gave out is part of the Church of Scientology. And if memory serves me right, I read a huge hardcover book about Scientology's beginnings and the late Mr. Hubbard believed that we were at spiritual war with alien beings out there and we have to ascend to the good ones out there..I can't remember but it's been years...I'm googling around right now trying to find it but all this SERPO thing is starting to creep back to my memory that this is probably a big lift from Scientological beliefs or a derived from it.
Something's not right about all of this and I won't take it for what it is for that's like asking me to believe that Jesus literally walked on water since this one is NOT walking on water so far, pardon me for saying so.

[edit on 30-1-2006 by Sanctum1972]

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:41 AM
And for those who REALLY want to do some homework - there's a whole list of UFers involved in cults here:

Notice the names that are also on Victors UFO email list.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Sanctum1972
Good one, proserpinfrmr.

It could mean, in theory, that this is possibly a viral marketing scheme for an upcoming game and it would not surprise me of this is for a platform system, however, all of this reads like a roleplaying module such as the old D&D game where an alien craft crashed into the fantasy world..classic module.
But, I found a link or two regarding the SERPO story and I think I know where it's originating from..but first I have to ask the mods for permission to publish the link/URLs.

It's not a game. (well, not officially) It's the official "technology" wing of Scientology.

Ron's ORG

Just when I feel this story needs defending, someone's gotta find a Scientology link! Okay, if there proves to be a link between Scientology and Serpo, then all bets are off and I'll have to join the skeptics side of the fence. The CoS is a cult with it's deepest roots in Alien fairy tales. Check out the Xenu links above. I won't say a Scientology link would completely debunk this whole story, but it would cast a very dark cloud on the information as it would certainly be of benefit to the CoS to get out a "disclosure" story that backed their Alien/Human hybrid religion.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by No1Uno

Notice the names that are also on Victors UFO email list.

That's interesting, but there are truly hundreds of names on that list and only a vague assertion as to these people's connections. Also, lets tread cautiously when raising questions as to a person's possible veracity, in view of their religious affiliations or personal philosophies.

Just hoping this thread stays focused on Anon and his info

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 10:57 AM
It's not a game. (well, not officially) It's the official "technology" wing of Scientology.

Ron's ORG

Just when I feel this story needs defending, someone's gotta find a Scientology link! Okay, if there proves to be a link between Scientology and Serpo, then all bets are off and I'll have to join the skeptics side of the fence. The CoS is a cult with it's deepest roots in Alien fairy tales. Check out the Xenu links above. I won't say a Scientology link would completely debunk this whole story, but it would cast a very dark cloud on the information as it would certainly be of benefit to the CoS to get out a "disclosure" story that backed their Alien/Human hybrid religion.

Thank you! That's the one..Xenu was the name of the race. I appreciate the jogging on my memory. CoS is certainly an organized religion/cult which you are correct and this is why this all smelled funny to me in similar tones. There's a way to link them but it won't be easy, but it's possible to do a comparative study of the two.



posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by SKMDC1
Just when I feel this story needs defending, someone's gotta find a Scientology link! Okay, if there proves to be a link between Scientology and Serpo, then all bets are off and I'll have to join the skeptics side of the fence.

Hey Bill,

Looks like you made the list. Or maybe you are one of them - who knows.

scientology hit list

I just fell off the fence and am running as fast as I can toward the extreme SKEPTIC crowd. We've all been had. Close the lights and lock the door on your way out please.

Freakin' loonies.


posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:09 AM

"But a new game is starting, and all are invited to play. Part of the purpose of the day is to evaluate the level of active interest. [...]

Please reply to me at bill.ryan@******.net "

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:17 AM





posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:20 AM
ok so who wins? and what do we win? if it is a dinner with the poster boy for crazy scientologists, Tom Cruise, I hope I'm not in the running.

can't wait for Bill's response to all this.

in the event this was all some big cult game, anyone want to speculate on the ramifacations for the more deeply involved folks, like Bill, Victor, Doty et al?

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Very incriminating.
We really need Bill Ryan to comment on this connection.
Bill, if your out there....
J - Defunction

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Centrist
That's interesting, but there are truly hundreds of names on that list and only a vague assertion as to these people's connections. Also, lets tread cautiously when raising questions as to a person's possible veracity, in view of their religious affiliations or personal philosophies.

Just hoping this thread stays focused on Anon and his info

Words of wisdom here.

Let's stay on topic.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:26 AM

1) The 'list' someone posted of all the scientologists who are involved in UFOlogy isn't an official source. It's a list that someone posted on a message board like ATS... and if I remember correctly it was also posted this month. It could be an attempt to discredit Bill Ryan.

2)The same goes for the other link that connects Bill Ryan's email with a wing of scientology. Do we know for sure that this is a bona fide scientologist site... or that it wasn't created for the sake of discrediting Bill?

I will admit that these new finds have cast some tremendous doubt on the Serpo story... but they still haven't been proven. Google/internet searches are simply not research. Anyone can post false info about an individual on a web page. Hell... I've even had people I know make donations in my name to groups I dislike for the sake of pettiness.

We need to hear from Bill and we also have to PROVE that those links/sites have valid info before we dismiss Serpo.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by defuntion
Very incriminating.
We really need Bill Ryan to comment on this connection.

I don't see it as incriminating, as no one else here has been asked to state their personal religious, philosophical, political, or spiritual affiliations. If Bill's an enemy of scientology, what does that mean? Maybe I'm just extremely naive (I don't know much about any of this)... but perhaps discussion on this aspect of Bill's background should be suspended until he's had a chance to comment, if he chooses to do so.

I know that if people started attacking this story because of my personal affiliations, I'd be somewhat offended... unless they had some proof that those affiliations were somehow central to the issues involved. I don't see that... so given the sensitive nature of this "information", I suggest we all tread cautiously and respectfully towards one another.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by L. Ron Hubbard
The head of the Galactic
Confederation... caused people to be brought to
Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H Bomb
on the principal volcanoes... His name was Xenu...

One's body is a mas of individual thetans, stuck
to oneself or one's body...

OT III Scholarship Page

I'll quote no more as L. Ron warned us that to try and solve this would cause pnuemonia! That, and they tend to sue for copyright infringement if you quote too much of this drivel. (Proof enough that L. Ron actually wrote the drivel.)

What the Scientogy beliefs all boil down to is: There was an interplanetary war, the victor in this war sends all his enemies to Earth (teegeeack) and then blows them up, blasting their souls into the atmosphere like ghostly shrapnel. These souls then "graft" themselves to us and in order for us to be completely free, we have to "clean" the alien souls out of ourselves. You do this by a long spiritual journey involving giving the Church of Scientology vast sums of money.

How does this relate to Serpo? Maybe not at all, but the alien/human hybrid thing is an interesting similarity. The intergalactic war is as well. If the CoS wanted to somehow "seed" popular culture with the concept of human/alien hybrids (a core belief within Scientology) then this story would do the trick. I personally wouldn't put anything past the Scientologists as far as disinformation or deception goes.

As for Bill being on the enemies list, that could have something to do with the FreeZone business. They're an "offshoot" of CoS that feel the main church has lost the true way... They practice basically the same thing as CoS without giving them the vast sums of money. It's interesting that in the first links that connected Bill to CoS there was mention of him *not* being a member of CoS and of the him being at a FreeZone meeting. This would account for him being on the list.

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