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The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq

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posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
why don't they go to Africa and Rescue the people down there? There are Terrorists there, you know? There is some serious Genocide going on in Sudan, you know?

We did!! And still are active in Africa. Just because it doesnt come on TV all the time doesnt mean that the US isnt concerned!
Havent you watched Black hawk down ?

Wrong. As we speak people have to Pay with their Lives for your Lifestyle, for your Big Cars, for your Enormous Gasoline Consumption. If American cars would use Water instead of Gasoline,

Apart from cheapening yourself by being vulgar you have also demonstrated that you have NO point.
Wht do you mean run with water ? Have you lost it?

Why doesnt slovenia make cars that run with water and who knows someday you might be able to afford to have Fox news in your country !!

Fine. Live in Denial. Don't belive it. Ignore it.

I have shown it with solid proof!! WP IS NOT A CHEMICAL WEAPON .
Go search the ASTNN Thread on WP use by the US and you'll find my proof there!

And when the US marines rest inside, do not they provoke an attack from the Insurgents?
that marines are resting in the Mosque and it comes under attack, what then?

How would they provoke people? If some soldiers rest in an abandoned church does that mean the people will get provoked by that ?
Same applies to mosques!! There are no double standards.
If it comes under attack they just kill who ever is shooting at them and carry on. Its treated just like a barn when its abandoned.


AH! another of the sites that have the "Truth" !!

If you disagree, that does not mean it did not happen - that only means that you refuse to accept a certain source, meaing that you are BIASED.

Its not only me, anyone who reads propaganda like that and passes it off as NEWS will disagree! Infact they would more than disagree, they would laugh in your face for claiming it to be NEWS.

And on the way to Jerusalem, Crusaders slaughtered many non-combatants in lands of Syria and Palestne, most of the Jewish.

My question still stands, what does this have to do with the Muslims of Palestine ? and how was their peace before the Jews came ?
You have yourself proved that it was violent.

It was a Comparison, of how Ludacris can some decisions of the "Wise Wise West" be to Other nations that actually Live there.

So the housands of years the Jews lived there is some fantasy ? The kingdoms of Solomon, david etc are all some figments of our imagination ? If youve read the quran it also talks about solomon and david in Isreal, what greater right do they have when even their god says that solomon ruled that place ?
Also if the English made that blunder it was Churchill who played politics and thus ended up making the situation what it is today. Ask them not the Americans or the "west" !! If you cant find anything specific you just slander everybody do you ?:shk:

I suggest you do that - you will get a Nice Dose of Normal news, not some Corporate Propaganda BS.

So your saying that Slovenia has TV stations ??

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
by pure definition then white phosphorus IS a chemical weapon

just not one that the usa is a signortory to.

Either you are extreemly ignorant or have been left out of the general loop of happenings to make such feckless statements.

WP is not a chemical weapon, if it is show me where in the chemical weapons conventions schedule 1-3 is it present?? I have gone through all the documents and have PROVED beyond any margin of doubt that WP is NOT a chemical weapon and never can be.

As for the speculation about what was used in Iraq be it chemical or otherwise floating around, it would be wise to refrain from quoting adhock rumours without some soild proof given by EXPERTS and which is CREDIBLE.

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
LOL - 2 sides of the same coin
phosphorus IS a chemical
when used to kill people its a weapon
therefore by `pure` definition its a chemical weapon.
somantics then

and its banned by most of the civilized world except the usa (which says something really)
oh and DU is being banned around the world as a WMD - except in the usa.

Though this may convince a 4 year old any person beyond that age would laugh at the foolishness it exudes!!
So if I go to a store and buy a water pistol and shoot it at someone I am using chemical weapons ?? Why not, water is a chemical is it not? How about the lead that is in used in bullets when they puncture the persons organs and spill his guts ?? That hasnt struck you ?? OR is YOUR definition have any corollaries to it ??

If it were up to the everyday run of the mill to decide what is and what isnt a chemical weapon I am sure that they would put in the entire periodic table and some extras to boot

Their are people who are much smarter than YOU who have through years of study decided what is and what isnt a chemical weapon. That was the reason the Chemical Weapons Convention was written and the chemicals specified!!
What you have read from the ignorant journalists is the Schedule 3 of the CCCW that descibes the use of "INCENDIARY" weapons that the US is not a signatory to. Even if it was it would still not be against any international law as the use of WP is not banned by that schedule.

[edit on 8-12-2005 by IAF101]

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 01:29 PM
DU is being banned around the civilized world as a WMD and yet the usa are using more than ever and pilluting the world with its filth.

WP is banned as a chemical weapon around the civilized world and yet the usa use it the kill thousands of innocent people when they burnt fullajah to the ground

so if you want to resort to 8th grade name calling then i will not lower myself to your level

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin

WP is banned as a chemical weapon around the civilized world and yet the usa use it the kill thousands of innocent people when they burnt fullajah to the ground

Please do not !!
This is proof enough of our respective GRADES !! 8th or otherwise !!

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 02:22 PM
We interrupt this downward spiral of this thread in to a slug-fest to remind everyone to be nice and courteous towards all the other fine members here. Even if we differ on opinion we can all still get along and discuss things rationally. Along with the opposable thumb, this is what separates us from the animals out there.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
We did!! And still are active in Africa. Just because it doesnt come on TV all the time doesnt mean that the US isnt concerned!
Havent you watched Black hawk down ?

You are? Where? I don't see a Massive Deployment of US Troops to Secure the Human Rights of African People. Oh, and I have seen BHD; and thats your ARGUMENT? An Action Movie?

Apart from cheapening yourself by being vulgar you have also demonstrated that you have NO point.

Very Well - I will have to do the Reasearch for you, again.
USA Oil Consuption is 20.5 Million barrles per Day, which is 25% of the Entire World OIL Consuption. Does US have also 1/4 of the Entire World Population - there is around 6.5 Billion people on this Planet, and the USA with its 300 Million represents ONLY 4.6 % of the World Populaton, YET it consumes a QUARTER of the ENTIRE OIL Production? And lets not forget, that there are 50 %more vehicles on the road in the United States today than there were in 1973. Roughly two-thirds of oil used in the United States goes toward transportation. What about the "OTHER" 6.2 BILLION People on this Planet? USA consumes nearly 5 million more barrels MORE than were used daily in all European OECD countries combined!!!

How will you explain that?

So your saying that Slovenia has TV stations ??

To your Surprise - YES WE DO!
And We have a Great Press Freedom Index, as it is shown in this Report - we rank number 9 on the World Chart, concering the PRESS FREEDOMS. USA dropped 20 places to number 44; somewhere between Macedonia and Bolivia.

Yes - such NICE Press Freedoms you have!

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
You are? Where? I don't see a Massive Deployment of US Troops to Secure the Human Rights of African People.

The US is active in the African continent thought not as active as in the middle east but it still is very active.
The media doesnt concentrate on these events because they are humanitarian and dont add enough 'gore' factor to the news, which sells more. Only some regional news outlets provide this info.
US troops in Africa
US troops distributes Aid in Africa
1000 US Troops waiting to go to Africa
Sudan welcomes US military
US anti-terror drive in Somalia
The US in Africa is more into distribution of food, medicines etc also numerous american aid agencies are in Africa distributing food and supplies that they need but they are not covered by the media because That doesnt sell .

Also about Black Hawk Down, that isnt just some action movie. It seeks to describe the danger the US military faced in Somalia while trying to help the country.
Also you could see 'Tears of the Sun' I dont know if it is based on fact or not but is a good movie to watch.

USA Oil Consuption is 20.5 Million barrles per Day, which is 25% of the Entire World OIL Consuption. - there is around 6.5 Billion people on this Planet, and the USA with its 300 Million represents ONLY 4.6 % of the World Populaton, YET it consumes a QUARTER of the ENTIRE OIL Production....
How will you explain that?

What can I say, the automobile was invented in the US and the largest carmarket in the world. Also more people in America can afford to buy vehicles than in other parts of the world.
We PAY for the oil we need to use our cars.
How does that make the world pay for our way of living ?? I havent seen a cent of that as yet

WE PAY for our living!

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by IAF101
The US is active in the African continent thought not as active as in the middle east but it still is very active.

Sure, Sure. You seen that in Another Hollywood Movie?

It seeks to describe the danger the US military faced in Somalia while trying to help the country.

Where is the movie describing the ENDLESS Dangers that the African People face every day for the past 50 years?

We PAY for the oil we need to use our cars.
WE PAY for our living!

In 2005 there are 500 million cars worldwide (0.07 per capita), of which 220 million are located in the United States (0.75 per capita). America - 4.6% of the ENTIRE World Population - has almost HALF of all the Cars on this Planet. You don't find that Disturbing?

Furthermore, 141 Countries from THIS Planet atified the agreement, called the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty on global warming, a Growing Problem for all of us living here; United States and Australia did NOT. Again - the worlds No.1 Country in Pollution does not sign an Agreement, to reduce it, making the Enviroment, where also 141 OTHER Countries Live, PAY FOR THAT. Now you can Pollute your own Land and Die of the Toxic pollution caused by your 220 million cars for all I care - but Your Gas Bill is going to be payed by ALL OF US.


Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures - the poorest 20% a minuscule 1.3%. More specifically, the richest fifth:
  • Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%
  • Consume 58% of total energy, the poorest fifth less than 4%
  • Have 74% of all telephone lines, the poorest fifth 1.5%
  • Consume 84% of all paper, the poorest fifth 1.1%
  • Own 87% of the world’s vehicle fleet, the poorest fifth less than 1%

Half the world - nearly three billion people - live on less than two dollars a day.

The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations (i.e. a quarter of the world’s countries) is less than the wealth of the world’s three richest people combined.

Nearly a Billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

Less than 1 $ of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

One Billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5.

The richest 50 million people in Europe and North America have the same income as 2.7 billion poor people. The slice of the cake taken by 1% is the same size as that handed to the poorest 57%.

People of this World have to Pay with their LIVES for your American Way Of Life - and thats the Raw Truth...

[edit on 9/12/05 by Souljah]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 03:51 PM
Soljah, you havent dug very deep about america cutting back on emmisions have you?

Otherwise you would have found that many american states are actually cutting back thier emisions.

The federal government might not agree but that doesnt mean states cant.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 10:33 PM
98,000? That's an extremely high number to not be revealed to the public appropriately... Isn't there some law that someone could sue them for that relates to this? Though, I'm sure they wouldn't win.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Soljah, you havent dug very deep about america cutting back on emmisions have you?

Otherwise you would have found that many american states are actually cutting back thier emisions.

The federal government might not agree but that doesnt mean states cant.

Fact is that America is still No.1 Country in Pollution - not just Car pollution.

And the current US Goverment does very LITTLE to decrease that.

Sad but True.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 09:04 AM
So is or isnt the media minimizing US and UK war crimes? We went from that to foreign aid and pollution. I tried being part of this debate but it kept sliding off topic, I got off topic once or twice as well I admit. But when I realized where this thread was going, into a "The US is evil thread" I decided it was time for me to take my business elsewhere.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 09:32 AM
You can't win an argument with a wack-job wanna be terrorist guys and gals.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by devilwasp
Fact is that America is still No.1 Country in Pollution - not just Car pollution.

And the current US Goverment does very LITTLE to decrease that.

Sad but True.

No the fact is that the FEDERAL government isnt doin much to stop it, the local governments are...
You want to change the subject completely and miss the fact that local governments ARE helping the enviroment go ahead, just dont expect me to miss it.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
America - 4.6% of the ENTIRE World Population - has almost HALF of all the Cars on this Planet. You don't find that Disturbing?

Not in the least.
The US is the richest country in the world obviously its people would have the most number of automobiles !!
And comparing the population of the US with the world to acheive some kind of comparision is nothing short of absurd. The major factor of "money' has been neglected which shows a paucity in thought while bring about this comparision.
It cant be merely a numerical comparision because an important factor such as the ability to buy an automobile must also be taken into consideration. Most people in the developing world clearly cannot afford to do so thus no logical comparision can be made. However logic has never held back anybody with a political agenda has it ?

the worlds No.1 Country in Pollution does not sign an Agreement, to reduce it, making the Enviroment, where also 141 OTHER Countries Live, PAY FOR THAT.

The US hasnt signed an agreement that is partial to the developing world and that seeks to destroy western industry. The cause and the propagation of global warming due to greater emissions doesnt have concensus by the scientific community. It is only a plausible cause, the US cannot put its industry at stake for mere plausible causes. When the scientific community itself has not acheived a concensus on the subject how do you expect the world greatest economy to act upon suppositions ??
As for Paying for US pollution that is again a misconception. The continent of N. America is surrounded by ocean on both sides and this is acts as a buffer. The ocean is reagarded as the best absorber of atmospheric pollutants, this makes the US pollution limited to the N.American continent only. The only countries that can seek to complain are Canada and Mexico. The rest of the world is relatively uneffected by US pollution.
Another important fact is that, in the US it is not that their arent any environmental protection measure but the amount of pollution restraint is not limited by the Kyoto Protocol. The EPA in the US is one of the worlds most active enforcer of pollution norms on the industry. Also the US hasnt given up the battle on Global warming but seeks to rethink the global approach and use technology as a guide to solve the problem rather than blindly following a mass movement on Global warming.

People of this World have to Pay with their LIVES for your American Way Of Life - and thats the Raw Truth...

Other than sensationalism I cant see any reason behind all the statements you have made. Yes the West is rich and the people in Africa are poor and yes the people of the US consume more than what most other countries do but so what? You forget that the US is self made country, the American wealth is a result of its people's ingenuity, courage and sacrifice. When settlers first came to the US it wasnt any better than the poorest african nation in the world at that time. It is the spirit of the American people that has trasformed a vast underdeveloped land inhabited by illiterate natives to the wealthy nation you see today. We have see the ups and the downs and we know that what we have today is what America has rightfully earned.

Is it a crime to enjoy the fruits of our labour ?? How does Americans buying cars kill the rest of the people of the world ? If it is pollution, then I am sure the Africans and the Asians cant get to breath my gas fumes !!
This is all yet another reflection by the media. To show the world that the US is somehow getting an undue share and this was done by cheating the world of its rightfull share of wealth. Anybody who has read our American History will definitely find this to be total garbage. But for the majority of the world that hasnt, what they have been told is what they will believe and once they believe they very rarely will want to see things differently.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 05:04 AM
IAF101, I couldnt have said that better myself. It's all too often I see posts like that coming from Souljah. Souljah, you can have your opinion and I will respect that but you seem to have an obsession with America, as most of your posts seem to slam her with whatever you can find, true or not.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
Most people in the developing world clearly cannot afford to do so thus no logical comparision can be made.

Most People in Developing World cannot Afford to buy FOOD!

Hey - buts thats their Problem, right? If they DIE on daily basis because of Severe Malnutrition, thats all Fine. It's their Fault anyway - why don't they get a Decent Job?

The ocean is reagarded as the best absorber of atmospheric pollutants, this makes the US pollution limited to the N.American continent only. The only countries that can seek to complain are Canada and Mexico. The rest of the world is relatively uneffected by US pollution.

Yea Sure. Thats why we have a GLOBAL Warming Effect - see if you Effect a BIG Ocean such as Atlantic or Pacific, you put the Delicate Natural Balance out of balance, thus creating a Worldwide BUTTERFLY Effect. Everybody will pay for it - thats why there have been such sever Storm Seasons, and not just in the USA. The Planet is defending Herself against the Human Cancer - and sooner or later it will get rid of us, one way or another. Just Watch.

Yes the West is rich and the people in Africa are poor and yes the people of the US consume more than what most other countries do but so what?

That was the Answer I was Expecting from you: SO WHAT!
As long as you have drive your BIG American Cars, to go and eat in your BIG American Drive-Ins, and you go in your BIG Americna Wal-Marts - SCREW THE REST! Screw'em, if they fight and kill each other for fifty years - thats their problem; the Americna Solution to this problem is to start selling Weapons to BOTH sides, and that way make Money out of other peoples misery. But you won't admit to that - you are just too narrow minded to see above your Walls and Borders, to see and to think once, just once, why do I write this stuff. For me that is a Sad moment, to watch this entire Globe go to Hell, just becase all the Money is Concentrated on One Side; to see people DIE from Malnutrition and Curable Diseases every single day, while the Richest "ELITE" Few get to pick out which 100$ Parfume they are going to buy.

America was founded on 3 Things: GUNS, MONEY and POWER. And those 3 are their Main Export since. In Your short History of 250 Years you have proven nothing else, but that you are extremly Violent People. Because of Foreign Politics since the end of the World War 2, 8 Million People have Died in Foreign Countries. For What?

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 06:51 AM
Soljah, your critise the US in every thread and frankly dont offer up ANY alternatives to how they defend, live or care for themselves.

Frankly I'm sick of your whineing and moaning, Show me for once an answer, a solution.
Go ahead, I dare you to...because frankly I dont think you have one.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 07:30 AM
I agree there devilwasp.

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