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A Reading/Writing Formula

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posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 08:56 AM
There is a strong connection between reading and writing ability. I believe every person has an excellent capacity for both if he or she devotes his or her energies towards both. One reading/writing formula can be created from the following six word sentence: "Mathematics is the backbone of science."

"Mathematics" can be classified as word 1, "is" as word 2...

I have thought of a concept I call phrase-step-building (PSB). When reading the above sentence, first read the entire sentence, and then apply PSB which will help with precision reading and higher reading-image building. Consider the word "mathematics" and its meanings first; consider the word "is" and its meanings second; consider the words "mathematics" and "is" together third; consider the word "the" and its meanings fourth; consider the words "is" and "the" together fifith; consider the words "mathematics", "is" and "the" together sixth...

PSB's formula for the number of reading considerations per sentence is
.5 x (n^2 + n). If considering all possible reading directions (Hebrews and Arabs read from right to left, the Japanese from top to bottom...), the formula would be n! x .5 x (n^2 + n).

This reading method can be applied to any types of reading: words, equations-inequalities-formulas, diagrams-designs (where each curve and line represent a word or words)...

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:01 AM
I'd think this may be a little complicated for the under 5's....

You still have not defined what the method of PSB is so (for myself at least) other may understand the idea of which you have thought.

Communication is important for such a subject and I have to admit I found it funny that you were discussing an conept relating to communication and have trouble communicating you idea.

Please provide a simplified definition of your idea.


[edit on 6/11/05 by Klepto]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by GreatTechI have thought of a concept I call phrase-step-building (PSB).

PSB's formula for the number of reading considerations per sentence is
.5 x (n^2 + n). If considering all possible reading directions (Hebrews and Arabs read from right to left, the Japanese from top to bottom...), the formula would be n! x .5 x (n^2 + n).

This reading method can be applied to any types of reading: words, equations-inequalities-formulas, diagrams-designs (where each curve and line represent a word or words)...

I think perhaps you might like to explore the science of linguistics to help you refine that.

There are indeed formulas, but they are based on word types and language structure and principles like tokenization and a large dictionary (called a "corpus") of language and meaning:

(an intreduction to the subject. WARNING -- linguistics is much more complicated than this and this short defintion is about like saying that 'frogs are amphibians that lay their eggs in water.' It's true, but there is so much more to it):

Current PhD level research:

...a bit more to get you started:

Here's the basic topics in any INTRODUCTION to linguistcs (remember, you can get a PhD in linguistics. This is just an elementary introduction course)

(a translation program based on alorithmns: )

The concepts are used in constructing artificial languages (not all of them, but some of them such as Klingon) and in constructing computer languages and modeling discussions. It has a lot of use in codebreaking too.

posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 11:46 PM
Cool. But I didn't think anyone else thought like that Byrd. Missed me?lol

But yeah, you can treach little kids differently and if they memorize books like I did, then yeah, it would work in most cases. Even through I only get the method because I did that when I was little, and teachers didn't exactly endourse it back then, it's always state and I don't trust some of their education and teaching methods.

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