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The Shocking Treatment Of Republican Blacks

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posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 03:58 PM
I should've direct linked to the page that has the issues of race and the drug war sorry about that...the whole site is worth of view though if folk get a chance.

here is where you will find the statistics on the institutionalized racism caused by the so called "war on drugs".

There are racist hiding within the republican party, and republicans tend to pump their views to get elected. No matter what Dubya said to the racist at Bob Jones--they are racist in a way that him showing up there wasn't going to change. He was on the stump, and he went to rally some racist.
quotes from my links:

Anonymous opponents used "push polling" to suggest that McCain's Bangladeshi born daughter was his own, illegitimate black child. In push polling, a voter gets a call, ostensibly from a polling company, asking which candidate the voter supports. In this case, if the "pollster" determined that the person was a McCain supporter, he made statements designed to create doubt about the senator.

The anatomy of a smear campaign

Just two of many examples of republicans playing on racial hatred to win votes. You may not think that supporting racist ideas to get elected is racism but I disagree.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 04:22 PM
The Democrats really have no vision to put they fall back on vicious attacks that will backfire in their faces. Most Americans hate racism, weather its from the left or right...we dispise it.

So I can say with confidence that Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele will win his Senate race thanks to the "oreo-throwing" Morons who think its ok to play the race-card.


posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
here is where you will find the statistics on the institutionalized racism caused by the so called "war on drugs".

Ok... First off you must know that I think the "war on drugs" is a waste of money and time. I am a firm believer in freedom of choice as it pertains to everything from seat-belt laws to whether or not you want to smoke a joint. I still think "hard" drugs, like anything that is coc aine or heroin based should be illegal. to much money is being spent on our correctional system on non-violent based crime.

Now that that's out of the way I have a question, was the Republican party the sole backer of the "war on drugs" or the mandatory minimum sentencing? I mean, some democrats had to vote for these things as well right? I only ask because I really don't know myself, and I just don't have the time to do the research.

The disparity between minorities and whites being convicted by this law is alarming. That I will agree. But one more question... How do the judges giving these sentences have anything to do with the Republican party?

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 07:38 PM
As a Black i.e., African, German, Dutch, Cherokee and Creek Indian Republican I can honestly say that the Democratic party is a bankrupt institution for a number of reasons, least of which these two.

1. The Dem party is the party of Abortion. They have championed the Choice vote to garner the Female (mostly White) vote over the last 30+ years and continue to do so quietly when not challenged. This stance has weakened somewhat despite media backing of abortion in multi-arenas such as primetime tv and magazine publications that resound the merits of killing unborn babies in the womb, or out if partially born for God sakes.

2. Black people are to some small extent exercising the American bred independence to challenge the "plantation" democrats who take the black vote to be the house nigg**'* vote and shove it back in their smarmy, take you for granted, faces.

I was a slave to that Jimmy Carter #. I voted the line. Now I vote my consicience. I vote to further America, not some crap abortion lobby, lesbian and gay lobby, or how many farm animals one can schtuup in a day and tax all the same lobby.

I believe in unity without color and ignorance............

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 10:20 AM
Lost Sailor, the war on drugs has come mostly from Republican presidents, but usually with Democratic senates. For instance, it basically started in 71 under Nixon, when the Dems held a majority of the senate.

There was more legislation on it in 88- Reagan was president and the Senate was Dem.

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was voted up by a Democrat House, Democrat Senate, and Democrat President. It expanded the federal death penalty, made gang association a crime in and of itself, cracked down on firearms, etc etc.

The war on drugs is really an odd animal because to the extent that I can feel the pulse of the nation, nobody really cares about it and yet neither party can get enough of it.

Republicans use it to show old people that they're tough on crime and the Democrats use it to show pannicky white parents that they care about children's safety.

Meanwhile mainstream America says thanks for bringing a staggering 2% drop in teenage drug use (probably just a sampling error anyway) but since you can't stop the other 98%, why don't you just give back my tax money and knock it off.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 06:11 PM
Hey, saphorina. Are you a minority i.e. black person in America???

I ask because you insult me, as a black man who leans conservative and has to put up with people like you who have no honesty when it comes to Dems and their racism- subtle as it is, unseen to the lackeys they promise panacea, free lunches, end of racism and kumbaya forever every four years.

I was a Democrat who voted for Jimmy Carter, a libertarian after that and once I grew up, I became Conservative- not facist. Not ultra. Just common sense.

Yes, racism is a pandemic that grips whites, blacks and both parties I admit sadly. Yet, accusing one and not the other for your arguments sake is intellectually dishonest.

I endure the vile and invective from black democrats who call me Uncle Tom (not my mom!) and sell out because I have denounced the Dem party. I have my reasons and they are not negotiable. The Dem party is morally bancrupt as opposed to any offering of Repub racism, corruption or malfeasance you can offer, due to their continued use of abortion as a party plank....agree not with me, I do not care. Truth will prevail. Tearing down the values that built America- yes, they do exist no matter how many movies you may see that do not depict them, will not win any national elections for Dems. Red states my friend.

Hillary said it best. "Plantation" She picked the right minority to drop that little reminder of Southern Democratic party ideology (19th century).
And yes Saphorina, the tired ole' story is true. Dems were the party of Slavery then and are now, the motives have just changed along with the amount of greed.
Do blacks really trust the Dems?? No. Blacks do not trust whites period. In public they will utter niceties and agreement with policies that further minority prospects and issues. In private they will utter their contempt when let down by the same. Please understand. My mother is a card carrying, progressive, Kerry, Pelosi DNC party member- I hear the utterings.
Yet, Dems have appropriated the "civil rights" issue and have held sway with minority voters ever since- their only hope at winning office, I might add.
But Repubs have the image that repels despite the uphill battle they fight to at least try to do something that works in this country instead of embracing failure, with the socialist media pouncing on every word uttered by them and labeling conservatives facist, racist, keeper of the oppressor flame (people like you) and just plain evil.

What makes you think your socialist Democrats are any less evil. Are you that dilussional to not see that ? Blacks who buck the slavery of being taken for granted, given empty promises year after year and seeing no real improvement in our condition overall by Dems are villified as traitors to the Race by blinder wearing blacks. I simply cannot support a party that to govern me that embraces murdering babies, same sex marriage etc....that is not the mainstream in America no matter what Hollywood says and John Kerry can testify to that.

Did you know that minority (black) business start ups and housing ownership have risen 40% under "Conservative" leadership these past five years??? Not to mention the low unemployment rate??? I suppose the evil conservatives want to keep us all on the "plantation" where Hillary sees us in her dreams....................

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 08:48 AM

Hey, saphorina. Are you a minority i.e. black person in America??? I ask because you insult me, as a black man who leans conservative

Well, I feel insulted when I'm called a minority. Everyone is offended by get used to it.

This thread is about a black man who was ridiculed for running as a republican and all I could do was offer my opinion and maybe some perspective at the time, which I did. I never called you an uncle tom but I won't lie there are plenty of folk that I do consider uncle tom's usually it has nothing to do with politics. Black folk that run up behind white folk, changing themselves to suit white folk or just to get folk that take the opinion of white folk as gospel just cause they white...and black folk that wish they were white so they treat other black folk like second class citizens...racist black folk are uncle tom', do you fit this bill, I don't know you personally, and I actually couldn't careless.

Now, I don't support no Hillary--so don't think I'm going to waste my time and energy defending that useless waste of hairspray and botox. With that said, I am more on the progressive side with my politics which Hillary is not...I would rather live in an America run by Dennis Kucinich than Dennis Hastert anyday. The issues that concern me don't have a race. When I step in the voting booth I'm not voting for just black folk and their issues. I'm voting for my country, my state, my city, and my county. I'm voting for the world I want to live in. I'm voting for the great society though it has become obvious that most of Washington is under corporate control I still want to believe in that America as it was framed by L.B.J and that is how I vote.

Lately, I'm disillusioned, and I barely wanted to respond because I don't trust no one up there in Washington...instead of wanting the Great Society...I'm starting to think I just want my country back from these fools that are selling our sovereignty to the highest bidder. Tis gross this globalization. One day we will wake up in Sector 3 instead of The United States of America. With all of that said...woo-wee...Republicans have used race as a party platform and I gave a few recent examples. You can choose to deny that fact so that you can vote as a rep or you can fight the power from within and demand that the reps stop it with the race baiting (as they have promised).

For your pleasure a study done of brain activity of liberals and here

Another study presented at the conference, which was in Palm Springs, Calif., explored relationships between racial bias and political affiliation by analyzing self-reported beliefs, voting patterns and the results of psychological tests that measure implicit attitudes -- subtle stereotypes people hold about various groups.

That study found that supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did.


For their study, Nosek, Banaji and social psychologist Erik Thompson culled self-acknowledged views about blacks from nearly 130,000 whites, who volunteered online to participate in a widely used test of racial bias that measures the speed of people's associations between black or white faces and positive or negative words. The researchers examined correlations between explicit and implicit attitudes and voting behavior in all 435 congressional districts.

The analysis found that substantial majorities of Americans, liberals and conservatives, found it more difficult to associate black faces with positive concepts than white faces -- evidence of implicit bias. But districts that registered higher levels of bias systematically produced more votes for Bush.

Edit: Because i hate when I type "you" when I mean "your"...peace...oh, and I feel those red eyes on me already--the steam is whistling out of the ears of the republicans....oh my, oh my what shall I do--but the brain waves don't lie....

[edit on 12-2-2006 by Saphronia]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:54 PM

This thread is about a black man who was ridiculed for running as a republican and all I could do was offer my opinion and maybe some perspective at the time, which I did. I never called you an uncle tom but I won't lie there are plenty of folk that I do consider uncle tom's usually it has nothing to do with politics. Black folk that run up behind white folk, changing themselves to suit white folk or just to get folk that take the opinion of white folk as gospel just cause they white...and black folk that wish they were white so they treat other black folk like second class citizens...racist black folk are uncle tom', do you fit this bill, I don't know you personally, and I actually couldn't careless.

Sorry to not get back to you....okay. Here is my take. I agree with you in the sense that there are people who (of all makes) suck up to gain position, prestige, honors or other forms of status in this world while denying and putting away their legacy. I just call them assholes.
The one category you ommitted, by accident I am sure my erudite friend, was the one that includes those who are what they are simply due to the fact that they truly believe in what they see is the way to live their lives. If you are minority i.e., Black in America, you are expected to lean to a certain form. Your predelictions are automatically a given when election time comes around and your feelings are manifest in the movies as rote behaivour and attitude towards the Man.....not so my friend. Not so. Some form the other minority that truly believe in a way that can benefit us all as Americans without strife of differences we seem to so often conjure in our endless machinations to gain the upperhand over each other..............


[edit on 3-4-2006 by Tyriffic]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:58 PM
at the risk of sounding racist, or which i am not one, isn't the phrase 'black republican' somewhere between a punch line and an oxymoron?
a non-partisan myself (actually, i'm anti-politician) i can understand it, but, geez, it just wounds weird.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 12:50 AM
DirtyBoots, that's because you've been taught that you can't be black and a Republican because it would be the same as being black and a member of the KKK.

Thankfully, more and more blacks are opening their eyes to the hypocrisy behind this claim. Republican "racism" stems from not giving blacks a privileged playing field, but treating them as all other Americans. In other words, Republicans claim that blacks are just as capable of making it or breaking it in this world as any other race, while others say they're less than other races and need advantages to be able to succeed. Blacks can't make it on a level playing field; they need the government to grant them a special status.

Personally, I would wonder how a black person could be a liberal and not feel like krump about themselves being a lesser race, but that's just me.

It's ideology, not race. Republicans have one ideology, Democrats another. Just because someone's skin color is a darker tint does not mean they cannot have a certain ideology. That is racism.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:04 AM
A couple questions...

How Many Blacks are in the KKK? CCC? Neo-Nazis? 0
How Many Republicans? ALL! Why? All are conservative groups, conservatives are republicans.

Why do you think Black Republicans are seen as traitors? Because all the Hate Groups that want them dead are Republican groups. It's like a meat eating hunter joining PETA, like say, Ted Freaking Nugent becoming the President of PETA and ALF!

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:08 AM
Uhhh...Republican groups? I really hope you can back that with some unbiased figures, such as national GOP funds supporting the KKK or something. Otherwise, I might suspect you're making assumptions because you disagree with someone's ideology regardless of facts of any kind.

Also, on your premise, if I find a single non-Republican KKK member, would you accept that you're completely wrong? If I find a hate group with ties to the Democratic party, would that mean that all Democrats have the same beliefs as that group? Do you believe exactly what Joe Lieberman believes?

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:34 AM
Jake, are you serious? DO you really think there are black people in the KKK? Gays in the KKK? Hippies in the KKK? Hispanics in the KKK? Jews in the KKK? Scientists in the KKK? Liberals period in the KKK? Tell me, please, I know of one KKK member, a former KKK member, who is a democrat, who apologized for being in the KKK. The rest are Republican Senators and in the House. Never heard Old Strummy aplogizing for calling out for the genocide of blacks did you?

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by DevinS
DO you really think there are black people in the KKK?

Gays in the KKK?

Hippies in the KKK?

Hispanics in the KKK?

Jews in the KKK?

Scientists in the KKK?
sadly, yes

Liberals period in the KKK?

Tell me, please, I know of one KKK member, a former KKK member, who is a democrat, who apologized for being in the KKK.
Ahh, so your universal has been broken. How many racists do you know who say, "I have a black friend"?

The rest are Republican Senators and in the House.
ahh. And which, pray tell, members are those? I assume you can give names, and links to KKK rosters?

Never heard Old Strummy aplogizing for calling out for the genocide of blacks did you?
Ahh, and this must mean every Republican is a KKK member. When was the last time you looked up the word bigot? Webster defines it as:

a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

You have stated, essentially, that all Republicans are KKK members, racists, people who advocate genocide against anyone not...What were Dean's words again? Oh, right, white male Christians, and the only beacon of hope is the Democratic party which is perfect and loves everybody, would never use racism or bigotry for political gain, and is simply the only choice for thinking individuals.

I don't think I have to say anything more...

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by junglejake
Uhhh...Republican groups? I really hope you can back that with some unbiased figures, such as national GOP funds supporting the KKK or something.

article | posted April 26, 2005
Justice Sunday Preachers
Max Blumenthal

Senate majority leader Bill Frist appeared through a telecast as a speaker at "Justice Sunday," at the invitation of the event's main sponsor, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. "Justice Sunday" was promoted as a rally to portray Democrats as being "against people of faith." Many of the speakers compared the plight of conservative Christians to the civil rights movement. But in sharing the stage with Perkins, who introduced him to the rally, Frist was associating himself with someone who has longstanding ties to racist organizations.

Four years ago, Perkins addressed the Louisiana chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), America's premier white supremacist organization, the successor to the White Citizens Councils, which battled integration in the South. In 1996 Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,500 for his mailing list. At the time, Perkins was the campaign manager for a right-wing Republican candidate for the US Senate in Louisiana. The Federal Election Commission fined the campaign Perkins ran $3,000 for attempting to hide the money paid to Duke.

They don't cut the checks directly from the GOP with "institutionalized racism and fear mongering" in the memo line. Your party is much more insidious than that.

[edit on 4-4-2006 by RANT]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:06 AM
Rant, you're alive!

I'm not questioning that there is scum in the Republican party that supports such organizations or would support such organizations were they able to without political fallout (as Perkins had tried to do, kinda sorta, though it wasn't funding the organization but buying its mailing list. If you remember when David Duke ran for president before the media outted him, he managed to paint himself as a regular guy and had charisma. Some people bought into it before the truth came out. There could be more to the story...).

What I am questioning is the sanctity with which Democrats seem to hold their party. I know y'all hate it when this happens, but it's going to happen again. I'm just going to say three words: Bill Clinton. Hypocrisy.

Then there's congresswoman McKinney who, apparently, is above the law because she's black....Well, because she's a black democrat. Could she be guilty? According to her supporters, it doesn't matter:

The Rev. Reverend Darrell D. Elligan, president of Concerned Black Clergy, called McKinney competent, courageous and committed.

"She has our support unconditionally," Elligan said. "She is not a threat to the security of our country."


I'm going to close with something that may be tough to wrap your minds around. It's one of those hard truths that people don't always like to hear:

Democrats aren't perfect.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:38 AM

So the party that has Dick Cheney as VP, the man who voted AGAINST calling for Nelson Mandela to be released and is an apologist for apartheid...

...the Sean Hannity crowd, you know Hannity right, the guy who has Bob Grant on his radio program on Martin Luther King Day, Grant who describes Dr. King as a "scumbag" and Black Africans as "savages"... a country where David Duke is TWICE elected as a state representative and almost became governor.....

...who pathetically try to make Lincoln out to be some Great Friend of Black People when he was in truth as straight-up racist as anyone else and stated that Blacks and Whites can NEVER exist in political and social equality.....

....who actually believe themselves to be a viable alternative to the OTHER PARTY WHO ALSO DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE....

are claiming "Oh, my, isn't terrible for the poor Black Republican gentleman"
because they care about Black people, or because they want to bash their political enemies and think Nee-groze make a fine political football?

Neither party cares about Black Africans.

Independence from Amerikan society is the answer for the long-suffering Black Africans of the US.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Wait Jake, to help you found a Liberal Hate Group!

Black Panthers! Well, not really hate group, just fighting for blacks equal rights with violence and warfare instead of being dragged to death behind a car with a Vote Bush bumper sticker. Of course they died off mostly after blacks were given the same rights as everyone else, to be more then monkeys by republicans, but still exist in some places.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by linoleumpoppyz
Democrats were the party that championed civil rights and welfare

Oh yeeeeaaaaah! And this is what makes this nation sooooo greeeaaaat!

Last I heard is that racial tensions is on the rise and civil rights is just a label. Welfare is not for the Americans anymore, it for the Mexicans!

Yeah! Right! The Democrats have really done this nation justice!

[edit on 17/4/06 by Intelearthling]

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