posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 01:36 AM
Not really, Flinx. If you go by archaic racial models, when people didnt know any better, then yeah.
But Arabs are not related to Indo Europeans or other Europeans. they have no root in the Caucasius mountains. Arans were once thrown in with the bunch
because the old racial model thought the world divided into black, white and yellow. Now we know there is at least 9 or 10.
Indians, for the most aprt belong to the south asian race, also once know as Dravidians. They are clsely related to the Australian aborginies, it is
believed, judging by charactersitics and blood types.
Middle easterners were once considered Medditerranian Caucasian, bit new studies show its too broad a group. caucasian,a s sated, generally was
refering to indo Europeans and native Europeans, who orgininated in the Caucasious mountains. throuhg invasions and trade, they filtered into the
middle east, intermarrying with the numerous tribes there. Thus, they have seom Caucasian history, tho mostly through intermarriage.
The North Indians themselves are mixed as well. The Aryans invaded India around 1500 BC, and eventually, intermarried with the local Dravidian
population, and later, the invading Moguls. Sometimes youll find people in northern india who look no different from an average European. This is a
remnant of the Aryan tribes.
This si also, sadly, where the caste system came from: histoys first large scale recorded race discrimination. The Aryans, who invaded a people very
different in appaearance from them, in the fashion of most conquerers, set up the caste system to elevate themselves above the conquered Dravidans by
putting the dark skinend Dravidans in the lower castes, and elevating the Aryans to the higher castes. This system went on for millenia until
recently, when it finally eroded. caste, in case youre wondering, comes from the Sanskrit word for "color". the caste system was based on the color
of your skin, basically. And now you know Hitlers reasons for his obsession with the Aryans. Iran was taken from the word "Aryan". Iran meant land
of the Aryans. The Iranians, youlls till find some that look "white" instead of "middle eastern". Same with Afghanistan. Both countries speak Indo
European languages, not Arabic. Persian is closer to English, Russian, German, Italian, ect than it is Arabic. The Iranians (or Persians, as they once
we called) eventually, through the conquest of islam, intermarried with other peoples, the Mongols, the Arabs, even Black people from Africa.
Aryans, Teutons, latins, Litts, Celts, Slavs, all came from the core Indo European Group in the Caucasius mountains. When the Danubian basin flooded
about 6000 BC, they were forced to migrate outwards into other regions and lands. Some went west into Europe, some went east into india and Pakistan.
Some went north, and some satyed closer to home. But they had to leave, because the whole Danubian basin of the black sea flooded em out.
Thus, you could say, yes, Arabs and Indians could be considered caucasian. However, when you speak culturally, and even racially in some aspects then
no, they wouldnt be, and most Arabs that I know of dont consider themselves Caucasian or white, they consider themselves a race of thier own.
Remeber that girl, that Afghan girl, on the cover of national geographic with the pale green eyes and European looking face? thats what Im talking
about. Remnants of the indo European tribes that once lived there, later intermarrying with people who traveled or invaded.
If an Arab wanted to join a Caucasian club, or an indian, then I dont see why they shouldnt be allowed. Nor an indian. Though Im not sure if they
would idnetify with such a group. Its a pretty tricky scenario!
See, Colonel, white people have a history too, that 90% are completely unaware of. A group where we could discuss the pros and cons of white hisotry
together without political bias and historical fraud would be great. i wish i had someone in school to talk about with, but we had none.
Did anyone know Buddah was a white guy? he was described as having red hair and blue eyes, an Aryan prince I believe. And one who was disgusted by the
caste system, thus, his search for truth led him to englitenment under the Bodhi tree, about the foolishness of the Hindu gods and the absurdity of
the caste system, and all these things led to unhappiness, sheding the ego, the human instincts, leads to freedom.