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Unity of all religions

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posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 10:23 AM
I would like to know what others think of the idea of "unity of all religions".

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by raunholt
I would like to know what others think of the idea of "unity of all religions".

When you say "unity of all religions", which of the following do you mean:

1. All current religions sign peace treaties so that their followers can live in peace.

2. Create one religion, which would attract followers from all religions, and therefore create one unified religion.

3. Find the common link between all religions.

Inverencial Peace,

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:15 AM
Either unify the religions or get rid of them entirely to make the earth a much more peaceful place to inhabit. Problem here is that we would have to come out with a new form of population control.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:49 AM
This is already in the works. The previous pope has brought together diverse religions in hopes of uniting them. There is a problem with that. Not all religions are the truth. Nothing is more important than finding and accepting the truth because each person's eternal destiny is at stake.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
This is already in the works. The previous pope has brought together diverse religions in hopes of uniting them. There is a problem with that. Not all religions are the truth. Nothing is more important than finding and accepting the truth because each person's eternal destiny is at stake.

Four posts in and we already have an example of why this is impossible. No matter what religion.. there will always be someone telling believers of another that their truth isn't the right one. For world wide peace.. this means their perception of reality must be inferior and therefore they are in need of conversion yes? How have religions always gone about converting the reluctent masses? It's funny how religion puts more importance on death rather than life.. easier to kill the heathens that way I suppose.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:57 AM
I love your topic but I fear that most people can never agree

Nothing would make me more ahppier than to see a lot of people together nothing of seperation ed funny hats,robes what have you.

I was talking about this topic earlier actually. I was trying to think of a way that would strike peace within everyone. Kinda like do an action that will continue to grow, kinda like the pass it on movie....ya know?

Originally posted by raunholt
I would like to know what others think of the idea of "unity of all religions".

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 01:56 AM
I think the only way for religion to be unified is for the following to accure.

People (especially christians) will have to become inclusive rather then exclusive in the pursuit of truth and the light of the divine, no more of this "You must belive in this prophet or that messiah". And people will have to set aside grudges and predjudice from 1000 years before they were born

Once this has been achieved, common links must be found between the faiths, for instance, All of the old faiths belive in several common things.. creation (though it seems to be more metaphoric to me in all cases), the great flood, a promised redeemer or savior, persecution of the redeemer or savior. in both Christiandom and Hinduism the great redeemer/savior is put to the cross and then was ressurected.

Next, people have to account for the language barrier, just because Christians call God Jehovah, the Hebrew call him Yahweh (which is where the name Jehovah comes from), and the muslim call him Allah.. that doesnt mean they are worshipping different gods. YOUR name in english might be say... Bob, but it wont be Bob is say... japanese.. but your still Bob arent you? even if the japanese call you something different... it just means Bob is japanese.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by japike
I love your topic but I fear that most people can never agree

Then we must let go of our fondness of 'agreement!' If we have no attachments then we would have no arguments--and could then form a true attachment amongst ourselves.

I was talking about this topic earlier actually. I was trying to think of a way that would strike peace within everyone. Kinda like do an action that will continue to grow, kinda like the pass it on movie....ya know?
Do I ever!
The answer?


posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Becon of Light
People (especially christians) will have to become inclusive rather then exclusive in the pursuit of truth and the light of the divine, no more of this "You must belive in this prophet or that messiah". And people will have to set aside grudges and predjudice from 1000 years before they were born

Christian persecution has been around since the beginning and will get worse. People want tolerance unless it concerns Christ, because He presented the truth. That truth requires a person to humble himself and change and place God above himself and people aren't willing to do that.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
Not all religions are the truth.

You need to reorganize your sentence to be more easily understood. It needs to read "All religions are not the truth".

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by spamandham

Originally posted by dbrandt
Not all religions are the truth.

You need to reorganize your sentence to be more easily understood. It needs to read "All religions are not the truth".

Or: no religion is truth.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:13 PM
Well what I ment was that there may be is a commen sours in many religions.

3. Find the common link between all religions. Yes thats what I ment.

I think there is a deeper truth in the religions but I dont think that the truth is religious and those who run the religious instututions are not telling the truth.

spamandham "Not all religions are the truth" I agree

I was thinking about the ancient religions Hinduism Christianity Islam Buddhism. and a few more.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by raunholt]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:34 PM
There is a big divide between religions on how salvation is achived. The whole Faith vs Works argument is the biggest hurdle to face when trying ot unify religion. Then you ahve the religious leaders who rely on the works method to achive thier power and riches. That is why many times Muslims will galdly fight over Mosques becasue Mosques are where the money is.

Then you have the Non-thesistic based religions verses monothesium, and poly theisum (Buddist vs Judeo Christion, nature or Hindu)

In the end all you get are a single message of peace and love for one another, without any real meaning or zeal

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by raunholt
3. Find the common link between all religions. Yes thats what I ment.

If you are able to find a common factor, an unchanging variable between most religions of the world, you would have find the basis of truth.

When we really look at religions, not their dogma or doctrine, but the experiences attained when followed, you will find that they all have something in common.

We will not awake, without knowing that we are asleep.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by raunholt
spamandham "Not all religions are the truth" I agree

I was thinking about the ancient religions Hinduism Christianity Islam Buddhism. and a few more.

he he. I had actually reworded it "All religions are not the truth". From my perspective, all=all.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by raunholt

3. Find the common link between all religions. Yes thats what I ment.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by raunholt]

I don't know about ALL religions but I have watched programs on several different religions and they said that just as christianity is waiting for the return of Jesus Christ others are also waiting for the return of a messiah.

If that is true, and you don't know the truth about Christ's return, then an antichrist will show up and be mistaken for the real Jesus Christ.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:44 PM
Or could it be....that most have already been deceived? Not in the sense of what the christian end-time lore presents--but something like this scenario:

Human beings 'fell from consciousness', that is--connection with our mutual Creator (whatever or whoever you choose to label such)--and we've been working back toward that place ever since...

Mankind has always kept the vague notions and memories, garbling them up with religious boundaries--out of a sincere desire to regain unity with God. But we cannot know the way back without some sort of guide--and the delusion of separateness and the finality of death is mighty persuasive to those in a material plane.

And so we've been sent prophets and 'dreamers of dreams' all along the way--to provide those hints that keep us stretching toward what seems impossible yet feels true. And then, after many many centuries of slow advancing toward the light, one man was born who was sent to demonstrate that death is not the end and that love is the answer--and that, most importantly--we are all one big family--from the same source, all of us--and the truth is liberating in the most extreme sense.

That one man had fully the consciousness that is God within him, and so had the interests of everyone as motivation--not just one certain group or sect. He was the ultimate prophet, and the first-born back to life from our current situation--the one who connected the seen with the unseen and bridged the gap we could not even see.

And yet he said that it would cause more strife among us than ever. And it has---the main reason is that we still have not realized, for the most part, that we are all one in the same. What I do to another I also do to myself. If we do not care for each other, then who will care for us in our time of need? If we only seek that which benefits us--at the cost of another--then in time we will lose that which we sought because of another who takes it away for the sake of their own dream.

I don't think the original Buddha (Prince Guatama) ever meant to start a 'religion.' There are many more lights that have shown us glimpses and instead of lighthouses, we built 'churches' and dogmas--when our prisons were demolished, we built new ones.

Neither do I think Yehoshua came to start a religion, either. He came to be the 'light at the end of the tunnel,' so to speak--and the ultimate message is not of being anointed, but being anointed as the one who be resurrected first.

'I am the way, the truth, and the light, and no one gets to the Father except though me.'

Not a call to a religious order of any type--but the declaration that only by dying in this world can we truly cross over to the place where life is real and not delusion. The truth is that we are 'spirits in a material world' as the Police sing, and the light is, well, just that--light. Where all is seen and no hidden dangers lurk in the corners.

In that scenario--considering anything that is 'against' the anointed is 'antichrist'--and death and separation from one another is against what the anointed came to reveal. And so then, the 'antichrist' would be religion--mainly the christian one, but likely all group pursuits toward spirituality would qualify. They make more rules and hold their ultimate power by focusing on the uncertainties of our mortality. To say that some will die or suffer forever, while others do not, just because of a label or attachment to a certain set of rules--that is both segregation and death. It's self-serving in a pretty wrapper of 'saving others from their sins'. It is selfishness, and that is against unity and love.

We are all one--but we cannot realize that except in a solitary fashion. We cannot connect by conformity--only by compassion.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
That one man had fully the consciousness that is God within him, and so had the interests of everyone as motivation

In that scenario--considering anything that is 'against' the anointed is 'antichrist'--and death and separation from one another is against what the anointed came to reveal. And so then, the 'antichrist' would be religion--mainly the christian one, but likely all group pursuits toward spirituality would qualify.

Queenie, when I first started reading your posts you said you were a christian, but what you believe doesn't agree with that, so a red flag came up for me. Then a week or so ago on a post you said you don't like labels and would not call yourself a christian. From some posts it appears you believe in reincarnation. Now I am trying to understand better what you believe and why, so I'm just asking questions.

1st question-Are you talking about Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ from the Bible, who came and died for sin and was resurrected?
2nd-Assuming you are talking about the same Jesus I am, you say He had God consciousness within Him. I would like to know if you believe Jesus is God?
3rd-Now you say that the christian religion is antichrist, so now I would definitely assume you are not a christian because of that statement, would that be correct?

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
I don't know about ALL religions but I have watched programs on several different religions and they said that just as christianity is waiting for the return of Jesus Christ others are also waiting for the return of a messiah.

That really shouldn't come as a surprise considering how many of the world's modern religions have their roots in Egyptian mythology.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 04:09 PM

Unity of all religions

I would like to know what others think of the idea of "unity of all religions".

I would like to think that is GOD's agenda.

How does one define ligion, and how can I repeat or do it again? "re" does mean to repeat, or again ..... doesn't it?

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