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I just wanna thank everyone who posts on this web site

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posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:08 PM
well, ereng, don't let the assault of thought police stop you from speaking your mind.
welcome, and let's see what's in your brain..........

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:15 PM
You are welcome Ereng, and thank you for posting.

As billybob says, don't let the thought police stop you. Keep thinking, reading, evaluating, and talking too - it's all part of the process. And no matter what anyone might try to make you believe - it's the process that's important.


posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:20 PM
What a nice post. Welcome, Ereng.

But it's disturbing how some people are giving Ereng advice assuming that s/he's a 12-year-old who has read one thread and suddenly had a revelation. Let's give him/her some credit, eh.

And remember, folks. Osama Bin Laden destroyed WTC7 in a perfect demolition implosion using the Islamic laser-beams which come out of his eyes when he prays to Allah.

Deny Ignorance! Deny Jihadist Super-beings!

[edit on 2005-10-18 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by billybob
well, ereng, don't let the assault of thought police stop you from speaking your mind.
welcome, and let's see what's in your brain..........

Don't fall in with the loony bin crew either and end up being so bitter and twisted that you won't believe anything you are told unless it goes against wisdom, knowledge, common sense and your sense of what's right.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 02:53 PM
and remember, ereng, some will try and ascribe things to you that you never intended. your words will be 'twisted', and your thoughts will be 'embittered' by the constant browbeating and "putting words in my mouth" by 'superior' intellects that know more than we will ever know. HAHA!

check out dave emory's website, '' for some REALLY good info on the shape of the 'hidden ground'. listen to FTR#522 and up for some serious revelations regarding the who's who, and the motives of the shadow cabal.

[edit on 18-10-2005 by billybob]

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith

Originally posted by billybob
well, ereng, don't let the assault of thought police stop you from speaking your mind.
welcome, and let's see what's in your brain..........

Don't fall in with the loony bin crew either and end up being so bitter and twisted that you won't believe anything you are told unless it goes against wisdom, knowledge, common sense and your sense of what's right.

That stuff annoys me. To think that every single thing is a conspiracy.
Oh the government blew the leavees. Every terrorist attack must be state sponsored! History has a track record of, while not publicly, siding with those conspiracy theories that end up being true.

So it's up to people to do the research, look up the fact sand decide for themselves. Just because someone believes the US allowed 9/11 doesnt mean they believe in a world illuminati world government; and just because someone believes in UFO's doesnt mean they believe 9/11 was an inside job or that JFK was a conspiracy. I guess people come from all sorts of backgrounds in their thinking; be it christian, new age, historical background, scientific, etc.

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