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posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 10:39 PM
I watched this new show on TLC called "Dead Tenents" starring The Preternatural Research Society. Oh... no.... One Docu-Reality show about ghost hunters is enough, two is too many.

Comparing the two on these catagories...
strongest in the catagory will be listed first.

T.A.Ps wins hands down, they have real personalties, real people with real problems.

PRS: They were sorta.... Blah...

PRS: They have some beautiful people working for them, too bad they don't have a personality to go with it.

TAPS: Please.... They only have one attractive member on their team.

Thoroughness of Research:
PRS: Their investigations last three days, and they do a full investigation, looking over everything.

TAPS: Their research, though thorough for only lasts a few hours. Their Strong High-Point: They don't accept Orbs as proof! An Insect or Dust partical isn't a ghost.

Neither are strongest, they both fall short.
TAPS: Agnostics and Atheists that believe in demons, devils, spirits really baffles me. Yet they have a Christian Delieverance minister on their staff, since they don't believe, why have one on their staff?
PRS: A seance to cleanse or drive out the spirits? Is that like Killing for peace? Or Eating ice cream and pizza to get thin? It doesn't make sense, and neither do they!

Whom would I watch?
TAPS. because atleast they have boring TWO investigations in an hour of TV, vice PRS with one boring investigation per TV hour.

MTV's "Fear" is way better than both.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 08:25 PM
TAPS vs PRS; Round TWO.

In another Less-Than-Exiciting episode of TAPS, they went to two haunted places, using a FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) video cam. They got a picture of something that should not have been, a what appears to be a Civil War soldier.
In the second boring investigation, two dorks from the TAPS team went out wandering the woods looking for bigfoot or something, they got freaked out by a deer and a cat. Really, Jason and Grant sent them out their so they'd get out of their hair.
Then the interview with a medium that was older than dirt. This ancient man read the lives of both of them. They got some strange activity on the FLIR during the questioning. The colors were shifting around. very odd!

In "Dead Tenents" second extremely boring episode. They went to some house haunted by some spirits of some dead jerks that were harassing the familes. The had a big and dramatic seance with abunch of people acting like idiots. After the seance, they pissed off some entity and a pipe burst getting water everywhere. The crazy mother blamed it on her dead selfish mother. Strange part is, there were no pipes running along that floor and where they water was coming from is unknown, it looked more like urine.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 08:39 PM

TAPS Wins!

Yes they stay for a night, but...


They have people, not "I feel a presence..." The PRS people need to get a life, the TAPS people actually sound/look like they know what they are doing.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Full Metal
They have people, not "I feel a presence..." The PRS people need to get a life, the TAPS people actually sound/look like they know what they are doing.

Them PRS folks indeed need to get a better psychic that doesn't start crying on the drop of a hat. She is half street corner/1-900 psychic and half D-List actress.

TAPS psychics, when they have employed them on season 1 episodes, were 10 times more stable.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
TAPS: Their research, though thorough for only lasts a few hours.

Yep. Ghosts don't perform on cue. They aren't punching a clock.
our house is active for a few months, then quiet for a few months,
then active ..... If they were to show up here, their results would
depend on when they happened to be here ... during the active
or inactive phase of the spooks hauntings.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 07:41 AM
Yea but on the other hand these guys have familys as well as a TV show. Would you want to be away from your family for 3 or 4 nights just because some crackpot said thier house is haunted? If you notice even when they dont get any evidence they dont say "The house isnt haunted". They say " We didnt get enough evidence to prove or disprove". Its real wasy to sit on the other side of the screen and criticize but I dont see any other efforts being made.

I guess it depends on what you want to see. If you are looking for some crackpot claiming to have psycic powers than by all means watch that kind of show. Im not saying pyscics dont exsist ( I know one). Im saying that a true psychic isnt going to bastardize thier abilities like the idiots on TV.

Personly I prefer TAPS because they are more objective about thier research. They dont want you to take things on thier word. they look for ways to disprove what they find.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 04:44 PM
Exactly Zombie, they have real jobs also to pay for this, they don't charge people for what they do, unless you consider being given a room for the night to set up equipment on say, the Queen Mary, as payment.(Don't people spend hundreds to stay for a night?)

They have a life outside of TAPS that requires the attention of them.

Also, I am waiting for an episode of PRS to have...

"I feel a presence, he is telling me, 5, 72, 12, 44, 32, and Power Ball is 90. Call me now!"

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:37 PM
I personally do not like the Taps group. I find them overly opinionated, overly skeptical and unwilling to have malleable views of ghostly manifestations. Oh yeah, someone using a cell phone is going to cause a metaphysical pulling of rip cords from those firemen's lifelines.
Haven't seen that other show so I can't comment. I much rather prefer my Unsolved Mysteries boxed sets. They're vastly more entertaining than hearing closed minded people blathering away about what they supposedly are experts in. Please. The science of paranormal beings is way beyond anything our science can conjure up.

[edit on 23-10-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:00 AM
I watch TAPS, I haven't seen the other though.

In my eyes this is TAPS big flaw: They go into an investigation to "disprove." While it does seem like a logical thing to do, it can shut the door on a valid spirtual happening, before it has actually been proven or disproven.

In one episode they supposedly debunked a phantom smell that came in a basement, by spraying perfume on the outside, trying to get it to go down into the basement. This doesn't debunk that there may have been a valid phantom smell of roses in the basement. All they did was made a smell to come into the basement. It doesn't debunk anything. All it says is "maybe" a smell worked it's way into the basement from the outside. "Disproving" to me means that there is no question that it was "disproven." What happened is they stopped there and didn't look any further into the phantom smell, which may have been a real spiritual occurance.

And just because there was no activity when TAPS was there, does not necessarily mean "case closed," not a haunting.

They should go into an investigation to "prove" not "disprove." Again, to do otherwise risks closing the door on something valid. Proper investigation will either prove, disprove, or leave the issue uncertain. In the investigation of "proving" they are still going to have to make sure that it is not something that has a more "earthly" explanation. I'm not saying they should go in blindly and say "all hauntings are real." Not at all. It's just a better viewpoint, especially with folks who want to show that ghosts "do" exist.

And as was mentioned before, they aren't on a case long enough, in some cases, to really prove or disprove anything. If they could work some of the cases longer somehow, then they might get more evidence one way or the orther. I understand with their jobs and families. If they could figure out how to make a living at it, then they could have more time to spend on TAPS investigations.

But, I like the show, some of the episodes can be non-eventful, but they do come across some goodies.


posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 09:37 AM
I'm sorry but I watched a few episodes of Ghosthunters when I had cable. The first few episodes I saw I was interested but then I became disenchanted when the guys seemed to discredit eye witnesses about what they experienced. The utter skepticism really turns me off. They seem to approach ghost hunting like doing a routine plumbing job. I mean come on, the paranormal isn't exactly like flushing out someone's clogged toilet. Like someone stated somewhere about TAPS, ghost just don't perform on cue sometimes.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 10:31 AM
I don't know about any of you, but I would much rather have taps investigate a haunting. I mean come on I want someone that takes a scientific approach. I don't want some crack pot comming in and saying "ah, yes I feel something...." Taps is very interesting and fun to watch and sometimes you get some evidence that is unexplainable, it helps the skeptical re-evaluate their beliefs.
It hurt my feelings so much to know that someone had tampered with the cameras on the Queen Mary... I'm sure it didn't hurt me as badly as it hurt them, but imagin for a minute if those covers on the bed had really dishelved themselves, that would have been great proof. To bad people felt it necessary to f around with their equipment.

But who knows, maybe more unexplainable, more ghostly images are to come and maybe, just maybe they'll be able to prove once and for all there is life after death. Then they can quit their day jobs and make millions off of full length movies in " " haunted houses... Wonder what ScFi is paying them notice they upgraded from trailer to office space and all new vans??? They must make some revenue from them..

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
I watch TAPS, I haven't seen the other though.

In my eyes this is TAPS big flaw: They go into an investigation to "disprove." While it does seem like a logical thing to do, it can shut the door on a valid spirtual happening, before it has actually been proven or disproven.

In one episode they supposedly debunked a phantom smell that came in a basement, by spraying perfume on the outside, trying to get it to go down into the basement. This doesn't debunk that there may have been a valid phantom smell of roses in the basement. All they did was made a smell to come into the basement. It doesn't debunk anything. All it says is "maybe" a smell worked it's way into the basement from the outside. "Disproving" to me means that there is no question that it was "disproven." What happened is they stopped there and didn't look any further into the phantom smell, which may have been a real spiritual occurance.

And just because there was no activity when TAPS was there, does not necessarily mean "case closed," not a haunting.

They should go into an investigation to "prove" not "disprove." Again, to do otherwise risks closing the door on something valid. Proper investigation will either prove, disprove, or leave the issue uncertain. In the investigation of "proving" they are still going to have to make sure that it is not something that has a more "earthly" explanation. I'm not saying they should go in blindly and say "all hauntings are real." Not at all. It's just a better viewpoint, especially with folks who want to show that ghosts "do" exist.

And as was mentioned before, they aren't on a case long enough, in some cases, to really prove or disprove anything. If they could work some of the cases longer somehow, then they might get more evidence one way or the orther. I understand with their jobs and families. If they could figure out how to make a living at it, then they could have more time to spend on TAPS investigations.

But, I like the show, some of the episodes can be non-eventful, but they do come across some goodies.


I can spot a few probloems with what you say here. First and foremost no they shouldnt go in trying to "prove" anything except reality. I say this for a reason. If they go in looking at a situation like skeptics then even skeptics cant argue with what they find. If they go into an investigation looking to find something they will accept anything as eveidence like camera staprs in photo's and orbs.

Secondly I have never heard them say "case closed". even on the investigations where they dont find anything at all they ask the property owners to keep in touch and let them know if anything else happens. I have a feeling that as things progress they will begin to revisit some of the places they have allready been. A good investigator allways does a follow up.

The utter skepticism really turns me off. They seem to approach ghost hunting like doing a routine plumbing job.

Everything should be aproached in a scientific manor. Some jackass wandering in asking leading questions and claiming to be a psychic isnt exactly convincing to me.

I fully believe in ghosts and hauntings but that doesnt mean that I dont look at claims of a haunting with a bit of scepotiscism. Its healthy to not just take things at face value

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:02 PM
in the future, please refrain from posting in ALL CAPS

[edit on 24-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by mistyrain316
I don't know about any of you, but I would much rather have taps investigate a haunting.

Well, I'd rather have no one doing any kind of investigation at all in my house period. I don't need uptight plumbers telling me it was a cell phone going off down the block causing my Teacup to fall on the floor despite what I know I saw and experienced. Besides, bioelectrical entities seem to not like being around me at all for some reason.

[edit on 25-10-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 04:34 PM
I'm talking about viewpoint. I'm not talking about blindly accepting something as true. Their main goal of the show is "proving hauntings." So why not go into the investigation to "prove" it. Your still going be left with the same answers, and perhaps you might not close the door on the investigation too soon.

Bottom line, I think they are a little to quick sometimes on throwing the "debunk" label on cases.

I do enjoy the show though, even though it can frustrate me.


posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 04:51 PM
PRS SUCKS!!!!! Just saw a new episode, all it was was the fat one saying "I am having trouble breathing, must be a ghost!" *edited comment that illustrated just how much the member didn't like this show*

My god it was so freaking horrible! Nothing on the cameras but the fat one having problems breathing because she took 3 steps and the skinny one "feeling birth".

[edit on 28-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:21 AM
Well since no edit button was on my post above...(Sorry about the comment, and yes it did sahow how much I hated the show)

the PRS Twin gets outed as being fake. Heck Most Haunted spends even less time then PRS with the "I feel a presence" and are now a known fake. Also I watched an episode, they had a quarter in the middle of paper with a circle round it, the point being if the quarter moved you would be able to see that it did, so what do they do? Guy goes over, picks it up, then is amazed that the quarter moved. Peoplem find this entertaining?

TAPS still rules since they don't think a moth proves a haunting.(Orbs, bug, same thing) Or like PRS does "There, a phantom light!" Hey look at that, your flashlight in the mirror yet you use this to prove the haunting.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 03:33 PM
PRS is horriably boring with even with their dreadful re-enactments and fancy graphic designer, with actors not fully committed to their roles.

Another show, which isn't half way bad, actually more interesting

"A Haunting.." series, they did "A Haunting in Georgia" and "A Haunting in Connecticut" (Which so far best acting, Best Direction, cool special effects)

The latest "A Haunting; Hell House" That was freaky. Halloween is almost here and almost over, then comes November 1, by then we've all had enough.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 04:28 PM
I saw a few of those, they were alright. But still, TAPS is the only group left with credibility. PRS has none since a fat woman who can't breath after walking is the proof of a ghost they have, and Most Haunted proof is Derek being "possessed" by a fictional character the people made up.

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