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What Would You Do?

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posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 11:15 PM
Everyone takes topics having anything to do with Religion so seriously!!!

Even within this topic which was totally hypethecical, it usually boils down to those in favor of Religion Preaching Holy Ritchousness Damnations at others for their blasphomy. But also the opposite Anit-Religious, "Out to Prove Others Wrong" through logic and reason or if all else fails "Ego Driven Banter" at others for their Superstitious Thinking.

I sense so much Anger hiding within you people!! So much Blame in which there is no satisfactory target.

I think we should all get together and sit in a "Protective Power Circle of Trust and Love" and sing a song together.........Repeat after me....and smile.....

I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright
And I pity
Any girl
Who isn't me tonight

I feel charming,
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly
Can believe
I'm real

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by SamaraMorgueAnn
Christ will appear tomorrow. Except HE won't assk you to join Him. You will have had that opportunity to have made up your mind a long time now. And if you think you're going to bother Him about details THEN, then you gotta be outta yer mind darling hahaha.

Originally posted by mOjOm
Why, I'll tell ya why! Cause there are quite a few people around the world that would be on the list of getting an "HOLY @SS WHOOPIN!!" Even if I only get to stand back and watch the look on their face when it happened, that would still be fine with me and I wouldn't want to miss those golden moments!!

Also, I would hope the son of God would have some sense of humor, as I'm sure he'd would by picking me in the first place. Cause as he was dishin' out the justly deserved karma to all the nasty bastards of the world, I would be talkin' major $hit, baby!!!! Afterwards, Jesus and I would sit back and have a nice laugh about it too!

Thanks for asking that question, I really enjoyed exploring that little fantasy!

Originally posted by bigsage
i would laugh at all the unfaithfull...
i would cry at all the ignorant...
i would begin my ascension...
and if that means war against evil so be...

When God came to Abraham and told him of his plans for Sodom, Abraham did not express joy at the destruction to come. Instead he pleaded with God for mercy for the sinners, he bargained with God for their lives. I believe this quality in Abraham, this compassion and sense of mercy, is one of the reasons God chose Abraham to be the first of his people.

How is it that modern Christians forget this example that Abraham gives us?

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:54 AM
Mycroft, and others who may be keeping track....

I would not fit the label of "Modern Christian" in any way, shape or form. Nor would I be included in the group of "Classic, Othodox, Reborn, etc. Christian" either. Nor "Caltholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Satanist, Mormon......etc. etc. so on and so forth"

Hopefully that will help in understanding the Creative Lighthearted and IMO Humorous view point of my posts which you quote.

I thought I had displayed enough hints within those specific post to show that I was taking this topic in a non-serious and playful manner. Once again I failed in providing enough clues to bring my intentions into the light, as well as possibly overestimating the nonlinear thinking skills of my audience. I'll try harder next time in my attempts at having some fun.

Thank you for pointing out my uncaring, judgemental and blackhearted personality flaws though. I am probably just as vile and morally corrupt as you've pointed out when compared to Abraham. I'll get back to work on myself right away so that I will be much more of a test in the future when weighing my value as a person against others whether they be living, dead or even written about in books.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 02:37 AM
I have to agree 100% with MC

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 02:55 AM
...what if He already His own way...and we have already said yes...

Joining Him can mean we still remain here on this Earth, still with work to do in His name...

But...if God was to stand in front of me now, and ask me to come with Him, I would say "Of course my would be an honour"

...I also agree with do battle in His name would be glorious...


posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 02:57 AM
mOjOm I offer you my most humbe appologies. Upon further reflection on this thread, I see that I should have realized that your comments were made in jest, and not to be taken seriously. The mistake is mine.

At the same time, the attitude I spoke of is still common among Christians. Do any of them care to comment?

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Mycroft
mOjOm I offer you my most humbe appologies. Upon further reflection on this thread, I see that I should have realized that your comments were made in jest, and not to be taken seriously. The mistake is mine.

No appologies are needed Mycroft, as no offence was taken. I can assure you I've been called much worse things than a "Modern Christian" many times!!

I just wanted to clear up any misconseptions as to what spiritual classification one might assume I belong to.

At the same time, the attitude I spoke of is still common among Christians. Do any of them care to comment?

I certainly wouldn't argue with you there....I know not all Christians are as BackAssWords in thinking as the ones I commonly come across, at least I hope not anyway. As for the mixed up bunch of critics in which I do come in contact with however, "Forgiveness" is certainly not one of their stronger, more evident traits. In fact that specific hang-up seems to flow fairly strong within most organised religious groups in alarming degrees.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 05:06 AM
I'm afraid I have t oadmit to being a little judgemental of Christians, they are supposed to be the moral superiors on the planet yet many do have that "laugh at the poor, stupid unfaithful" attitude and that really annoys me.
Also, the willingness to bow down before a being who says he created us all, when to be honest, there's no proof of that, is something I just can't do myself and don't know how other people can.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Everyone takes topics having anything to do with Religion so seriously!!!

Even within this topic which was totally hypethecical, it usually boils down to those in favor of Religion Preaching Holy Ritchousness Damnations at others for their blasphomy. But also the opposite Anit-Religious, "Out to Prove Others Wrong" through logic and reason or if all else fails "Ego Driven Banter" at others for their Superstitious Thinking.

I sense so much Anger hiding within you people!! So much Blame in which there is no satisfactory target.

I think we should all get together and sit in a "Protective Power Circle of Trust and Love" and sing a song together.........Repeat after me....and smile.....

I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright
And I pity
Any girl
Who isn't me tonight

I feel charming,
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly
Can believe
I'm real



posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 06:44 AM
If he asked me to join him i'd ask what exactly i'd be joining, to explain his views and if those who wrote his words did so correctly or put their own slant on them...
Then i'd either agree or not, respect or not.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:34 AM
Quote/////from Mycroft..When God came to Abraham and told him of his plans for Sodom, Abraham did not express joy at the destruction to come. Instead he pleaded with God for mercy for the sinners, he bargained with God for their lives. I believe this quality in Abraham, this compassion and sense of mercy, is one of the reasons God chose Abraham to be the first of his people.

How is it that modern Christians forget this example that Abraham gives us?
Well said Mycroft!
who sais there isno such Christians today?
Im sure there are......many just do not seek out to find such people........there are monks in Mount Athos Greece that still live like the early Christians did and they pray for all mankind ......for all people .......Holy Monastery of Esphigmenou is in Mount Athos and there live monks that are willing to die for their faith then become ''modernists'' living in todays world.....
article on what is happening below link...

What would I do the post sugests....
Well, Jesus Christ will not be returning to take part in worldly affairs........He has been .......He comes in the clouds(as Revelation states) and will be seen by all ......He will come to judge the living and the dead...

So, it wont be Jesus Christ on earth but the Antichrist..

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by �any
What would you do if Christ appeared tomorrow and asked you to join with him?
Give reasons for your answer.

For me to believe he was Christ, he would have to answer one question I would pose to him.........

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Originally posted by �any
What would you do if Christ appeared tomorrow and asked you to join with him?
Give reasons for your answer.

For me to believe he was Christ, he would have to answer one question I would pose to him.........

Hopefully not the ''John Travolta pose'' in .....'''Saturday night fever''!!!


posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:52 AM
Sorry if I offended you All.S.Eye.

It was all that came to me when you said Pose.....

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