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Depression - HELP!!!

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posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:49 PM
Finding the best dietary regimen for yourself is a must if the cause is biochemical. Many cases of depression tend to have that side to it.

I know that if I eat too much of something exclusively containing white/brown sugar, I get irritable.

Food has a big impact on your mental & physical health. It is fuel for the body. One person's poison can be another's medicine.

You need to find what works for yourself via trial & error.

Even if diet is not the sole cause, getting the right one for yourself goes a long way in helping to move foward to resolve issues that are not attributed to diet alone.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Daystar
thanks guys, for all your advice. i appreciate it alot

i will act upon advice offered, but i would just like to ask a question on finding the cause of my depression:

how can i sort out the problem if the problem's solution is out of my reach?

Go to a counselor. You could probably do it on your own, but you will do it faster with guidence from a pro.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 01:39 AM

i am sorry that i have to ask this but does anyone here know of a way to escape depression besides ADs and counsellors?

If you do not want to take meds, do not want "talk therapy" (or it isn't working fast enough), and your depression just will not go away (couple weeks is plenty), you might want to look into seeking a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is a good idea to specifically ask therapists if they practice it. CBT really focuses on examinating your thought patterns and behavior patterns-- these become radically altered when someone is depressed. Beck's "Cognitive Therapy for Depression" has been both empirically-supported and validated to be effective.

If you go this route, be aware that its normal to see the depression lifting around session 8 or 9. Most insurance companies have psychiatric coverage built into their premiums.

Its always a good idea to explore your real-world options for treatment, it is your right as a consumer. Remember, a doctor is YOUR employee.

Be well,


luckily though, i dont fell suicidal, but i have been asked

It is standard procedure for mental health professionals to ask all patients about potential for suicide. Don't let the questioning procedure insert any irrational ideas into your head =)

[Edited on 12-9-2003 by MKULTRA]

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 02:06 AM
Great suggestions so far...and has been said, you have to find whats right for you.

Sure...medication and therapy/support most definitely has its time and place, heck, working in Mental Health has taught me that for sure. But you also have to find the 'internal key' in order to create change and/or recover.

Everyone has a key...a 'spark' inside them that helps get them through. Its a matter of finding your key...your 'spark'...fanning it into a flame...which when feed will become a fire and raise you from the darkness...or at least burn bright enough so you don't stumble around so much while navigating the darkness.

See...not a lot of people on this board know this, but I'm a Clinical Depressive. Which means that my mood level is normally at a level lower than most 'other' people. Unlike most people, for me to maintain a 'normal' mood level actually requires some input on my part...and I do that in a number of ways: Carrying around pic of loved ones in my wallet, waking up and thinking of one thing positive about the day...and one thing positive about myself. While the job can at times be depressing, in a way it also serves to be heartening at the same bad as it may sound, some of the guys I work with are REAL messed up, are real lost and working with them also allows a daily 'reality check'. No matter how crappy things might be, I go to work and see someone who has it way worse than a way that kinda helps snap ya back outa ya head.

I first became aware of this at 18 years old, well, first time I sought help for it anyway - more correctly help was sought FOR me...and 13 odd years later its still somewhat of a daily battle. These days I manage without Anti-Depressents or counselling...though that is not strictly friends are often the best counsellors around...a good mate to talk to, or just hang with can do more than any amount of 'hourly sessions'.

Its hard some days, particularily in this line of work where you see a lot of misery...its hard not to break down and just cry your eyes out...hard not to just walk away and hide in your hole. I could be happy as larry, experiencing something incredibly joyous...and for no reason my mood will just go *weeeeeeee* down. The trick is to recognise that, and catch it before the crash...just something you learn over time, just part of life...its certainly not the end of life, just something you find a way to work around.

And thats the key point...learning to deal with it and KEEP LIVING...even when all you want to do is just hit the big 'END LIFE NOW' button...or want to crawl into a dark corner, curl up and leave the world for a while.

So ya gotta find your spark Daystar. For me the spark is loyalty and my job and family/friends. Duty is where I find my meaning, find pride, find the undying drive to continue when every fibre of my being is either screaming "ENOUGH!" or worse, is not screaming at embodied 'nothingness'. Thats the spark that eventually becomes the fire again.

Its your spark that gets you what is yours Daystar?? What key part of yourself is relatively matter if everything is falling to pieces around you...what is it? Find out what it is...and FOCUS on doing that more...

It could be anything...but I totally believe everyone has at least one key 'something'. Maybe instead of focussing on doing lots and lots of things to build yourself up...try focussing on that one key 'spark', then when you are a little stronger, focus on something else...bit by bit...and most definitely know its okay to fall back, its okay to have days that are liquid shyte, thats okay and you shouldn't get all down on yourself if it long as in the end the process is, overall, in a forward or upward direction...

...don't think yourself weak are FAR from weak...being hardcore depressed can sometimes be like a 'mini-death', every day...if people knew that, if people FELT it and understood what that feels like...they would know you are not weak, but immensely strong for even continuing to breathe some days...

Wish you all the very best...much strength Daystar...remember even the darkest night must eventually give way to the dawn.


[Edited on 12-9-2003 by alien]

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 03:44 AM
i greatly appreciate the advice that has been offered. i had a feeling that there were others here on ATS that had been, or still are going through the problem.

i read your post with great interest alien, finding a spark seems a good idea!

just for the guys who know meds, the AD is cipramil

anyhow thanks again. it shows that there are good people on this board, and even a sense of comarardery

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Daystar
just for the guys who know meds, the AD is cipramil

Cipramil (Citalopram) also marketed under the name Celexa in the USA...thats the one I found most effective for me. It had the least amount of side-effects and provided the 'boost' I needed in the shortest amount of time. I did however find that any longer than say 2-3 months on Cipramil and I was experiencing heightened anxiety, just getting too 'sketchy' on it...though it was better than other ADs used (particularily Prozac/Fluoxetine) which perhaps helped one deal with their depression more in the way that the side-effects were so invasive/extreme that in the end suffering the depression seemed a BETTER option

But of course medication effectiveness varies from individual to what works for one may be a nightmare for another...sometimes its just a case of 'hit and miss' for a while.

HERE is a list of reviews from people who have used Cipramil.

So ummm, what else can I tell ya about Cipramil? Its what is termed a SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor), which basically works by stabilising the serotonin levels...serotonin being a neuro-transmiter. Seems there is a link between low levels of Serotonin and depression.

What is serotonin?? Well...I'll try and break it all down in basic language...

Serotonin is like this nifty chemical that travels in the brain synapse...what happens, in basic sorta way of describing things, is that ya have this huge network of nerves in your brain...these transmit info/feelings/stimuli etc etc. Now the way this 'info' is transmitted is via nerve to nerve...the thing is theres this tiny little 'gap' between each nerve, between the 'sender' and the 'receiver'...thats called a synapse. When you are feeling some stimuli, one nerve/sender sorta 'passes' across the info like "Whoa, I'm feeling X stimuli" to the second nerve/ does this by way of releasing serotonin into that tiny gap, which is then kinda sucked back up the first nerve/sender so as not to keep sending the info to the receiver. This reuptake of serotonin is normally at a given less serotonin transmitted takes less time to absorb back up...more serotonin takes more time to re-absorb. The time it takes to re-absorb is important...and is basically the key to how SSRIs work.

So...what happens is that the degree of 'clarity/strength', if you will, of the 'info' passed from the first nerve/sender to the second nerve/receiver is kinda dictated by just how much serotonin gets pumped out by the 'sender', which in turn stimulates the 'receiver'. As mentioned above, the speed in which serotonin is re-absorbed, in a way, is also kinda like an indication for the second nerve/receiver of how big a stimulus is being transmitted.

What SSRIs do is sorta 'blocks/slows down' the reuptake of the serotonin by the first nerve/sender...which causes the second nerve/receiver to kinda be tricked into thinking there was more serotonin released by the sender...thus 'amplifying' the stimulus.

...would also be a good idea to run a Google Search on say 'Cipramil Side Effects' and the like to get some more is empowerment...


[Edited on 12-9-2003 by alien]

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 02:02 AM
Here is what I would do in no particular order of urgency:

One reduce usage of meds and switch to St. John's Wort, it worked for me.

Two reduce dependency on therapist whatever, join a support group or find new people to talk with about the problem. Avoid people in your life now because they are negative on you and have no idea what you are going through.

Three, many here said it but exercise, yes! Start easy then as you are able do more. Do not feel that you have to ever meet other's expectations.

Four, diet, as many mentioned here is important. Clean it up and eat healthier. Use the reward system on yourself, when you are good and eat properly reward yourself with a treat. Ask others to help 'police' you.

Five, start getting things done. Start small and work up and even just do what you want to for a change. Amazing the difference this can make for your motivational level.

Six, do something to break the routine, take a vacation or do something you always wanted to do but never did or could before.

Seven, yes many here said it and I really stress it, develop a spiritual life to your own needs!

Lastly, and not least by a long shot read this:
A: You have recently had consciousness raising experience.
Q: (L) And this consciousness raising experience has made it more difficult for them to play with his head?.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What was the consciousness raising experience?
A: Soul searching period.
Q: (V) Have you been doing a lot of soul searching? (T) I've been saying that I have been at 100% depression for six or seven weeks now. (L) What is causing
Terry's depression?
A: Change of DNA.
Q: (T) What brought about the change in DNA?
A: Moving toward 4th level of density reality.
Q: (L) Why does this always seem to cause pain, suffering or depression?
A: All level 1 changes do.
Q: (L) What are level 1 changes?
A: We use "level" designation to denote significance.
Q: (L) Is level 1 most significant?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) As the numbers go higher does the significance get lessened?
A: Close.
the above material is from the following people at and is freely distributed to those that want it, though I do not know if it still appears on this website.

What this is saying is that depression is not negative at all, but positive!

See it that way!

you are growing and ascending, be proud of it, but do not let it get you down!

[Edited on 15-9-2003 by THENEO]

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:16 AM
I've been seriously depressed before, so I'm skippin everyone's replys. THis is a serious thing, man. What you need to do is admit to yourself that there is no way to fight this thing without help. You're gonna need to do one of a few things. Find a specialist, find something in your life that is easy to change, and change it. Continue doing so, until you find your way out of the darkness. OR, you could find a drug dealer that sells prozac, because that is some very good help for a depressive.
Otherwise, just keep your chin up and continue plugging at it, man. I really feel for you, and I'm sorry I haven't been more active. I just now read this, and I hope I'm not repeating anyone. Let me know how it goes. Peace.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 04:08 AM
You know everyone here has managed to cover all the bases except 1.

We have
Diet - important - dark fish is meant to be good.
Exercise - vital
self talk - yep.
Positive routine, like Alien uses in the morning. Stick a "be happy" poster on your bedroom wall or some self affirmations.

Simple things like eye direction. When you are depressed you look down and left (or right I forget), that triggers the negative words memory part of the brain. To trigger good memories look up, and right (believe it or not it works)

The last thing I can add, is what Alien alluded to.
The person who is wrapped up in themselves makes a small package.

Sometime you need to say "I'm sick of talking about me, how are you?"

Self obsession can lead to depression as well, and that can be reinforced by counselling sometimes. Find a way to become "Other centered" instead of "self centered". That will give you the greatest lift, by helping other people.


posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 05:39 AM
excellent advice Mr Chicken and one I'm discovering the benefits of rapidly, although its just a part of overall treatment.

I stuck a note up in my blog a few days ago saying I was currently having problems. With a bit of hunting online and a realistic attempt at self diagnosis, it appears I have atypical depression rather than the 'down all the time' type. Atypical usually involves sleeping lots, feeling very lethargic and yet being able to cheer up easily if something good happens or in the right company. Its also linked to anxiety, a certain amount of obsessiveness and eating disorders - all of which I am guilty of.

Getting hold of a friend and hearing about their problems, lives, happinesses etc is one of the things right now that does drag me out of myself for a good few hours. It is way too easy to get hung up on whats happening in your own head, especially when you are trying to work out what the problem is so you can solve it. This can lead to major anxiety if you don't get a break.

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